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JAEA Reports

A Catalog showing distribution and features of lineaments and related landforms in an active shear zone with unclear fault displacement topography; An Example of an active left-lateral shear zone in southern Kyushu Island, southwest Japan (Contract research)

Goto, Akira; Sasaki, Akimichi*; Komatsu, Tetsuya; Miwa, Atsushi*; Terusawa, Shuji*; Kagohara, Kyoko*; Shimada, Koji

JAEA-Research 2020-013, 88 Pages, 2020/11


Improvement of the investigation techniques to identify active faults is important for the implementation of geological disposal projects from the viewpoint of avoiding locations where permeability increases due to fault displacement. Generally, the existence of active faults is confirmed by aerial photography interpretation of fault displacement topography, which is a topographical trace of fault movement, and on-site geological surveys. However, the investigation method for cases where the topographical traces are unclear is not sufficiently developed. Therefore, to improve existing topographical methods, this study deciphered lineaments up to the rank of poorly defined features, which are almost neglected in general active fault research. The investigation area is one of the geodetic strain concentration zone, called the southern Kyushu shear zone, where the seismogenic faults of the 1997 Kagoshima northwest earthquakes are concealed. We conducted aerial photography interpretation of 62 sheets of 1/25,000 topographic maps, and obtained 1,327 lineaments. Distribution density, direction and length of lineaments were also investigated with topographic and geologic information. As a result, it was clarified that the east-west lineaments in the south Kyushu shear zone predominate in the western part, and the lineaments are densely distributed in the aftershock distribution area of the Kagoshima northwest earthquake. Along with these results, we have compiled a catalog of typical 13 lineaments based on combinations of clarity, direction, length and geomorphic characters of lineaments.

Journal Articles

Crystal structure and electron density distribution analyses of Nd$$_{x}$$Ce$$_{1-x}$$O$$_{2-delta}$$ for electrolyte by Rietveld/ maximum entropy method

Taguchi, Tomitsugu; Igawa, Naoki; Birumachi, Atsushi; Asaoka, Hidehito; Miwa, Shuhei; Osaka, Masahiko

e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology (Internet), 13, p.339 - 342, 2015/06

Rare-earth doped ceria exhibits both ionic and electronic conductions, and those ceria with higher ratio of ionic conduction against electronic conduction is used as a solid electrolyte for solid oxide fuel cells. The electron density distributions in crystals are closely related to the electron diffusing pathway which affects the electronic conduction. In this study, we investigated the electron density distribution of doped ceria as a function of the content of Nd$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$-dopant to deduce the ratio of the electronic to ionic conduction. The crystal structure was refined with the space group, ${it Fm}$-3${it m}$, which is the same as undoped ceria. Ce and Nd ions randomly occupied the 4${it a}$ site and O ion the 8${it c}$ site. The electron conduction pathway was distributed through the 4${it a}$-8${it c}$ and 8${it c}$-8${it c}$ sites. The relationship between crystal structural change and electron density distribution as a function of the content of Nd$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ dopant will be discussed.

Journal Articles

Subsurface geometry and structural evolution of the eastern margin fault zone of the Yokote basin based on seismic reflection data, northeast Japan

Kagohara, Kyoko; Ishiyama, Tatsuya*; Imaizumi, Toshifumi*; Miyauchi, Takahiro*; Sato, Hiroshi*; Matsuta, Nobuhisa*; Miwa, Atsushi*; Ikawa, Takeshi*

Tectonophysics, 470(3-4), p.319 - 328, 2009/05

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:18.81(Geochemistry & Geophysics)

Seismic reflection profiles across coseismic fault scarps of the A.D. 1896 Rikuu earthquake along the eastern margin of the Yokote basin fault zone (EYBFZ), correlated with borehole stratigraphy and geologic mapping, provide insights into its detailed structural evolution. In spite of along-strike variations of thrust geometries both at ground surface and at shallow depth, the EYBFZ has commonly formed as forward breaking imbricate thrust systems. Spatial variations in the long-term uplift rates estimated from cross-section balancing are consistent with mountain topography, in contrast to their weak coupling with the magnitudes of short-term uplift rates and coseismic uplift during the A.D. 1896 earthquake. This suggests that mechanical decoupling of Miocene mudstone that formed frontal emergent thrust faults may have enhanced the slip at shallowest structural levels at shorter timescales.

