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Negyesi, M.*; 山口 義仁; 長谷川 邦夫; Lacroix, V.*; Morley, A.*
Proceedings of ASME 2024 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference (PVP 2024) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2024/07
Fatigue crack growth rates da/dN for stainless steels in air environment are provided by the ASME Code Section XI. The fatigue crack growth rates are given by da/dN = C(K), where C is the fatigue crack growth rate coefficient, n is the fatigue crack growth rate exponent and K is the stress intensity factor range. The coefficient C contains a temperature parameter S, and a scaling parameter, S, which is a function of the stress ratio R. When the stress ratio R is positive from 0 to 1, the parameter S increases with increasing the ratio R, and da/dN increases with increasing stress ratio R. When R is less than 0, the parameter is given by S = 1.0. Accordingly, fatigue crack growth rates under negative stress ratio are always constant, independent of stress ratios. This means that a cyclic stress state with a minimum that is compressive is considered to cause the same degree of crack growth as one with the same range but a zero minimum. However, from the results of literature survey, experimental data reveal that the fatigue crack growth rates decrease with decreasing R ratios below zero, i.e. negative stress ratios. The objective of this paper is to assess fatigue crack growth rates under such negative stress ratios for stainless steels in air environment. An equation determined from trends in experimental data is proposed for negative R ratios for calculating the parameter S for the ASME Code Section XI, Appendix Y, based on the literature surveyed in this study.
Morley, A.*; Negyesi, M.*; 長谷川 邦夫
Proceedings of ASME 2024 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference (PVP 2024) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2024/07
大気中におけるステンレス鋼の疲労亀裂進展速度はASME (米国機械学会)規格Section XIに規定されている。この亀裂進展速度は温度の上昇とともに増加し、この温度効果はパラメータSTで表されている。現在のこのパラメータSTの式は扱いにくく、温度の関数とした根拠に疑問があり、かつ、ASME規格の対象としている機器の適用温度から外れた実験データも用いて作成されている。そこで、文献調査による実験データをもとに、大気中におけるステンレス鋼の温度パラメータSTの代替式を提案する。
Negyesi, M.; 天谷 政樹
Oxidation of Metals, 94(3-4), p.283 - 299, 2020/10
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)Oxidation tests of Zry-4 fuel cladding in steam at 1273 K were carried out in this study. The effect of specimen surface roughness on the oxidation behavior was investigated. Steam was applied either at room temperature or at experimental temperature. Weight gain kinetics was evaluated by post-test weight measurement. Metallographic analysis was conducted using optical microscopy. Hydrogen pick-up was measured by gas extraction technique. The effect of specimen surface roughness on the oxidation kinetics as well as on the hydrogen absorption has not clearly been evidenced. The breakaway oxidation was suppressed significantly when the steam was applied at RT. The oxide breakaway was related to grain size of the base metal. Higher hydrogen absorption before the kinetic transition in the condition when steam was applied at 1273 K suggested enhanced oxide porosity.
Negyesi, M.; 天谷 政樹
Oxidation of Metals, 92(5-6), p.439 - 455, 2019/12
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:5.33(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)The paper deals with the effect of air fraction in steam on the embrittlement of Zry-4 fuel cladding exposed under steam-air atmospheres (air fractions of 10-100%) in the temperature range of 1273-1573 K. Ring compression tests were carried out in order to evaluate the embrittlement of fuel cladding. Furthermore, the microhardness of prior -phase was measured and fractured surfaces were observed under SEM. The degree of the embrittlement was discussed against the results of metallographic and hydrogen analyses. The microstructure and the hydrogen pick-up were substantially affected by nitride formation. Accelerated oxidation kinetics enhanced shrinking of the prior -region. The enhanced hydrogen absorption resulted in the increased microhardness of prior -phase. The degree of fuel cladding embrittlement, expressed by the plastic strain at failure and the maximum load, correlated well with the microhardness and the thickness of prior -phase.
