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Journal Articles

Practical measurement of residual stresses using contour method

Ikushima, Kazuki*; Shibahara, Masakazu*; Kawajiri, Yoshitaka*; Okimi, Yui*; Uchida, Tomoki*; Akita, Koichi*; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Morooka, Satoshi

Nihon Senpaku Kaiyo Kogakkai Rombunshu, (30), p.123 - 130, 2019/12

In this research, the contour method was applied to measure the residual stress distribution of a bead-on-plate specimen. The measured residual stress distribution was compared with those measured by neutron diffraction method and calculated by thermal elastic plastic finite element analysis. As a result, it was found that the residual stress distribution obtained by these three methods are in good agreement. In addition, the equilibrium of reaction force on cut plane was considered in the contour method to measure residual stresses in asymmetric cutting which is assumed in the measurement of real structures. The proposed method was applied to the measurement of the residual stress in the multi-pass welded joint. The measured results indicated that the proposed method can measure the residual stress distribution in multi-pass welded joint in asymmetric test specimen.

Journal Articles

Prediction method of improved residual stress distribution by shot peening using large scale analysis method

Ikushima, Kazuki*; Shibahara, Masakazu*; Nishikawa, Satoru*; Furukawa, Takashi*; Akita, Koichi; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Morooka, Satoshi

E-Journal of Advanced Maintenance (Internet), 9(3), p.NT87_1 - NT87_5, 2017/11

Journal Articles

Study on shot peened residual stress distribution under cyclic loading by numerical analysis

Ikushima, Kazuki*; Kitani, Yuji*; Shibahara, Masakazu*; Nishikawa, Satoru*; Furukawa, Takashi*; Akita, Koichi; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Morooka, Satoshi

Yosetsu Gakkai Rombunshu (Internet), 35(2), p.75s - 79s, 2017/06

Journal Articles

Numerical analysis of residual stress distribution on peening process

Ikushima, Kazuki*; Shibahara, Masakazu*; Akita, Koichi; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Morooka, Satoshi; Nishikawa, Satoru*; Furukawa, Takashi*

Welding in the World, 61(3), p.517 - 527, 2017/05

In this study, first, an analysis method to predict the behaviour of residual stress distribution on shot peening process was proposed. In the proposed method, the load distribution on the collision of shots was modelled, and it was integrated with the dynamic analysis method based on the idealized explicit FEM (IEFEM). The accuracy of the proposed analysis system was confirmed by comparing the stress distribution on the collision of a single shot with the results analyzed by ABAQUS. The thermal elastic plastic analysis method using IEFEM was applied to the analysis of residual stress distribution of multi-pass welded pipe joint. The calculated residual stress distribution was compared with the measured residual stress distribution using X-ray diffraction (XRD). As a result, it was shown that the both welding residual distribution agree well with each other. Considering the calculated welding residual stress distribution, the modification of stress distribution due to shot peening was predicted by the proposed analysis system. As a result, the similar stress distribution with measurement by XRD was obtained in case that a large number of collisions are considered.

Journal Articles

Experimental determination of distribution behavior of radionuclides in the presence of colloidal substance

Kuno, Yoshio; Morooka, Koichi*; Sasamoto, Hiroshi; Yui, Mikazu

Genshiryoku Bakkuendo Kenkyu, 15(2), p.117 - 129, 2009/03

In the performance assessment of the geological disposal of radioactive wastes, the retardation of radionuclide migration is generally evaluated by using sorption distribution coefficient (Kd). The Kd values would, however, be influenced by the presence of colloidal substance in aqueous phase because these colloids may have the potential abilities to sorb the radionuclides. In this study, Cs-137, bentonite colloids and quartz sands were used for the batch-type sorption tests in order to investigate the influence of colloids on the sorption behavior of radionuclides. The Kds of Cs-137 onto quartz sands (Kd$$_{1}$$) and bentonite colloids (Kd$$_{2}$$) were determined from the distributed amounts in solid phase, colloidal phase and aqueous phase, which were distinguished by the pore size of filters used for the separation of experimental solutions. Distribution behavior of radionuclides in the coexistence of quartz sands and bentonite colloids was able to be evaluated from the Kd$$_{1}$$ and Kd$$_{2}$$ those were obtained from other sorption tests carried out in the separate presence of sands and colloids. To select a suitable filtration method for the separation of the colloidal solutions enables to estimate the influence of colloids on the sorption behavior of radionuclides to solid phase.

