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Journal Articles

Stability enhancement by hydrophobic anchoring and a cross-linked structure of a phospholipid copolymer film for medical devices

Uchida, Kazuto*; Masuda, Tsukuru*; Hara, Shintaro*; Matsuo, Yoichi*; Liu, Y.*; Aoki, Hiroyuki; Asano, Yoshihiko*; Miyata, Kazuki*; Fukuma, Takeshi*; Ono, Toshiya*; et al.

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16(30), p.39104 - 39116, 2024/07

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

Journal Articles

Unified mercury radioactivity monitoring system at J-PARC and its operation experiences

Harada, Masahide; Sekijima, Mitsuaki*; Morikawa, Noriyuki*; Masuda, Shiho; Kinoshita, Hidetaka; Sakai, Kenji; Kai, Tetsuya; Kasugai, Yoshimi; Muto, Giichi*; Suzuki, Akio*; et al.

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 33, p.011099_1 - 011099_6, 2021/03

In MLF at J-PARC, a unified mercury radioactivity monitor (UHAM) is installed to find an indication of failure of the mercury target and loop system by detecting radioactive materials leaked from the system with a $$gamma$$-ray energy analysis with Germanium semi-conductor detectors (Ge detectors). It is composed of three units of sampling port and radiation monitors: (1) HAM for interstitial helium gas layer between the mercury vessel and surrounding water shroud of the mercury target, (2) CAM for atmosphere in the hot cell where the target loop is operated and (3) VAM for helium gas in the helium vessel where the target vessel is installed. Once any leakages of radioactive materials are detected, an alarm signal is issued immediately to the accelerator control system to stop beam operation. Software and hardware have been upgraded yearly. For example, two Ge detectors are used for HAM for redundancy, NaI Scintillation detectors are also used as supplemental for the Ge detector to keep availability of the system for high counting rate event. In April 2015, the UHAM activated when a small water coolant leakage from the water shroud of the mercury target occurred. VAM detected an abnormal increase of the counting rate in the helium vessel. It was also indicated that the measured radioactive nuclides were generated from the activation of the coolant (water) in the water shroud and not from the mercury.

Journal Articles

Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, 2; Neutron scattering instruments

Nakajima, Kenji; Kawakita, Yukinobu; Ito, Shinichi*; Abe, Jun*; Aizawa, Kazuya; Aoki, Hiroyuki; Endo, Hitoshi*; Fujita, Masaki*; Funakoshi, Kenichi*; Gong, W.*; et al.

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 1(3), p.9_1 - 9_59, 2017/12

The neutron instruments suite, installed at the spallation neutron source of the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC), is reviewed. MLF has 23 neutron beam ports and 21 instruments are in operation for user programs or are under commissioning. A unique and challenging instrumental suite in MLF has been realized via combination of a high-performance neutron source, optimized for neutron scattering, and unique instruments using cutting-edge technologies. All instruments are/will serve in world-leading investigations in a broad range of fields, from fundamental physics to industrial applications. In this review, overviews, characteristic features, and typical applications of the individual instruments are mentioned.

Journal Articles

Reaction-yield dependence of the ($$gamma$$, $$gamma$$') reaction of $$^{238}$$U on the target thickness

Negm, H.*; Ogaki, Hideaki*; Daito, Izuru*; Hayakawa, Takehito; Zen, H.*; Kii, Toshiteru*; Masuda, Kai*; Hori, Toshitada*; Hajima, Ryoichi; Shizuma, Toshiyuki; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 52(6), p.811 - 820, 2015/06

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:37.57(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The dependence of the nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF) yield on the target thickness was studied. To this end, an NRF experiment was performed on $$^{238}$$U using a laser Compton back-scattering (LCS) $$gamma$$-ray beam at the High Intensity $$gamma$$-ray Source facility at Duke University.