Negyesi, M.; 天谷 政樹
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 524, p.263 - 277, 2019/10
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:27.87(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)The study deals with the oxidation behavior of fuel cladding under mixed steam-air atmospheres. Oxidation tests of Zry-4 were carried out at temperatures of 1273-1573 K. Post-test weight gain measurement along with metallographic examination were conducted to study separately the kinetics of the region where nitrides formed and the nitride-free region. The weight gain coming from the nitride-free region was estimated employing one-dimensional finite difference oxygen diffusion model and measured thicknesses of the metallic part of the oxidized specimen, the columnar oxide and the oxygen stabilized -Zr(O) as well as the fraction of the columnar oxide at the oxide/metal interface. Consequently, the weight gain related to the nitride formation has been assessed.
Negyesi, M.; 天谷 政樹
Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-27) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2019/05
This work deals with oxidation behavior of Zry-4 fuel cladding exposed to steam at 1273 K. The condition corresponds to LOCA. The effect of the specimen surface roughness and experimental setting on the oxidation behavior was investigated by employing two experimental techniques for oxidation tests and metallographic analysis along with hydrogen pick-up measurement. Slower heating rate under steam flow led to significantly slower oxidation rate during the subsequent isothermal exposure. As a consequence, the breakaway was delayed substantially. The effect of the specimen surface roughness on the oxidation behavior seemed to be rather minor under the investigated conditions. On the other hand, hydrogen uptake was found to be substantially affected by both the specimen surface roughness and the tested experimental setting.
Negyesi, M.; 天谷 政樹
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 114, p.52 - 65, 2018/04
被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:48.59(Nuclear Science & Technology)The growth kinetics of the columnar oxide and -Zr(O) layers of Zry-4 under mixed steam-air conditions at temperatures of 1273 and 1473 K were investigated in this study be means of post-test metallographic measurements. The hydrogen uptake was also determined by the inert gas fusion technique. The kinetics of the columnar oxide layer obeyed a parabolic law for all air fractions at both temperatures. The kinetics of -Zr(O) layer appeared to deviate slightly from the parabolic law. The parabolic oxidation rate constant of the columnar oxide increased with increasing air fraction, whereas the parabolic oxidation rate constant of -Zr(O) layer seemed to be independent of the air fraction. Mixed steam-air conditions appeared to enhance hydrogen absorption substantially, especially after the columnar oxide lost its protectiveness.
Negyesi, M.; 天谷 政樹
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 54(10), p.1143 - 1155, 2017/10
被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:58.10(Nuclear Science & Technology)This paper deals with the oxidation behavior of Zry-4 nuclear fuel cladding tubes in mixed steam_air atmospheres at temperatures of 1273 and 1473 K. The main goal is to study the oxidation kinetics of Zry-4 fuel cladding in dependence on the air fraction in steam in the range from 0 up to 100%. The purpose of this study is to provide experimental data suitable for an oxidation correlation applicable for thermomechanical analysis codes of nuclear power reactor under severe accidents. The influence of the air addition in steam on parameters of Zry-4 kinetic equation has been quantified using the results of weight gain measurements. At 1273 K, both pre-transient and post-transient regimes were treated. The results of weight gain measurements showed a strong dependence of the Zry-4 oxidation kinetics on the air fraction in steam, especially at 1473 and at 1273 K in the post-transient regime.
Negyesi, M.; 天谷 政樹
Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-25) (CD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2017/07
Zry-4 fuel cladding tubes were exposed in mixtures of oxygen and nitrogen at temperatures of 800-1380 C. The influence of various flow rates of oxygen and nitrogen as well as specimen height on the weight gain was examined. The overall weight gain was substantially affected by both the applied flow rates and the height of specimens. The oxidation kinetics in air was assessed based on the results of weight gain measurements. A transition in the kinetics was observed at 800 and 1000 C. The kinetics in the post-transient regimes was rather accelerated than linear. The equation proposed in this study for air condition was in good agreement with the Leistikow-Berg correlation and the Baker-Just correlation. Prior -phase shrinked when the oxide scale along with the -Zr(O) layer progressed. Eventually, both the specimen plastic strain and maximum load decreased due to the shrinkage and increasing embrittlement of the prior -phase.
