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Journal Articles

Optimising repository design for the CARE concept

Masuda, Sumio*; Kawamura, Hideki*; McKinley, I. G.*; Neall, F. B.*; Umeki, Hiroyuki

Proceedings of 11th International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference (IHLRWM) (CD-ROM), p.507 - 514, 2006/00

There has been increasing international interest in repository designs, particularly for high-level radioactive waste (HLW) or spent fuel (SF), which maintain the option of ease of retrieval for long periods of time. Such delayed closure may be driven by either a need to slowly gain social acceptance or a desire to maintain the future option of reprocessing of spent fuel in view of the resurgence of interest in nuclear power. In either case, there are advantages in repository concepts which are specifically developed with this requirement in mind, rather than attempting to modify designs developed under different boundary conditions. The CARE concept is an example of such a design. In the present paper, the basic concept is outlined and examined with respect to optimisation of both operational and post-closure safety.

JAEA Reports

H12: Examination of safety assessment aims, procedures and results from a wider perspective

Neall, F. B.*; Smith, P. A.*

JNC TY1400 2004-001, 144 Pages, 2004/05


H12 report was examined from a wider perspective. It is concluded that H12 provides a clear and well-founded message that it is feasible to site and construct a safe repository from HLW in Japan.

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