JAEA Reports

Measurements of Distribution Coefficient for Sm on Tuff and Granodiorite in Synthesized Sea Water and Distilled Water

Morooka, Koichi*; Nakazawa, Toshiyuki*; Yoshihiko, Saito,; Suyama, Tadahiro*; Shibata, Masahiro; Sasamoto, Hiroshi

JNC TN8400 2005-015, 63 Pages, 2005/08


Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) has developed a sorption database for bentonite and rocks in order to assess the retardation property of important radioactive elements in natural and engineered barriers in the H12 report. However, there are not enough distribution coefficient data for some radioactive elements in the database. Thus the batch sorption tests for tuff and granodiorite were performed for Samarium (Sm) in synthesized sea water and distilled water under reducing conditions. For Samarium, there are little registration numbers of JNC database and it is important element for performance assessment of HLW disposal system. The results of the experiments are summarized below;(1)Kd for tuff were approximately 0.6 m$$^{3}$$/kg in rock - distilled water leachate (Eh=-320 - -270mV) adjusted to pH 7 after 10000 MWCO filtration.(2)Kd for tuff were approximately 0.4 m$$^{3}$$/kg in rock - synthesized sea water leachate (Eh=-304 - -265mV) adjusted to pH 7 after 10000 MWCO filtration.(3)Kd for granodiorite at 1 week were approximately 3.9 m$$^{3}$$/kg in rock - distilled water leachate (Eh=-279 - -242mV) adjusted to pH 9 after 10000 MWCO filtration. Kd had a tendency to rise with time in the period of 1 week through 4 week.(4)Kd for granodiorite at 1 week were approximately 0.3 m$$^{3}$$/kg in rock - synthesized sea water leachate (Eh=-237 - -206mV) adjusted to pH 9 after 10000 MWCO filtration. Kd had a tendency to rise with time in the period of 1 week through 4 week.

JAEA Reports

Studies on Data Base Management for Nuclide Migration and Improvement of Individual Models (II) (Summary)

Tsujimoto, Keiichi*; Miura, Fusae*; Morooka, Koichi*; Ueta, Shinzo*

JNC TJ8400 2004-021, 75 Pages, 2005/02


Methods of management of database which was based on understanding of phenomena, reliable, and closely related with performance assessment were studied on parallel with researches for individual model improvement by means of literature survey, column experiment, and analysis code development.For future management of JNC-TDB was discussed with the latest literatures. Collaboration with outer organization was considered necessary especially on authorization of the TDB. One of the outer organizations could be found in geo-thermal research field.For future management of JNC-SDB, sorption ithotherm of Np on bentonite was tested, and the consistency of the data in SDB was found. A semi-quantitative evaluation method of the reliability of the data was developed and tested with the sorption of Pu and Ni on bentonite. The result shows moderateness of the method and some literature data was considered unreliable by the evaluation.From the literature survey of ir/reversibility of nuclide sorption on colloid showed that apparent irreversibility may often be caused by slow kinetics. Additionally, some general recommendation on the system to be studied was discussed.The column experiment of Sr migration facilitated by colloid through porous media was carried out and analysed by COLFRAC-MRL code. The code was developed to simulate the colloid facilitated migration through porous media.

JAEA Reports

Studies on Data Base Management for Nuclide Migration and Improvement of Individual Models (II)

Tsujimoto, Keiichi*; Miura, Fusae*; Morooka, Koichi*; Ueta, Shinzo*

JNC TJ8400 2004-020, 294 Pages, 2005/02


Methods of management of database which was based on understanding of phenomena, reliable, and closely related with performance assessment were studied on parallel with researches for individual model improvement by means of column experiment, and analysis code development for colloids.For nuclide transport database, the basic data development method was examined in order to improve the credibility of the data stored in the database.For the analysis and code development for colloid transport, user interface of the colloid transport analysis code, COLFRAC-MRL code, that was developed in the last year, was developed. The dose analysis based on the nuclide transport analysis with considering colloids are executed by using COLFRAC-MRL code. The effect of chemical equilibrium and kinetics model for nuclide sorption on colloids are evaluated in the analysis.The standard measurement method was examined and data was obtained by the experiments for distribution coefficient of nuclide and colloids, which is the important parameter for safety performance assessment of high-level radioactive waste.

