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Takeuchi, Tetsuya*; Honda, Fuminori*; Aoki, Dai*; Haga, Yoshinori; Kida, Takanori*; Narumi, Yasuo*; Hagiwara, Masayuki*; Kindo, Koichi*; Karube, Kosuke*; Harima, Hisatomo*; et al.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 93(4), p.044708_1 - 044708_10, 2024/04
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Kimura, Shojiro*; Onishi, Hiroaki; Okunishi, Koichi*; Akaki, Mitsuru*; Narumi, Yasuo*; Hagiwara, Masayuki*; Kindo, Koichi*; Kikuchi, Hikomitsu*
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 92(9), p.094701_1 - 094701_9, 2023/09
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Kitaori, Aki*; Kanazawa, Naoya*; Kida, Takanori*; Narumi, Yasuo*; Hagiwara, Masayuki*; Kindo, Koichi*; Takeuchi, Tetsuya*; Nakamura, Ai*; Aoki, Dai*; Haga, Yoshinori; et al.
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 92(2), p.024702_1 - 024702_6, 2023/02
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:30.70(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Kimura, Shojiro*; Onishi, Hiroaki; Okutani, Akira*; Akaki, Mitsuru*; Narumi, Yasuo*; Hagiwara, Masayuki*; Okunishi, Koichi*; Kindo, Koichi*; He, Z.*; Taniyama, Tomoyasu*; et al.
Physical Review B, 105(1), p.014417_1 - 014417_9, 2022/01
Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:40.97(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Fogh, E.*; Kihara, Takumi*; Toft-Petersen, R.*; Bartkowiak, M.*; Narumi, Yasuo*; Prokhnenko, O.*; Miyake, Atsushi*; Tokunaga, Masashi*; Oikawa, Kenichi; Srensen, M. K.*; et al.
Physical Review B, 101(2), p.024403_1 - 024403_12, 2020/01
Times Cited Count:19 Percentile:72.13(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Aratani, Hidekazu*; Nakatani, Yasuhiro*; Fujiwara, Hidenori*; Kawada, Moeki*; Kanai, Yuina*; Yamagami, Kohei*; Fujioka, Shuhei*; Hamamoto, Satoru*; Kuga, Kentaro*; Kiss, Takayuki*; et al.
Physical Review B, 98(12), p.121113_1 - 121113_6, 2018/09
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:23.50(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Saito, Yuji; Yasui, Akira*; Fuchimoto, Hiroto*; Nakatani, Yasuhiro*; Fujiwara, Hidenori*; Imada, Shin*; Narumi, Yasuo*; Kindo, Koichi*; Takahashi, Minoru*; Ebihara, Takao*; et al.
Physical Review B, 96(3), p.035151_1 - 035151_5, 2017/07
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:15.90(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)We revisit the delocalized character of the 4 states of CeFe in the ferromagnetically ordered phase by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) in X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) with improved data quality using single crystals. Surprisingly, the Ce XMCD spectral shape changes significantly as a function of temperature and applied magnetic field, with no concomitant changes in the spectral shape of the Ce XAS as well as the Fe XAS and XMCD. This unusual behavior is characterized by the states in a 4 configuration mixed into the ground state. Such extreme sensitivity of the Ce 4 states to the external perturbations can be related to the magnetic instability toward an antiferromagnetic phase in CeFe. Our experimental data presented here provide valuable insights into the underlying physics in strongly-hybridized ferromagnetic Ce compounds.
Matsuda, Masaaki; Ueda, Hiroaki*; Kikkawa, Akiko*; Tanaka, Yoshikazu*; Katsumata, Koichi*; Narumi, Yasuo*; Inami, Toshiya; Ueda, Yutaka*; Lee, S.-H.*
Nature Physics, 3(6), p.397 - 400, 2007/06
Times Cited Count:107 Percentile:93.19(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Cr-CrCr-based spinel compounds ACrO (A=Mg, Zn, Cd, and Hg) are so far the best model systems for a network of corner-sharing tetrahedrons with isotropic nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic interactions. The systems exhibit novel spin-Peierls phase transitions from cubic spin liquid to non-cubic Nel states at low temperatures. Recent bulk magnetization studies on CdCrO and HgCrO revealed the magnetic field-induced half magnetization plateau states that are stable over a wide range of field. Recent bulk magnetization studies on CdCrO and HgCrO revealed the magnetic field-induced half magnetization plateau states that are stable over a wide range of field.
Saito, Takashi*; Azuma, Masaki*; Takano, Mikio*; Hiroi, Zenji*; Narumi, Yasuo*; Kindo, Koichi*; Utsumi, Wataru
Funtai Oyobi Fummatsu Yakin, 46(9), p.1014 - 1019, 1999/09
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Kawamura, Seiko; Kambara, Wataru; Yamauchi, Yasuhiro; Yokoo, Tetsuya*; Munakata, Koji*; Kawakita, Yukinobu; Nakatani, Takeshi; Torii, Shuki*; Kajimoto, Ryoichi*; Nakajima, Kenji; et al.
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Current status and plans of sample environment (SE) in MLF are introduced and discussed in the presentation. As a new SE device, a 7 T vertical-field superconducting magnet was install in March 2012, and is scheduled to be used for a general user's experiment coming October. Pulse magnet system for neutron experiments has also been developed in IMR group in Tohoku Univ., and 40 T of pulsed magnetic field has successfully applied in a neutron experiment in our facility. Furthermore, we have planned effective use of SE resources of the KEK neutron facility (KENS), which was shutdown in 2006, and we completed transportation of them from Tsukuba to MLF in FY2011, One of remaining issues is user support system on SE.
Matsuda, Masaaki; Ueda, Hiroaki*; Kikkawa, Akiko*; Tanaka, Yoshikazu*; Katsumata, Koichi*; Narumi, Yasuo*; Inami, Toshiya; Ueda, Yutaka*; Lee, S.-H.*
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no abstracts in English