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検索結果: 11 件中 1件目~11件目を表示
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柴野 純一*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 塚本 拓也*; 河合 紘和*; 三浦 節男*; Zhang, S.*; 菖蒲 敬久

材料, 63(7), p.533 - 538, 2014/07



Evaluation of ductile damage progress of aluminum single crystal with prior activity of single slip system under tensile loading by using synchrotron white X-ray

柴野 純一*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 塚本 拓也*; 河合 紘和*; 三浦 節男*; Zhang, S.*; 菖蒲 敬久; 小林 道明*

Materials Science Forum, 777, p.176 - 181, 2014/02

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:51.86(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

A ductile damage progress of an aluminum single crystal with the prior activity of the single slip system under tensile loading was verified by a profile analysis using white X-ray obtained in BL28B2 beam line of SPring-8. In this study, the aluminum single crystal of the purity 6N was used as a specimen prepared in I-type geometry for tensile test. In profile analysis, an instrumental function was defined in consideration both of a divergence by a slit and a response function peculiar to the energy dispersive method. The Gauss component of integral breadth related to non-uniform strain and the Cauchy component of integral breadth related to crystallite size were determined by eliminating the broadening by the instrumental function from the diffraction profile of white X-ray. As a result, the characteristics of ductile damage progress near the notch of the aluminum single crystal were inspected from the distribution of both non-uniform strain and dislocation density.



柴野 純一*; 木曽 稔*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 菖蒲 敬久; 三浦 節男*; 小林 道明*

材料, 62(7), p.443 - 450, 2013/07



Transmission imaging and strain mapping in the vicinity of internal crack tip using synchrotron white X-ray

柴野 純一*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 桐山 幸治*; 菖蒲 敬久; 鈴木 賢治*; 西村 優*; 三浦 節男*; 小林 道明*

Materials Science Forum, 638-642, p.2476 - 2481, 2010/01

A transmission imaging and a strain mapping in the vicinity of a crack tip in steel were investigated using a high energy white X-ray obtained from BL28B2 beam line at SPring-8 in Japan. Low-alloy and high-tensile steel was used as a specimen prepared in the G-type geometry with a rectangular sectional part of 5 mm thickness for a four-point bending. As the results, the transmitted image of the crack showed that the crack in the specimen was propagated deeper than that on the surface. It became clear by the numerical simulation that the FWHM of diffracted X-ray profile measured near the crack tip was increased due to the steep change in the strain distribution. It was confirmed that the synchrotron white X-ray was useful for the imaging of the internal crack and the strain mapping near it.



柴野 純一*; 桐山 幸治; 梶原 堅太郎*; 菖蒲 敬久; 鈴木 賢治*; 新居 恭征*; 三浦 節男*; 小林 道明*

材料, 58(7), p.596 - 602, 2009/07

A computerized tomography and a strain mapping near a crack tip in material were investigated using a white X-ray obtained from BL28B2 beam line at SPring-8 in Japan. The computerized tomography of the crack in the specimen was carried out by using the CCD camera that can detect indirectly the X-ray transmitted through the specimen. To measure the strain using the energy dispersive X-ray diffraction technique. As the results, the computerized tomography of the crack in the specimen under the tensile loading was practicable by using the white X-ray. The map of the internal strain near the crack tip of the specimen could be obtained using the high energy white X-ray. It was confirmed that the maximum tensile strain was distributed circularly along the crack tip estimated by CT.



柴野 純一*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 桐山 幸治; 菖蒲 敬久; 鈴木 賢治*; 西村 優*; 三浦 節男*; 小林 道明*

材料, 57(7), p.667 - 673, 2008/07

An imaging and a strain mapping in the vicinity of crack tip in materials were investigated using high energy white X-ray obtained from BL28B2 beam line at SPring-8 Japan. Low-alloy and high-tensile steel (JIS G3128 SHY685) was used as a specimen shaped into G-type and introduced a fatigue crack into the beam of it. As the results, the imaging of the crack of the length of about 1mm in the specimen with loading of crack opening is practicable by using high energy synchrotron white X-ray. The plastic region estimated from the distribution of FWHM almost agreed with the theoretical value calculated by fracture mechanics. It was confirmed that the high energy white X-ray was useful for the imaging of the crack and the strain mapping in the vicinity of it in the depth of the order of millimeter.