Journal Articles

Fission-track ages of late Pliocene to Pleistocene strata around the eastern margin of the Yokote Basin active fault zone, northeast Japan

Kosaka, Hideki*; Kagohara, Kyoko; Miwa, Atsushi*; Imaizumi, Toshifumi*; Kurosawa, Hideki; Nohara, Tsuyoshi

Chigaku Zasshi, 117(5), p.851 - 862, 2008/10

To understand the development process of the fault zone, fission-track ages of rocks and rock facies are investigated in western margin of the Ou Backbone Range of Northeast Japan. Fission-track dating was carried out for 5 acid volcanic rocks from the late Pliocene to Pleistocene strata which were deposit associated with mountain belt growth. Statistically significant ages obtained are 1.5$$pm$$0.1 Ma (OB-03) and 1.85$$pm$$0.1 Ma (YG-01) for the Tazawa Formation, 1.6$$pm$$0.3 Ma (FT-01) for the Kurisawa Formation,0.93$$pm$$0.14 Ma (FT-02) and 2.7$$pm$$0.3 Ma (FT-03) for the Senya Formation. According to the fission-track dating in this study, ages of the mountain belt growth with acid volcanic activity are estimated to before 1 Ma.

Journal Articles

Crush zone structure in a compressional step; An Example of the western part of the Atotsugawa Fault, Hida City, Gifu Prefecture of Japan

Niwa, Masakazu; Shimada, Koji; Kurosawa, Hideki; Miwa, Atsushi*

Chishitsugaku Zasshi, 114(10), p.495 - 515, 2008/10

This paper provides a geological description of crush zones in the western part of the active Atotsugawa Fault, Gifu Prefecture of Japan, to understand crush zone structures in steps of strike-slip faults. By means of aerial photograph interpretation, we recognized that the occurrence of a step is suggestive in the Sangawara area, and that a long strand of the Atotsugawa Fault with ENE-WSW trend is traced in the Itani Area. On the Basis of the detailed geological observation, attitude and sense of shear planes, and thickness and clay mineral composition of fault gouge are different between crush zones of the Sangawara and Itani areas. In the Sangawara area, shear planes with NNE-SSW and NW-SE strikes, high-angle oblique to the trend of the Atotsugawa Fault, are characteristically developed. These shear planes can be a part of the composite planar fabric such as R2 surfaces which are dominantly developed within compressional steps.

Journal Articles

High-resolution photoemission study of the hybridization gap in the Kondo semiconductor CeRhAs

Shimada, Kenya*; Higashiguchi, Mitsuharu*; Arita, Masashi*; Namatame, Hirofumi*; Taniguchi, Masaki*; Fujimori, Shinichi; Saito, Yuji; Fujimori, Atsushi; Takata, Yasutaka*; Shin, S.*; et al.

Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 310(2, Part1), p.e57 - e58, 2007/03

We have examined the electronic states of the Kondo semiconductor CeRhAs and the semimetal CeRhSb by means of high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy using tunable photon energies from 40 up to 5948 eV. On the basis of the photon-energy dependence ofthe photoionization cross-section, we have elucidated the p-d-f hybridized states in these compounds.

Journal Articles

Active tectonics of the Senya Hills and evolution of the Senya Active Fault, Eastern margin of the Yokote Basin Fault Zone, Northeast Japan

Kagohara, Kyoko*; Imaizumi, Toshifumi*; Miyauchi, Takahiro*; Sato, Hiroshi*; Uchida, Takuma*; Echigo, Tomoo*; Ishiyama, Tatsuya*; Matsuta, Nobuhisa*; Okada, Shinsuke*; Ikeda, Yasutaka*; et al.

Chigaku Zasshi, 115(6), p.691 - 714, 2006/12

The eastern marginal fault zone of the Yokote Basin is one of seismogenic reverse faults developed in Northeast Japan, generating the 1896 Riku-u Earthquake (M7.2). We discussed the relationship among fault traces, geomorphic displacements and fault geometries on the Senya fault, based on a data from high-resolution seismic reflection profiling, investigations in tectonic geomorphology and structural geology, with the help of the balanced cross section method. By the restoring the balanced cross sections, the horizontal shortening amount is estimated to be totally 3 km through the thrust system, and the thrusting is retroactive to 2.4 Ma. Depending on the strike of fault traces and the morphotectonic features, the Senya fault is subdivided into three, the northern, central and southern portion. The initiation of thrust front migration is ca.1.6 Ma at the central portion and 0.6 Ma at the northern portion. This means that the central portion preceded the northern portion as an emergent fault, and suggests that the initial propagated fault extends from the fault end to the boundary fault.

