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JAEA Reports

In-situ dismantling of the liquid waste storage tank LV-1 in the JRTF; The Dismantling work

Yokozuka, Yuta; Sunaoshi, Mizuho*; Sakai, Tatsuya; Fujikura, Toshiki; Handa, Yuichi; Muraguchi, Yoshinori; Mimura, Ryuji; Terunuma, Akihiro

JAEA-Technology 2021-037, 44 Pages, 2022/03


JAEA has dismantled equipment and instrument in the JAERI's Reprocessing Test Facility (JRTF) since 1996 as a part of its decommissioning. Starting in JFY 2007, in the annex building B which stored liquid waste generated in wet reprocessing tests, the liquid waste storage tank LV-1 installed in the LV-1 room of the first basement was dismantled with the in-situ dismantling method. The dismantling work is described in this report. Data on manpower, radiation control, and waste in the preparation work were collected, and its work efficiency was analyzed.

JAEA Reports

In-situ dismantling of the liquid waste storage tank LV-1 in the JRTF; The Dismantling preparation work

Yokozuka, Yuta; Sunaoshi, Mizuho*; Fujikura, Toshiki; Suzuki, Shota; Muraguchi, Yoshinori; Handa, Yuichi; Mimura, Ryuji; Terunuma, Akihiro

JAEA-Technology 2020-017, 56 Pages, 2021/01


JAEA has dismantled equipment and instrument in the JAERI's Reprocessing Test Facility (JRTF) since 1996 as a part of its decommissioning. Starting in JFY 2007, in the annex building B which stored liquid waste generated in wet reprocessing tests, the liquid waste storage tank LV-1 installed in the LV-1 room of the first basement was dismantled with the in situ dismantling method. The dismantling preparation work is described in this report. Data on manpower, radiation control, and waste in the preparation work were collected, and its work efficiency was analyzed.

Journal Articles

In-situ dismantling of the liquid waste storage tank in the decommissioning program of the JRTF

Mimura, Ryuji; Muraguchi, Yoshinori; Nakashio, Nobuyuki; Nemoto, Koichi; Shiraishi, Kunio

Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23) (DVD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2015/05

The JAERI's Reprocessing Test Facility (JRTF) was the first engineering-scale reprocessing facility constructed in Japan. The JRTF was operated from 1968 to 1969 to reprocess spent fuels from the Japan Research Reactor No.3 (JRR-3). As a result of the operation (total 3 runs) by PUREX process, 200 g of highly purified plutonium (Pu) were extracted. In this operation, about 70 m$$^{3}$$ of liquid waste was generated and part of this waste, which including Pu, with relatively high radioactivity, was stored in six large tanks. After shutdown of the facility, the JRTF decommissioning program was started in 1990 to develop decommissioning technologies and to obtain experiences and data on dismantling of fuel cycle facilities. Liquid waste in the tanks was treated from 1982 to 1998. Dismantling of tanks started in 2002. The tanks were installed in narrow concrete cells and inside of the cell was high dose area. Dismantling method for the tank is important factor to decide manpower and time for dismantlement. In this paper, in-situ dismantling of the liquid waste storage tank and its preparation work are discussed.

JAEA Reports

JRTF decommissioning project; Evaluation of project management data concerning dismantling activities of glove boxes, 1

Muraguchi, Yoshinori; Kanayama, Fumihiko; Usui, Hideo; Izumo, Sari; Tachibana, Mitsuo

JAEA-Technology 2012-035, 69 Pages, 2012/12


Dismantling activities of equipment in JAEA's Reprocessing Test Facility (JRTF) used for wet reprocessing test started from 1996. Glove boxes and hoods installed in the main building were dismantled preferentially for securing temporary place of dismantled waste and dismantling tools by dismantling activities. Of these, 8 glove boxes (glove box group) were installed in room 232 of the main building. The glove box group was dismantled by setting up a large plastic enclosure (greenhouse) for work efficiency. In this report, dismantling procedure and actual data obtained from dismantling activity were arranged about dismantling activity of glove box group of room 232 in 1996. About dismantling activity of glove box group, manpower of the basic work items extracted by classifying into common work items and independent work items were analyzed. In addition, calculation equation was examined concerning dismantling of glove boxes.

