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Journal Articles

Contracted interlayer distance in graphene/sapphire heterostructure

Entani, Shiro; Antipina, L. Y.*; Avramov, P.*; Otomo, Manabu*; Matsumoto, Yoshihiro*; Hirao, Norie; Shimoyama, Iwao; Naramoto, Hiroshi*; Baba, Yuji; Sorokin, P. B.*; et al.

Nano Research, 8(5), p.1535 - 1545, 2015/05

 Times Cited Count:28 Percentile:71.82(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

Program for tests on magnetic bearing suspended roter dynamics for Gas Turbine High Temperature Reactor (GTHTR300)

Takada, Shoji; Takizuka, Takakazu; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko; Kosugiyama, Shinichi; Yan, X.; Matsumoto, Iwao*

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 2(4), p.525 - 531, 2003/12

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Improvement in the design of helium turbine for the HTGR-GT power plant

Muto, Yasushi; Ishiyama, Shintaro; Inomata, Asako*; Kishibe, Tadaharu*; Minatsuki, Isao*; Matsumoto, Iwao*; Levet, F.*

Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2001 (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2001/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Design study of helium turbine for the 600MWt HTGR-GT power plant

Muto, Yasushi; Ishiyama, Shintaro; ; Kishibe, Tadaharu*; Matsumoto, Iwao*

Proceedings of International Gas Turbine Congress 1999 Kobe, I, p.313 - 320, 1999/00

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Interface atomic structure and interactions at graphene/insulator heterostructure

Entani, Shiro; Sorokin, P. B.*; Avramov, P.*; Otomo, Manabu; Matsumoto, Yoshihiro; Antipina, L. Y.*; Hirao, Norie; Shimoyama, Iwao; Naramoto, Hiroshi*; Baba, Yuji; et al.

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Atomic structure and interlayer interactions at the graphene/sapphire interface studied by X-ray standing wave spectroscopy

Entani, Shiro; Sorokin, B. P.*; Avramov, P.; Otomo, Manabu; Matsumoto, Yoshihiro; Narita, Ayumi; Hirao, Norie; Shimoyama, Iwao; Sekiguchi, Tetsuhiro; Naramoto, Hiroshi*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Atomic structure determination of the graphene/sapphire interface by normal incident X-ay standing wave spectroscopy

Entani, Shiro; Sorokin, B. P.*; Avramov, P.; Otomo, Manabu; Matsumoto, Yoshihiro; Narita, Ayumi; Hirao, Norie; Shimoyama, Iwao; Sekiguchi, Tetsuhiro; Naramoto, Hiroshi*; et al.

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Design study for flow around pump shaft of Integrated IHX/pump of fast reactor JSFR, 2; Study of liquid sloshing caused by rotating pump shaft

Handa, Takuya; Enuma, Yasuhiro; Ono, Yukihiko*; Nakamura, Yuki*; Sakata, Nobuyasu*; Kushioka, Kiyonori*; Shimoji, Kuniyuki*; Inoue, Tomoyuki*; Matsumoto, Iwao*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

8 (Records 1-8 displayed on this page)
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