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Journal Articles

Identification of the $$K^pi=11/2^+$$ isomer in neutron-rich $$^{187}$$W

Shizuma, Toshiyuki; Hayakawa, Takehito; Mitarai, Shiro*; Morikawa, Tsuneyasu*; Ishii, Tetsuro

Physical Review C, 71(6), p.067301_1 - 067301_4, 2005/06

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:45.49(Physics, Nuclear)

Excited states in neutron-rich $$^{187}$$W have been populated via deep inelastic collisions of a 630-MeV $$^{82}$$Se beam on a $$^{186}$$W target. Projectile-like fragments were measured by an annular Si detector for reaction channel selection. Delayed $$gamma$$ rays from target residues were detected by means of the so-called recoil shadow technique. A new isomer at 411 keV, based on the $$11/2^+$$[615] Nilsson configuration, has been identified with the half-life of 1.56(28) $$mu$$s. The decay rates of the isomers are discussed in terms of the $$K$$ quantum number by comparison with the systematics from the neighboring nuclei.

Journal Articles

High-spin structure in $$^{185}$$Os

Shizuma, Toshiyuki; Mitarai, Shiro*; Sletten, G.*; Bark, R. A.*; Gjorup, N. L.*; Jensen, H. J.*; Piiparinen, M.*; Wrzesinski, J.*; Shimizu, Yoshifumi*

Physical Review C, 69(2), p.024305_1 - 024305_18, 2004/02

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:65.25(Physics, Nuclear)

High-spin states in $$^{185}$$Os have been studied using the $$^{176}$$Yb($$^{13}$$C,4n) reaction at a beam energy of 65MeV. Previously known 1-quasiparticle bands have been extended to higher spins. New high-$$K$$ bands based on 3- and 5-quasiparticle excitation have been identified. Nilsson configurations are assigned based on the g-factors deduced from M1/E2 branching ratios within the bands. In addition, a new isomer at 5008keV has been found with a half-life of 18(2) ns. The hindrance in decays of the high-$$K$$ intrinsic states are discussed in terms of the $$gamma$$ tunneling model where the low-$$K$$ and high-$$K$$ states interact through the triaxial shape fluctuation.

Journal Articles

High spin states in $$^{158}$$Dy

Hayakawa, Takehito; Toh, Yosuke; Oshima, Masumi; Matsuda, Makoto; Hatsukawa, Yuichi; Shizuma, Toshiyuki; Katakura, Junichi; Iimura, Hideki; Mitarai, Shiro*; Zhang, Y.*; et al.

Physical Review C, 68(6), p.067303_1 - 067303_4, 2003/12

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:21.20(Physics, Nuclear)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Rotaional alignment of the h$$_{11/2}$$ band in $$^{157}$$Dy

Hayakawa, Takehito; Toh, Yosuke; Oshima, Masumi; Matsuda, Makoto; Hatsukawa, Yuichi; Katakura, Junichi; Iimura, Hideki; Shizuma, Toshiyuki; Mitarai, Shiro*; Sugawara, Masahiko*; et al.

European Physical Journal A, 15(3), p.299 - 302, 2002/11

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:47.98(Physics, Nuclear)

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Journal Articles

Yrast bands in N=91 isotones

Hayakawa, Takehito; Oshima, Masumi; Hatsukawa, Yuichi; Katakura, Junichi; Iimura, Hideki; Matsuda, Makoto; Shinohara, Nobuo; Toh, Yosuke; Mitarai, Shiro*; Shizuma, Toshiyuki; et al.

European Physical Journal A, 9(2), p.153 - 156, 2000/10

 Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:66.11(Physics, Nuclear)

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Spectroscopy for neutron-rich nuclei around A=180 produced by multi-nucleon transfer reactions

Shizuma, Toshiyuki; Ishii, Tetsuro; Hayakawa, Takehito; Makii, Hiroyuki; Matsuda, Makoto; Ideguchi, Eiji*; Zheng, Y.*; Liu, M.*; Morikawa, Tsuneyasu*; Mitarai, Shiro*

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Oral presentation

Nuclear structure study of nuclei in the A=180 region using nucleon transfer reactions

Shizuma, Toshiyuki; Ishii, Tetsuro; Makii, Hiroyuki; Matsuda, Makoto; Hayakawa, Takehito; Ideguchi, Eiji*; Liu, M.*; Zheng, Y.*; Morikawa, Tsuneyasu*; Mitarai, Shiro*; et al.

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Oral presentation

Study of high-spin states in A$$sim$$30 region via $$^{16}$$O+$$^{24}$$Mg reaction

Ideguchi, Eiji*; Liu, M.*; Morikawa, Tsuneyasu*; Toh, Yosuke; Koizumi, Mitsuo; Oshima, Masumi; Kimura, Atsushi; Furutaka, Kazuyoshi; Hatsukawa, Yuichi; Cederwall, B.*; et al.

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no abstracts in English

8 (Records 1-8 displayed on this page)
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