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藤林 裕己*; 金城 克樹*; 仲嶺 元輝*; 北川 俊作*; 石田 憲二*; 徳永 陽; 酒井 宏典; 神戸 振作; 仲村 愛*; 清水 悠晴*; et al.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 92(5), p.053702_1 - 053702_5, 2023/05
被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:75.47(Physics, Multidisciplinary)To investigate the static and dynamic magnetic properties on the uranium-based superconductor UTe, we measured the NMR Knight shift
and the nuclear spin lattice relaxation rate 1/
Te-NMR on a
Te-enriched single-crystal sample. 1/
is much smaller than 1/
and c, and magnetic fluctuations along each axis are derived from the 1/
measured in
parallel to all three crystalline axes. The magnetic fluctuations are almost identical at two Te sites and isotropic at high temperatures, but become anisotropic below 40 K, where heavy-fermion state is formed.
金城 克樹*; 藤林 裕己*; 仲嶺 元輝*; 北川 俊作*; 石田 憲二*; 徳永 陽; 酒井 宏典; 神戸 振作; 仲村 愛*; 清水 悠晴*; et al.
Physical Review B, 105(14), p.L140502_1 - L140502_5, 2022/04
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:60.50(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)To investigate the normal-state magnetic properties of UTe under pressure, we perform
Te nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements up to 2 GPa. Below 1.2 GPa, the b-axis NMR Knight shift shows a broad maximum at the so-called
on cooling, which is consistent with the magnetization measurement under pressure.
decreases with increasing pressure and disappears at the critical pressure
= 1.7 GPa, above which superconductivity is destroyed.
藤林 裕己*; 仲嶺 元輝*; 金城 克樹*; 北川 俊作*; 石田 憲二*; 徳永 陽; 酒井 宏典; 神戸 振作; 仲村 愛*; 清水 悠晴*; et al.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 91(4), p.043705_1 - 043705_4, 2022/03
被引用回数:40 パーセンタイル:96.93(Physics, Multidisciplinary)本研究では、U系超伝導体UTeの超伝導状態におけるスピン帯磁率を、UTe
仲嶺 元輝*; 金城 克樹*; 北川 俊作*; 石田 憲二*; 徳永 陽; 酒井 宏典; 神戸 振作; 仲村 愛*; 清水 悠晴*; 本間 佳哉*; et al.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 90(6), p.064709_1 - 064709_7, 2021/06
被引用回数:25 パーセンタイル:86.18(Physics, Multidisciplinary)UTe is a recently discovered promising candidate for a spin-triplet superconductor. In contrast to conventional spin-singlet superconductivity, spin-triplet superconductivity possesses spin and angular momentum degrees of freedom. We previously reported that the shoulder signal appears in NMR spectra below the superconducting (SC) transition temperature
, and a slight decrease in the Knight shift along the
axes (
, respectively) below
at a low magnetic field
. Although the decrease in
vanished above 5.5 T, the decrease in
was independent of
up to 6.5 T. To clarify the origin of the shoulder signal and the trace of the decrease in
, we compared the
Te-NMR spectra obtained when
and measured the
Te-NMR spectra for
up to 14.5 T.
仲嶺 元輝*; 金城 克樹*; 北川 俊作*; 石田 憲二*; 徳永 陽; 酒井 宏典; 神戸 振作; 仲村 愛*; 清水 悠晴*; 本間 佳哉*; et al.
Physical Review B, 103(10), p.L100503_1 - L100503_5, 2021/03
被引用回数:45 パーセンタイル:93.31(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)To investigate spin susceptibility in a superconducting (SC) state, we measured the Te-NMR Knight shifts at magnetic fields (
) up to 6.5 T along the
axes of single-crystal UTe
, a promising candidate for a spin-triplet superconductor. In the SC state, the Knight shifts along the
axes (
, respectively) decreased slightly, and the decrease in
was almost constant up to 6.5 T. The reduction in
decreased with increasing
, and
was unchanged through the SC transition temperature at 5.5 T, excluding the possibility of spin-singlet pairing. Our results indicate that spin susceptibilities along the
axes slightly decrease in the SC state in low
, and the
response of SC spin susceptibility is anisotropic on the
仲嶺 元輝*; 北川 俊作*; 石田 憲二*; 徳永 陽; 酒井 宏典; 神戸 振作; 仲村 愛*; 清水 悠晴*; 本間 佳哉*; Li, D.*; et al.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 88(11), p.113703_1 - 113703_4, 2019/11
被引用回数:83 パーセンタイル:95.87(Physics, Multidisciplinary)We have performed the Te-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurement in the field along the
axis on the newly discovered superconductor UTe
, which is a candidate of a spin-triplet superconductor. The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate divided by temperature 1/
abruptly decreases below a superconducting (SC) transition temperature
without showing a coherence peak, indicative of UTe
being an unconventional superconductor. It was found that the temperature dependence of 1/
in the SC state cannot be understood by a single SC gap behavior but can be explained by a two SC gap model. The Knight shift, proportional to the spin susceptibility, decreases below
, but the magnitude of the decrease is much smaller than the decrease expected in the spin-singlet pairing. Rather, the small Knight-shift decrease as well as the absence of the Pauli-depairing effect can be interpreted by the spin triplet scenario.
徳永 陽; 酒井 宏典; 神戸 振作; 服部 泰佑; 比嘉 野乃花; 仲嶺 元輝*; 北川 俊作*; 石田 憲二*; 仲村 愛*; 清水 悠晴*; et al.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 88(7), p.073701_1 - 073701_4, 2019/07
被引用回数:73 パーセンタイル:94.90(Physics, Multidisciplinary)最近新たに発見された重い電子系超伝導体UTeの
Te-NMRのKnight shift
徳永 陽; 酒井 宏典; 神戸 振作; 服部 泰佑; 比嘉 野乃花*; 仲嶺 元輝*; 北川 俊作*; 石田 憲二*; 仲村 愛*; 清水 悠晴*; et al.
no journal, ,
徳永 陽; 酒井 宏典; 神戸 振作; 服部 泰佑; 比嘉 野乃花*; 仲嶺 元輝*; 北川 俊作*; 石田 憲二*; 仲村 愛*; 清水 悠晴*; et al.
no journal, ,