Journal Articles

Preliminary report on a new fault exposure of the Senya fault associated with the Rikuu earthquake in 1896, Northeast Japan

Imaizumi, Toshifumi*; Kagohara, Kyoko*; Otsuki, Kenshiro*; Miwa, Atsushi*; Kosaka, Hideki*; Nohara, Tsuyoshi

Katsudanso Kenkyu, (26), p.71 - 77, 2006/06

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Investigation about long-term change of the water vein geological structure of the focus dislocation circumference

Miwa, Atsushi*; Kurosawa, Hideki*

JNC TJ7420 2005-122, 176 Pages, 2004/03


In this study, we have investigated around the earthquake source fault of the Western Tottori Prefecture Earthquake 2000 in order to presume a long-term change of the groundwater structure.

JAEA Reports

Geological structure investigation for 3-dimensional geological structure modeling of a reversed fault belt

Miwa, Atsushi*; Kurosawa, Hideki*

JNC TJ7420 2005-108, 101 Pages, 2004/03

In the 3-dimensional geological structure model, the data of the interpretation of sectional view of the seismic reflecting method, a geologic map, active fault information, and the inversion tectonics of northeast Japan were made reference, and it created on the scale of 1/50,000. As a result of verifying the accuracy of the model as compared with a gravity inquiry result, the error of base rock form is less than 1km. However, base rock form is the accuracy of the synthetic model after the back-arc basin formative period after 15Ma In order for the influence range of an active fault belt to verify from now on, data, such as airborne geophysics and gravity of the accuracy which the modification after the east-and-west strong compression term (2.4Ma or subsequent ones) after inversion tectonics.

Journal Articles

Beam-palarization asymmetries for the $$p$$($$overrightarrow{gamma}$$,$$K$$$$^{+}$$)$$Lambda$$ and $$p$$($$overrightarrow{gamma}$$,$$K$$$$^{+}$$)$$Sigma$$$$^{0}$$ reactions for $$E$$$$_{gamma}$$=1.5-2.4 GeV

Zegers, R. G. T.*; Sumihama, Mizuki*; Ahn, D. S.*; Ahn, J. K.*; Akimune, Hidetoshi*; Asano, Yoshihiro; Chang, W. C.*; Dat$'e$, S.*; Ejiri, Hiroyasu*; Fujimura, Hisako*; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 91(9), p.092001_1 - 092001_4, 2003/08

 Times Cited Count:128 Percentile:94.70(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Evidence for a narrow $$S$$ = +1 Baryon resonance in photoproduction from the neutron

Nakano, Takashi*; Ahn, D. S.*; Ahn, J. K.*; Akimune, Hidetoshi*; Asano, Yoshihiro; Chang, W. C.*; Date, S.*; Ejiri, Hiroyasu*; Fujimura, Hisako*; Fujiwara, Mamoru; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 91(1), p.012002_1 - 012002_4, 2003/07

 Times Cited Count:1011 Percentile:99.84(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Groundwater behavior around of The Western Tottori prefecture Earthquake Source Fault in 2000

Miwa, Atsushi*; Kurosawa, Hideki*

JNC TJ7420 2005-121, 81 Pages, 2003/03

Drastic water level changes in wells near the epicenter were often observed with comparatively large inland earthquakes. Some mechanisms of the co-seismic groundwater level changes were reported. Rojstaczer, (1992) suggested that the earthquake increased rock permeability and temporarily enhanced ground-water flow rates. Sibson (1992) suggested that increase of the crustal strain causes the increase in pore water pressure. In this study, we have investigated the groundwater behaviors in and around the earthquake Source Fault of the Western Tottori prefecture earthquake 2000 by interview and analysis of observed values of the ground water level and of river level.

