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Journal Articles

Current status of experimental research that contributes to ensuring the quality of post-installed anchors using neutron beams

Mukai, Tomohisa*; Shobu, Takahisa

Kenchiku Bosai, (553), p.6 - 10, 2024/02

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Accuracy of measuring rebar strain in concrete using a diffractometer for residual stress analysis

Yasue, Ayumu*; Kawakami, Mayu*; Kobayashi, Kensuke*; Kim, J.*; Miyazu, Yuji*; Nishio, Yuhei*; Mukai, Tomohisa*; Morooka, Satoshi; Kanematsu, Manabu*

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 7(2), p.15_1 - 15_14, 2023/05

Journal Articles

Innovative measurement technique and evaluation method for unfilled portion in adhesive post-installed anchor

Ito, Michitane*; Mukai, Tomohisa*; Suzuki, Hiroshi; Nanbu, Yoshihito*; Suzuki, Junichi*; Matsuzawa, Koichi*; Kinugasa, Hideyuki*

Nihon Kenchiku Gakkai Gijutsu Hokokushu, 27(65), p.99 - 103, 2021/02

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Novel bond stress evaluation technique using neutron diffraction

Suzuki, Hiroshi; Kusunoki, Koichi*; Kanematsu, Manabu*; Mukai, Tomohisa*

Konkurito Kozobutsu No Hihakai Kensa Shimpojiumu Hobunshu, 6, p.343 - 348, 2018/08

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Non-destructive bond stress evaluation of bending and shear deformed reinforced concrete structure using neutron diffraction

Suzuki, Hiroshi; Kusunoki, Koichi*; Satake, Kosuke*; Kanematsu, Manabu*; Koyama, Taku*; Niwa, Akinobu*; Kabayama, Kenji*; Mukai, Tomohisa*; Kawasaki, Takuro; Harjo, S.

Hihakai Kensa, 67(4), p.180 - 186, 2018/04

The bond behavior between rebar and concrete under bending moment was investigated by measuring the stress distribution in the two-dimensionally distributed rebars embedded in the reinforced concrete (RC) beam using neutron diffraction. The stress distributions in both of the main rebar and the transverse stirrups embedded in concrete were successfully measured at the fixed measurement configuration without any sample rotations, by suggesting a simple measurement technique on the premise that the transverse restriction from the surrounding concrete to the main rebar is negligible. The bending and shear fracture behavior of the RC beam specimen was predicted by comparing changes in the stress distribution in the rebars measured by neutron diffraction with respect to the applied stress, with the macroscopic deformation measured by strain gauges fixed on the concrete surface. In this study, it was found that the neutron diffraction technique can be a useful technique to evaluate not only the anchorage performance but also the bending behavior of the RC beam.

Journal Articles

Nondestructive measurement of bond stress distribution of reinforced concrete using neutron diffraction

Suzuki, Hiroshi; Kusunoki, Koichi*; Kanematsu, Manabu*; Mukai, Tomohisa*

Konkurito Kozobutsu No Hoshu, Hokyo, Appuguredo Rombun Hokokushu, 17, p.179 - 184, 2017/10

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Structural engineering studies on reinforced concrete structure using neutron diffraction

Suzuki, Hiroshi; Kusunoki, Koichi*; Kanematsu, Manabu*; Mukai, Tomohisa*; Harjo, S.

Materials Research Proceedings, Vol.2, p.25 - 30, 2017/00

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:68.15(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)

It has been demonstrated in our past studies that neutron diffraction can be an alternative method to conventional strain gauge for measuring the stress distribution along rebar embedded in concrete. The current study investigated the possibility of the bond stress evaluation using neutron diffraction in order to find further capability of neutron diffraction for the structural engineering study on the reinforced concrete structure. Several peaks appeared in the bond stress distribution measured by neutron diffraction, showing the inhomogeneous bond variation along the embedded rebar. This result suggests that the neutron diffraction technique with high spacial resolution makes it possible to catch local bond resistance caused by the transverse ribs. The bond stress distribution measured by the neutron diffraction technique is expected to bring detailed understanding of the bond mechanism between rebar and concrete for the reinforced concrete structure.

Journal Articles

Measuring strain and stress distributions along rebar embedded in concrete using time-of-flight neutron diffraction

Suzuki, Hiroshi; Kusunoki, Koichi*; Hatanaka, Yuichi*; Mukai, Tomohisa*; Tasai, Akira*; Kanematsu, Manabu*; Kabayama, Kenji*; Harjo, S.

Measurement Science and Technology, 25(2), p.025602_1 - 025602_8, 2014/02

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:57.10(Engineering, Multidisciplinary)

In the modern society, architectural and civil engineering structures such as reinforced concrete buildings require high seismic performance to minimize the "megarisk" exposed from urban earthquake hazards. In the reinforced concrete structures, the bond resistance between rebar and concrete is one important parameter for discussing its performance and it has been typically evaluated by measuring the strain distribution along the embedded rebar. Here we present an in-situ strain and stress measurements for the rebar in the reinforced concrete using time-of-flight neutron diffraction as a novel alternative technique to typical strain gauges. It was demonstrated in this study that the three-dimensional deformation behavior of the embedded rebar in normal-strength concrete, cured in air, can be accurately measured under pull-out loading using time-of-flight neutron diffraction.

