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JAEA Reports

Conceptual study of Post Irradiation Examination (PIE) Facility at J-PARC

Saito, Shigeru; Meigo, Shinichiro; Makimura, Shunsuke*; Hirano, Yukinori*; Tsutsumi, Kazuyoshi*; Maekawa, Fujio

JAEA-Technology 2023-025, 48 Pages, 2024/03


JAEA has been developing Accelerator-Driven Systems (ADS) for research and development of nuclear transmutation using accelerators in order to reduce the volume and hazardousness of high-level radioactive waste generated by nuclear power plants. In order to prepare the material irradiation database necessary for the design of ADS and to study the irradiation effects in Lead-Bismuth Eutectic (LBE) alloys, a proton irradiation facility is under consideration at J-PARC. In this proton irradiation facility, 250 kW proton beams will be injected into the LBE spallation target, and irradiation tests under LBE flow will be performed for candidate structural materials for ADS. Furthermore, semiconductor soft-error tests, medical RI production, and proton beam applications will be performed. Among these, Post Irradiation Examination (PIE) of irradiated samples and RI separation and purification will be carried out in the PIE facility to be constructed near the proton irradiation facility. In this PIE facility, PIE of the equipment and samples irradiated in other facilities in J-PARC will also be performed. This report describes the conceptual study of the PIE facility, including the items to be tested, the test flow, the facilities, the test equipment, etc., and the proposed layout of the facility.

Journal Articles

Measurement of displacement cross section for proton in the kinetic energy range from 0.4 GeV to 3 GeV

Meigo, Shinichiro; Matsuda, Hiroki; Iwamoto, Yosuke; Yoshida, Makoto*; Hasegawa, Shoichi; Maekawa, Fujio; Iwamoto, Hiroki; Nakamoto, Tatsushi*; Ishida, Taku*; Makimura, Shunsuke*

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 33, p.011050_1 - 011050_6, 2021/03

R&D of the beam window is crucial in the ADS, which serves as a partition between the accelerator and the target region. Although the displacement per atom (DPA) is used to evaluate the damage on the window, experimental data on the displacement cross section is scarce in the energy region above 20 MeV. We started to measure the displacement cross section for the protons in the energy region between 0.4 to 3 GeV. The displacement cross section can be derived by resistivity change divided by the proton flux and the resistivity change per Frankel pair on cryo-cooled sample to maintain damage. Experiments were conducted at the 3 GeV proton synchrotron at the J-PARC Center, and aluminum and copper was used as samples. As a result of comparison between the present experiment and the calculation of the NRT model, which is widely used for calculation of the displacement cross section, it was found that the calculation of the NRT model overestimated the experiment by about 3 times.

Journal Articles

Measurement of displacement cross-sections of copper and iron for proton with kinetic energies in the range 0.4 - 3 GeV

Matsuda, Hiroki; Meigo, Shinichiro; Iwamoto, Yosuke; Yoshida, Makoto*; Hasegawa, Shoichi; Maekawa, Fujio; Iwamoto, Hiroki; Nakamoto, Tatsushi*; Ishida, Taku*; Makimura, Shunsuke*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 57(10), p.1141 - 1151, 2020/10

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:76.86(Nuclear Science & Technology)

To estimate the structural damages of materials in accelerator facilities, displacement per atom (dpa) is widely employed as a damage index, calculated based on the displacement cross-section obtained using a calculation model. Although dpa is applied as standard, the experimental data of the displacement cross-section for a proton in the energy region above 20 MeV are scarce. Among the calculation models, difference of about factor 8 exist, so that the experimental data of the cross-section are crucial to validate the model. To obtain the displacement cross-section, we conducted experiments at J-PARC. The displacement cross-section of copper and iron was successfully obtained for a proton projectile with the kinetic energies, 0.4 - 3 GeV. The results were compared with those obtained using the widely utilized Norgertt-Robinson-Torrens (NRT) model and the athermal-recombination-corrected (arc) model based on molecular dynamics. It was found that the NRT model overestimates the present displacement cross-section by 3.5 times. The calculation results obtained using with the arc model based on the Nordlund parameter show remarkable agreement with the experimental data. It can be concluded that the arc model must be employed for the dpa calculation for the damage estimation of copper and iron.

