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郷 慎太郎*; 井手口 栄治*; 横山 輪*; 青井 考*; Azaiez, F.*; 古高 和禎; 初川 雄一; 木村 敦; 木佐森 慶一*; 小林 幹*; et al.
Physical Review C, 103(3), p.034327_1 - 034327_8, 2021/03
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:48.14(Physics, Nuclear)Excited states in S were investigated by in-beam -ray spectroscopy using the Mg(O, 21) fusion-evaporation reaction. The de-exciting -rays were measured with germanium detector arrays along with the measurement of evaporated charged particles in a segmented Si detector array. The level scheme was extended up to 12470 keV. The obtained level structure is compared with the large-scale shell-model calculations. The possibility of isoscalar-pair excited states is discussed for states with comparison between the experimental and theoretical results.
岡田 篤*; He, S.*; Gu, B.; 金井 駿*; Soumyanarayanan, A.*; Lim, S. T.*; Tran, M.*; 森 道康; 前川 禎通; 松倉 文礼*; et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 144(15), p.3815 - 3820, 2017/04
Studies of magnetization dynamics have incessantly facilitated the discovery of fundamentally novel physical phenomena, making steady headway in the development of magnetic and spintronics devices. The dynamics can be induced and detected electrically, offering new functionalities in advanced electronics at the nanoscale. However, its scattering mechanism is still disputed. Understanding the mechanism in thin films is especially important, because most spintronics devices are made from stacks of multilayers with nanometer thickness. The stacks are known to possess interfacial magnetic anisotropy, a central property for applications, whose influence on the dynamics remains unknown. Here, we investigate the impact of interfacial anisotropy by adopting CoFeB/MgO as a model system. Through systematic and complementary measurements of ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) on a series of thin films, we identify narrower FMR linewidths at higher temperatures. We explicitly rule out the temperature dependence of intrinsic damping as a possible cause, and it is also not expected from existing extrinsic scattering mechanisms for ferromagnets. We ascribe this observation to motional narrowing, an old concept so far neglected in the analyses of FMR spectra. The effect is confirmed to originate from interfacial anisotropy, impacting the practical technology of spin-based nanodevices up to room temperature.
照沼 章弘; 三村 竜二; 長島 久雄; 青柳 義孝; 廣川 勝規*; 打它 正人; 石森 有; 桑原 潤; 岡本 久人; 木村 泰久; et al.
JAEA-Review 2016-008, 98 Pages, 2016/07
郷 慎太郎*; 井手口 栄治*; 横山 輪*; 小林 幹*; 木佐森 慶一*; 高木 基伸*; 宮 裕之*; 大田 晋輔*; 道正 新一郎*; 下浦 享*; et al.
JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 6, p.030005_1 - 030005_4, 2015/06
The high-spin states in S were investigated at Tandem-ALTO facility in Institut de Physique Nuclaire d'Orsay The Mg(O, 21n)S fusion evaporation reaction was used to populate high-spin states in S. The germanium -ray detector array ORGAM was employed to measure rays from high-spin states and charged particles evaporated from the compound nuclei were detected by a segmented silicon detector, Si-Ball. A level scheme for S was deduced based on the gamma-gamma-coincidence analysis and -ray angular correlation analysis. The half-life of the transition in the superdeformed band was estimated by measuring the residual Doppler shift. The deduced half-life shows the large collectivity of the band.
