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Journal Articles

Development of a method for positron annihilation lifetime measurement in thin polyethylene films using a Na-22 source

Yamawaki, Masato*; Uesugi, Naoya*; Oka, Toshitaka; Nagasawa, Naotsugu*; Ando, Hirokazu*; O'Rourke, B. E.*; Kobayashi, Yoshinori*

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 59(11), p.116504_1 - 116504_5, 2020/11

Positron annihilation lifetime measurements were performed on polyethylene films with thickness of 15$$mu$$m - 2000$$mu$$m using a Na-22 positron source enclosed in a Kapton film. For thin films, some positrons will pass through the film and annihilate behind it. Using a single film in a commercial anti-coincidence system, by placing an annealed stainless steel (SUS304) cover behind the sample, it is possible to sufficiently measure the long lifetime ortho-positronium (o-Ps) component even in thin films. Additionally, calculated intensities of the o-Ps component determined from the estimated film transmittance agreed well with the measured values. Furthermore, by applying this method to uniaxially stretched UHMWPE, we were able to observe structural changes owing to the stretching consistent with shorter measured o-Ps lifetime and increased o-Ps intensity.

JAEA Reports

Development of safety assessment method for human intrusion scenario in Japan, 2; Development of a human intrusion scenario evaluation code in radioactive waste disposal (Contract research)

Takeda, Seiji; Sasaki, Toshihisa*; Nagasawa, Hirokazu; Kimura, Hideo

JAEA-Data/Code 2010-019, 61 Pages, 2010/11


In deep geological disposal or intermediate depth disposal, human intrusion, i.e. accidental excavation or drilling into the disposal site, may make a direct or indirect effect on the disposal system. Assessment of the human intrusion would need the examination of institutional control to reduce the probability of the intrusion occurring, the estimation of its probability, and the development of method to estimate its associated exposure of persons, as well as some foreign countries. Assuming that drilling action into the disposal site especially leads to the human proximity to the radioactive waste or the damage to the barrier system (drilling scenario), we have developed the evaluation code of radiological effect from the human intrusion into radioactive waste disposal system (HUINT). The evaluation code of human intrusion scenario, HUINT, can calculate the radiation exposure dose for the workers of a series of actions accompanied with drilling and for the workers and public people concerned with the reuse of drilling cores, identified with the actual information on drilling action in Japan. This report provides the descriptions of mathematical models on the drilling scenario, input specification and user information for execution of HUINT (user manual), and the result of verification for calculation with the models in HUINT.

JAEA Reports

Development of safety assessment method for human intrusion scenario in Japan, 1; Drilling scenario database for safety assessment of geological disposal (Contract research)

Nagasawa, Hirokazu; Takeda, Seiji; Kimura, Hideo; Sasaki, Toshihisa*

JAEA-Data/Code 2010-018, 85 Pages, 2010/11


In deep geological disposal or intermediate depth disposal, human intrusion, i.e. accidental excavation or drilling into the disposal site, may make a direct or indirect effect on the disposal system. Assessment of the human intrusion would need the examination of institutional control to reduce the probability of the intrusion occurring, the estimation of its probability, and the development of method to estimate its associated exposure of persons, as well as some foreign countries. Assuming that drilling action into the disposal site especially leads to the human proximity to the radioactive waste or the damage to the barrier system (drilling scenario), we have collected both the data on borehole drilling implemented in Japan and information on actual situation of drilling activities. We have developed an assembly of the information mentioned above as database, including the model parameters used in the code to assess radiation dose for drilling scenario.

JAEA Reports

Development of a model for evaluating mechanical effects of crustal movements on the disposal system in Japan (Contract research)

Nagasawa, Hirokazu; Takeda, Seiji; Kimura, Hideo

JAEA-Research 2010-023, 44 Pages, 2010/08


In the safety assessment of geological disposal for high level radioactive wastes, it is important to develop the modelling for evaluating mechanical effects of crustal movements on the disposal system in Japan. In this study, the model on crustal movements is represented by accumulating two components of velocity magnitude of the crust to horizontal direction, caused by transient movements associated with fault and/or volcanic activities and ordinary movements with the other continuous factors. In this report, we provide the specification of the model on crustal movement and analyze the horizontal velocity in Tohoku region using the model. The results indicate that the spatial distribution of longitudinal velocities in Tohoku region is similar to that of the ordinary movements.

JAEA Reports

Assessment on long-term safety for geological disposal of high level radioactive waste; Application of probabilistic safety assessment methodology to uncertainties in hypothetical geological disposal system (Contract research)

Takeda, Seiji; Yamaguchi, Tetsuji; Nagasawa, Hirokazu; Watanabe, Masatoshi; Sekioka, Yasushi; Kanzaki, Yutaka; Sasaki, Toshihisa; Ochiai, Toru; Munakata, Masahiro; Tanaka, Tadao; et al.

JAEA-Research 2009-034, 239 Pages, 2009/11


In safety assessment for geological disposal of high level radioactive waste, it is of consequence to estimate the uncertainties due to the long-term frame associated with long-lived radionuclides and the expanded geological environment. The uncertainties result from heterogeneity intrinsic to engineered and natural barrier materials, insufficient understanding of phenomena occurring in the disposal system, erroneous method of measurement, and incomplete construction. It is possible to quantify or to reduce the uncertainties according to scientific and technological progress. We applied a deterministic and a Monte Carlo-based probabilistic method simulation techniques to the uncertainty analysis for performance of hypothetical geological disposal system for high level radioactive waste. This study provides the method to evaluate the effects of the uncertainties with respect to scenarios, models and parameters in engineering barrier system on radiological consequence. The results also help us to specify prioritized models and parameters to be further studied for long-term safety assessment.

Oral presentation

Comparison of shortening ratios at the past and present in Tohoku district

Nagasawa, Hirokazu; Takeda, Seiji; Kimura, Hideo

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Relations of horizontal velocity distribution and tectonics in Japan; Motion similarities between active fault and volcanic zone

Nagasawa, Hirokazu; Kimura, Hideo; Takeda, Seiji

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Study on assessment method of geological and climate effects for geological disposal; To handle uncertainty of effects

Nagasawa, Hirokazu; Takeda, Seiji; Kimura, Hideo; Sakai, Ryutaro; Shiozaki, Isao*; Yamashita, Ryo*; Wakamatsu, Hisanori*; Ishibashi, Kazufusa*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Basic design models for estimation of effect on host rock caused by geological and climate events

Nagasawa, Hirokazu; Takeda, Seiji; Sakai, Ryutaro; Kimura, Hideo

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Frequency distribution of hot spring boring in Japan

Nagasawa, Hirokazu; Takeda, Seiji; Kimura, Hideo; Shiozaki, Isao*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of database on human intrusion in Japan

Nagasawa, Hirokazu; Takeda, Seiji; Kimura, Hideo; Sasaki, Toshihisa

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Safety assessment based on the human intrusion database

Nagasawa, Hirokazu; Takeda, Seiji; Kimura, Hideo; Sasaki, Toshihisa

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

12 (Records 1-12 displayed on this page)
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