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Sato, Ikken; Yoshikawa, Shinji; Yamashita, Takuya; Shimomura, Kenta; Cibula, M.*; Mizokami, Shinya*
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 422, p.113088_1 - 113088_24, 2024/06
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)Yamashita, Takuya; Shimomura, Kenta; Nagae, Yuji; Nagai, Eiichi*; Yasumatsu, Tomohiro*; Nakashima, Satoru*; Ogino, Shoya*; Mizokami, Shinya*
Proceedings of 11th European Review Meeting on Severe Accident Research Conference (ERMSAR 2024) (Internet), 11 Pages, 2024/05
Sato, Ikken; Yoshikawa, Shinji; Yamashita, Takuya; Shimomura, Kenta; Cibula, M.*; Mizokami, Shinya*
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 414, p.112574_1 - 112574_20, 2023/12
Koyama, Shinichi; Ikeuchi, Hirotomo; Mitsugi, Takeshi; Maeda, Koji; Sasaki, Shinji; Onishi, Takashi; Tsai, T.-H.; Takano, Masahide; Fukaya, Hiroyuki; Nakamura, Satoshi; et al.
Hairo, Osensui, Shorisui Taisaku Jigyo Jimukyoku Homu Peji (Internet), 216 Pages, 2023/11
In FY 2021 and 2022, JAEA perfomed the subsidy program for "the Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Development of Analysis and Estimation Technology for Characterization of Fuel Debris (Development of Technologies for Enhanced Analysis Accuracy, Thermal Bahavior Estimation, and Simplified Analysis of Fuel Debris)" started in FY 2021. This presentation material summarized the results of the project, which will be available shortly on the website of Management Office for the Project of Decommissioning, Contaminated Water and Treated Water Management.
Yamashita, Takuya; Shimomura, Kenta; Nagae, Yuji; Yamaji, Akifumi*; Mizokami, Shinya; Mitsugi, Takeshi; Koyama, Shinichi
Hairo, Osensui, Shorisui Taisaku Jigyo Jimukyoku Homu Peji (Internet), 53 Pages, 2023/10
JAEA performed the subsidy program for the "Project of Decommissioning, Contaminated Water and Treated Water Management (Development of Analysis and Estimation Technologies for Characterization of Fuel Debris (Development of Estimation Technologies of RPV Damaged Condition, etc.) in 2022JFY. This presentation summarized briefly the results of the project, which will be available shortly on the website of Management Office for the Project of Decommissioning, Contaminated Water and Treated Water Management.
Yamashita, Takuya; Honda, Takeshi*; Mizokami, Masato*; Nozaki, Kenichiro*; Suzuki, Hiroyuki*; Pellegrini, M.*; Sakai, Takeshi*; Sato, Ikken; Mizokami, Shinya*
Nuclear Technology, 209(6), p.902 - 927, 2023/06
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:89.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)Sato, Ikken; Yoshikawa, Shinji; Yamashita, Takuya; Cibula, M.*; Mizokami, Shinya*
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 404, p.112205_1 - 112205_21, 2023/04
Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:96.34(Nuclear Science & Technology)Based on updated knowledge from plant-internal investigations, experiments and model simulations until now, the in-vessel phase of Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 2 was analyzed using the MAAP code. In Unit 2, it is considered that the core material enthalpy was relatively low when it relocated to the lower plenum of the pressure vessel, then, cooled by the coolant and solidified there. Although the MAAP code tended to underestimate the degree of core-material oxidation during the relocation, this probable underestimation was compensated for by an existing study that was considered more reliable, so that more realistic debris conditions in the lower plenum could be obtained. Basic validity of the former prediction of the Unit 2 accident progression behavior was confirmed and detailed boundary condition for the later phase was provided. This boundary condition should be utilized for future studies addressing debris reheating process leading to lower head failure and debris relocation toward the pedestal.
Madokoro, Hiroshi; Yamashita, Takuya; Gaus-Liu, X.*; Cron, T.*; Fluhrer, B.*; Sato, Ikken; Mizokami, Shinya*
Nuclear Technology, 209(2), p.144 - 168, 2023/02
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:18.18(Nuclear Science & Technology)Madokoro, Hiroshi; Yamashita, Takuya; Sato, Ikken; Gaus-Liu, X.*; Cron, T.*; Fluhrer, B.*; Stngle, R.*; Wenz, T.*; Vervoortz, M.*; Mizokami, Shinya
Proceedings of 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19) (Internet), 16 Pages, 2022/03
Koyama, Shinichi; Nakagiri, Toshio; Osaka, Masahiko; Yoshida, Hiroyuki; Kurata, Masaki; Ikeuchi, Hirotomo; Maeda, Koji; Sasaki, Shinji; Onishi, Takashi; Takano, Masahide; et al.
Hairo, Osensui Taisaku jigyo jimukyoku Homu Peji (Internet), 144 Pages, 2021/08
JAEA performed the subsidy program for the "Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Development of Analysis and Estimation Technology for Characterization of Fuel Debris (Development of Technologies for Enhanced Analysis Accuracy and Thermal Behavior Estimation of Fuel Debris))" in 2020JFY. This presentation summarized briefly the results of the project, which will be available shortly on the website of Management Office for the Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management.
Nakayoshi, Akira; Rempe, J. L.*; Barrachin, M.*; Bottomley, D.; Jacquemain, D.*; Journeau, C.*; Krasnov, V.; Lind, T.*; Lee, R.*; Marksberry, D.*; et al.
