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Journal Articles

Residual stress evaluation of butt weld sample of high tensile strength steel using neutron diffraction

Suzuki, Hiroshi; Holden, T. M.*; Moriai, Atsushi; Minakawa, Nobuaki*; Morii, Yukio

Zairyo, 54(7), p.685 - 691, 2005/07

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Journal Articles

Application of neutron stress measurement method without stress-free lattice constant to practical material

Suzuki, Hiroshi; Moriai, Atsushi; Minakawa, Nobuaki*; Morii, Yukio

Zairyo, 54(3), p.339 - 345, 2005/03

In a conventional method of a neutron stress measurement, it is required to know the stress-free lattice constant accurately. A new stress measurement method, which does not need the lattice constant of the strain-free material, was applied to evaluate the residual stress distributions in welded sample. The lattice constant distribution which was measured by using our proposed method showed an increase as close to the weld zone, and the absolute value of the lattice constant almost agreed with the lattice constant which was measured using coupons cut from welded sample. Therefore, it is possible to predict the lattice constant by using our proposed method. The residual stress distributions were evaluated by using conventional method and our proposed method. As a result, the residual stress distributions decided by our proposed method almost agreed with those measured by conventional method. This proposed method can be applied to determination of the residual stress states in the samples with the complex residual stress states.

Journal Articles

Development of new stress measurement method using neutron diffraction

Suzuki, Hiroshi; Minakawa, Nobuaki*; Moriai, Atsushi; Hataya, Mitsuhiko*; Morii, Yukio

Materials Science Forum, 490-491, p.245 - 250, 2005/00

In the conventional stress measurement method using neutron diffraction, it is required to measure the lattice strains of the same diffraction family in all three orthogonal directions. However, it is possibly difficult to measure the lattice strains of the same diffraction family in all three directions on the textured material, and also the lattice strains in three directions may not be measured in some reasons such as the size and the shape of the sample, etc. Moreover, in conventional method, it is required to know the accurate stress free lattice spacing d$$_{0}$$, so that the stress measurement accuracy depends on the accuracy of d$$_{0}$$ of powder or annealed samples. In this study, we proposed new stress measurement method which can determine the residual stress states by measuring the lattice strains in two or three orthogonal directions even if the measured diffraction families were different in all three directions. Furthermore, stress measurement method which can determine the internal residual stresses without using measured d$$_{0}$$ was also proposed.

Journal Articles

Study of residual stress for c/c composite by neutron scattering

Baba, Shinichi; Ishihara, Masahiro; Minakawa, Nobuaki; Suzuki, Junichi

Proceedings of International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics 2003 (ATEM '03) (CD-ROM), 4 Pages, 2003/09

The aim of the present paper is to clarify the residual stress occuring in the c/c composite to improve the manufacturing process. The residual stress was measured by a neutron diffraction method using the RESA in the JRR-3M of JAERI in this study. As a results of the residual stress measurment, it was found that the residual stress of the ring type c/c composite is the comporessive stress, and the macroscopic residual strain/stress is absorbed mainly microstructural change such as pore shape change.

Journal Articles

Liquid-He-free 10-T superconducting magnet for neutron scattering

Katano, Susumu; Minakawa, Nobuaki; Metoki, Naoto; Osakabe, Toyotaka; Suzuki, Junichi; Koike, Yoshihiro; Ishii, Yoshinobu

Applied Physics A, 74(Suppl.1), p.S270 - S272, 2002/12

 Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:50.30(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

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Journal Articles

A Measurement of the sample surface by the neutron diffraction method

Minakawa, Nobuaki; Moriai, Atsushi; Morii, Yukio

Nihon Zairyo Gakkai Dai-38-Kai X Sen Zairyo Kyodo Ni Kansuru Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu, p.202 - 205, 2002/09

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Journal Articles

Measurement of internal stress distributions in a high-pressure cell cylinder

Moriai, Atsushi; Onodera, Akifumi*; Amita, Fujitsugu*; Otomo, Akitoshi; Minakawa, Nobuaki

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.70, Supplement A, p.531 - 533, 2001/05

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Journal Articles

Distribution of internal stress by a shink-fit for the aluminum ring and plug

Minakawa, Nobuaki; Morii, Yukio; Moriai, Atsushi; Otomo, Akitoshi; Kikuchi, Kenji

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.70, Supplement A, p.517 - 519, 2001/05

