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JAEA Reports

Development of dismantling technology for nuclear fuel facility; Discussion of dismantling method for Old Waste Treatment Facility for JOYO

Morita, Kenji; Morimoto, Makoto; Hisada, Masaki; Fukui, Yasutaka

JAEA-Technology 2015-038, 30 Pages, 2016/02


The Old Waste Treatment Facility for JOYO (Old JWTF) has been operated to treat radioactive liquid waste from the experimental fast reactor JOYO and post irradiation examination facilities. Operation of Old JWTF stopped in 1995, and dismantling & decontamination method has discussed. As a response to discussion results of remote and dismantling method in high dose environment on 2013, its concept examination was discussed on 2014. Results are follows. As a cutting tool for Old JWTF equipment, wire saw is selected from cutting ability (speed and thickness of objects). Discussed the component technology of wire saw remote operation system (handling, monitoring, collection method of secondary waste, else).

JAEA Reports

Deuterium Critical Assembly (DCA) Decommissioning work in 2013

Morita, Kenji; Morimoto, Makoto; Hisada, Masaki; Fukui, Yasutaka

JAEA-Technology 2015-037, 28 Pages, 2016/01


Deuterium Critical Assembly (DCA) achieved first critically in 1969 and used for research and development program of Advanced Thermal Reactor. To achieved the aim of facility, DCA decommissioning work started in 2002. Decommissioning schedule consists of 4 stages. The third stage, which is the main work (To dismantle and remove reactor vessel and main equipment), was started in 2008 and will be finished at 2023. This report describes DCA decommissioning work and data (Ability of cutting tools and Man-hours) in 2013.

Journal Articles

Thermal desorption behavior of deuterium implanted into polycrystalline diamond

Kimura, Hiromi*; Sasaki, Masayoshi*; Morimoto, Yasutomi*; Takeda, Tsuyoshi*; Kodama, Hiroshi*; Yoshikawa, Akira*; Oyaizu, Makoto*; Takahashi, Koji; Sakamoto, Keishi; Imai, Tsuyoshi; et al.

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 337-339, p.614 - 618, 2005/03

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:48.41(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Experimental Fast Reactor JOYO MK-III Functional Test; Secondary Cooling System Main Pumps Test

Terakado, Tsuguo; Morimoto, Makoto; Izawa, Osamu; Ishida, Koichi; Hoshino, Katsuaki; Suzuki, Shinya; Ito, Hideaki; Aoki, Hiroshi; Odo, Toshihiro

JNC TN9430 2004-003, 87 Pages, 2004/03


This paper describes the results of Secondary Cooling System main pumps test ,which were done as a part of JOYO MK-3 function test. The function tests were cexcuted to get the operating characteristics of secondary cooling system, after the Intermediate Heat Exchangers, Dump Heat Exchangers, secondary main pump motors, pump speed control board and rheostat were replaced in the MK-3 conversion. These tests are composed of six items. These tests purpose are confirmed in the function of the Main pumps, sodium purification system and argon cover gas pressure control system in Secondary Cooling System. (1) SKS-205-1: flow control test, (2) SKS-205-2: flow coast down characteristics test, (3) SKS-205-3: running operation test, (4) SKS-205-4: pump vibration measurement test, (5) SKS-212: secondary sodium purification system electromagnetic-pump flow control test, (6) SKS-213: argon cover gas pressure in secondary cooling system pressure control test function tests are satisfied the design criteria. We have confirmed the system performance of the main pump, secondary sodium purification system and argon cover gas pressure control system in the Secondary Cooling System after the MK-3 conversion.

JAEA Reports

Experimental Fast Reactor JOYO Report of MK-III Function tests Measurement Tests of Sodium Purity

Morimoto, Makoto; Suto, Masayoshi; Ito, Yoshio; Ito, Hideaki; Aoki, Hiroshi; Odo, Toshihiro

JNC TN9430 2004-002, 60 Pages, 2004/03


This paper describes the result of the sodium purity measurement test on MK-III function tests. This test meant cold traps caught impurity which was carried into the primary and the secondary cooling system by MK-III modification work of the heat transport system, and the amount of impurity was evaluated by plugging temperature before and after the primary and secondary purification operation. Then the following two tests were practiced. Test number and name was shown. (1)SKS-122 Measurement test of purity on primary sodium purification system (2)SKS-211 Measurement test of purity on secondary sodium purification system As the cold traps could catch impurity which made with MK-III modificatlon work, impurity concentrations of sodium in the both of systems were generally within the reference limits of JOY0, while the function tests took in practice for Mk-III. As a result, the amount of impurity Oxygen caught by cold traps calculated approximately 400g in the primary sodium cooling system and approximately 1100g in the secondary one.

Journal Articles

Analyses of hydrogen isotope distributions in the outer target tile used in the W-shaped divertor of JT-60U

Oya, Yasuhisa*; Morimoto, Yasutomi*; Oyaizu, Makoto*; Hirohata, Yuko*; Yagyu, Junichi; Miyo, Yasuhiko; Goto, Yoshitaka*; Sugiyama, Kazuyoshi*; Okuno, Kenji*; Miya, Naoyuki; et al.

