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Sato, Minoru; Kiyono, Kimihiro; Oshima, Takayuki; Sakata, Shinya; Ozeki, Takahisa; Matsuda, Toshiaki; Nagasaka, Yasushi*; Obata, Takayoshi*
Heisei-16-Nendo Osaka Daigaku Sogo Gijutsu Kenkyukai Hokokushu (CD-ROM), 3 Pages, 2005/03
no abstracts in English
Kiyono, Kimihiro; Oshima, Takayuki; Sakata, Shinya; Sato, Minoru; Ozeki, Takahisa; Matsuda, Toshiaki
Heisei-16-Nendo Osaka Daigaku Sogo Gijutsu Kenkyukai Hokokushu (CD-ROM), 4 Pages, 2005/03
State of JT-60 Data Processing System
Oshima, Takayuki; Naito, Osamu; Hamamatsu, Kiyotaka; Iba, Katsuyuki; Sato, Minoru; Sakata, Shinya; Tsugita, Tomonori; Matsuda, Toshiaki; Iwasaki, Keita*; Karube, Yukihiro*; et al.
Fusion Engineering and Design, 71(1-4), p.239 - 244, 2004/06
Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:40.04(Nuclear Science & Technology)In the JT-60 tokamak at JAERI, environment for remote participation is planned to be developed by concentrating experts of nuclear fusion research of another research organizations and universities distributed all over the country. We are constructing a hierarchical remote research system, which consists of remote experiment, remote analysis, and remote diagnostic. In a remote collaboration, it is important to maintain the security of the system, as well as to share the information, atmosphere and presence between the participants. For the latter purpose, we developed a video conferencing system, and a video streaming system that can deliver the images of the JT-60 control room. Furthermore, a development of the remote analysis system called "VizAnalysis" has been started. And to assist the remote analysis, we developed a web based software system called "VizSquare". In the JT-60 tokamak at JAERI, security and authentication methods on a computer network and a new communication tool are developed, and probably they will be applied to the remote participation of ITER.
Sato, Minoru; Tsugita, Tomonori; Oshima, Takayuki; Sakata, Shinya; Iwasaki, Keita*; Matsuda, Toshiaki; Iba, Katsuyuki; Ozeki, Takahisa
Fusion Engineering and Design, 71(1-4), p.145 - 149, 2004/06
Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:44.46(Nuclear Science & Technology)Data processing system in JT-60 has been used CAMAC widely for control and data acquisition of plasma diagnostic. However, it has passed over fifteen years from the operation, and the problem is caused for maintenance and function enhancement by the deterioration. Then, Mini-computer and microcomputer ,which control the CAMAC system were replaced workstation based on UNIX-OS, and these system were remodeled by developing the application software for screen control by GUI and for constructing environment of remote diagnostic through the network. In addition, CAMAC device driver for Linux has been developed in for next CAMAC control system.
Sakata, Shinya; Tsugita, Tomonori; Matsuda, Toshiaki
Heisei-15-Nendo Koenerugi Kasokuki Kenkyu Kiko Gijutsu Kenkyukai Hokokushu (CD-ROM), 4 Pages, 2004/00
no abstracts in English
Sato, Minoru; Matsuda, Toshiaki
Heisei-15-Nendo Koenerugi Kasokuki Kenkyu Kiko Gijutsu Kenkyukai Hokokushu (CD-ROM), 3 Pages, 2004/00
no abstracts in English
Matsuda, Toshiaki; Totsuka, Toshiyuki; Tsugita, Tomonori; Oshima, Takayuki; Sakata, Shinya; Sato, Minoru; Iwasaki, Keita*
Fusion Science and Technology (JT-60 Special Issue), 42(2-3), p.512 - 520, 2002/09
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:22.91(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Matsuda, Toshiaki; Tsugita, Tomonori; Oshima, Takayuki; Sakata, Shinya; Sato, Minoru; Iwasaki, Keita*
Fusion Engineering and Design, 60(3), p.235 - 239, 2002/06
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:34.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Oshima, Takayuki; Matsuda, Toshiaki; Iwasaki, Keita*; Ishikawa, Kazuya*
NIFS-MEMO-36, p.463 - 466, 2002/06
no abstracts in English
Iwasaki, Keita*; Sato, Minoru; Matsuda, Toshiaki
NIFS-MEMO-36, p.479 - 482, 2002/06
no abstracts in English
Sato, Minoru; Iwasaki, Keita*; Matsuda, Toshiaki
NIFS-MEMO-36, p.475 - 478, 2002/06
no abstracts in English
Oshima, Takayuki; Matsuda, Toshiaki; Tsugita, Tomonori; Sakata, Shinya; Sato, Minoru; Koiwa, Motonao*
Review of Scientific Instruments, 72(1), p.517 - 519, 2001/01
Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:39.94(Instruments & Instrumentation)no abstracts in English
Takeuchi, Hiroshi; Sugimoto, Masayoshi; Nakamura, Hiroo; Yutani, Toshiaki*; Ida, Mizuho*; Jitsukawa, Shiro; Kondo, Tatsuo; Matsuda, Shinzaburo; Matsui, Hideki*; Shannon, T. E.*; et al.
Fusion Energy 2000 (CD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2001/00
no abstracts in English
Sakata, Shinya; Koiwa, Motonao*; Aoyagi, Tetsuo*; Matsuda, Toshiaki
Fusion Engineering and Design, 48(1-2), p.225 - 230, 2000/08
Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:42.08(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Matsuda, Toshiaki; Tsugita, Tomonori; Oshima, Takayuki; Sakata, Shinya; Sato, Minoru; Koiwa, Motonao*; Aoyagi, Tetsuo*
Fusion Engineering and Design, 48(1-2), p.99 - 104, 2000/08
Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:46.37(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Sakata, Shinya; Koiwa, Motonao*; Aoyagi, Tetsuo*; Matsuda, Toshiaki
JAERI-Tech 2000-043, 48 Pages, 2000/07
no abstracts in English
Hasegawa, Yukihiro*; Hamamatsu, Kiyotaka; Shirai, Hiroshi; Matsuda, Toshiaki; ; Itakura, Hirofumi*;
JAERI-Tech 99-015, 27 Pages, 1999/02
no abstracts in English
Matsuda, Toshiaki; Tsugita, Tomonori; Oshima, Takayuki; Sato, Minoru; Sakata, Shinya; Hamamatsu, Kiyotaka; Nishitani, Takeo; Koiwa, Motonao*
Review of Scientific Instruments, 70(1), p.502 - 504, 1999/01
Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:46.49(Instruments & Instrumentation)no abstracts in English
Matsuda, Toshiaki; Aoyagi, Tetsuo*; ; Tsugita, Tomonori; Oshima, Takayuki; Sakata, Shinya; Sato, Minoru; ; Koiwa, Motonao*
Fusion Engineering and Design, 43(3-4), p.285 - 291, 1999/00
Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:53.13(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Kodama, Ryosuke*; Yoshida, Hidetoshi; ; Nishitani, Takeo; Muto, Sadatsugu*; ; Matsuda, Toshiaki; ; Kawahata, Kazuo*; Isobe, Mitsutaka*; et al.
Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai-Shi, 74(10), p.1208 - 1213, 1998/10
no abstracts in English