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Journal Articles

Nitrogen $$K$$-edge soft X-ray natural circular dichroism of histidine thin film

Izumi, Yudai; Tanaka, Masahito*; Tanigawa, Yoshiaki*; Tanabe, Maiko*; Momoki, Yohei*; Iwai, Miki*; Takenaka, Shun*; Ishiyama, Kimihiro*; Kuroki, Misa*; Muro, Takayuki*; et al.

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 502(1), p.012038_1 - 012038_4, 2014/04

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:72.41(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

The Possible interplanetary transfer of microbes; Assessing the viability of ${it Deinococcus}$ spp. under the ISS environmental conditions for performing exposure experiments of microbes in the Tanpopo mission

Kawaguchi, Yuko*; Yang, Y.*; Kawashiri, Narutoshi*; Shiraishi, Keisuke*; Takasu, Masako*; Narumi, Issey*; Sato, Katsuya; Hashimoto, Hirofumi*; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Tanigawa, Yoshiaki*; et al.

Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 43(4-5), p.411 - 428, 2013/10

 Times Cited Count:41 Percentile:80.61(Biology)

Journal Articles

Characteristic oxygen $$K$$-edge circular dichroism spectra of amino acid films by improved measurement technique

Izumi, Yudai*; Tanabe, Maiko*; Imazu, Akiko*; Mimoto, Aki*; Tanaka, Masahito*; Agui, Akane; Muro, Takayuki*; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*

Journal of Chemical Physics, 138(7), p.074305_1 - 074305_10, 2013/02

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:31.99(Chemistry, Physical)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Effect of temperature on the response of alanine dosimeters under low dose and long time irradiation

Seito, Hajime; Nagao, Yuto; Momoki, Yohei*; Kaneko, Hirohisa; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Kojima, Takuji

JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 153, 2013/01

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

The Effect of temperature on the response of alanine dosimeters under low dose and long time irradiation

Nagao, Yuto; Seito, Hajime; Momoki, Yohei*; Kaneko, Hirohisa; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Kojima, Takuji

Radioisotopes, 61(4), p.173 - 177, 2012/04

Applications of alanine dosimeter are widen to dosimetry in space environment and so on. The effect of temperature during and after irradiation between 20$$^{circ}$$C and 80$$^{circ}$$C on the dose response of alanine dosimeters was investigated under low dose of about 10 - 20 Gy and long time of about 100 hours irradiations. When a stable component of the dose response under high irradiation temperature is estimated on the basis of the effect of storage temperature after irradiation taking into account the known irradiation temperature coefficient, dose evaluation using alanine dosimeter should be more accurate even suffering from combined temperature effects during and after irradiation.

Journal Articles

Study on selective adsorption of deuterium on boron nitride using photon-stimulated ion-desorption

Koswattage, K.; Shimoyama, Iwao; Baba, Yuji; Sekiguchi, Tetsuhiro; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*

Applied Surface Science, 258(4), p.1561 - 1564, 2011/12

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:29.10(Chemistry, Physical)

Adsorption behavior of atomic deuterium on a hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) thin film is studied by photon-stimulated ion desorption (PSID) of D$$^{+}$$ and near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) at the B and N K-edges. After the adsorption of atomic deuterium, D$$^{+}$$ desorption yield $$eta$$(h$$nu$$) shows clear enhancement at the B K-edge and almost no enhancement at the N K-edge. NEXAFS spectra show a large change in the B K-edge and a small change in the N K-edge after the adsorption. We propose selective adsorption of atomic deuterium on the h-BN thin film based on the experimental results, and mention the effectiveness of applying the PSID method with X-ray to study hydrogen storage materials.

Journal Articles

Selective adsorption of atomic hydrogen on a $$h$$-BN thin film

Koswattage, K.; Shimoyama, Iwao; Baba, Yuji; Sekiguchi, Tetsuhiro; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*

Journal of Chemical Physics, 135(1), p.014706_1 - 014706_12, 2011/07

 Times Cited Count:23 Percentile:62.66(Chemistry, Physical)

The adsorption of atomic hydrogen on hexagonal boron nitride ($$h$$-BN) is studied using two element-specific spectroscopies, i.e., near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). B K-edge NEXAFS spectra show a clear change in the energy region of the $$pi$$$$^{*}$$ band before and after reaction with atomic deuterium. On the other hand, N K-edge NEXAFS spectra show only a little change. B 1s XPS spectra show a distinct component at the low binding energy side of a main component, while N 1s XPS spectra show peak broadening at the high binding energy side. These experimental results are analyzed by the discrete variational (DV) X$$alpha$$ method with a core-hole effect and are explained by a model in which hydrogen atoms are preferentially adsorbed on the B sites of $$h$$-BN. Based on the experimental and theoretical results, we propose a site-selective property of BN material on adsorption of atomic hydrogen.

Journal Articles

Radiation-induced chemical evolution of biomolecules

Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Matsui, Takahiro*; Izumi, Yudai*; Agui, Akane; Tanaka, Masahito*; Muro, Takayuki*

Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 78(12), p.1198 - 1201, 2009/12

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:30.36(Chemistry, Physical)

Chemical-evolution in glycilglycine (Gly2) films irradiated by 146 nm light was studied. It was found that quantum efficiency of chemical evolution from Gly2 to glycilglycilglycine (Gly3) is smaller than that to glycilglycilglycilglycine (Gly4) due to the multiple step of reaction. From natural circular dichroism spectra measurements for serine and alanine films, we found the splitting of 1s$$rightarrow$$$$pi$$$$^{*}$$ transitions in the energy region of oxygen 1s.

