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Mukaida, Kyoko; Kato, Atsushi; Kamiya, Masayoshi; Ishii, Katsunori
Proceedings of 2019 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2019) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2019/05
The levelized cost of electricity is one of key indicator to evaluate economic competitiveness of energy systems. This report estimated the levelized cost of SFR system considering additional safety measures identified after the 1F incident and social cost, using major calculation tools: G4-ECONS and the calculation tool developed by the Governmental WG in Japan (CEWG-tool). The calculation results of G4-ECONS showed that the additional safety measures raise 160% of levelized cost in the case of the safety enhanced SFR system with 1500 MWe of twin looped cooling system. As a result of calculation with 3% discount rate and social cost, the levelized cost of the safety enhanced SFR system with 1200 MWe of Single looped cooling system was estimated 84 mills/kWh by CEWG-tool. This result is almost equal to the estimated levelized cost of similar standard LWR system, and it was indicated the economic competitiveness of the future SFR system.
Kato, Atsushi; Mukaida, Kyoko
Proceedings of 2019 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2019) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2019/05
Improvement of economic competitiveness is a part of key requirement in the project. By adopting innovative technologies to reduce plant commodities, JSFR could achieve economic competitiveness compared with LWR. After the Fukushima-Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plants accident, safety enhancement measures were added on LWR in Japan mainly against external hazards. In parallel, Safety Design Criteria and Guidelines (SDC/SDG) for SFR were constructed in the framework of Generation IV international forum. Design studies of JSFR were carried out responding to GIF SDC/SDG and lessons learn from the Fukushima accident. This reports an impact of recent safety design enhancements on JSFR construction cost. Safety design enhancement adopted in JSFR.
Mukaida, Kyoko; Kato, Atsushi; Kamiya, Masayoshi; Ishii, Katsunori
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMO, 61(1), p.40 - 47, 2019/01
Japan Atomic Energy Agency has proceeded on the research and development (R&D) of fast neutron rector fuel cycle with a system which has economic competitiveness in contrast with light water reactor systems as one of development objectives, from the start of its development. This report shows the evaluation results of generation cost of fast reactor fuel cycle in light of additional safety measure cost and social cost, based on the design of fast reactor and related fuel cycle facilities which considered in FaCT phase I.
Mukaida, Kyoko; Kato, Atsushi; Shiotani, Hiroki; Hayafune, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 324, p.35 - 44, 2017/12
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:18.05(Nuclear Science & Technology)An economic calculation model based on detailed mass-flow (the JAEA model) was developed for the comprehensive evaluation of an advanced loop-type sodium-cooled fast reactor cycle system (SFR) designed in the FaCT project. The JAEA model enables calculation of the processing amount and its composition in each facility by simulating mass-flow, and has function to evaluate economics based on the processing amount. In this report, to identify the difference in evaluation methods between the JAEA model and an internationally-authorized code, and verify its calculation functions, the generation cost of SFR system was evaluated using the JAEA model and the G4-ECONS. Consequently, it was clarified that the JAEA model is influenced to higher degree by the discount rate. When the present value was not taken into account, the results of both methods were quite similar, but it was found that the sensitivity of the load factor is relatively larger the G4-ECONS than in the JAEA model.
Mukaida, Kyoko; Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi; Namba, Takashi
Energy Procedia, 39, p.43 - 51, 2013/09
In this study, the energy economic model was upgraded to improve the assessment method of the effect assessment for FR cycle deployment. Moreover, based on the assessment results for FR deployment in the world by the energy economic model, the effects of FR exports were assessed. This results show the FR exports have certain impact to domestic economy.
Ono, Kiyoshi; Shiotani, Hiroki; Ohtaki, Akira; Mukaida, Kyoko; Abe, Tomoyuki
Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles; Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR-13) (USB Flash Drive), 10 Pages, 2013/03
In parallel to the mid-term analyses by the AEC after the Fukushima-accident, JAEA implemented the long-term scenario analyses for the nuclear fuel cycle options including FR cycle deployment. As a result, it was revealed that FR cycle deployment brings great benefits to reduction of uranium demand, spent fuel storage, radioactive waste generation, and Pu stockpiles in addition to potential hazard of HLW in "20 GWe constant after 2030" case. Meanwhile, it was also revealed the benefits of reduction of radioactive waste generation and Pu stockpiles in "Gradual decrease from 20 GWe after 2030" case.