Journal Articles

One-dimensional analysis of ECRH-assisted plasma start-up in JT-60SA

Hada, Kazuyoshi*; Nagasaki, Kazunobu*; Masuda, Kai*; Kobayashi, Shinji*; Ide, Shunsuke; Isayama, Akihiko; Kajiwara, Ken

Fusion Science and Technology, 67(4), p.693 - 704, 2015/05

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:61.82(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

The Spin state of iron in Fe$$^{3+}$$-bearing Mg-perovskite and its crystal chemistry at high pressure

Mashimo, Izumi*; Otani, Eiji*; Hirao, Naohisa*; Mitsui, Takaya; Masuda, Ryo*; Seto, Makoto*; Sakai, Takeshi*; Takahashi, Suguru*; Nakano, Satoshi*

American Mineralogist, 99(8-9), p.1555 - 1561, 2014/08

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:22.71(Geochemistry & Geophysics)

Journal Articles

Radiation reaction effects in cascade scattering of intense, tightly focused laser pulses by relativistic electrons; Classical approach

Zhidkov, A.*; Masuda, Shinichi*; Bulanov, S. S.*; Koga, J. K.; Hosokai, Tomonao*; Kodama, Ryosuke*

Physical Review Special Topics; Accelerators and Beams, 17(5), p.054001_1 - 054001_7, 2014/05

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:61.29(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Analysis of nuclear resonance fluorescence excitation measured with LaBr$$_{3}$$(Ce) detectors near 2 MeV

Omer, M.*; Negm, H.*; Ogaki, Hideaki*; Daito, Izuru*; Hayakawa, Takehito; Bakr, M.*; Zen, H.*; Hori, Toshitada*; Kii, Toshiteru*; Masuda, Kai*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 729, p.102 - 107, 2013/11

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:51.51(Instruments & Instrumentation)

The performance of LaBr$$_{3}$$ (Ce) to measure nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF) excitations is discussedin terms of limits of detection and in comparison with high-purity germanium (HPGe)detectors near the 2 MeV region where many NRF excitation levels from special nuclear materials are located. The NRF experiment was performed at the High Intensity Gamma-ray Source (HIGS) facility of Duke University. The incident $$gamma$$-rays, of 2.12 MeV energy, hit a B$$_{4}$$C target to excite the $$^{11}$$B nuclei to the first excitation level. The statistical-sensitive non-linear peak clipping (SNIP) algorithm was implemented to eliminate theback ground and enhance the limits of detection for the spectra measured with LaBr$$_{3}$$ (Ce). Both detection and determination limits were deduced from the experimental data.

Journal Articles

Nuclear resonance fluorescence of $$^{235}$$U measured with high-resolution LaBr$$_3$$(Ce) scintillation detectors

Omer, M.*; Negm, H.*; Zen, H.*; Daito, Izuru*; Kii, Toshiteru*; Masuda, Kai*; Ogaki, Hideaki*; Hajima, Ryoichi; Shizuma, Toshiyuki; Hayakawa, Takehito; et al.

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 52(10), p.106401_1 - 106401_4, 2013/10

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:36.79(Physics, Applied)

A nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF) experiment was performed on a $$^{235}$$U target with quasi-monochromatic $$gamma$$-rays at the High Intensity Gamma-ray Source (HIGS) facility of Duke University using a 1733 keV resonant energy. A LaBr$$_3$$ (Ce) detector array consisting of eight cylindrical detectors, each with a length of 7.62 cm and a diameter of 3.81 cm, was implemented in this measurement. Moreover, a high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector array consisting of four detectors, each of which has a relative efficiency of 60%, was used as the benchmark for the measurement taken using the LaBr$$_3$$ (Ce) detector array. The integrated cross section of the NRF level, measured with LaBr$$_3$$ (Ce) detectors, showed good agreement with the available data.

Journal Articles

Splash plasma channels produced by picosecond laser pulses in argon gas for laser wakefield acceleration

Mizuta, Yoshio*; Hosokai, Tomonao*; Masuda, Shinichi*; Zhidkov, A.*; Makito, Keigo*; Nakanii, Nobuhiko*; Kajino, Shohei*; Nishida, Akinori*; Kando, Masaki; Mori, Michiaki; et al.

Physical Review Special Topics; Accelerators and Beams, 15(12), p.121301_1 - 121301_10, 2012/12

 Times Cited Count:21 Percentile:71.20(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Relationship between soft error rate in SOI-SRAM and amount of generated charge by high energy ion probes

Hazama, Masatoshi*; Abo, Satoshi*; Masuda, Naoyuki*; Wakaya, Fujio*; Onoda, Shinobu; Makino, Takahiro; Hirao, Toshio*; Oshima, Takeshi; Iwamatsu, Toshiaki*; Oda, Hidekazu*; et al.