Journal Articles

Measurement and comparison of absolute value of soft X-ray natural circular dichroism of serine and alanine

Izumi, Yudai*; Imazu, Akiko*; Mimoto, Aki*; Tanaka, Masafumi*; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Tanaka, Masahito*; Agui, Akane; Muro, Takayuki*

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 190, p.012209_1 - 012209_4, 2009/11

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:87.07(Physics, Condensed Matter)

Soft X-ray natural circular dichroism spectra of serine and alaninethin films, were measured in absolute value with the focus at the oxygen 1s to $$pi$$$$^{*}$$ transition of COO$$^{-}$$. The soft X-ray natural circular dichroism spectra intensity of L-Ala was about ten times as large as that of L-Ser. Those differences would reflect the chiral environment of the core hole oxygen atoms of COO$$^{-}$$.

Journal Articles

Soft X-ray circular dichroism of biomolecules

Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Tanaka, Masahito*; Agui, Akane

Hoshako, 18(6), p.363 - 372, 2005/11

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Natural circular dichroism of amino acid films observed in soft X-ray and VUV region using polarizing undulator

Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Kaneko, Fusae*; Ota, Yoshimi*; Tanaka, Masahito*; Kitada, Tomo*; Agui, Akane; Fujii, Kentaro; Yokoya, Akinari; Watanabe, Kazutoshi*; Yamada, Toru*

Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 144-147, p.271 - 273, 2005/06

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:50.26(Spectroscopy)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Chemical evolution of amino acid induced by soft X-ray with synchrotron radiation

Kaneko, Fusae*; Tanaka, Masahito*; Narita, Satoru*; Kitada, Tomo*; Matsui, Takahiro*; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Agui, Akane; Fujii, Kentaro; Yokoya, Akinari

Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 144-147, p.291 - 294, 2005/06

 Times Cited Count:19 Percentile:64.47(Spectroscopy)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

First observation of natural circular dichroism for biomolecules in soft X-ray region studied with a polarizing undulator

Tanaka, Masahito*; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Agui, Akane; Fujii, Kentaro; Yokoya, Akinari

Physica Scripta, T115, p.873 - 876, 2005/00

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Journal Articles

Oxygen K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structures (XANES) of sublimated films of amino acids

Tanaka, Masahito*; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Koketsu, Toshiyuki*; Agui, Akane; Yokoya, Akinari

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 8(Part2), p.1009 - 1011, 2001/03

Amino acid molecules are known to be in the state of so-called "zwitter-ion" in solid phase and its extremely low vapour pressure makes ultra high vacuum experiment such as the XANES experiment possible. Recently, C-K edge XANES spectra of aromatic amino acids were studied experimentally and theoretically. Here we selected oxygen K-edge for XANES study of amino acids. From the view point of K-edge XANES study in amino acids, oxygen is interesting because its chemical states have the wealth of variety. A carboxylic group on the $$alpha$$ carbon is in the state of carboxylic anion -COO-, while carboxylic group in side-chain stays on -COOH, and some amino acids have -OH group in side-chain. Due to this variety of chemical environment, we can expect characteristic chemical shift for each oxygen atom in various amino acids. In this paper, we report a result of oxygen K-edge XANES spectra of amino acids (glycine, L-a-alanine, b-alanine, L-serine, L-asparic acid and L-tyrosine) films. We discuss the details of spectra on the basis of DV-X$$alpha$$ calculation.

Oral presentation

Microbe space exposure experiments at International Space Station (ISS) in the mission "Tanpopo"

Yokobori, Shinichi*; Yang, Y.*; Sugino, Tomohiro*; Kawaguchi, Yuko*; Takahashi, Yuta*; Narumi, Issei; Hashimoto, Hirofumi*; Hayashi, Nobuhiro*; Imai, Eiichi*; Kawai, Hideyuki*; et al.

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Soft X-ray natural circular dichroism of aspartic acid

Izumi, Yudai*; Imazu, Akiko*; Mimoto, Aki*; Tanabe, Maiko*; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Tanaka, Masahito*; Agui, Akane; Muro, Takayuki*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Soft X-ray natural circulr dichoroism of amino acid

Izumi, Yudai*; Kamohara, Masumi*; Tanaka, Masafumi*; Imazu, Akiko*; Mimoto, Aki*; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Tanaka, Masahito*; Agui, Akane; Muro, Takayuki*; Matsushita, Tomohiro*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Soft X-ray natural circular dichroism of amino acids

Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Tanaka, Masahito*; Izumi, Yudai*; Agui, Akane; Yokoya, Akinari; Fujii, Kentaro; Muro, Takayuki*; Matsushita, Tomohiro*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Circular dichroism spectroscopy of amino acid in soft X-ray region

Izumi, Yudai*; Kamohara, Masumi*; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Tanaka, Masahito*; Agui, Akane; Muro, Takayuki*; Matsushita, Tomohiro*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Soft X-ray measurement of amino acids

Izumi, Yudai*; Kamohara, Masumi*; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Tanaka, Masahito*; Agui, Akane; Muro, Takayuki*; Matsushita, Tomohiro*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

52 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)