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Journal Articles

On-site background measurements for the J-PARC E56 experiment; A Search for the sterile neutrino at J-PARC MLF

Ajimura, Shuhei*; Bezerra, T. J. C.*; Chauveau, E.*; Enomoto, T.*; Furuta, Hisataka*; Harada, Masahide; Hasegawa, Shoichi; Hiraiwa, T.*; Igarashi, Yoichi*; Iwai, Eito*; et al.

Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Internet), 2015(6), p.063C01_1 - 063C01_19, 2015/06

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:43.85(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

The J-PARC E56 experiment aims to search for sterile neutrinos at the J-PARC Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF). In order to examine the feasibility of the experiment, we measured the background rates of different detector candidate sites, which are located at the third floor of the MLF, using a detector consisting of plastic scintillators with a fiducial mass of 500 kg. The gammas and neutrons induced by the beam as well as the backgrounds from the cosmic rays were measured, and the results are described in this article.

Journal Articles

XUV-FEL spectroscopy; He two-photon ionization cross-sections

Sato, Takahiro*; Iwasaki, Atsushi*; Ishibashi, Kazuki*; Okino, Tomoya*; Yamanouchi, Kaoru*; Adachi, Junichi*; Yagishita, Akira*; Yazawa, Hiroki*; Kannari, Fumihiko*; Aoyama, Makoto; et al.

Europhysics News, 42(5), P. 10, 2011/09

The resonant and non-resonant two-photon single ionization processes of He were investigated using intense free electron laser light in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) region (53.4-61.4 nm) covering the 1s-2p and 1s-3p resonant transitions of He. On the basis of the dependences of the yield of He$$^{+}$$ on the XUV light-field intensity at 53.4, 58.4, 56.0 and 61.4 nm, the absolute values of the two-photon ionization cross sections of He at the four different wavelengths and their dependence on the light-field intensity were determined for the first time.

Journal Articles

Determination of the absolute two-photon ionization cross section of He by an XUV free electron laser

Sato, Takahiro*; Iwasaki, Atsushi*; Ishibashi, Kazuki*; Okino, Tomoya*; Yamanouchi, Kaoru*; Adachi, Junichi*; Yagishita, Akira*; Yazawa, Hiroki*; Kannari, Fumihiko*; Aoyama, Makoto; et al.

Journal of Physics B; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44(16), p.161001_1 - 161001_5, 2011/08

 Times Cited Count:39 Percentile:84.17(Optics)

The resonant and non-resonant two-photon single ionization processes of He were investigated using intense free electron laser light in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) region (53.4-61.4 nm) covering the 1s-2p and 1s-3p resonant transitions of He. On the basis of the dependences of the yield of He$$^{+}$$ on the XUV light-field intensity at 53.4, 58.4, 56.0 and 61.4 nm, the absolute values of the two-photon ionization cross sections of He at the four different wavelengths and their dependence on the light-field intensity were determined for the first time.

Journal Articles

Extreme ultraviolet free electron laser seeded with high-order harmonic of Ti:sapphore laser

Togashi, Tadashi*; Takahashi, Eiji*; Midorikawa, Katsumi*; Aoyama, Makoto; Yamakawa, Koichi; Sato, Takahiro*; Iwasaki, Atsushi*; Owada, Shigeki*; Okino, Tomoya*; Yamanouchi, Kaoru*; et al.

Optics Express (Internet), 19(1), p.317 - 324, 2011/01

 Times Cited Count:97 Percentile:96.19(Optics)

The 13th harmonic of a Ti:sapphire (Ti:S) laser in the plateau region was injected as a seeding source to a 250-MeV free-electron-laser (FEL) amplifier. When the amplification conditions were fulfilled, strong enhancement of the radiation intensity by a factor of 650 was observed. The random and uncontrollable spikes, which appeared in the spectra of the Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission (SASE) based FEL radiation without the seeding source, were found to be suppressed drastically to form to a narrow-band, single peak profile at 61.2 nm. The properties of the seeded FEL radiation were well reproduced by numerical simulations. We discuss the future precept of the seeded FEL scheme to the shorter wavelength region.

