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Niwa, Masakazu; Shimada, Koji; Sueoka, Shigeru; Ishihara, Takanori; Hakoiwa, Hiroaki; Asamori, Koichi; Murakami, Osamu; Fukuda, Shoma; Ogita, Yasuhiro; Kagami, Saya; et al.
JAEA-Research 2024-013, 65 Pages, 2024/11
This annual report documents the progress of research and development (R&D) in the 2nd fiscal year of the JAEA 4th Medium- and Long-term Plan (fiscal years 2022-2028) to provide the scientific base for assessing geosphere stability for long-term isolation of high-level radioactive waste. The plan framework is structured into the following categories: (1) Development and systematization of investigation techniques, (2) Development of models for long-term estimation and effective assessment, (3) Development of dating techniques. The current status of R&D activities with previous scientific and technological progress is summarized.
Niwa, Masakazu; Shimada, Akiomi; Asamori, Koichi; Sueoka, Shigeru; Komatsu, Tetsuya; Nakajima, Toru; Ogata, Manabu; Uchida, Mao; Nishiyama, Nariaki; Tanaka, Kiriha; et al.
JAEA-Review 2024-035, 29 Pages, 2024/09
This report is a plan of research and development (R&D) on geosphere stability for long-term isolation of high-level radioactive waste (HLW) in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), in fiscal year 2024. The objectives and contents of this research are described in detail based on the JAEA 4th Medium- and Long-term Plan (fiscal years 2022-2028). In addition, the background of this research is described from the necessity and the significance for site investigation and safety assessment, and the past progress. The plan framework is structured into the following categories: (1) Development and systematization of investigation techniques, (2) Development of models for long-term estimation and effective assessment, (3) Development of dating techniques.
Niwa, Masakazu; Shimada, Koji; Sueoka, Shigeru; Fujita, Natsuko; Yokoyama, Tatsunori; Ogita, Yasuhiro; Fukuda, Shoma; Nakajima, Toru; Kagami, Saya; Ogata, Manabu; et al.
JAEA-Review 2023-017, 27 Pages, 2023/10
This report is a plan of research and development (R&D) on geosphere stability for long-term isolation of high-level radioactive waste (HLW) in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), in fiscal year 2023. The objectives and contents in fiscal year 2023 are described in detail based on the JAEA 4th Medium- and Long-term Plan (fiscal years 2022-2028). In addition, the background of this research is described from the necessity and the significance for site investigation and safety assessment, and the past progress. The plan framework is structured into the following categories: (1) Development and systematization of investigation techniques, (2) Development of models for long-term estimation and effective assessment, (3) Development of dating techniques.
Yabe, Takanori; Murakami, Makio; Shiota, Yuki; Isobe, Yuta; Shiohama, Yasutaka; Hamano, Tomoharu; Takagi, Tsuyohiko; Nagaoki, Yoshihiro
JAEA-Technology 2022-002, 66 Pages, 2022/07
In the first stage of "Monju" decommissioning project, "Fuel Unloading Operations" have been carrying out. The operations consists of two processes. The first process is "Fuel Treatment and Storage" is that the fuel assemblies unloaded from the Ex-Vessel fuel Storage Tank are canned after sodium cleaning, and then transferred to the storage pool. The second process is "Fuel Unloading" that the fuel assemblies in the reactor core are replaced with dummy fuel assemblies and stored in the Ex-Vessel fuel Storage Tank. "Fuel Treatment and Storage" and "Fuel Unloading" are performed alternately until 370 fuel assemblies in the core and 160 fuel assemblies in the Ex-Vessel fuel Storage Tank are all transferred to the storage pool. In fiscal 2018, as "Fuel Treatment and Storage", 86 fuel assemblies were transferred to the storage pool. As "Fuel Unloading", 76 dummy fuel assemblies were stored in the Ex-Vessel fuel Storage Tank. In fiscal 2019, as "Fuel Unloading", 60 fuel assemblies and 40 blanket fuel assemblies were unloaded from the core. These assemblies were stored in the Ex-Vessel fuel Storage Tank, and dummy fuel assemblies were loaded into the core instead. During these operations, a total of 38 cases of alarming or equipment malfunctions classified into 24 types occurred. However, no significant events that menaces to safety have occurred. The operations were continued safely by removing the direct factors for the malfunctions in the equipment operation and performance.