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 369, p.110857_1 - 110857_15, 2020/12
Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:38.08(Nuclear Science & Technology)Much is still not known about the end-state of core materials in each of the units at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Daiichi) that were operating on March 11, 2011. The Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for Economic Development has launched the Preparatory Study on Analysis of Fuel Debris (PreADES) project as a first step to reduce some of these uncertainties. As part of the PreADES Task 1, relevant information was reviewed to confirm the accuracy of graphical depictions of the debris endstates at the damaged Daiichi units, which provides a basis for suggesting future debris examinations. Two activities have been completed within the PreADES Task 1. First, relevant knowledge from severe accidents at the Three Mile Island Unit 2 and the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Unit 4 was reviewed, along with results from prototypic tests and hot cell examinations, to glean insights that may inform future decommissioning activities at Daiichi. Second, the current debris endstate diagrams for the damaged reactors at Daiichi were reviewed to confirm that they incorporate relevant knowledge from plant observations and from severe accident code analyses of the BSAF (Benchmark Study of the Accident at Daiichi Nuclear Power Station) 1 and 2 projects. This paper highlights Task 1 insights, which have the potential to not only inform future Decontamination and Decommissioning activities at Daiichi, but also provide important perspectives for severe accident analyses and management, particularly regarding the long term management of a damaged nuclear site following a severe accident.
Yamashita, Takuya; Sato, Ikken; Honda, Takeshi*; Nozaki, Kenichiro*; Suzuki, Hiroyuki*; Pellegrini, M.*; Sakai, Takeshi*; Mizokami, Shinya*
Nuclear Technology, 206(10), p.1517 - 1537, 2020/10
Times Cited Count:19 Percentile:89.92(Nuclear Science & Technology)Pellegrini, M.*; Herranz, L.*; Sonnenkalb, M.*; Lind, T.*; Maruyama, Yu; Gauntt, R.*; Bixler, N.*; Morreale, A.*; Dolganov, K.*; Sevon, T.*; et al.
Nuclear Technology, 206(9), p.1449 - 1463, 2020/09
Times Cited Count:41 Percentile:98.26(Nuclear Science & Technology)Pellegrini, M.*; Herranz, L.*; Sonnenkalb, M.*; Lind, T.*; Maruyama, Yu; Gauntt, R.*; Bixler, N.*; Morreale, A.*; Dolganov, K.*; Sevon, T.*; et al.
Proceedings of 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-18) (USB Flash Drive), p.1147 - 1162, 2019/08
Suehiro, Shoichi*; Sugimoto, Jun*; Hidaka, Akihide; Okada, Hidetoshi*; Mizokami, Shinya*; Okamoto, Koji*
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 286, p.163 - 174, 2015/05
Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:77.28(Nuclear Science & Technology)The severe accident evaluation committee of AESJ (Atomic Energy Society of Japan) developed the thermal hydraulic PIRT (Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table) and the source term PIRT based on findings during the Fukushima Daiichi NPPs accident. These PIRTs aimed to explore the debris distribution and the current condition in the NPPs with high accuracy and to extract higher priority from the aspect of the sophistication of the analytical technology to predict the severe accident phenomena by the code. The ST PIRT was divided into 3 phases for the time domain and 9 categories for the spatial domain. The 68 phenomena were extracted and the importance from viewpoint of the source term was ranked through brainstorming and discussion. This paper described the developed ST PIRT list and summarized the high ranked phenomena in each phase.
Onuki, Akira; Shibata, Mitsuhiko; Tamai, Hidesada; Akimoto, Hajime; Yamauchi, Toyoaki*; Mizokami, Shinya*
Nihon Konsoryu Gakkai Nenkai Koenkai 2003 Koen Rombunshu, p.35 - 36, 2003/07
Analytical evaluation of maximum critical power by so-called subchannnel code is indispensable for design of reduced moderation water reactor. In this study, two-phase flow distribution in a tight-lattice rod bundle is investigated using 19-rod bundle experimental rig and subchannnel analysis code NASCA. The flow distribution was measured under so-called churn flow regime and the predictive capability of NASCA was assessed. NASCA can predict the flow distribution qualitatively depending on local pressure drop. Quantitative prediction is also reasonable for liquid phase but the gas phase distribution was underestimated. Void-drift model has a dominant contribution and we should improve the model for the tight-lattice rod bundle.
Madokoro, Hiroshi; Gaus-Liu, X.*; Cron, T.*; Fluhrer, B.*; Stngle, R.*; Wenz, T.*; Vervoortz, M.*; Yamashita, Takuya; Sato, Ikken; Mizokami, Shinya
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Since the structures inside the pedestal of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 2 are relatively intact, the temperature of fuel debris relocated from the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) to the pedestal region is estimated to be rather low; oxide components remained solid and metallic components are molten. In order to predict the RPV failure, the molten pool behavior in the lower head is a key factor. Only a few experiments, however, addresses the transient heat transfer of solid-liquid molten pool. To enrich experimental database, melting and heat transfer behavior are investigated using the LIVE facility at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The results showed that convective heat transfer could take place in a solid-liquid mixture pool and the thermal loads on the vessel wall shifted from bottom upwards.
Sakamoto, Masahiro; Okumura, Keisuke; Tada, Kenichi; Nishihara, Kenji; Mizokami, Shinya*; Mizokami, Masato*; Miki, Yosuke*; Kaneko, Seiji*
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Sakamoto, Masahiro; Okumura, Keisuke; Mizokami, Masato*; Mizokami, Shinya*
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no abstracts in English
Sato, Ikken; Yamashita, Takuya; Yoshikawa, Shinji; Cibula, M.*; Mizokami, Shinya*
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