JAEA Reports

Creation of the 3-dimensional geological structure model of the inland reversed fault belt in the Japanese Islands

Miwa, Atsushi*; Sasaki, Tatsuya*; Hara, Hiroshi*

JNC TJ7420 2005-030, 131 Pages, 2003/03

The purpose of this study is conducted for the purpose of considering as the basic data for evaluating the influence range by dislocation movement. The contents of studies are consideration by the investigation technique of collection arrangement of drilling data, collection arrangement of active fault underground structure, informational GIS-izing, creation of a 3-dimensional geological structure model, and the influence range of an active fault belt. Informational collection carried out for the national active fault in Japan, and the dislocation which refers to the result and is set as the object of informational GIS-izing and a 3-dimensional geological structure model was made into Senya active fault dislocations in the rim of the east of the Yokote basin faults in northeast Japan.In the 3-dimensional geological structure model, the data of the interpretation of sectional view of the seismic reflecting method, a geologic map, active fault information, and the inversion tectonics of northeast Japan were made reference, and it created on the scale of 1/50,000. As a result of verifying the accuracy of the model as compared with a gravity inquiry result, the error of base rock form is less than 1km. However, base rock form is the accuracy of the synthetic model after the back-arc basin formative period after 15Ma In order for the influence range of an active fault belt to verify from now on, data, such as airborne geophysics and gravity of the accuracy which the modification after the east-and-west strong compression term (2.4Ma or subsequent ones) after inversion tectonics.

JAEA Reports

The Research of chemical composition in the rock near the fault

Miwa, Atsushi*; Kurosawa, Hideki*; Ichikawa, Yasuo*

JNC TJ7420 2005-097, 60 Pages, 2002/03


Macro- and microscopic structures of the fault rocks included in the core from the 389.52m borehole across the Nojima Fault are described to show the groundwater flow model around the underground fracture zone.

JAEA Reports


Miwa, Atsushi*; Kurosawa, Hideki*

JNC TJ7420 2005-120, 77 Pages, 2001/03


JAEA Reports


Miwa, Atsushi*; Takahashi, Nao*

JNC TJ7420 2005-065, 153 Pages, 2001/03

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Investigation of the fault tectonics

Miwa, Atsushi*; Sasaki, Tatsuya*; Shimoyama, Masahiro*; Takahashi, Nao*

JNC TJ7420 2005-029, 110 Pages, 2000/03

It is important study that to presume probability of changing fault activity in the future. At first, we need to investigate the fault activity in the past time in order to presume when the active faults will move. We investigate the fault activity in the past time. And we try to distribute Japanese Islands into the fault tectonics regions. We collect the reports, arrange these and analyze these in order to understand the distinctions of fault tectonics. We notice the reports of fourteen-point, namely. (1) stress distribution, (2) faults distribution of time and space, (3) active fault distribution, (4) active structures, (5) geological structure, (6) earthquake distribution, (7) strain distribution, (8) GPS (Global Positioning System)-crustal movement, (9) sedimentary basin distribution, (10) gravity anomaly, (11) terrace surface distribution, (12) volcanic distribution, (13) resistivity distribution and (14) seismic tomography. We change these collected reports into GIS (Geographic Information System). And we investigate into the fault tectonics regions with GIS. We distribute Japanese Islands into 13 large regions about the fault tectonics regions, and into 44 small regions about the fault tectonics regions.

JAEA Reports

Distribution of active faults

Miwa, Atsushi*; Sasaki, Tatsuya*; Takahashi, Nao*

JNC TJ7420 2005-027, 334 Pages, 2000/03


It is important study to seize fault activity in order to clarify how effects the active faults influence geo-environment. In this paper, we investigated the distributive character and the activity of active faults with precise aerial photograph interpretation of tectonic landforms. And we prepared fault parameters for this new data by compiling previous results. A number of active faults exist particularly in central Japan. There is a marked regularity in the fault systems between the trend of faults and the sense of the displacement: the reverse fault system distributes in the Northeast Japan with NS-trending, the lateral faults distribute in the Southwest Japan. In particular, NW-trending faults are left-lateral, whereas NE-trending faults are right-lateral. Normal faults are in the central Kyusyu. This implies that the earth's crust of the region is under the same stress system having the maximum principal axis of approximate east-west. Activity of most of the active faults in Japan is class B(10-4 meters per one year). It is limited the distribution of active faults of class A. We presumed when active faults started to move from fault parameters. Active faults in Japan have started at least through a few hundreds thousand years ago.

JAEA Reports


Yasue, Katsuo*; Sone, Yoshinori*; Miwa, Atsushi*

JNC TJ7420 2005-101, 117 Pages, 1999/03

no abstracts in English

28 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)