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Journal Articles

Investigation of the electronic structure of the Mg$$_{99.2}$$Zn$$_{0.2}$$Y$$_{0.6}$$ alloy using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

Miyazaki, Hidetoshi*; Akatsuka, Tatsuyoshi*; Kimura, Koji*; Egusa, Daisuke*; Sato, Yohei*; Itakura, Mitsuhiro; Takagi, Yasumasa*; Yasui, Akira*; Ozawa, Kenichi*; Mase, Kazuhiko*; et al.

Materials Transactions, 64(6), p.1194 - 1198, 2023/06

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:18.99(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We investigated the electronic structure of the Mg$$_{99.2}$$Zn$$_{0.2}$$Y$$_{0.6}$$ alloy using hard and soft X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and electronic band structure calculations to understand the mechanism of the phase stability of this material. Electronic structure of the Mg$$_{99.2}$$Zn$$_{0.2}$$Y$$_{0.6}$$ alloy showed a semi-metallic electronic structure with a pseudo-gap at the Fermi level. The observed electronic structure of the Mg$$_{99.2}$$Zn$$_{0.2}$$Y$$_{0.6}$$ alloy suggests that the presence of a pseudogap structure is responsible for phase stability.

Journal Articles

STEM-EELS/EDS chemical analysis of solute clusters in a dilute mille-feuille-type Mg-Zn-Y alloy

Sato, Yohei*; Egusa, Daisuke*; Miyazaki, Hidetoshi*; Kimura, Koji*; Itakura, Mitsuhiro; Terauchi, Masami*; Abe, Eiji*

Materials Transactions, 64(5), p.950 - 954, 2023/05

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:18.99(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Dilute Mg-Zn-Y alloy with a mille-feuille structure (MFS) exhibits a mechanical strength comparable to Mg-Zn-Y alloy with long period stacking/ordered (LPSO) structure through kink deformation. In order to deepen understanding the thermal stability of the MFS-type Mg alloys, it is required to clarify the solute cluster structures composed of Zn and Y in solute enriched stacking faults (SESFs). In this study, electron energy-loss and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy based on scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM-EELS/EDS) were conducted to investigate the electronic structure and composition of Zn and Y in the SESFs of the MFS-Mg alloy. Zn-L2,3 spectra indicated that the valence charges of Zn in the dilute Mg alloy were different from that of the LPSO-type Mg-Zn-Y alloy. In addition, the intensity ratio of L3/L2 in Y-L2,3 spectrum of the dilute MFS-Mg alloy was larger than that of the LPSO-Mg alloy, reflecting the electron occupancies of 4d3/2 and 4d5/2 orbitals of Y atoms were different from those of the LPSO-Mg alloys. STEM-EELS analysis of the SESF composition in the dilute MFS-Mg alloy indicated that the Zn/Y ratio should be lower than that of the LPSO-Mg alloy, which was confirmed also by STEM-EDS measurements. These results indicate that the cluster structure in the SESFs of the dilute MFS-Mg alloy should be different from the ideal Zn6Y8 cluster in the LPSO-type Mg-Zn-Y alloys.

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