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Owada, Kenji; Fujii, Yasuhiko; Muraoka, Jiro*; Nakao, Hironori*; Murakami, Yoichi*; Noda, Yukio*; Osumi, Hiroyuki*; Ikeda, Naoshi*; Shobu, Takahisa; Isobe, Masahiko*; et al.
Hoshako, 21(2), p.87 - 96, 2008/03
Devil's flower has been found in a temperature-pressure phase diagram of NaVO
, which shows a charge disproportionation (CD) at ambient pressure. By a complementary use of an X-ray structural analysis and a resonant X-ray diffraction, which is sensitive to CD, we have investigated the structural relationship between two ground states appeared in lower and higher pressure regions including the charge arrangements. It has been clarified that two equivalent types of charge arrangement in CD correspond to the Ising variable in NaV
. The atomic shifts are regarded as linearly coupled to the Ising spins. The results lead us to the conclusion that it is the first time that the devil's flower blooms in a charge-disproportionation system. The results also lead us to a hypothesis that the competitive interactions between a Ising spins may result from the Ising spin-phonon coupling.
Owada, Kenji; Fujii, Yasuhiko; Muraoka, Jiro*; Nakao, Hironori*; Murakami, Yoichi; Noda, Yukio*; Osumi, Hiroyuki*; Ikeda, Naoshi*; Shobu, Takahisa; Isobe, Masahiko*; et al.
Physical Review B, 76(9), p.094113_1 - 094113_10, 2007/09
Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:43.71(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Structural relations between two ground states of the ANNNI (Axial Next Nearest Neighbor Ising) compound NaVO
, C
- and C
-phases below and above the transition pressure
= 1 GPa, were investigated by X-ray diffraction and scattering techniques. The structure of the C
-phase is well explained by the
) pattern which is one of four layers (
) of the C
-phase, however, the amount of the atomic shifts under the conditions 1.6 GPa and 6 K is 27% that under ambient pressure. On the other hand, resonant X-ray scattering showed that the charges are disproportionated under high pressure. Based on these facts, it was concluded that charge disproportionation corresponds to the Ising variable in NaV
, where the atomic shifts are regarded as linearly coupled to the Ising spins. These results lead to the hypothesis that the competitive interactions between the Ising spins may result from the Ising spin-phonon coupling.
Owada, Kenji; Fujii, Yasuhiko; Katsuki, Yuya*; Muraoka, Jiro*; Nakao, Hironori*; Murakami, Yoichi; Sawa, Hiroshi*; Ninomiya, Emi*; Isobe, Masahiko*; Ueda, Yutaka*
Physical Review Letters, 94(10), p.106401_1 - 106401_4, 2005/03
Times Cited Count:24 Percentile:71.70(Physics, Multidisciplinary)The present resonant X-ray scattering has been performed on a monoclinically-split single domain of NaVO
. The observation of a critically enhanced contrast between V
and V
ions has led us to the unequivocal conclusion of the charge-order pattern of low-temperature phase of NaV
= 35 K. In spite of the possible four types of configuration of the zig-zag-type charge-order patterns in the
-plane (A, A', B and B'), the stacking sequence along the
-axis is determined as the AAA'A' type by comparison with model calculations. By assigning the A and A' configurations to Ising spins, one can reasonably explain the previously discovered "devil's staircase"-type behavior with respect to the modulation of layer-stacking sequences at high pressures and low temperatures, which clearly resembles the global phase diagram theoretically predicted by the ANNNI model.