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Journal Articles

Hydrogen behavior in primary precipitate of F82H steel; Atomistic calculation based on the density functional theory

Watanabe, Yoshiyuki; Iwakiri, Hirotomo*; Murayoshi, Norihiko*; Kato, Daiji*; Tanigawa, Hiroyasu

Plasma and Fusion Research (Internet), 10, p.1205086_1 - 1205086_2, 2015/12

In this paper, formation energy of isolated hydrogen atom in Cr$$_{23}$$C$$_{6}$$ has been theoretically investigated with atomistic calculation based on the density functional theory. The lowest calculated formation energy of a hydrogen atom is -0.48 eV with a trigonal bipyramidal configuration surrounded by five regular Cr lattice atoms. A comparison of the formation energy of hydrogen atom in bcc-iron may indicate that hydrogen atoms in F82H steel are more energetically favorable in Cr$$_{23}$$C$$_{6}$$-based precipitate rather than Fe-based matrix, leading to an increase of the tritium retention in the precipitate.

Oral presentation

Hydrogen behavior in primary precipitate in RAFM steel; Theoretical approach with the first principle calculation

Watanabe, Yoshiyuki; Iwakiri, Hirotomo*; Murayoshi, Norihiko*; Kato, Daiji*; Tanigawa, Hiroyasu

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