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Journal Articles

Neutron diffraction experience at RESA for engineering-aided application

Tsuchiya, Yoshinori; Kikuchi, Kenji; Minakawa, Nobuaki; Morii, Yukio; Kato, Takashi; Nakajima, Hideo; Tsuji, Hiroshi

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol.70, Supplement A, p.520 - 522, 2001/05

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Journal Articles

Residual stress measurement by the neutron diffractometer in Japan

Minakawa, Nobuaki; Morii, Yukio; Moriai, Atsushi; Kikuchi, Kenji

Material Evaluation by X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction, p.H_19_1 - H_19_5, 2001/05

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Journal Articles

Evaluation of residual stress redistribution behavior with crack extension

Okido, Shinobu*; Hayashi, Makoto*; Morii, Yukio; Minakawa, Nobuaki

Materials Science Research International, Special Technical Publication, 1, p.435 - 438, 2001/05

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Journal Articles

Measurement of residual stress in structural components by neutron diffraction

Hayashi, Makoto*; Okido, Shinobu*; Morii, Yukio; Minakawa, Nobuaki

Materials Science Research International, Special Technical Publication, 1, p.418 - 423, 2001/05

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Journal Articles

Thermal residual stresses in ceramic composites measured by neutron diffraction

Akiniwa, Yoshiaki*; Tanaka, Keisuke*; Minakawa, Nobuaki; Morii, Yukio

Materials Science Research International, Special Technical Publication, 1, p.427 - 430, 2001/05

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Journal Articles

Residual stress measurement by neutron diffraction methode and computation of FEM

Inoue, Kazuko*; Nakamura, Hiroshi*; Horikawa, Takeshi*; Kawashima, Hisakazu*; Tsujikami, Tetsuya*; Minakawa, Nobuaki

Nihon Zairyo Gakkai Dai-50-Ki Gakujutsu Koenkai Koen Rombunshu, p.415 - 416, 2001/05

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Journal Articles

A Production of non-strain spacing of lattice planes measurement equipment and a measurement of general structure material

Minakawa, Nobuaki; Moriai, Atsushi; Morii, Yukio; Saito, Toru*

Nihon Zairyo Gakkai Dai-37-Kai X Sen Zairyo Kyodo Ni Kansuru Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu, p.220 - 222, 2001/00

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Journal Articles

Measurement of residual stress in the neutron cold moderator cell for high-intensity proton accelerators

Moriai, Atsushi; Kogawa, Hiroyuki; Yamamoto, Kazuyoshi; Kaminaga, Masanori; Minakawa, Nobuaki; Horiguchi, Yoji

Nihon Zairyo Gakkai Dai-37-Kai X Sen Zairyo Kyodo Ni Kansuru Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu, p.35 - 37, 2001/00

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Journal Articles

Development of measurement technique for lattice spacing at stress free by neutron diffraction method

Minakawa, Nobuaki; Saito, Toru; Morii, Yukio; Sasaki, Toshihiko*; Hirose, Yukio*

Nihon Zairyo Gakkai Dai-36-Kai X Sen Zairyo Kyodo Ni Kansuru Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu, p.253 - 258, 2000/09

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Journal Articles

The Residual stress measurement of shot peened IN718 by the neutron diffraction method

Minakawa, Nobuaki; Moriai, Atsushi; Saito, Toru; Tanaka, Keisuke*; Akiniwa, Yoshiaki*; Hayashi, Makoto*; Okido, Shinobu*

Nihon Zairyo Gakkai Dai-36-Kai X Sen Zairyo Kyodo Ni Kansuru Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu, p.263 - 265, 2000/09

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Journal Articles

A Fundamental study on measurement of residual internal stress of sintered Fe-Cr/TiN composite material with neutron diffraction

Takago, S.*; Sasaki, Toshihiko*; Minakawa, Nobuaki; Morii, Yukio; Hirose, Yukio*

Nihon Zairyo Gakkai Dai-36-Kai X Sen Zairyo Kyodo Ni Kansuru Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu, p.266 - 271, 2000/09

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Journal Articles

Neutron stress measurement using neutron image plate, 3

Sasaki, Toshihiko*; Minakawa, Nobuaki; Morii, Yukio; Niimura, Nobuo; Hirose, Yukio*

Nihon Zairyo Gakkai Dai-36-Kai X Sen Zairyo Kyodo Ni Kansuru Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu, p.259 - 262, 2000/09

no abstracts in English

45 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)