桐山 幸治; 柴野 純一*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 菖蒲 敬久; 鈴木 賢治*; 金子 洋; 西村 優*; 新居 恭征*; 三浦 節男*; 小林 道明*

no journal, , 

鉄鋼材料の応力腐食割れ(Stress Corrosion Cracking: SCC)の機構解明には、溶接部近傍に内在する残留応力とそこで発生するき裂の進展状況を理解することが重要である。そこで、本研究では、SPring-8のビームラインBL14B1及びBL28B2において高エネルギー放射光白色X線を用いて人工的にき裂をいれた鉄鋼材料のき裂周辺部のイメージングと内部応力測定を行った。その結果、有負荷時のき裂開放状態において、イメージング画像によって試料内部のき裂を観察することができた。また、き裂周辺部の内部ひずみ分布を測定したところ、イメージング画像と整合のある結果が得られた。これより放射光白色X線を用いたイメージング技術と内部ひずみ測定技術を組合せて、総合的に解析することで鉄鋼材料の内部状態の理解に大変有効であるということがわかった。



桐山 幸治; 柴野 純一*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 菖蒲 敬久; 鈴木 賢治*; 新居 恭征*; 三浦 節男*; 小林 道明*

no journal, , 



Strain measurement of aged duplex stainless steel using SR white X-ray

桐山 幸治; 菖蒲 敬久; 柴野 純一*; 藤城 智之; 金子 洋; 三浦 節男*

no journal, , 

Many X-ray reflections from a duplex stainless steel (DSS) have been measured for estimation of lattice strains under tensile loading using by the synchrotron radiation white X-ray. The results showed that some lattice strains were responded nonlinearly at around 1600 micro strain, and that an other some lattice strains were oscillated with increasing applied strain. Moreover, the lattice strains on a-phase fluctuated in comparison with those on r-phase. Some oscillated reflections correspond with slip planes, ${111}$, ${112}$, ${123}$ for a-Fe and ${111}$ for r-Fe. These suggest that, although the applied strains were under the range of elastic deformation, plastic deformation has probably got started on local grains which have specific reflections. Different tendency of lattice strains between a-phase and r-phase means that age hardening are more progressed on r-phase than a-phase of the DSS.


Study of computerized tomography and strain mapping in the vicinity of crack tip in steel material using synchrotron white X-ray

柴野 純一*; 梶原 堅太郎*; 桐山 幸治; 菖蒲 敬久; 鈴木 賢治*; 新居 恭征*; 三浦 節男*; 小林 道明*

no journal, , 

A computerized tomography and a strain mapping in the vicinity of a crack tip in steel were investigated using a high energy white X-ray obtained from BL28B2 beam line at SPring-8 in Japan. Low-alloy and high-tensile steel (JIS G3128 SHY685) was used as a specimen prepared in the cylindrical geometry. A fatigue crack was introduced into the specimen by a cyclic loading. As the results, the computerized tomography of the crack in the specimen under the loading of crack opening was practicable by using the synchrotron white X-ray. The contour map of the internal strain near the crack tip of the steel of 5mm diameter could be obtained using the white X-ray with energy ranging from 50keV to 150keV. It was confirmed that the synchrotron white X-ray is useful for the computerized tomography of the internal crack and the strain mapping near it.



柴野 純一*; 桐山 幸治; 梶原 堅太郎*; 菖蒲 敬久; 鈴木 賢治*; 新居 恭征*; 三浦 節男*; 小林 道明*

no journal, , 


11 件中 1件目~11件目を表示
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