初川 雄一; 橋本 和幸; 塚田 和明; 佐藤 哲也; 浅井 雅人; 豊嶋 厚史; 永井 泰樹; 谷森 達*; 園田 真也*; 株木 重人*; et al.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 303(2), p.1283 - 1285, 2015/02
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:16.55(Chemistry, Analytical)Tcは広く医療診断に用いられている放射性診断薬であり、数多くの標識化合物が開発されている。近年天体核物理分野で開発されてきたコンプトンカメラの医療用への応用研究が行われているが141keVの放出線を有するTcは線エネルギーが低くコンプトンカメラには不向きである。そこでより高エネルギー線を放出するテクネチウム同位体の開発が求められている。800keVの線を放出するTcはコンプトンカメラ用RIの候補の一つである。本研究ではタンデム加速器でTcを生成し、これを京都大学で開発されているコンプトンカメラでの撮像実験に供した。
若井 隆純; 町田 秀夫*; 吉田 伸司*; Xu, Y.*; 月森 和之
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 269, p.88 - 96, 2014/04
被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:65.21(Nuclear Science & Technology)This paper describes the Leak-Before-Break (LBB) assessment procedure applicable to Japan Sodium cooled Fast Reactor (JSFR) pipes made of modified 9Cr-1Mo steel. For the sodium pipes of JSFR, the continuous leak monitoring will be adopted as an alternative to a volumetric test of the weld joints under conditions that satisfy LBB. Firstly, a LBB assessment flowchart eliminating uncertainty resulted from small scale leakage, such as self plugging phenomenon and influence of crack surface roughness on leak rate, was proposed. Secondly, a rational unstable fracture assessment technique, taking the compliance changing with crack extension into account, was also proposed. Thirdly, a Crack Opening Displacement (COD) assessment technique was developed, because COD assessment method applicable to JSFR pipes - thin wall and small work hardening material - had not been proposed yet. In addition, fracture toughness tests were performed using compact tension (CT) specimens to obtain the fracture toughness, JIC, and the crack growth resistance (J-R) curve at elevated temperature. Finally, by using the flowchart, proposed techniques and collected data, LBB assessment for the primary sodium pipes of JSFR was conducted. As a result, LBB aspect was successfully demonstrated with sufficient margins.
高瀬 和之; 三澤 丈治; 吉田 啓之; 森 英夫*
Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactors (ISSCWR-6) (CD-ROM), 9 Pages, 2013/03
貝森 良彦; 坂本 侑輝*; 川村 翔栄*; 岸田 敬吾*; 菊地 正博; 中村 秀夫*; 小林 泰彦; 鵜飼 光子*
JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 79, 2013/01
三澤 丈治; 高瀬 和之; 森 英夫*
Proceedings of 8th Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-8) (USB Flash Drive), 6 Pages, 2012/12
Numerical analyses on the turbulent mixing effect caused by a difference of fluid temperatures in a two parallel circular channels were conducted for a specific geometry in which subchannels in a fuel bundle of SCWRs are simply simulated. As a result, the following conclusions were derived. (1) The periodic crossing flow due to the drastic variance of the thermo-fluid properties under the supercritical pressure condition can be calculated by the present analysis method. (2) The influence of difference of the width and horizontal length of the rectangular channel between two simulated subchannels upon the time-averaged and instantaneous crossing flow can be evaluated, and(3) The high prospect was acquired regarding the possibility of the numerical prediction of the crossing flow rate in the subchannels of SCWRs.
岸田 敬吾*; 貝森 良彦*; 川村 翔栄*; 坂本 侑輝*; 中村 秀夫*; 菊地 正博; 下山 雄平; 小林 泰彦; 鵜飼 光子*
食品照射, 47(1), p.1 - 5, 2012/09
若井 隆純; 町田 秀夫*; 吉田 伸司*; Xu, Y.*; 月森 和之
Transactions of the 21st International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT-21) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2011/11
This paper describes LBB assessment procedure applicable to JSFR pipes made of modified 9Cr-1Mo steel. Firstly, a LBB assessment flowchart was proposed. Secondly, a rational unstable fracture assessment technique, taking the compliance changing with crack extension into account, was also proposed. Thirdly, a COD assessment technique was developed, because COD assessment method applicable to JSFR pipes - thin wall and small work hardening material - had not been proposed yet. In addition, fracture toughness tests were performed using CT specimens to obtain the fracture toughness and the crack growth resistance curve at elevated temperature. Finally, by using the flowchart, proposed techniques and collected data, LBB assessment for the primary sodium pipes of JSFR was conducted. As a result, LBB aspect was successfully demonstrated with sufficient margins.
石井 康雄; 豊嶋 厚史; 塚田 和明; 浅井 雅人; Li, Z.*; 永目 諭一郎; 宮下 直*; 森 友隆*; 菅沼 英夫*; 羽場 宏光*; et al.
