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Journal Articles

Super ODS steels R&D for fuel cladding of next generation nuclear systems, 6; Corrosion behavior in SCPW

Lee, J. H.*; Kimura, Akihiko*; Kasada, Ryuta*; Iwata, Noriyuki*; Kishimoto, Hirotatsu*; Zhang, C. H.*; Isselin, J.*; Dou, P.*; Muthukumar, N.*; Okuda, Takanari*; et al.

Proceedings of 2009 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '09) (CD-ROM), p.9223_1 - 9223_6, 2009/05

Corrosion is a critical issue for cladding materials, especially, in sever corrosion environment as supercritical pressurized water (SCPW). In this work, the effects of alloy elements on the corrosion behavior in SCPW were investigated for a series of oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels to design alloy compositions for corrosion resistant super ODS ferritic steels. Corrosion tests were carried out for the ODS steels with different concentrations of Cr and Al in SCPW at 773 K at 25 MPa with 8 ppm of dissolved oxygen. The corrosion rate of SUS430, which contained 16wt.%Cr, was much higher than 16Cr-ODS steel. This suggests that nano-sized oxide particles dispersion and very fine grains play an important role in suppression of the corrosion. The corrosion of the ODS steel was reduced by an addition of Al in 16wt.%Cr-ODS steel but not in 19Cr-ODS steel. FE-EPMA chemical analysis clearly indicated that the surface of the Al added ODS steels was covered by alumina which suppresses the corrosion in SCPW. It is considered that an adequate combination of the contents of Cr and Al is ranging (14-16)Cr and (3.5-4.5)Al.

Journal Articles

Super ODS steels R&D for fuel cladding of next generation nuclear systems, 1; Introduction and alloy design

Kimura, Akihiko*; Kasada, Ryuta*; Iwata, Noriyuki*; Kishimoto, Hirotatsu*; Zhang, C. H.*; Isselin, J.*; Dou, P.*; Lee, J. H.*; Muthukumar, N.*; Okuda, Takanari*; et al.

Proceedings of 2009 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '09) (CD-ROM), p.9220_1 - 9220_8, 2009/05

Cladding material development is essential for realization of highly efficient high burn-up operation of next generation nuclear systems, where high performance is required for the materials, that is, high strength at elevated temperature, high resistance to corrosion and high resistance to irradiation. Oxide dispersion strengthening (ODS) ferritic steels are considered to be most adequate for the cladding material because of their high strength at elevated temperature. In this work, "Super ODS steel" that has better corrosion resistance than 9Cr-ODS steel, has been developed for application to cladding of a variety of next generation nuclear systems. In the following ten papers, the recent experimental results of "Super ODS steel" R&D will be presented, indicating that many unexpected preferable features were found in the mechanical properties of nano-sized oxide dispersion high-Cr ODS ferritic steel. A series of paper begins with alloy design of "Super ODS steel". Corrosion issue requires Cr concentration more than 14wt.%, but aging embrittlement issue requires less than 16wt.%. An addition of 4wt.%Al is effective to improve corrosion resistance of 16wt.%Cr-ODS steel in supercritical water (SCW) and lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE), while it is detrimental to high-temperature strength. Additions of 2wt.%W and 0.1wt.%Ti are necessary to keep high strength at elevated temperatures. An addition of small amount of Zr or Hf results in a significant increase in creep strength at 700 $$^{circ}$$C in Al added ODS steels. Tube manufacturing was successfully done for the super ODS steel candidates. "Super ODS steel" is promising for the fuel cladding material of next generation nuclear systems, and the R&D is now ready to proceed to the next stage of empirical verification.

Oral presentation

Super ODS steel research and development towards highly efficient nuclear systems, 3; Corrosion behavior in SCPW

Iwata, Noriyuki*; Muthukumar, N.*; Kasada, Ryuta*; Kimura, Akihiko*; Okuda, Takanari*; Inoue, Masaki; Abe, Fujio*; Onuki, Somei*; Fujisawa, Toshiharu*

no journal, , 

Corrosion behavior of Super ODS steels in SCPW in the project named as "Super ODS Steel Research and Development towards Highly Efficient Nuclear Systems" will be summarized.

Oral presentation

Research and development on super ODS steel towards highly efficient nuclear systems

Kimura, Akihiko*; Kasada, Ryuta*; Kishimoto, Hirotatsu*; Iwata, Noriyuki*; Zhang, C.*; Isselin, J.*; Muthukumar, N.*; Inoue, Masaki; Okuda, Takanari*; Abe, Fujio*; et al.

no journal, , 

The project named as "Super ODS Steel Research and Development towards Highly Efficient Nuclear Systems" will be reviewed.

4 (Records 1-4 displayed on this page)
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