Mukaida, Kyoko; Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi; Namba, Takashi
Energy Procedia, 39, p.43 - 51, 2013/00
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Energy & Fuels)The economic effect of FR deployment with energy economic model, which is a combination of recursive computable general equilibrium model and energy system model is shown in this study. Electricity supply of both Japan and the world, economic effect and riple effect on various industries are calculated through the case with FR deployment in global scale. It is shown that FRs are deployed worldwide in the latter half of this century; the cumulated GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of Japan will increase by several trillion JPY (Japanese Yen), and the amounts of production of various industries including steel and non-ferrous metal are increased from the assessment results.
Mukaida, Kyoko; Yasumatsu, Naoto*; Heta, Masanori*; Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi
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Kato, Atsushi; Mukaida, Kyoko; Ohtaki, Akira; Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi; Yasumatsu, Naoto*; Kubota, Sadae*
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Mukaida, Kyoko; Heta, Masanori*; Yasumatsu, Naoto*; Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi
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Mukaida, Kyoko; Yasumatsu, Naoto*; Heta, Masanori*; Ohtaki, Akira; Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi; Hirata, Masaru
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Takano, Kazuya; Mukaida, Kyoko; Yamano, Hidemasa; Yasumatsu, Naoto*
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Improvement on electricity selling income by shifting the output time to higher purchase price time for a small sized sodium-cooled fast reactor coupled to a molten salt thermal energy storage system enables to output 50% of the rated reactor power for 5.5 hours, was quantitatively evaluated focusing on Tokyo and Kyusyu area market prices in 2020-2022. The increase on electric power selling incomes were obtained +59% for Tokyo area and +10
12% for Kyusyu area in the present study.
Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi; Mukaida, Kyoko; Ohtaki, Akira; Namba, Takashi; Heta, Masanori*; Yasumatsu, Naoto*; Sato, Yoshiki*
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When the nuclear energy capacity of Japan is reduced, the characteristics of nuclear energy systems are assessed based on the nuclear fuel cycle schemes with the suppositions of long-term nuclear energy scenarios including after 2030. The deployment of fast reactors and recycling of spent fuels have enough merits from the viewpoints of spent fuel management and radioactive waste management according to the assessment in this study.
Nakamura, Hirofumi; Ohtaki, Akira; Oba, Kyoko; Mukaida, Kyoko; Koito, Yuko
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JAEA recognized that JAEA does not communicate with social for MONJU development enough. Advanced reactor systems developed by JAEA are the 4th generation reactor system and a social acceptance is very important for the advanced reactor systems to be an industrial technology. Therefor JAEA started a study on a building and improvement of public acceptance for advanced reactor systems.
Mukaida, Kyoko; Shiotani, Hiroki; Kato, Atsushi; Kawasaki, Hirotsugu; Ono, Kiyoshi; Yasumatsu, Naoto*
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Ono, Kiyoshi; Mukaida, Kyoko; Shiotani, Hiroki; Hirao, Kazunori
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GIF Economic Modeling Working Group (EMWG) is developing the G4-ECONS code for economic study of the generation IV nuclear systems. In this paper, we would like to introduce the outline of the total system cost analysis for Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) sodium cooled fast reactor (JSFR) and its fuel cycle, as an application sample of the G4-ECONS bottom-up approach, and the results of the comparison of it with JAEA original cost estimation using our own calculation model (FCC-EX code). The result of comparison between the electricity generation cost calculated by G4-ECONS code and FCC-EX code demonstrated the validity of calculation function of the G4-ECONS code.
Shiotani, Hiroki; Kawasaki, Hirotsugu; Kato, Atsushi; Mukaida, Kyoko; Ono, Kiyoshi; Heta, Masanori*
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Mukaida, Kyoko; Shiotani, Hiroki; Ono, Kiyoshi; Namba, Takashi
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The future energy scenarios were studied for the characteristic and signification study of nuclear energy use including FR cycle. As a result of this study, the scenarios including conservation or decrease of nuclear power use were created in the high productivity society where high technique, environmental awareness spread in the demand and supply side, the middle productivity society where sluggish the spread in one side, and the low productivity society where sluggish the spread in both side.
Shiotani, Hiroki; Mukaida, Kyoko; Ono, Kiyoshi; Namba, Takashi
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Regarding the nuclear energy fleet under the nuclear energy capacity reduction in Japan, this study provides the evaluation methodology, which have been developed in JAEA, consists of nuclear energy system simulation model (SCM model), energy sector model, and macro economic mode. Furthermore, the trial evaluation results outline of the macroeconomic effects in addition to resources, wastes, and economics of nuclear energy deployment utilization based on the derived energy/electricity supply structure by the methodology.
Ono, Kiyoshi; Ohtaki, Akira; Mukaida, Kyoko; Shiotani, Hiroki; Hirata, Masaru
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