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 84(9), p.903 - 911, 2011/09
被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:49.96(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)本研究では、HF/HNO水溶液中における104番元素ラザホージウム(Rf)の陽イオン交換挙動を4族同族元素Zr, Hf並びに擬同族元素Thとともに調べた。その結果、HF/0.10M HNO水溶液中におけるRfの分配係数()はフッ化物イオン濃度([F])の増加に対して減少することがわかった。これはRfフッ化物錯体の逐次錯形成を示している。また、Rfと同族元素の値の変化を水素イオン濃度([H])の関数として調べた。log値はlog[H]に対して直線的に減少し、その傾きは-2.1から-2.5の間であった。この結果はこれらの元素が同じ錯イオン、おそらく[MF]と[MF]の混合物として溶液中に存在することを示している。またそのフッ化物錯体形成の強さはZrHfRfThの順であった。
貝森 良彦; 坂本 侑輝*; 菊地 正博; 亀谷 宏美*; 中村 秀夫*; 下山 雄平; 小林 泰彦; 鵜飼 光子*
食品照射, 46(1), p.13 - 18, 2011/09
In order to determine radical decay behaviors of -irradiated food, we analyzed radicals in the food using ESR. We detected the ESR signal of specimens just several minutes after irradiation. The singlet signal intensity at = 2.0, originated from organic free radicals was increased as followed by the increasing radiation dose. Singlet signal intensity that increased by -irradiation was decreased with time. The phenomena of decay of the ESR singlet signal showed two phase that are rapid decay and slow decay. It was suggested that those two phase decay is due to at least the two radical species. Also we concluded that after three hours of radiation treatment long life radical as ESR signal intensity was detected in irradiated specimens; black pepper, green coffee bean and ginseng, showed the same decay phenomena. But the signal intensity of irradiated black pepper was three times larger than that of irradiated green coffee bean and irradiated ginseng.
若井 隆純; 町田 秀夫*; 吉田 伸司*; 時吉 巧*; 菊地 浩一*; Xu, Y.*; 月森 和之
Proceedings of 2011 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2011) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2011/07
若井 隆純; 町田 秀夫*; 吉田 伸司*; 川島 芙美子*; 菊地 浩一*; Xu, Y.*; 月森 和之
Proceedings of 2011 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2011) (CD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2011/07
中塚 亨; 森 英夫*; 秋葉 美幸*; 江里 幸一郎; 安岡 誠*
Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactors (ISSCWR-5) (CD-ROM), 12 Pages, 2011/03
日本型超臨界圧水冷却炉(JSCWR)プロジェクトの伝熱流動分野における主要な目的は、炉心・燃料設計において燃料被覆管温度及び圧力損失の評価に必要な相関式を提供することである。本プロジェクトは、Phase Iとして平成20年から3年間の計画で開始された。伝熱流動分野には、東芝,九州大学,原子力機構が参加し、JSCWR開発に向けた研究を行い、次の成果を得た。(1)文献調査と過去の研究結果からデータベースを構築した。(2)円管に適用する最も適切な式をデータベースに基づき選定した。(3)LESを使って燃料集合体内で想定される伝熱劣化現象を高い精度で予測できることを明らかにした。
匂坂 明人; Pirozhkov, A. S.; 森 道昭; 余語 覚文; 小倉 浩一; 織茂 聡; 西内 満美子; Ma, J.*; 桐山 博光; 金沢 修平; et al.
NIFS-PROC-85, p.30 - 33, 2011/02
匂坂 明人; Pirozhkov, A. S.; 森 道昭; 余語 覚文; 小倉 浩一; 織茂 聡; 西内 満美子; Ma, J.*; 桐山 博光; 金沢 修平; et al.
レーザー研究, 38(9), p.702 - 705, 2010/09
余語 覚文; 桐山 博光; 森 道昭; Esirkepov, T. Z.; 小倉 浩一; 匂坂 明人; 織茂 聡; 西内 満美子; Pirozhkov, A. S.; 長友 英夫*; et al.
European Physical Journal D, 55(2), p.421 - 425, 2009/11
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:19.96(Optics)高強度レーザー光に先んじてターゲットに入射する自然増幅光(amplified spontaneous emission: ASE)を利用して、固体ターゲットを近臨界密度プラズマに変換し、そこからのレーザーイオン加速を実証した。本発表では、ASE強度を3桁変化させることで、ターゲットの密度がレーザーイオン加速に与える効果を直接的に比較した。その結果、ターゲット密度を変化させることで、レーザー加速された陽子線のビーム方向を制御できることが明らかになった。
匂坂 明人; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Ma, J.-L.; 森 道昭; 余語 覚文; 小倉 浩一; 織茂 聡; 西内 満美子; 桐山 博光; 金沢 修平; et al.
Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES, Vol.8, p.464 - 467, 2009/09