Oral presentation

Evaluation of long-term adhesion characteristics in post-installed anchor using neutron

Shobu, Takahisa; Mukai, Tomohisa*; Choe, H.*; Takano, Yoshiki*; Sakashita, Masanobu*; Nakamura, Akihiro*; Morooka, Satoshi; Kurita, Keisuke; Harayama, Isao; Iikura, Hiroshi

no journal, , 

Post-installed anchors are a common technology used in seismic retrofitting work, and it is expected that their range of application will expand to include renovation work such as expansions and reconstructions. In this study, neutrons, which have an extremely high penetrating power for materials, were used to evaluate the long-term adhesion characteristics of post-installed anchors from the results of measuring the strain distribution of rebar under load, etc.

Oral presentation

Fundamental study on bond stress distribution of post-installed adhesive anchor using neutron diffraction

Tsuchiya, Naoko*; Mukai, Tomohisa*; Kusunoki, Koichi*; Kanematsu, Manabu*; Kabayama, Kenji*; Suzuki, Hiroshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Recent progress on structural engineering studies of reinforced concrete using neutron diffraction

Suzuki, Hiroshi; Kusunoki, Koichi*; Kanematsu, Manabu*; Mukai, Tomohisa*

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Bending bond stress evaluation of RC member using TOF neutron diffraction

Satake, Kosuke*; Kusunoki, Koichi*; Mukai, Tomohisa*; Kanematsu, Manabu*; Koyama, Taku*; Suzuki, Hiroshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Experimental study for flexural bonding on reinforced concrete structure using neutron diffraction, 1; Application of neutron stress measurement

Suzuki, Hiroshi; Satake, Kosuke*; Kusunoki, Koichi*; Kanematsu, Manabu*; Mukai, Tomohisa*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Structural engineering study on long-term durability of reinforced concrete structure

Suzuki, Hiroshi; Mukai, Tomohisa*; Kanematsu, Manabu*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Study for long-term adhesion characteristics evaluation of post-installed anchor

Shobu, Takahisa; Mukai, Tomohisa*; Ariki, Katsuyoshi*; Choe, H.*; Takano, Yoshiki*; Morooka, Satoshi; Kurita, Keisuke; Iikura, Hiroshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Study for evaluation of long-term adhesion characteristics of post-installed anchors using synchrotron radiation and neutrons

Shobu, Takahisa; Tominaga, Aki; Mukai, Tomohisa*; Ariki, Katsuyoshi*; Choe, H.*; Takano, Yoshiki*; Morooka, Satoshi; Kurita, Keisuke; Iikura, Hiroshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Fundamental study on measurement accuracy of strain distribution in adhesive post-installed anchor using neutron diffraction method

Choe, H.*; Mukai, Tomohisa*; Shobu, Takahisa; Ariki, Katsuyoshi*; Kinugasa, Hideyuki*; Takano, Yoshiki*; Sakashita, Masanobu*; Nakamura, Akihiro*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Bond stress evaluation of reinforced concrete using neutron diffraction

Suzuki, Hiroshi; Kanematsu, Manabu*; Mukai, Tomohisa*

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Study on the use of JRR-3 neutron beams for long-term adhesion characteristics of post-installed anchors

Shobu, Takahisa; Mukai, Tomohisa*; Ariki, Katsuyoshi*; Choe, H.*; Yamamoto, Shin*; Han, B.*; Morooka, Satoshi; Kurita, Keisuke; Iikura, Hiroshi

no journal, , 

In this study, we conducted basic research to evaluate the long-term adhesion characteristics of post-installed anchors by using the neutron beam from JRR-3 in the future. The experiments were carried out TNRF and RESA in JRR-3. In the cross-sectional CT image near the center of the concrete, multiple holes artificially created in the concrete inside the iron can with an inner diameter of about 60 mm were clearly photographed. As a result of comparing the dimensions with the actual measurement and the image, it was confirmed that the values were almost the same, and the tip of the hole could be observed with high accuracy.

Oral presentation

Study for long-term adhesion characteristics evaluation of post-installed anchor

Shobu, Takahisa; Mukai, Tomohisa*; Ariki, Katsuyoshi*; Choe, H.*; Yamamoto, Shin*; Han, B.*; Morooka, Satoshi; Kurita, Keisuke; Iikura, Hiroshi

no journal, , 

In this study, it was conducted to evaluate the long-term adhesion characteristics of post-installed anchors using neutrons, which have extremely high penetrating power for materials. In CT measurement, it was clarified that the observation inside the reinforced concrete of about 60 mm can be evaluated with the spatial resolution of about 0.2 mm. On the other hand, since the strain distribution under loading did not show a monotonous change in the strain distribution of the anchor, it was clarified that there are some problems.

20 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)
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