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Journal Articles

Superconducting spin reorientation in spin-triplet multiple superconducting phases of UTe$$_2$$

Kinjo, Katsuki*; Fujibayashi, Hiroki*; Matsumura, Hiroki*; Hori, Fumiya*; Kitagawa, Shunsaku*; Ishida, Kenji*; Tokunaga, Yo; Sakai, Hironori; Kambe, Shinsaku; Nakamura, Ai*; et al.

Science Advances (Internet), 9(30), p.2736_1 - 2736_6, 2023/07

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:84.75(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Journal Articles

Microscopic analyses on Zr adsorbed IDA chelating resin by PIXE and EXAFS

Arai, Yoichi; Watanabe, So; Ono, Shimpei; Nomura, Kazunori; Nakamura, Fumiya*; Arai, Tsuyoshi*; Seko, Noriaki*; Hoshina, Hiroyuki*; Hagura, Naoto*; Kubota, Toshio*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 477, p.54 - 59, 2020/08

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:59.24(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Journal Articles

Quantitative analysis of Zr adsorbed on IDA chelating resin using Micro-PIXE

Arai, Yoichi; Watanabe, So; Ono, Shimpei; Nomura, Kazunori; Nakamura, Fumiya*; Arai, Tsuyoshi*; Seko, Noriaki*; Hoshina, Hiroyuki*; Kubota, Toshio*

QST-M-23; QST Takasaki Annual Report 2018, P. 59, 2020/03

Journal Articles

Analysis on adsorbent for spent solvent treatment by micro-PIXE and EXAFS

Arai, Yoichi; Watanabe, So; Ono, Shimpei; Nakamura, Masahiro; Shibata, Atsuhiro; Nakamura, Fumiya*; Arai, Tsuyoshi*; Seko, Noriaki*; Hoshina, Hiroyuki*; Hagura, Naoto*; et al.

International Journal of PIXE, 29(1&2), p.17 - 31, 2019/00

The spent PUREX solvent containing U and Pu is generated from the reprocessing process of spent nuclear fuel. The nuclear material removal is important for the safe storage or disposal of the spent solvent. Our previous study revealed that the adsorbent with the iminodiacetic acid (IDA) functional group is one of the most promising materials for designing the nuclear material recovery process. Accordingly, an IDA-type adsorbent was synthesized by using graft polymerization technology or a chemical reaction to improve the adsorption rate and capacity. The synthesized IDA-type adsorbent was characterized by micro particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) analyses. The micro-PIXE analysis revealed that Zr was adsorbed on the whole synthesized adsorbents and quantified the microamount of adsorbed Zr. Moreover, EXAFS suggested that Zr in the aqueous solution and solvent can be trapped by the IDA group with different mechanisms.

Journal Articles

Application of glutathione to roots selectively inhibits cadmium transport from roots to shoots in oilseed rape

Nakamura, Shinichi*; Suzui, Nobuo; Nagasaka, Toshinori*; Komatsu, Fumiya*; Ishioka, Noriko; Ito, Sayuri*; Kawachi, Naoki; Rai, Hiroki*; Hattori, Hiroyuki*; Chino, Mitsuo*; et al.

Journal of Experimental Botany, 64(4), p.1073 - 1081, 2013/02

 Times Cited Count:58 Percentile:86.47(Plant Sciences)

Oral presentation

Development of composite iminodiacetic acid resin for nuclide recovery from high concentration sodium contaminated radioactive liquid waste

Kida, Fukuka*; Nakamura, Fumiya*; Arai, Tsuyoshi*; Matsushima, Ryotatsu; Saito, Yasuo

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of treatment technology of spent solvent generated from fuel reprocessing process, 4; Analyses on Zr adsorbed IDA adsorbents by Micro PIXE and EXAFS

Arai, Yoichi; Watanabe, So; Ono, Shimpei; Nomura, Kazunori; Nakamura, Fumiya*; Arai, Tsuyoshi*; Seko, Noriaki*; Hoshina, Hiroyuki*; Kubota, Toshio*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of treatment technology of spent solvent generated from fuel reprocessing process, 5; Synthesis and performance evaluation of iminodiacetic acid adsorbent

Nakamura, Fumiya*; Arai, Tsuyoshi*; Arai, Yoichi; Watanabe, So; Nomura, Kazunori; Seko, Noriaki*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of IDA type adsorbent aiming for direct recovery of radionuclides from waste organic solvents discharged from spent fuel reprocessing process

Nakamura, Fumiya*; Arai, Tsuyoshi*; Seko, Noriaki*; Arai, Yoichi; Watanabe, So; Nomura, Kazunori

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Radioactive nuclides recovery from spent solvent in STRAD project, 2; Zr adsorption onto ion exchange resins

Nakamura, Fumiya*; Abe, Ryoji*; Arai, Tsuyoshi*; Seko, Noriaki*; Arai, Yoichi; Watanabe, So; Nomura, Kazunori

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Development of treatment technology of spent solvent generated from fuel reprocessing process, 2; Investigation about the nuclear fuel material separation and removal from the liquid waste using solid adsorbent

Nakamura, Fumiya*; Arai, Tsuyoshi*; Hoshina, Hiroyuki*; Seko, Noriaki*; Arai, Yoichi; Watanabe, So; Nomura, Kazunori

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

11 (Records 1-11 displayed on this page)
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