Journal Articles

Measurement of displacement cross section of structural materials utilized in the proton accelerator facilities with the kinematic energy above 400 MeV

Meigo, Shinichiro; Matsuda, Hiroki; Iwamoto, Yosuke; Yoshida, Makoto*; Hasegawa, Shoichi; Maekawa, Fujio; Iwamoto, Hiroki; Nakamoto, Tatsushi*; Ishida, Taku*; Makimura, Shunsuke*

EPJ Web of Conferences, 239, p.06006_1 - 06006_4, 2020/09

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

R&D of the beam window is crucial in the ADS, which serves as a partition between the accelerator and the target region. Although the displacement per atom (DPA) is used to evaluate the damage on the window, experimental data on the displacement cross section is scarce in the energy region above 20 MeV. We started to measure the displacement cross section for the protons in the energy region between 0.4 to 3 GeV. The displacement cross section can be derived by resistivity change divided by the proton flux and the resistivity change per Frankel pair on cryo-cooled sample to maintain damage. Experiments were conducted at the 3 GeV proton synchrotron at the J-PARC Center, and copper was used as samples. As a result of comparison between the present experiment and the calculation of the NRT model, which is widely used for calculation of the displacement cross section, it was found that the calculation of the NRT model overestimated the experiment by about 3 times.

Journal Articles

Measurement of displacement cross section of structural materials utilized in the proton accelerator facilities with the kinematic energy above 400 MeV

Meigo, Shinichiro; Matsuda, Hiroki; Iwamoto, Yosuke; Yoshida, Makoto*; Hasegawa, Shoichi; Maekawa, Fujio; Iwamoto, Hiroki; Nakamoto, Tatsushi*; Ishida, Taku*; Makimura, Shunsuke*

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 28, p.061004_1 - 061004_6, 2020/02

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Measurement of displacement cross-section for structural materials in High-Power Proton Accelerator Facility

Meigo, Shinichiro; Matsuda, Hiroki; Iwamoto, Yosuke; Iwamoto, Hiroki; Hasegawa, Shoichi; Maekawa, Fujio; Yoshida, Makoto*; Ishida, Taku*; Makimura, Shunsuke*; Nakamoto, Tatsushi*

Proceedings of 9th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '18) (Internet), p.499 - 501, 2018/06

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, 4; The Muon Facility

Higemoto, Wataru; Kadono, Ryosuke*; Kawamura, Naritoshi*; Koda, Akihiro*; Kojima, Kenji*; Makimura, Shunsuke*; Matoba, Shiro*; Miyake, Yasuhiro*; Shimomura, Koichiro*; Strasser, P.*

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 1(1), p.11_1 - 11_24, 2017/06

A muon experimental facility, known as the Muon Science Establishment (MUSE), is one of the user facilities at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, along with those for neutrons, hadrons, and neutrinos. The MUSE facility is integrated into the Materials and Life Science Facility building in which a high-energy proton beam that is shared with a neutron experiment facility delivers a variety of muon beams for research covering diverse scientific fields. In this review, we present the current status of MUSE, which is still in the process of being developed into its fully fledged form.

Journal Articles

Tuning of ultra-slow muon transport system

Adachi, Taihei*; Ikedo, Yutaka*; Nishiyama, Kusuo*; Yabuuchi, Atsushi*; Nagatomo, Takashi*; Strasser, P.*; Ito, Takashi; Higemoto, Wataru; Kojima, Kenji*; Makimura, Shunsuke*; et al.

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 8, p.036017_1 - 036017_4, 2015/09

Journal Articles

J-PARC muon facility, MUSE

Miyake, Yasuhiro*; Shimomura, Koichiro*; Kawamura, Naritoshi*; Strasser, P.*; Makimura, Shunsuke*; Koda, Akihiro*; Fujimori, Hiroshi*; Nakahara, Kazutaka*; Takeshita, Soshi*; Kobayashi, Yasuo*; et al.

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 225, p.012036_1 - 012036_7, 2010/06

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:92.46(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

J-PARC decay muon channel construction status

Strasser, P.*; Shimomura, Koichiro*; Koda, Akihiro*; Kawamura, Naritoshi*; Fujimori, Hiroshi*; Makimura, Shunsuke*; Kobayashi, Yasuo*; Nakahara, Kazutaka*; Kato, Mineo*; Takeshita, Soshi*; et al.

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 225, p.012050_1 - 012050_8, 2010/06

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:95.60(Physics, Applied)

Journal Articles

Birth of an intense pulsed muon source, J-PARC MUSE

Miyake, Yasuhiro*; Shimomura, Koichiro*; Kawamura, Naritoshi*; Strasser, P.*; Makimura, Shunsuke*; Koda, Akihiro*; Fujimori, Hiroshi*; Nakahara, Kazutaka*; Kadono, Ryosuke*; Kato, Mineo*; et al.

Physica B; Condensed Matter, 404(5-7), p.957 - 961, 2009/04

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:46.92(Physics, Condensed Matter)

The muon science facility (MUSE) is one of the experimental areas of the J-PARC. The MUSE facility is located in the Materials and Life Science Facility (MLF), which is a building integrated to include both neutron and muon science programs. Construction of the MLF building was started at the beginning of 2004, and was recently completed at the end of the 2006 fiscal year. We have been working on the installation of the beamline components, expecting the first muon beam in the autumn of 2008.

