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Journal Articles

Fundamental research of X-ray absorption imaging for elemental identification using a secondary target

Nakae, Masanori*; Matsuyama, Tsugufumi*; Murakami, Masashi; Yoshida, Yukihiko; Machida, Masahiko; Tsuji, Koichi*

Advances in X-Ray Chemical Analysis, Japan, 54, p.89 - 99, 2023/03

Fundamental research on X-ray absorption imaging for elemental identification was studied. A secondary target was applied to obtain X-ray absorption images above and below the X-ray absorption edge of the target element. X-rays from an X-ray tube were irradiated to the secondary target, where the characteristic X-rays were emitted that were irradiated to the sample. X-ray absorption images were acquired with an exposure time of a few seconds with an X-ray camera. In this technique, it is difficult to change the energy of X-rays as we want, however we can apply this technique for imaging the specific element. Metal foil sample composed of Al, Cu, and Ni was analyzed. To obtain an X-ray elemental image of Ni, two X-ray absorption images were taken using the X-rays above and below the Ni K-edge. X-rays of Cu K$$alpha$$ and Zn K$$alpha$$ were prepared by using Cu and Zn plates as the secondary target. Finally, the Ni elemental image was obtained by subtracting two images. Furthermore, the X-ray camera had a function of setting critical energies for imaging, thus it was demonstrated that an X-ray elemental image of Ni was obtained using a single secondary target without changing the secondary target.

Journal Articles

Spectrum prediction in X-ray fluorescence analysis using Bayesian estimation

Matsuyama, Tsugufumi*; Nakae, Masanori*; Murakami, Masashi; Yoshida, Yukihiko; Machida, Masahiko; Tsuji, Koichi*

Spectrochimica Acta, Part B, 199, p.106593_1 - 106593_6, 2023/01

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:42.47(Spectroscopy)

Oral presentation

Basic study on X-ray absorption elemental imaging with secondary targets

Nakae, Masanori*; Matsuyama, Tsugufumi*; Murakami, Masashi; Yoshida, Yukihiko; Ueda, Akihiko; Machida, Masahiko; Sasaki, Toshiki; Tsuji, Koichi*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Basic study about prediction of X-ray fluorescence spectra based on Bayesian estimation

Matsuyama, Tsugufumi*; Nakae, Masanori*; Murakami, Masashi; Yoshida, Yukihiko; Machida, Masahiko; Tsuji, Koichi*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Fundamental study for elemental identification method by X-ray absorption imaging using a secondary target

Nakae, Masanori*; Matsuyama, Tsugufumi*; Murakami, Masashi; Yoshida, Yukihiko; Machida, Masahiko; Ueda, Akihiko; Sasaki, Toshiki; Tsuji, Koichi*

no journal, , 

X-ray absorption imaging is a technique in which samples are irradiated with X-rays and the transmitted X-rays are detected by an X-ray camera. Although this method is non-destructive and fast, X-ray cameras generally do not have energy resolution and cannot identify elements. Recently, an X-ray imaging method has been reported to use synchrotron radiation to image the elemental distribution using X-rays with energy around the absorption edge, and analyze the difference between the images. However, it is difficult to change the energy of X-rays in a laboratory. In this study, we studied the method for visualization of only the target element even in the laboratory by using a secondary target and an X-ray filter.

5 (Records 1-5 displayed on this page)
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