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Journal Articles

Crossover equation of state based on color-molecular-dynamics

Yasutake, Nobutoshi*; Maruyama, Toshiki

Physical Review D, 109(4), p.043056_1 - 043056_11, 2024/02

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:76.83(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Journal Articles

Elastic properties of nuclear pasta in a fully three-dimensional geometry

Xia, C.-J.*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Yasutake, Nobutoshi*; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*; Zhang, Y.-X.*

Physics Letters B, 839, p.137769_1 - 137769_5, 2023/04

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:34.19(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Journal Articles

Nuclear pasta structures at high temperatures

Xia, C.-J.*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Yasutake, Nobutoshi*; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*

Physical Review D, 106(6), p.063020_1 - 063020_14, 2022/09

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:42.30(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Journal Articles

Kaon-baryon coupling schemes and kaon condensation in hyperon-mixed matter

Muto, Takumi*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*

Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Internet), 2022(9), p.093D03_1 - 093D03_37, 2022/09

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors

Ohshima, Hiroyuki; Morishita, Masaki*; Aizawa, Kosuke; Ando, Masanori; Ashida, Takashi; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Doda, Norihiro; Enuma, Yasuhiro; Ezure, Toshiki; Fukano, Yoshitaka; et al.

Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors; JSME Series in Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation, Vol.3, 631 Pages, 2022/07

This book is a collection of the past experience of design, construction, and operation of two reactors, the latest knowledge and technology for SFR designs, and the future prospects of SFR development in Japan. It is intended to provide the perspective and the relevant knowledge to enable readers to become more familiar with SFR technology.

Journal Articles

A Bag model of matter condensed by the strong interaction

Miao, Z.-Q.*; Xia, C.-J.*; Lai, X.-Y.*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Xu, R.-X.*; Zhou, E.-P.*

International Journal of Modern Physics E, 31(4), p.2250037_1 - 2250037_20, 2022/04

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:88.40(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Unified nuclear matter equations of state constrained by the in-medium balance in density-dependent covariant density functionals

Xia, C.-J.*; Sun, B. Y.*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Lon, W.-H.*; Li, A.*

Physical Review C, 105(4), p.045803_1 - 045803_14, 2022/04

 Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:89.99(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Effects of three-baryon forces on kaon condensation in hyperon-mixed matter

Muto, Takumi*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*

Physics Letters B, 820, p.136587_1 - 136587_6, 2021/09

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:71.43(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Nuclear pasta structures and symmetry energy

Xia, C.-J.*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Yasutake, Nobutoshi*; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*; Zhang, Y.-X.*

Physical Review C, 103(5), p.055812_1 - 055812_13, 2021/05

 Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:84.06(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Systematic study on the quark-hadron mixed phase in compact stars

Xia, C.-J.*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Yasutake, Nobutoshi*; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*; Shen, H.*; Togashi, Hajime*

Physical Review D, 102(2), p.023031_1 - 023031_18, 2020/07

 Times Cited Count:25 Percentile:78.36(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Effects of universal three-body repulsion on kaon condensation in hyperonic matter

Muto, Takumi*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*; Takatsuka, Tatsuyuki*

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 26, p.024019_1 - 024019_4, 2019/11

Journal Articles

Hybrid equation of state with pasta phases, and third family of compact stars

Maslov, K.*; Yasutake, Nobutoshi*; Blaschke, D.*; Ayriyan, A.*; Grigorian, H.*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*; Voskresensky, D. N.*

Physical Review C, 100(2), p.025802_1 - 025802_11, 2019/08

 Times Cited Count:54 Percentile:97.39(Physics, Nuclear)

The effect of pasta phases on the quark-hadron phase transition is investigated for a set of relativistic mean-field equations of state for both hadron and quark matter. The results of the full numerical solution with pasta phases are compared with those of an interpolating construction used in previous works, for which we demonstrate an adequate description of the numerical results. For each pair of quark and hadron matter models the critical value of the surface tension is determined, above which the phase transition becomes close to the Maxwell construction. This result agrees well with earlier theoretical estimates. The study is extended to neutron star matter in beta equilibrium with electrons and muons and is applied to investigate the effect of pasta phases on the structure of hybrid compact stars and the robustness of a possible third family solution.

Journal Articles

Multidimensional structure of chiral crystals in quark matter

Lee, T.-G.*; Yasutake, Nobutoshi*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*

Proceedings of Science (Internet), 281, p.326_1 - 326_8, 2017/05

Journal Articles

Multi-dimensional structure of crystalline chiral condensates in quark matter

Lee, T.-G.*; Nishiyama, Kazuya*; Yasutake, Nobutoshi*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 14, p.020808_1 - 020808_3, 2017/02

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Journal Articles

Neutron star cooling with various superfluid and superconducting states

Noda, Tsuneo*; Hashimoto, Masaaki*; Matsuo, Yasuhide*; Yasutake, Nobutoshi*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 14, p.020805_1 - 020805_3, 2017/02

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Journal Articles

Kaon condensation in hyperonic matter and equation of state

Muto, Takumi*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 14, p.020809_1 - 020809_3, 2017/02

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Journal Articles

Finite size effects in hadron-quark phase transition by the Dyson-Schwinger method

Yasutake, Nobutoshi*; Chen, H.*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 665(1), p.012068_1 - 012068_4, 2016/01

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:89.70(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Journal Articles

Cooling of compact stars with color superconducting quark matter

Noda, Tsuneo*; Yasutake, Nobutoshi*; Hashimoto, Masaaki*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*; Fujimoto, Masayuki*

Acta Astronomica Sinica, 56(Suppl.), p.52 - 54, 2015/11

We show a scenario for the cooling of compact stars considering the central source of Cassiopeia A (Cas A). The Cas A observation shows that the central source is a compact star with high effective temperature, and it is consistent with the cooling without exotic phases. The Cas A observation also gives the mass range of $$Mgeq 1.5 M_odot$$. It may conflict with the current cooling scenarios of compact stars that heavy stars show rapid cooling. We include the effect of the color superconducting (CSC) quark matter phase on the thermal evolution of compact stars. We assume the gap energy of CSC quark phase is large ($$Delta> 10$$ MeV), and we simulate the cooling of compact stars. We present cooling curves obtained from the evolutionary calculations of compact stars: while heavier stars cool slowly, and lighter ones indicate the opposite tendency.

Journal Articles

Structure and properties of nuclear matter at the first-order phase transitions

Maruyama, Toshiki

Acta Astronomica Sinica, 56(Suppl.), p.40 - 42, 2015/11

We discuss the effects of inhomogeneous structure of nuclear matter in neutron stars. The inhomogeneous matter due to the first-order phase transition is widely studied. Its effect on the bulk properties are often reported to be minor. However, we stress that the chemical compositions largely affected by the inhomogeneous structures.

Journal Articles

Quark-hadron phase transition with finite-size effects in neutron stars

Yasutake, Nobutoshi*; Benic, S.*; Blaschke, D.*; Maruyama, Toshiki; Tatsumi, Toshitaka*

Acta Astronomica Sinica, 56(Suppl.), p.85 - 87, 2015/11

We study quark-hadron phase transition in neutron stars. The finite-size effects of mixed-phase structure should be taken into account in the phase transition of multi-component system. The phase transition strongly depends on the models for quark and hadron matter, surface tension, neutrino fraction, and temperature. We find that with strong surface tension the equation of state (EOS) becomes similar to that of a Maxwell construction, while weak surface tension yields bulk Gibbs condition. We also find that the mass-radius relation obtained by our EOS is consistent to the observation.

170 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)