Shiota, Yuki; Yabe, Takanori; Murakami, Makio; Isobe, Yuta; Sato, Masami; Hamano, Tomoharu; Takagi, Tsuyohiko; Nagaoki, Yoshihiro
JAEA-Technology 2022-001, 117 Pages, 2022/07
In the first stage of Monju decommissioning project, fuel unload work began to be carried out. There are two tasks in this work. One is fuel treatment and storage work that gets rid of sodium on the fuel assemblies unloaded from Ex-Vessel fuel Storage Tank (EVST) and carries it in the storage pool, and the other is fuel unloading that the fuel assemblies in the reactor core is replaced with dummy fuels and stored in EVST. Fuel treatment and storage work and fuel unloading work are performed alternately, and 370 bodies in the core and 160 pieces in EVST are all carried to the storage pool. 86 fuel assemblies was carried to the storage pool in fuel treatment and storage work in 2018 and 76 dummy fuels were stored in EVST for fuel unloading work. During the work, 86 types and 232 alarms / malfunctions occurred, but there was no impact on safety. There was one equipment's failure at gripper's claw open / close clutch of ex-vessel fuel transfer machine B, but it was repaired and restarted. Also it was eliminated the cause of problem or concession that the equipment failure due to the sticking of the sodium compound and continuous use of the equipment. Some problems related to system control occurred, but the work was done after checking the safety. With estimation of various troubles, reduction of frequency of trouble occurrence and minimization of impacts on schedule performed.
Nanjo, Isao; Amano, Yuki; Iwatsuki, Teruki; Kunimaru, Takanori; Murakami, Hiroaki; Hosoya, Shinichi*; Morikawa, Keita
JAEA-Research 2011-048, 162 Pages, 2012/03
The observation technique of hydrochemical condition in low permeable sedimentary rock around the facility is one of R&D subjects. We report, (1) development of hydrochemical monitoring system to observe water pressure, pH, electric conductivity, dissolved oxygen, redox potential and temperature, (2) hydrochemical observation results around URL under construction. The applicability of the hydrochemical monitoring system is evaluated for low permeable sedimentary rock bearing abundant dissolved gases. The hydrochemical observation during facility construction demonstrates that pH and redox potential of groundwater almost did not changed even at hydraulic disturbed zone (water pressure decreased zone).
Amano, Yuki; Yamamoto, Yoichi; Nanjo, Isao; Murakami, Hiroaki; Yokota, Hideharu; Yamazaki, Masanori; Kunimaru, Takanori; Oyama, Takahiro*; Iwatsuki, Teruki
JAEA-Data/Code 2011-023, 312 Pages, 2012/02
In the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory (URL) Project, ground water from boreholes, river water and precipitation have been analyzed for the environmental monitoring since the fiscal year 2001. This report shows the data set of water chemistry since the fiscal year 2001 to the fiscal year 2010.
Ishikawa, Koki; Takamatsu, Misao; Kawahara, Hirotaka; Mihara, Takatsugu; Kurisaka, Kenichi; Terano, Toshihiro; Murakami, Takanori; Noritsugi, Akihiro; Iseki, Atsushi; Saito, Takakazu; et al.
JAEA-Technology 2009-004, 140 Pages, 2009/05
Probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) has been applied to nuclear plants as a method to achieve effective safety regulation and safety management. In order to establish the PSA standard for fast breeder reactor (FBR), the FBR-PSA for internal events in rated power operation is studied by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). The level1 PSA on the experimental fast reactor Joyo was conducted to investigate core damage probability for internal events with taking human factors effect and dependent failures into account. The result of this study shows that the core damage probability of Joyo is 5.010 per reactor year (/ry) and that the core damage probability is smaller than the safety goal for existed plants (10 ry) and future plants (10/ry) in the IAEA INSAG-12 (International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group) basic safety principle.
Ito, Chikara; Ito, Hideaki; Ishida, Koichi; Hatoori, Kazuhiro; Oyama, Kazuhiro; Sukegawa, Kazuya*; Murakami, Takanori; Kaito, Yasuaki; Nishino, Kazunari; Aoyama, Takafumi; et al.
