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JAEA Reports

2005 Annual report of MEXT specially promoted research, "Development of the 4D space access neutron spectrometer (4SEASONS) and elucidation of the mechanism of oxide high-$$T_c$$ superconductivity"

Arai, Masatoshi; Yokoo, Tetsuya*; Kajimoto, Ryoichi; Nakajima, Kenji; Shamoto, Shinichi; Yamada, Kazuyoshi*; Fujita, Masaki*; Ino, Takashi*; Soyama, Kazuhiko; Nakamura, Mitsutaka; et al.

JAEA-Review 2006-033, 58 Pages, 2006/11


A research project entitled "Development of the 4D Space Access Neutron Spectrometer (4SEASONS) and Elucidation of the Mechanism of Oxide High-$$T_c$$ Superconductivity" has started in 2005 (repr. by M. Arai). It is supported by MEXT, Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research and is going to last until fiscal 2009. The goal of the project is to elucidate the mechanism of oxide high-$$T_c$$ superconductivity by neutron scattering technique. For this purpose, we will develop an inelastic neutron scattering instrument 4SEASONS (4d SpacE AccesS neutrON Spectrometer) for the spallation neutron source in Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). The instrument will have 100 times higher performance than existing world-class instruments, and will enable detailed observation of anomalous magnetic excitations and phonons in a four-dimensional momentum-energy space. This report summarizes the progress in the research project in fiscal 2007.

JAEA Reports

Example of answers to the problems of the 36th examination for the chief engineer of nuclear fuel, 2004

Yachi, Shigeyasu; Nakamura, Jinichi; Amaya, Masaki; Nakajima, Kunihisa; Komuro, Yuichi; Nakajima, Katsuaki*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Sato, Tadashi*; Suga, Shinichi*; Noguchi, Hiroshi; et al.

JAERI-Review 2004-020, 61 Pages, 2004/09


This report provides an example of answers to the problems of the 36th Examination for the Chief Engineer of Nuclear Fuel. This examination was done as a national qualification in March 2004. Brief explanations or references are added to some answers.

Oral presentation

Development of the Chopper spectrometer 4SEASONS at J-PARC

Kajimoto, Ryoichi; Yokoo, Tetsuya*; Nakajima, Kenji; Nakamura, Mitsutaka; Inamura, Yasuhiro; Maruyama, Ryuji; Soyama, Kazuhiko; Suzuya, Kentaro; Ino, Takashi*; Oyama, Kenji*; et al.

no journal, , 

4SEASONS is a chopper-type inelastic neutron spectrometer, and one of the day-one instruments at the spallation neutron source facility in Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). The targeted energy range is 5-300meV, and the spectrometer is optimized in intensity in this energy range by moderating the resolutions ($$Delta E/E_i sim 6$$% at $$E=0$$), by incorporating an efficient beam transport system, and by realizing multi incident energy ($$E_i$$) measurement. The high intensity and efficiency available at 4SEASONS make this spectrometer suitable for study of novel quantum phenomena in high-$$T_c$$ superconductors and related systems. In the present paper, we will report the current status of the development and the construction of 4SEASONS, such as construction of the vacuum tank and the shielding, development of the new Fermi chopper for the multi-$$E_i$$ measurement, 2.5m-long $$^3$$He PSDs, and the beam transport system.

Oral presentation

Current status of the 4SEASONS spectrometer at J-PARC

Kajimoto, Ryoichi; Yokoo, Tetsuya*; Nakajima, Kenji; Nakamura, Mitsutaka; Inamura, Yasuhiro; Soyama, Kazuhiko; Ino, Takashi*; Oyama, Kenji*; Sakai, Makiko; Aizawa, Kazuya; et al.

no journal, , 

4SEASONS is one of the day-one chopper spectrometers for the spallation neutron facility in Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC). The spectrometer targets high-$$T_c$$ superconductors and related strongly correlated materials utilizing incident energies of 5-300 meV. 4SEASONS supplies high flux at a sample by moderating the resolution ($$Delta E/E_i = 5$$-6% at $$E = 0$$) and incorporating efficient neutron optic devices. A new Fermi chopper is designed to multiply the measurement efficiency by repetition rate multiplication (RRM). Recently, we have decided to enlarge the detector coverage by $$30^{circ}$$ in horizontal direction (with the maximum scattering angle being $$120^{circ}$$) to let the spectrometer have more flexibility. The designing of the vacuum scattering chamber has been almost completed. Examination of the 2.5m-$$^3$$He PSD on neutron beam and manufacturing of a prototype of a slit package of the new chopper are going on.

Oral presentation

Chopper spectrometer 4SEASONS for J-PARC

Kajimoto, Ryoichi; Yokoo, Tetsuya*; Nakajima, Kenji; Nakamura, Mitsutaka; Inamura, Yasuhiro; Maruyama, Ryuji; Soyama, Kazuhiko; Suzuya, Kentaro; Ino, Takashi*; Oyama, Kenji*; et al.

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

5 (Records 1-5 displayed on this page)
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