Journal Articles

J-PARC muon control system

Higemoto, Wataru; Shimomura, Koichiro*; Kobayashi, Yasuo*; Makimura, Shunsuke*; Miyake, Yasuhiro*; Kai, Tetsuya; Sakai, Kenji

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 600(1), p.179 - 181, 2009/02

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Instruments & Instrumentation)

At the J-PARC MLF muon science facility (MUSE), muon experimental instruments are operated by means of a Muon Control System. The following are subject to the Muon Control System: (1) Muon production target and the beam scrapers, (2) M1/M2 line air-conditioning system, (3) Cryogenic system for the superconducting solenoid magnet, (4) Muon secondary line vacuum system, (5) Muon secondary line magnets, and (6) Muon beam blockers and related safety instruments. Details of the muon control system are described.

Journal Articles

Status of J-PARC muon science facility at the year of 2005

Miyake, Yasuhiro*; Nishiyama, Kusuo*; Kawamura, Naritoshi*; Makimura, Shunsuke*; Strasser, P.*; Shimomura, Koichiro*; Beveridge, J. L.*; Kadono, Ryosuke*; Fukuchi, Koichi*; Sato, Nobuhiko*; et al.

Physica B; Condensed Matter, 374-375, p.484 - 487, 2006/03

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:31.27(Physics, Condensed Matter)

The construction of the Materials and Life Science building was started in the beginning of the fiscal year of 2004. After commissioning of the accelerator and beam transport sections in 2008, muon beams will be available for users in 2009. In this letter, the latest construction status of the J-PARC Muon Science Facility is reported.

Journal Articles

J-PARC muon science facility with use of 3GeV proton beam

Miyake, Yasuhiro*; Kawamura, Naritoshi*; Makimura, Shunsuke*; Strasser, P.*; Shimomura, Koichiro*; Nishiyama, Kusuo*; Beveridge, J. L.*; Kadono, Ryosuke*; Sato, Nobuhiko*; Fukuchi, Koichi*; et al.

Nuclear Physics B; Proceedings Supplements, 149, p.393 - 395, 2005/12

The J-PARC muon science experimental area is planned to be located in the integrated building of the facility for materials and life science study. One muon target will be installed upstream of the neutron target. The main feature of the facility is introduced.

Oral presentation

Measurement of displacement cross section for 8-GeV and 30-GeV protons

Meigo, Shinichiro; Matsuda, Hiroki; Iwamoto, Yosuke; Iwamoto, Hiroki; Hasegawa, Shoichi; Maekawa, Fujio; Yoshida, Makoto*; Ishida, Taku*; Makimura, Shunsuke*; Nakamoto, Tatsushi*

no journal, , 

In high-intensity proton accelerator facilities, the evaluation of the damage of the materials used for the beam window is essential. The damage is widely estimated by the dpa given by the displacement cross-section. Since the experimental data of the cross-section were scarce, we have started the experiment in the energy region less than 3 GeV. In order to confirm the applicability of the calculation model in the higher energy region, the cross-sections for 8 GeV and 30 GeV protons were measured at the J-PARC MR. The calculation by the NRT model showed overestimation about 2 to 4 times, as shown in the energy range below 3 GeV. It was found that the calculation with the athermal recombination correction model showed remarkably good agreement with the experiment in the energy range up to 30 GeV. It was also shown that the cross-section in the energy region above 3 GeV is proportional to the 1.2th power of the mass number of the target element.

Oral presentation

Fabrication and characterization of iron-based, titanium-based, and tungsten-based high-entropy alloys

Wakai, Eiichi; Noto, Hiroyuki*; Shibayama, Tamaki*; Nakagawa, Yuki*; Ishida, Taku*; Makimura, Shunsuke*; Wakui, Takashi; Furuya, Kazuyuki*; Ando, Masami*

no journal, , 

In the fields of energy, nuclear power, high-energy accelerator target systems, nuclear fusion, and biology, radiation causes degradation of materials and equipment, and thus it is expected to create new materials with high durability and superior functionality. In this study, for Fe-, Ti-, and W-based high-entropy alloys (HEA) composed of low activation elements (Ni and Co free), Fe-based alloys were prepared by radio frequency melting, Ti-based alloys by cold crucible levitation melting, and W-based alloys by arc melting using metal powders. These materials were tested by X-ray diffraction, microstructural observation, hardness measurement, magnetic measurement, electrical resistivity measurement, scanning transmission electron microscope STEM (or TEM, SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, ultrasonic measurement, and hot isostatic pressing (HIP) method. These HEAs were found to be much harder than normal alloys, and in Fe-based HEAs, the magnetic properties and related microstructural analysis showed that they have interesting characteristics such as micro magnetic domain structures. In particular, for Fe- and W-based HEAs, the changes in crystal structure, orientation, and internal microstructure caused by HIP treatment and the accompanying effects of high temperature and pressure have been found to have a significant effect on magnetic properties and material strength properties.