JAEA Reports

Development of cavity length control system for high repetition rate Nd:YAG laser oscillator (Joint research)

Maruyama, Yoichiro; Kubomura, Hiroyuki*; Kasamatsu, Tadashi*; Matsuoka, Shinichi*; Nakano, Fumihiko*; Kan, Hirofumi*

JAERI-Tech 2004-056, 14 Pages, 2004/09


A high average power tunable solid state laser is pumped by the second harmonic of LD-pumped high repetition rate Nd:YAG laser consisting of a single-longitudinal-mode oscillator and amplifiers. To operate the Nd:YAG laser oscillator with a single-longitudinal-mode by injection seeding, the cavity length control is required to coincide the resonant frequency of Nd:YAG laser oscillator with the frequency of seeder. For this purpose, a cavity length control system of the Nd:YAG laser oscillator is developed and the characteristics are studied. With this system, the cavity length is controlled at the pulse repetition rate of 0.5 kHz and the single frequency operation for more than three hours is realized.

Journal Articles

High efficiency frequency doubling of a Nd:YAG laser in a two-pass quadrature frequency-conversion scheme using CsLiB$$_{6}$$O$$_{10}$$ crystals

Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; Nakano, Fumihiko*; Yamakawa, Koichi

Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 19(8), p.1857 - 1864, 2002/08

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:36.00(Optics)

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JAEA Reports

High efficiency second-harmonic generation in multi-pass quadrature arrangement

Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; Nakano, Fumihiko*; Yamakawa, Koichi

JAERI-Research 2001-030, 26 Pages, 2001/05


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JAEA Reports

Demonstration of quadrature arrangement using CsLiB$$_{6}$$O$$_{10}$$ crystals

Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; Matsuoka, Shinichi*; Nakano, Fumihiko*; Yamakawa, Koichi

JAERI-Research 2001-019, 7 Pages, 2001/03


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JAEA Reports

Ultrafast, ultrahigh-peak power Ti:sapphire laser system

Yamakawa, Koichi; Aoyama, Makoto; Matsuoka, Shinichi; Akahane, Yutaka; Kase, Teiji*; Nakano, Fumihiko*; Sagisaka, Akito

JAERI-Research 2000-051, 43 Pages, 2001/01


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Journal Articles

Multi-pass quadrature arrangement using CsLiB$$_{6}$$O$$_{10}$$ crystals for highy efficient second-harmonic generation of high-power Nd:YAG laser

Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; Nakano, Fumihiko*; Yamakawa, Koichi

Technical Digest on 4th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/Pacific Rim 2001), p.II_150 - II_151, 2001/00

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Journal Articles

Efficient second-harmonic generation of high power Nd:YAG laser in multi-pass quadrature frequency conversion scheme

Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; Nakano, Fumihiko*; Yamakawa, Koichi

Shingaku Giho, 100(391), p.37 - 42, 2000/10

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Journal Articles

Quadrature frequency conversion scheme using CsLiB$$_{6}$$O$$_{10}$$ crystals for the efficient second-harmonic generation of high power Nd:YAG laser

Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; Matsuoka, Shinichi; Nakano, Fumihiko*; Yamakawa, Koichi

Optical Review, 7(4), p.281 - 283, 2000/07

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:9.95(Optics)

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Journal Articles

Contrast and phase characterization of a high-peak power 20-fs laser pulse

Aoyama, Makoto*; Sagisaka, Akito; Matsuoka, Shinichi*; Akahane, Yutaka; Nakano, Fumihiko*; Yamakawa, Koichi

Applied Physics B, 70(Suppl.), p.S149 - S153, 2000/06

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Journal Articles

Natural convection heat transfer enhancement using microencapsulted phase-change-material slurries

Kubo, Shinji; Akino, Norio; Tanaka, Amane*; Nakano, Fumihiko*; Nagashima, Akira*

Thermal Science and Engineering, 5(1), p.9 - 13, 1997/01

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Journal Articles

Microencapsulated PCM slurry for heat transfer media,3; Undercooling behavior of organic PCMs

Akino, Norio; Nakano, Fumihiko*; Kubo, Shinji; Tanaka, Amane*; Nagashima, Akira*; ;

Dai-33-Kai Nihon Dennetsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu, 0, p.233 - 234, 1996/00

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15 (Records 1-15 displayed on this page)
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