JAEA Reports

Removal of the liquid waste storage tank LV-2 in JRTF, 2; Removal works

Kanayama, Fumihiko; Hagiya, Kazuaki; Sunaoshi, Mizuho; Muraguchi, Yoshinori; Satomi, Shinichi; Nemoto, Koichi; Terunuma, Akihiro; Shiraishi, Kunio; Ito, Shinichi

JAEA-Technology 2011-011, 36 Pages, 2011/06


Dismantling activities of equipments in JAERI's Reprocessing Test Facility (JRTF) started from 1996 as a part of decommissioning of this facility. Removing out of the large liquid waste storage tank LV-2 as a whole tank without cutting in pieces from the annex building B to confirm safety and efficiency of this method started from 2006. After preparatory works, ceiling of LV-2 room was opened, and LV-2 was transferred. Useful data were collected on manpower, radiation control and waste amount through the preparatory works, and work efficiency was analyzed by use of these data.

Oral presentation

In-situ dismantling of the liquid waste storage tank LV-1 in JRTF, 9; Cutting of water jacket and legs of the LV-1 tank

Yokozuka, Yuta; Mimura, Ryuji; Fujikura, Toshiki; Muraguchi, Yoshinori; Nemoto, Koichi; Shida, Shigeo

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

In-situ dismantling of the liquid waste storage tank LV-1 in JRTF, 1; An Outline of the dismantling program

Nakashio, Nobuyuki; Mimura, Ryuji; Muraguchi, Yoshinori; Nemoto, Koichi; Shiraishi, Kunio; Tachibana, Mitsuo; Kubota, Shintaro; Kawagoshi, Hiroshi

no journal, , 

For the purpose of the development of technology for dismantling and decontamination at the high dose area, ${it in-situ}$ dismantling method is applied for the liquid waste storage tank (LV-1) which is in the concrete cell at the JRTF. This report describes the outline of the program for ${it in-situ}$ dismantling of the LV-1.

Oral presentation

In-situ dismantling of the liquid waste storage tank LV-1 in JRTF, 2; Preparatory works before dismantling

Muraguchi, Yoshinori; Mimura, Ryuji; Nakashio, Nobuyuki; Nemoto, Koichi; Shiraishi, Kunio; Tachibana, Mitsuo

no journal, , 

For the purpose of the development of technology for dismantling and decontamination at the high dose area, ${it in-situ}$ dismantling method is applied for the liquid waste storage tank (LV-1) which is in the concrete cell at the JRTF. This report describes about the outline of preparatory works before dismantling and the data obtained from its works.

Oral presentation

In-situ dismantling of the liquid waste storage tank LV-1 in JRTF, 3; Evaluation of the radioactivity inventory of LV-1

Kubota, Shintaro; Kawagoshi, Hiroshi; Tachibana, Mitsuo; Muraguchi, Yoshinori; Mimura, Ryuji; Nakashio, Nobuyuki; Nemoto, Koichi; Shiraishi, Kunio

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

In-situ dismantling of the liquid waste storage tank LV-1 in JRTF, 5; Removal of the radioactive residue and decontamination in LV-1

Nakashio, Nobuyuki; Muraguchi, Yoshinori; Mimura, Ryuji; Nemoto, Koichi; Shiraishi, Kunio

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

In-situ dismantling of the liquid waste storage tank LV-1 in JRTF, 4; The Plan for removal of the radioactive residue from LV-1

Mimura, Ryuji; Muraguchi, Yoshinori; Nakashio, Nobuyuki; Nemoto, Koichi; Shiraishi, Kunio

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

11 (Records 1-11 displayed on this page)
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