Oral presentation

Evaluation of $$beta$$-phase based titanium alloys

Wakai, Eiichi; Ishida, Taku*; Kano, Sho*; Shibayama, Tamaki*; Sato, Koichi*; Noto, Hiroyuki*; Makimura, Shunsuke*; Furuya, Kazuyuki*; Yabuuchi, Atsushi*; Yoshiie, Toshimasa*; et al.

no journal, , 

Titanium materials have been applied to beam window materials and beam dumps in large accelerator systems because of their low specific gravity, high corrosion resistance, strength, and other advantages. As the beam power becomes higher, further improvement of irradiation resistance is required. We have investigated further the properties of titanium alloys based on the $$beta$$-phase, and it was found that Ti-15-3-3-3 alloys have excellent irradiation resistance when subjected to ion irradiation. In order to investigate the cause of this, microstructures and point defects in this and related materials were evaluated by TEM, positron lifetime measurement, electrical resistivity, and stress-induced changes, among others. In addition, we have recently begun to develop a prototype of a titanium-based high-entropy alloy based on $$beta$$-titanium, which is attracting worldwide attention and is being developed, and have also begun to evaluate the emotional properties of this alloy. We have examined the various properties of this material and found that it has considerably higher strength than conventional iron- and titanium-based materials.

Oral presentation

Titanium-based high entropy alloys; Fabrication challenge

Wakai, Eiichi; Noto, Hiroyuki*; Makimura, Shunsuke*; Ishida, Taku*; Furuya, Kazuyuki*; Shibayama, Tamaki*

no journal, , 

Recently, high-entropy alloys have been vigorously researched and developed by research institutes around the world because of their higher strength and ductility than conventional materials due to their atomic mixing ratio and composition. In this study, titanium-based high-entropy alloys (HEAs), TiVCrZrTa, TiVZrTaAl, and TiVCrZrW, were melted by the cold crucible surface melting method and subjected to homogenization heat treatment at 1200$$^{circ}$$C for 5 hours. Mechanical property tests and properties of these HEAs were investigated, and it was found that the TiVCrZrTa HEAs have relatively better hot-rollability and hot-forgeability than other titanium-based HEAs. The Vickers hardness of these titanium-based HEAs was also found to be considerably higher than that of normal titanium alloys.

Oral presentation

Characterization of Fe-, Ti-, and W-based high-entropy alloys that mainly have bcc crystal structure (including irradiation effects)

Wakai, Eiichi; Noto, Hiroyuki*; Shibayama, Tamaki*; Iwamoto, Yosuke; Ishida, Taku*; Sato, Koichi*; Yabuuchi, Atsushi*; Yoshiie, Toshimasa*; Takahashi, Toshiharu*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiro*; et al.

no journal, , 

In recent years, it has been reported that high-entropy alloys (HEA) have high strength but good ductility, and they are being researched and developed by cutting-edge research institutions around the world with the aim of finding various applications in progress. In this study, we considered several Fe-based, W-based, and Ti-based HEAs, excluding Co and Ni elements, in order to aim for use in high radiation fields and considering low-activation properties. These materials mainly have a bcc crystal structure and were fabricated using a melting method and their material properties were evaluated. As a result, it was found that Fe-based HEA has properties that exceed the hardness of pure W and has excellent irradiation resistance. In addition, a Ti-based HEA that can be subjected to high-temperature forging and high-temperature rolling has been found, and evaluation of the optimal heat treatment temperature is progressing. The hardness of W-based HEA increased through Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) treatment, and it was found to have the world's highest hardness among HEA materials.

Oral presentation

Measurement displacement cross-section of copper for 3-GeV protons

Meigo, Shinichiro; Matsuda, Hiroki; Iwamoto, Yosuke; Iwamoto, Hiroki; Hasegawa, Shoichi; Maekawa, Fujio; Yoshida, Makoto*; Ishida, Taku*; Makimura, Shunsuke*; Nakamoto, Tatsushi*

no journal, , 

At the 3 GeV proton synchrotron accelerator facility in J-PARC Center, a displacement cross-section of copper with 3 GeV protons was measured. As a result, it was the first time in the world that we could obtain the displacement cross-section of 3 GeV protons. Calculations by the NRT model commonly used for Displacement per Atom (DPA) evaluations, the NRT model was found to overestimate the experiment approximately 3 times. A new model, which is recently developed by Nordlund et al, was shown to reproduce the experiment well.

32 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)