Physica Scripta, T108, p.57 - 62, 2004/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Direct observation of beam bunching in BWO experiments

Morimoto, Iwao; Zheng, X. D.*; Maebara, Sunao; Kishiro, Junichi*; Takayama, Ken*; Horioka, Kazuhiko*; Ishizuka, Hiroshi*; Kawasaki, Sunao*; Shiho, Makoto

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 475(1-3), p.509 - 513, 2001/12

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Application study of a high-power millimeter wave; Study of millimeter-wave oscillation by employing an electron beam of kA-class

Maebara, Sunao; Morimoto, Iwao*; Zheng, X.*; Watanabe, Akihiko*; Yamamoto, Masanori*; Sakamoto, Keishi; Shiho, Makoto

Shingaku Giho, 101(415), p.61 - 66, 2001/11

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

RF properties of 9.46GHz FEL using an oversized waveguide

Maebara, Sunao; Morimoto, Iwao*; Shiho, Makoto

Shingaku Giho, 100(405), p.61 - 64, 2000/11

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Evaluation of ferromagnetic materials for induction linacs

Hashimoto, Dai; Morimoto, Iwao; Zheng, X.; Maebara, Sunao; Nakajima, Mitsuo*; Horioka, Kazuhiko*; Kono, Toshiyuki*; Shiho, Makoto

JAERI-Research 2000-018, p.66 - 0, 2000/03


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Beam transport study of kA-class on the induction linac

Morimoto, Iwao; Kishiro, Junichi*; Takayama, Ken*; Zheng, X.; Maebara, Sunao; Shiho, Makoto

JAERI-Research 2000-008, p.59 - 0, 2000/02


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

200MW reletivistic backward-wave oscillator

Shiho, Makoto; Zheng, X.*; Morimoto, Iwao*; Maebara, Sunao; Minami, Kazuo*; Kishiro, Junichi*; Kawasaki, Sunao*

Proceedings of 13th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams (BEAMS 2000) (CD-ROM), 4 Pages, 2000/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Beam transport experiment in JLA induction linac for a mm-meter wave FEL

Maebara, Sunao; Morimoto, Iwao*; Zheng, X.*; Kishiro, Junichi*; Takayama, Ken*; Horioka, Kazuhiko*; Kawasaki, Sunao*; Ishizuka, Hiroshi*; Shiho, Makoto

Proceedings of 13th International Conference on High-Power Particle Beams (BEAMS 2000) (CD-ROM), 4 Pages, 2000/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Design of 9.4GHz focusing wiggler

Maebara, Sunao; Morimoto, Iwao*; Zheng, X.; Kishiro, Junichi*; Takayama, Ken*; Kawasaki, Sunao*; Shiho, Makoto

Shingaku Giho, 99(498), p.63 - 66, 1999/12

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports


; ; Morimoto, Makoto; ; ; Onuki, Osamu;

PNC TN9440 96-007, 39 Pages, 1996/03



JAEA Reports

Experimental fast reactor "JOYO" operational experience; Summary of register on machinery and tools in '92 '93 and '94

; ; ; ; Yasu, Tetsunori; Morimoto, Makoto;

PNC TN9410 95-243, 48 Pages, 1995/09


The Register on Machinery and Tools is used for recording, summarizing, and accumulating the career of operation and maintenance, the operation experiences, and the results of research and development. It has been provided in order to secure equipment maintenance, safety control, and stable plant operation. Arrange and improvement of the Register on Machinery and tools is indispensable for preparing the technical reports (ex. "JOYO" Operation and Maintenance Experience Compile (JOMEC)), and for Job transfer from the person who was in charged of the system. This report summarizes the register from 1992 to 1994, related to the primary sodium purification system, the primary sodium sampling system, the gas chromatography monitor of primary cover gas, the primary argon gas sampling system, the sodium fill and drain system, the primary argon gas system, and the compressed air supply system. The conspicuous contents are as follows; (1)The electromagnetic pump (EMP) in the primary sodium purification system has been impossible to be started several times, because the purification line was blockaded. The EMP was coming back into operation successfully by changing over of the lines, etc. The blockade line was melted by temperature increasing of the flowing sodium at restored EMP. (2)The outlet valve of the primary sodium sampling system did not operate because of broken stem pin. It was repaired. (3)There were movement inferiority of the fore side valve of the dehumidified tower in the compressed air supply system, and damage of control air piping, etc. We successfully kept continuous operation by replacing the damage parts. After that, the fore side valve control unit was renewed in order to cope with superannuating of dehumidified control system. (4)The other systems had been favorably operated without particular trouble.

Journal Articles

JOYO Operation Support System "JOYCAT" Based on Intelligent Alarm Handling

Tamaoki, Tetsuo*; Yamamoto, Hiroki*; Sato, Masuo*; Yoshida, Megumi*; Kaneko, Tomoko*; Terunuma, Seiichi; Takatsuto, Hiroshi; Morimoto, Makoto

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 34(7), p.665 - 677, 1992/00

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)


JAEA Reports

Operational test (II) of falled fuel detection and location system (FFDL) of Joyo

Morimoto, Makoto; Okubo, Toshiyuki; ; ; ; ;

PNC TN9410 91-334, 64 Pages, 1991/10


An failed fuel detection and location system (FFDL) using a sipping method is adopted as the FFDL of Joyo. FFDL has not operated since the first falled fuel simulated (FFDL-I) test in April, 1985 because Joyo has not yet experienced any operation with breached fuels. Therefore, the operational test (II) of FFDL was carried out on July 12$$sim$$19, 1991 for a preparation of the FFDL-II test which is scheduled in 1992. Main results from the test are as follows ; (1)The adequacy of the functions and operating procedure of FFDL was reaffirmed and the operating experience was gained. (2)Radioactivity measurement was conducted by FFDL for six subassemblies and their integrity was confirmed.

JAEA Reports


; ; Morimoto, Makoto*; ; ; ;

PNC TN9450 89-001, 163 Pages, 1989/04



JAEA Reports


; ; ; ; ; Morimoto, Makoto*;

PNC TN9410 89-184, 18 Pages, 1989/03



31 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)