JNC TN9410 2005-003, 165 Pages, 2005/03
At experimental fast reactor JOYO, appraisal of detection efficiency of behavior and FFD and FFDL of the fission product which is discharged inside the furnace as one of safety research of the country, is carried out. In MK-II core, the slit in the gas plenum part of the test sub-assembly, the test which irradiates this(1985 April, FFDL in-pile test(I)), providing the slit in the fuel column part of the test sub-assembly, the test which it irradiates(1992 November, FFDL in-pile test(II)) were carried out.MK-III reactor core replacement was completed and started in 2004. That the behavior in the system of FP with the reactor core replacement and so on changes in the MK-III reactor core and to have an influence on the sensitivity and the replying of FFD and FFDL are thought of. Therefore, behavior of FP in the fuel failure in the MK-III reactor core, the performance of FFD and FFDL must be confirmed beforehand. Moreover, to prepare for the fuel failure and the RTCB test which is doing a future plan, and to confirm a plant operation procedure in the fuel failure in MK-III reactor core operation and to attempt for the correspondency to improve are important.Therefore, in the period from 2004 November 11th to November 29th, it carried out the FFDL in-pile(III). It did a series of plant operation to stop a nuclear reactor after loading a reactor core center with the fuel element for the test which provided an artificial slit for the fuel cladding in the MK-III reactor core and irradiating it and detecting fuel damaging and to take out fuel. And it confirmed the operation procedure of the fast reactor in the fuel failure.Also, the improvement items such as the improvement of the operation and the procedure and the remodeling and the service of the facilities could be picked up. In the future, it attempts these compatible, and it prepares for the MK-III reactor core operation and it incorporates a final examination result by the improvement of the safety of FBR.
; Aita, Tsuyoshi; Murakami, Takanori; Ito, Hideaki; Aoki, Hiroshi; Odo, Toshihiro
JNC TN9410 2004-006, 36 Pages, 2004/03
Joyo Plant Operation Management Expert Tool system named JOYPET has developed with the aim of confirming the stable and safety operation of JOYO and improving operational reliability in future FBR plants.New JOYPET system was designed and manufactured in 2002, and began or operation in 2003, because the former system, which was designed in 1988 and operated from 1991 to 2002, was superannuated, and it was difficult to obtain alternative hardwares and replace parts.The difference between the former one and the later new one was adopted the web-online system to use lan(Lacal area network) instead of the host and the terminal computer processing system.Then the new system enabled to take unitary document management for reactor operation, and each person in one's rost was able to search, refer and wake document on line directly.This document reported new JOYPET system design, manufacturing, system constitution and operation actual result.
Maeda, Yukimoto; Aoyama, Takafumi; Yoshida, Akihiro; Sekine, Takashi; Ariyoshi, Masahiko; Ito, Chikara; Nemoto, Masaaki; Murakami, Takanori; Isozaki, Kazunori; Hoshiba, Hideaki; et al.
JNC TN9410 2003-011, 197 Pages, 2004/03
MK-III performance tests began in June 2003 to fully characterize the upgraded core and heat transfer system. Then, the last pre-use inspection was finished in November 2003.This report summarize the result of each performance test.
Sato, Kazujiro; ; Kamide, Hideki; Murakami, Takanori;
Donen Giho, (60), p.53 - 57, 1986/12
Goto, Kenta; Hirooka, Shun; Horii, Yuta; Nakamichi, Shinya; Murakami, Tatsutoshi; Shibanuma, Kimikazu; Ono, Takanori; Yamamoto, Kazuya; Hatanaka, Nobuhiro; Okumura, Kazuyuki
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no abstracts in English
Sugawara, Takanori; Sato, Takumi; Murakami, Tsuyoshi*; Nishihara, Kenji
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We propose Partitioning and Transmutation Complex (PTComplex) aiming for early realization of Partitioning and Transmutation technology. The PTComplex consists of the pyrochemical reprocessing facility and the high intensity proton accelerator. Molten salt in a tank of the pyrochemical reprocessing facility is irradiated with spallation neutrons generated by high intensity protons, and minor actinides in the molten salt are transmuted.
Tanaka, Shingo; Sato, Haruo; Niizato, Tadafumi; Amano, Kenji; Nohara, Tsuyoshi; Iwatsuki, Teruki; Murakami, Hiroaki; Sugita, Yutaka; Nakayama, Masashi; Abe, Hironobu; et al.
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The sorption distribution coefficients of cesium and iodine onto the soil are studied. The batch sorption experiments were conducted onto the 24 specimens obtained from 11 sites (12 geoslicers) at each two different depth compartment. The experiments were based on the way standardized by Atomic Energy Society of Japan. The Kd values of cesium ranged from 1,000 to 100,000 ml/g, corresponding to the result that most of the cesium in the investigation sites are stayed in the surface of the ground. On the other hand, the Kd values of iodine ranged from 0.4 to 150 ml/g. It is likely that the difference of Kd values is affected by not only the chemical form of the elements between cesium and iodine, but also mineral composition, cation and anion exchange capacities, content of organic matter, and so on. This investigation initially focuses on varieties of soil, such as sandy or clayey soil, and soil colors.
Goto, Kenta; Takato, Kiyoto; Ono, Takanori; Ichige, Hidekazu; Hatanaka, Nobuhiro; Murakami, Tatsutoshi
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no abstracts in English