JAEA Reports

Transport Behavior of Colloids through Compacted Bentonite -Study with 3wt%Nacl Solution and Ca-Type Bentonite-

Kurosawa, Susumi; Kuno, Yoshio*; Morooka, Koichi; Ueta, Shinzo*

JNC TN8430 2003-006, 39 Pages, 2003/03


The transport behavior of colloids through the compacted sand-bentonite mixture was investigated by the column experiments. Colloidal gold was used to simulate the mobile colloids because gold colloid was stabilized easily. The sand-bentonite mixtures were prepared by mixing 30wt.% silica sand with the bentonite (Na-type and Ca-type) and were compacted at the dry density of 1.6g/cm$$^{3}$$. The colloidal particles in the 3.5% NaCl solution migrated through the compacted sand- Na bentonite mixture at 8kgf/cm$$^{2}$$ of injection pressure. However colloidal migration was not observed after injection pressure of the colloidal solution was lowered below the swelling pressure. And the selective flow path of colloids in the compacted sand-bentonite mixture was observed after the experiment. On the other hand, colloids in the pure water were filtered by the compacted sand- Ca bentonite mixture.

JAEA Reports

Macroscopically and microscopically research about structure of faults at a repository scale

; ; Morooka, Koichi*

JNC TJ8400 2000-043, 170 Pages, 2000/03


This study is an object to collect and arrange data about the mass transfer path during a natural barrier system by grasping actual rock feature, in order to be useful for a performance assessment of a natural barrier system at geological disposal of HLW. An existence of permeability high large-scale faults extends a large influence over a performance assessment of geological disposal. With "The Second Progress Report on Research and Development for the Geological Disposal of HLW in Japan" which Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) issued, it is as" A repository would be located at least 100 meters away from major faults and major fracture zones which could adversely affect the stability and performance of the repository" as a Reference Case concept model of a natural barrier system, Then, they are as "in the Reference Case, the transport path consists of the host rock and the downstream fault". It will not be easy to know the distribution of faults in the subsurface deep division without data acquired from many boreholes and underground laboratory. With this study, specific data on the large-scale faults and fracture zones has been collected and arranged by investigating in underground galleries and on the literatures of a post-operated mine site. Based on this result, a consideration on the principal transfer pass at a natural barrier system has been conducted. The contents conducted in this report is the follows. (1)investigation of literature about data of fracture, shear zone, and geology, (2)field investigation of fracture and shear zone in the rock, (3)arrangement of these results, (4)modeling of the major water conductive feature, and (5)evaluation of an assumption which has been introduced in the Second Progress Report issued by JNC.

JAEA Reports


; ; ; ; Morooka, Koichi*;

JNC TJ1400 99-025, 483 Pages, 1999/02


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports


; Morooka, Koichi*; ; ; ;

PNC TJ1211 98-003, 579 Pages, 1998/02



JAEA Reports


; Morooka, Koichi*; ; ; ;

PNC TJ1211 97-002, 774 Pages, 1997/03



JAEA Reports


Saito, Shigeyuki*; Morooka, Koichi*; ; ; ;

PNC TJ1211 96-001, 456 Pages, 1996/03



JAEA Reports


; Morooka, Koichi*; ;

PNC TJ1211 95-002, 440 Pages, 1995/03



JAEA Reports


; Morooka, Koichi*; ;

PNC TJ1211 95-001, 75 Pages, 1995/03



Oral presentation

Numerical analysis of stress-relaxation behavior during shot-peening

Yamada, Yusuke*; Kitani, Yuji*; Ikushima, Kazuki*; Shibahara, Masakazu*; Nishikawa, Satoru*; Furukawa, Takashi*; Akita, Koichi; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Morooka, Satoshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Investigation on the behavior of residual stress in dissimilar multipass welded pipe joint under axial compression

Kitani, Yuji*; Shibahara, Masakazu*; Ikushima, Kazuki*; Nishikawa, Satoru*; Furukawa, Takashi*; Akita, Koichi; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Morooka, Satoshi; Kawasaki, Takuro; Aizawa, Kazuya; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Evaluation of the sustainability of compressive residual stress by introduced a stress improvement method, 1; Development of analysis method of the shot peening using idealized explicit FEM

Yamada, Yusuke*; Shibahara, Masakazu*; Ikushima, Kazuki*; Kitani, Yuji*; Nishikawa, Satoru*; Furukawa, Takashi*; Akita, Koichi; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Morooka, Satoshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Evaluation of the sustainability of compressive residual stress by introduced a stress improvement method, 2; Residual stress change of welded joint with shot peening by thermal cycle and stress loading

Nishikawa, Satoru*; Furukawa, Takashi*; Akita, Koichi; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Morooka, Satoshi; Harjo, S.; Shibahara, Masakazu*; Ikushima, Kazuki*; Kitani, Yuji*; Yamada, Yusuke*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

27 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)