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Journal Articles

Depth distributions of RBE-weighted dose and photon-isoeffective dose for boron neutron capture therapy

Sato, Tatsuhiko; Masunaga, Shinichiro*; Kumada, Hiroaki*; Hamada, Nobuyuki*

Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 183(1-2), p.247 - 250, 2019/05

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:56.42(Environmental Sciences)

As an application of Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System PHITS, We have developed the stochastic microdosimetric kinetic (SMK) model for estimating the therapeutic effects of various kinds of radiation therapy. In this study, we improved the SMK model for estimating the therapeutic effect of boron neutron capture therapy, BNCT. The improved SMK model can consider not only the intra- and intercellular heterogeneity of B-10 distribution but also the dose rate effect. The accuracy of the model was well verified by comparisons made between calculated and measured surviving fractions of tumor cells, which we previously determined in vivo in mice with B-10 compounds exposed to reactor neutron beam. Details of the improved SMK model together with the verification results will be presented at the meeting.

Journal Articles

Microdosimetric modeling of biological effectiveness for boron neutron capture therapy considering intra- and intercellular heterogeneity in $$^{10}$$B distribution

Sato, Tatsuhiko; Masunaga, Shinichiro*; Kumada, Hiroaki*; Hamada, Nobuyuki*

Scientific Reports (Internet), 8(1), p.988_1 - 988_14, 2018/01

 Times Cited Count:58 Percentile:94.37(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

We here propose a new model for estimating the biological effectiveness for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) considering intra- and intercellular heterogeneity in $$^{10}$$B distribution. The new model was developed from our previously established stochastic microdosimetric kinetic model that determines the surviving fraction of cells irradiated with any radiations, their synergetic effect being taken into account. The model can predict the biological effectiveness of newly developed $$^{10}$$B compounds based on their intra- and intercellular distributions, and thus, it can play important roles not only in treatment planning but also in drug discovery research for future BNCT.

Journal Articles

Evaluation of SCCVII tumor cell survival in clamped and non-clamped solid tumors exposed to carbon-ion beams in comparison to X-rays

Hirayama, Ryoichi*; Uzawa, Akiko*; Takase, Nobuhiro*; Matsumoto, Yoshitaka*; Noguchi, Miho; Koda, Kana*; Ozaki, Masakuni*; Yamashita, Kei*; Li, H.*; Kase, Yuki*; et al.

Mutation Research; Genetic Toxicology And Environmental Mutagenesis, 756(1-2), p.146 - 151, 2013/08

 Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:62.50(Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology)

Journal Articles

Recent advances in the biology of heavy-ion cancer therapy

Hamada, Nobuyuki*; Imaoka, Tatsuhiko*; Masunaga, Shinichiro*; Ogata, Toshiyuki*; Okayasu, Ryuichi*; Takahashi, Akihisa*; Kato, Takamitsu*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Onishi, Takeo*; Ono, Koji*; et al.

Journal of Radiation Research, 51(4), p.365 - 383, 2010/07

 Times Cited Count:119 Percentile:90.80(Biology)

Oral presentation

Modeling of biological effectiveness for boron neutron capture therapy considering intra- and intercellular heterogeneity in drug distribution

Sato, Tatsuhiko; Masunaga, Shinichiro*; Kumada, Hiroaki*; Hamada, Nobuyuki*

no journal, , 

We here propose a new model for estimating the biological effectiveness for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) considering intra- and intercellular heterogeneity in drug distribution. The new model was developed from our previously established stochastic microdosimetric kinetic model that determines the surviving fraction of cells irradiated with any radiations, their synergetic effect being taken into account. The model can predict the biological effectiveness of newly developed $$^{10}$$B compounds based on their intra- and intercellular distributions, and thus, it can play important roles not only in treatment planning but also in drug discovery research for future BNCT.

Oral presentation

Macro- and microdosimetry for BNCT based on PHITS

Sato, Tatsuhiko; Masunaga, Shinichiro*; Takada, Kenta*; Kumada, Hiroaki*; Hamada, Nobuyuki*

no journal, , 

In the treatment planning of BNCT, the absorbed doses and photon-isoeffective doses deposited by boron, nitrogen, hydrogen, and photon components are separately calculated. We have newly developed a method for evaluating the photon-isoeffective doses based on Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System PHITS. The model will be implemented into our treatment planning system, as part of the Tsukuba plan.

Oral presentation

Estimation of photon-isoeffective and RBE-weighted doses in the accelerator-based neutron field

Sato, Tatsuhiko; Masunaga, Shinichiro*; Takada, Kenta*; Kumada, Hiroaki*; Hamada, Nobuyuki*

no journal, , 

In this study, the depth distributions of the two types of dose, photon-isoeffective dose and RBE-weighted dose, in a phantom placed at an accelerator-based BNCT field were calculated using Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System, PHITS, coupled with an extended stochastic microdosimetric kinetic model. Compared with the corresponding RBE-weighted dose, the calculated photon-isoeffective dose was larger at lower absorbed dose and was smaller at higher absorbed dose, primarily due to the consideration of the dose dependence of RBE.

Oral presentation

Variation of photon-isoeffective dose due to the selection of the reference radiation

Sato, Tatsuhiko; Masunaga, Shinichiro*; Takada, Kenta*; Kumada, Hiroaki*; Hamada, Nobuyuki*

no journal, , 

Variation of photon-isoeffective dose due to the selection of the reference radiation will be discussed at the meeting.

8 (Records 1-8 displayed on this page)
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