Proceedings of 10th International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications (RASEDA-10) (Internet), p.115 - 118, 2012/12

Journal Articles

Analysis of ECRH pre-ionization for plasma start-up in JT-60SA

Hada, Kazuyoshi*; Nagasaki, Kazunobu*; Masuda, Kai*; Kinjo, Ryota*; Ide, Shunsuke; Isayama, Akihiko

Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 7(Sp.1), p.2403104_1 - 2403104_5, 2012/07

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Effect of a body-tie structure fabricated by partial trench isolation on the suppression of floating body effect induced soft errors in SOI SRAM investigated using nuclear probes

Abo, Satoshi*; Masuda, Naoyuki*; Wakaya, Fujio*; Onoda, Shinobu; Makino, Takahiro; Hirao, Toshio; Oshima, Takeshi; Iwamatsu, Toshiaki*; Oda, Hidekazu*; Takai, Mikio*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 269(20), p.2360 - 2363, 2011/10

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:19.50(Instruments & Instrumentation)

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Journal Articles

Evaluation of soft errors using nuclear probes in SOI SRAM with body-tie structure fabricated by partial trench isolation

Abo, Satoshi*; Masuda, Naoyuki*; Wakaya, Fujio*; Onoda, Shinobu; Makino, Takahiro; Hirao, Toshio; Oshima, Takeshi; Iwamatsu, Toshiaki*; Oda, Hidekazu*; Takai, Mikio*

Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications (RASEDA-9), p.72 - 75, 2010/10

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Journal Articles

Evaluation of soft error rates using nuclear probes in bulk and SOI SRAMs with a technology node of 90 nm

Abo, Satoshi*; Masuda, Naoyuki*; Wakaya, Fujio*; Onoda, Shinobu; Hirao, Toshio; Oshima, Takeshi; Iwamatsu, Toshiaki*; Takai, Mikio*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 268(11-12), p.2074 - 2077, 2010/06

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:28.29(Instruments & Instrumentation)

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JAEA Reports

Study of high efficiency excited helium atom beam production for electric field measurements with high spatial and temporal resolution by laser-induced fluorescence method, JAERI's nuclear research promotion program, H13-013 (Contract research)

Yoshikawa, Kiyoshi*; Takiyama, Ken*; Onishi, Masami*; Yamamoto, Yasushi*; Nagasaki, Kazunobu*; Masuda, Kai*; Toku, Hisayuki*; Horiike, Hiroshi*

JAERI-Tech 2005-006, 116 Pages, 2005/03


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Journal Articles

Electron acceleration by a nonlinear wakefield generated by ultrashort (23-fs) high-peak-power laser pulses in plasma

Kando, Masaki; Masuda, Shinichi; Zhidkov, A.*; Yamazaki, Atsushi; Kotaki, Hideyuki; Kondo, Shuji; Homma, Takayuki*; Kanazawa, Shuhei; Nakajima, Kazuhisa; Hayashi, Yukio; et al.

Physical Review E, 71(1), p.015403_1 - 015403_4, 2005/01

 Times Cited Count:33 Percentile:76.72(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

High energy laser wakefield acceleration

Kotaki, Hideyuki; Kando, Masaki; Hosokai, Tomonao; Kondo, Shuji; Masuda, Shinichi; Kanazawa, Shuhei; Yokoyama, Takashi*; Matoba, Toru; Nakajima, Kazuhisa

International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 14(1-4), p.255 - 262, 2003/03

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JAEA Reports

Research on spherically converging ion-beam fusion neutron source for the fundamental research of atomic energy, JAERI's nuclear research promotion program, H10-050 (Contract research)

Yoshikawa, Kiyoshi*; Inoue, Nobuyuki*; Yamazaki, Tetsuo*; Makino, Keisuke*; Yamamoto, Yasushi*; Toku, Hisayuki*; Masuda, Kai*; Kii, Toshiteru*; Onishi, Masami*; Horiike, Hiroshi*; et al.

JAERI-Tech 2002-020, 63 Pages, 2002/03


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Development of plasma waveguide using fast z-pinch capillary discharge

Masuda, Shinichi; Kando, Masaki; Kotaki, Hideyuki; Hosokai, Tomonao*; Kondo, Shuji; Kanazawa, Shuhei; Yokoyama, Takashi*; Matoba, Toru; Nakajima, Kazuhisa

Proceedings of 13th Symposium on Accelerator Science and Technology, 3 Pages, 2001/00

no abstracts in English

45 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)