Negyesi, M.; 天谷 政樹
Proceedings of Annual Topical Meeting on LWR Fuels with Enhanced Safety and Performance (TopFuel 2016) (USB Flash Drive), p.1065 - 1074, 2016/09
This study dealt with oxidation behavior of Zry-4 nuclear fuel cladding under a severe nuclear reactor accident scenario. Influence of the reaction extent on cladding mechanical properties was also treated. Zry-4 fuel cladding segments were exposed to steam atmosphere containing different amount of air in composition ranging from 0 to 100 vol.%. Exposure times covered both pre- and post-breakaway regimes. Metallographic observations along with microhardness testing were carried out to study the effect of air fraction on the material microstructure. Hydrogen pick-up was measured and residual mechanical properties were assessed employing Ring Compression Tests. The results show that the addition of air in steam can lead to more than 300% increase of weight gain in case of 50% or higher air fraction after the exposure of 60 min., namely, "late post-breakaway regime". Approximately three times thicker oxide scales were observed in such cases, indicating that most of the weight gain was due to the oxide layer increase. Nitride phase was preferentially observed close to the interface between oxide and metal layers. The -Zr(O) sublayer thickness decreases with the increasing fraction of air in steam. Microhardness, measured within the prior -phase region, slightly depends on the air fraction. Hydrogen uptake, on the other hand, depends strongly on the air fraction in steam. In the case of shorter exposure times, the effect of air addition in steam was suppressed. Eventually, specimen plastic strains drastically reduced in the late post-breakaway regime.
Negyesi, M.
no journal, ,
The study is concerned with high temperature steam oxidation behaviour of Zry-4 fuel cladding. The effect of the experimental setting and the specimen surface roughness on the oxidation rate is addressed. The presented results show strong influence of the degree of oxidation upon the heat-up phase on the subsequent isothermal oxidation behaviour. On the other hand, the effect of the specimen surface roughness has not been clearly evidenced. The results were also compared to literature data.
Negyesi, M.
no journal, ,
This study deals with high-temperature steam oxidation behavior of Zry-4 fuel cladding. The experimental conditions correspond to the loss of coolant accident (LOCA) of LWRs. Oxidation tests were carried out at 1273 K employing two experimental techniques. The effect of the heat-up conditions on the subsequent isothermal oxidation rate were investigated. Furthermore, the effect of specimen surface roughness on the oxidation behavior was treated. The oxidation rate during the isothermal exposure was substantially suppressed at higher degrees of oxidation upon the heat-up. Consequently, the well-known "breakaway" effect, which results in accelerated oxidation rate, was found to be significantly delayed. The effect of the surface roughness on the oxidation behavior appeared to be rather minor under the test conditions of this study. The effect of the degree of oxidation upon the heat-up showed to be crucial and needs to be further addressed when evaluating the "breakaway" effect.
Negyesi, M.
no journal, ,
The presentation deals with oxidation behavior of Zry-4 fuel cladding during severe accidents of LWR. Zry-4 fuel cladding was exposed in steam-air mixtures at temperatures of 1273-1473 K. Specimen weight gain was measured, metallographic observations were carried out, hydrogen uptake was determined and ring compression tests were conducted. It was found out that the oxidation behavior of Zry-4 may be affected significantly by the experimental setting. Higher air fraction in steam accelerated the oxidation kinetics substantially. The kinetics of the oxide and -Zr(O) layers have been also assessed. Substantial hydrogen pick-ups were measured, strongly depending on the air fraction. As a consequence, the mechanical properties deteriorated significantly.
Negyesi, M.
no journal, ,
The presentation deals with oxidation behavior of Zry-4 alloy during severe accidents of LWR. Zry-4 fuel cladding was exposed in steam-air mixtures at temperatures of 1000-1200 C. Specimen weight gain was measured, metallographic observations were carried out, hydrogen uptake was determined and ring compression tests were conducted. The oxidation kinetics of Zry-4 was significantly affected by the air fraction in steam at 1000 C in the post-transient regime and at 1200 C. The effect of air fraction was diminished at 1000 C in the pre-transient regime. Metallographic examination revealed severe oxide layer cracking and nitride formation. Substantial hydrogen pick-ups were measured, especially at 1000 C after 60 min, strongly depending on the air fraction. They probably led to the significant decrease in plastic strain at 1000 C after 60 min. The effect of air fraction on plastic strain has been hardly observed at 1200 C.