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Kubota, Tomohiro; Kuroda, Hisao*; Watanabe, Mirai*; Takahashi, Akiko*; Nakazato, Ryoji*; Tarui, Mika*; Matsumoto, Shunichi*; Nakagawa, Keita*; Numata, Yasuko*; Ouchi, Takao*; et al.
Atmospheric Environment, 243, p.117856_1 - 117856_9, 2020/12
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:12.02(Environmental Sciences)The dry and wet depositions of atmospheric ammonia (NH) is one of the important pathways of nitrogen loads to aquatic ecosystems. Crop and livestock agriculture, one of the largest emitters of NH
in Asian countries, are known to cause high spatial and seasonal variation of NH
and influence the surrounding lake basin areas via its dry and wet deposition. However, the spatial characteristics of the NH
concentration in basin scale are not completely understood for regulation in NH
emission. Here we aim to clarify dominant factors of spatial and seasonal variations of the NH
concentration in a eutrophic lake basin surrounded by agricultural areas in Japan. Passive sampling over various land use categories in the basin was conducted at 36 sites in total from October 2018 to January 2020. Interestingly, the observed NH
concentration near the livestock houses were higher in winter than summer, which was inconsistent with knowledge of seasonal changes of current NH
emission inventory based on temperature-driven volatilization process. Comparing monthly NH
concentrations with various meteorological factors, we suggested the importance of seasonal advection of NH
from high emission sources to which has been rarely paid attention by the previous past studies. As for this, should be considered for lake ecosystem management since deposition of NH
is known to be closely related to the ecological processes such as phytoplankton blooming.
Takahashi, Akihisa*; Kubo, Makoto*; Ma, H.*; Nakagawa, Akiko*; Yoshida, Yukari*; Isono, Mayu*; Kanai, Tatsuaki*; Ono, Tatsuya*; Furusawa, Yoshiya*; Funayama, Tomoo; et al.
Radiation Research, 182(3), p.338 - 344, 2014/09
Times Cited Count:59 Percentile:90.24(Biology)To clarify whether high-LET radiation inhibits all repair pathways or specifically one repair pathway, studies were designed to examine the effects of radiation with different LET values on DNA DSB repair and radiosensitivity. Embryonic fibroblasts bearing repair gene KO were exposed to X rays, carbon-, iron-, neon- and argon-ion beams. Cell survival was measured with colony-forming assays. The sensitization enhancement ratio (SER) values were calculated using the 10% survival dose of wild-type cells and repair-deficient cells. Cellular radiosensitivity was listed in descending order: double-KO cells NHEJ-KO cells
HR-KO cells
wild-type cells. Although HR-KO cells had an almost constant SER value, NHEJ-KO cells showed a high-SER value when compared to HR-KO cells, even with increasing LET values. These results suggest that with carbon-ion therapy, targeting NHEJ repair yields higher radiosensitivity than targeting homologous recombination repair.
Izumi, Yudai*; Tanabe, Maiko*; Imazu, Akiko*; Mimoto, Aki*; Tanaka, Masahito*; Agui, Akane; Muro, Takayuki*; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*
Journal of Chemical Physics, 138(7), p.074305_1 - 074305_10, 2013/02
Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:30.79(Chemistry, Physical)no abstracts in English
Izumi, Yudai*; Imazu, Akiko*; Mimoto, Aki*; Tanaka, Masafumi*; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Tanaka, Masahito*; Agui, Akane; Muro, Takayuki*
Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 190, p.012209_1 - 012209_4, 2009/11
Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:86.71(Physics, Condensed Matter)Soft X-ray natural circular dichroism spectra of serine and alaninethin films, were measured in absolute value with the focus at the oxygen 1s to transition of COO
. The soft X-ray natural circular dichroism spectra intensity of L-Ala was about ten times as large as that of L-Ser. Those differences would reflect the chiral environment of the core hole oxygen atoms of COO
Izumi, Yudai*; Imazu, Akiko*; Mimoto, Aki*; Tanabe, Maiko*; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Tanaka, Masahito*; Agui, Akane; Muro, Takayuki*
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English
Izumi, Yudai*; Tanabe, Maiko*; Imazu, Akiko*; Mimoto, Aki*; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Tanaka, Masahito*; Agui, Akane; Muro, Takayuki*
no journal, ,
We measured soft X-ray natural circular dichroism (SXNCD) of aspartic acid (Asp) and tyrosine (Tyr) at oxygen K-edge region, in an attempt to obtain chiral structure at the vicinity of oxygen atoms. SXNCD measurement was carried out at the BL25SU beamline of the SPring-8, Japan. We focused on oxygen COO 1s
transitions around 533 eV. Since we used sublimation films which are randomly oriented samples, we could reject E1E2 mechanism and pick up only E1M1 mechanism.
Izumi, Yudai*; Kamohara, Masumi*; Tanaka, Masafumi*; Imazu, Akiko*; Mimoto, Aki*; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Tanaka, Masahito*; Agui, Akane; Muro, Takayuki*; Matsushita, Tomohiro*
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no abstracts in English
Izumi, Yudai*; Tanaka, Masafumi*; Imazu, Akiko*; Mimoto, Aki*; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Tanaka, Masahito*; Agui, Akane; Muro, Takayuki*
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English
Izumi, Yudai*; Imazu, Akiko*; Mimoto, Aki*; Tanabe, Maiko*; Nakagawa, Kazumichi*; Tanaka, Masahito*; Agui, Akane; Muro, Takayuki*
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English
Katata, Genki*; Kubota, Tomohiro; Kuroda, Hisao*; Watanabe, Mirai*; Takahashi, Akiko*; Nakazato, Ryoji*; Tarui, Mika*; Matsumoto, Shunichi*; Nakagawa, Keita*; Numata, Yasuko*; et al.
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English