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Journal Articles

Evaluation of clearance level for radionuclides in asbestos-containing wastes

Shimada, Taro; Nemoto, Hiromi*; Takeda, Seiji

Hoken Butsuri (Internet), 57(1), p.5 - 29, 2022/03

Of the asbestos-containing wastes arising from the dismantling activities of nuclear facilities, those with radioactive concentrations that do not need to be treated as radioactive substances will be cleared from the nuclear regulatory control. Those will be disposed of or recycled as specially controlled industrial waste based on the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act. The authors constructed evaluation scenarios according to the treatment manual for asbestos-containing waste and evaluated public exposure doses per year for 33 radionuclides. Based on the evaluated doses, the radioactive concentration corresponding to the dose criteria of 10 $$mu$$Sv/y for clearance was calculated for each radionuclide and scenario. As a result, the evaluated concentration was equal to or higher than the current clearance level. It was confirmed that the application of the current clearance level for asbestos-containing wastes did not affect safety.

Journal Articles

Dose estimation in the recycling of removed soil for land reclamation

Shimada, Asako; Nemoto, Hiromi*; Sawaguchi, Takuma; Takeda, Seiji

Mechanical Engineering Journal (Internet), 7(3), p.19-00569_1 - 19-00569_17, 2020/06

After treatments such as sieve classification and washing of decontamination soil taken in Fukushima prefecture, recycling of the treated soil in which radioactivity concentration level is relatively low to public engineering works is invented to reduce the amount of the decontamination soil that must be disposed of. In the present study, dose estimation for workers and the public was conducted from the viewpoint of application of recycling material of decontamination soil for land reclamation by considering exposure pathways from the construction to the servicing of the land as a greenery-covered area. In the case of revegetation with trees, uptake of Cs into trees was considered and the exposure from trees, trimmed or thinned trees, and organic deposit made from litter fall were evaluated. From the results, the concentration levels of radiocesium, $$^{134}$$Cs and $$^{137}$$Cs, for which the annual effective exposure dose does not exceed 1 mSv/y was calculated. In addition, the thickness of the cover soil required to maintain the exposure dose lower than 10 $$mu$$Sv/y for the public during servicing was ascertained. Furthermore, disasters were considered; for instance, by considering that tsunamis, fires, and concentrated heavy rain can increase exposure doses based on changes in the conditions of the reclamation land, we confirmed that the additional exposure dose during disaster and rehabilitation is lower than 1 mSv/y. Based on these evaluation results, we determined the concentration levels amenable to recycling.

Journal Articles

Dose estimation in recycling of decontamination soil from the Fukushima Daiichi NPS accident for land reclamation

Shimada, Asako; Nemoto, Hiromi*; Sawaguchi, Takuma; Takeda, Seiji

Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-27) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2019/05

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory Project, Annual report for fiscal year 2014

Hama, Katsuhiro; Mikake, Shinichiro; Ishibashi, Masayuki; Sasao, Eiji; Kuwabara, Kazumichi; Ueno, Tetsuro; Onuki, Kenji*; Beppu, Shinji; Onoe, Hironori; Takeuchi, Ryuji; et al.

JAEA-Review 2015-024, 122 Pages, 2015/11


Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) at Tono Geoscience Center (TGC) is pursuing a geoscientific research and development project namely the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) Project in crystalline rock environment in order to construct scientific and technical basis for geological disposal of High-level Radioactive Waste (HLW). The MIU Project has three overlapping phases: Surface-based Investigation phase (Phase I), Construction phase (Phase II), and Operation phase (Phase III). The MIU Project has been ongoing the Phase III, as the Phase II was concluded for a moment with the completion of the excavation of horizontal tunnels at GL-500m level in February 2014. This report presents the results of the investigations, construction and collaboration studies in fiscal year 2014.

JAEA Reports

Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory Project, Annual report for fiscal year 2013

Hama, Katsuhiro; Mikake, Shinichiro; Nishio, Kazuhisa; Kawamoto, Koji; Yamada, Nobuto; Ishibashi, Masayuki; Murakami, Hiroaki; Matsuoka, Toshiyuki; Sasao, Eiji; Sanada, Hiroyuki; et al.

JAEA-Review 2014-038, 137 Pages, 2014/12


Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) at Tono Geoscience Center (TGC) is pursuing a geoscientific research and development project namely the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) Project in crystalline rock environment in order to construct scientific and technological basis for geological disposal of High-level Radioactive Waste (HLW). The MIU Project has three overlapping phases: Surface-based Investigation phase (Phase I), Construction phase (Phase II), and Operation phase (Phase III). The MIU Project has been ongoing the Phase II and the Phase III in fiscal year 2013. This report presents the results of the investigations, construction and collaboration studies in fiscal year 2013, as a part of the Phase II and Phase III based on the MIU Master Plan updated in 2010.

Journal Articles

Complementary characterization of radioactivity produced by repetitive laser-driven proton beam using shot-to-shot proton spectral measurement and direct activation measurement

Ogura, Koichi; Shizuma, Toshiyuki; Hayakawa, Takehito; Yogo, Akifumi; Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Orimo, Satoshi; Sagisaka, Akito; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Mori, Michiaki; Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; et al.

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 51(4), p.048003_1 - 048003_2, 2012/04

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:8.87(Physics, Applied)

A proton beam driven by a repetitive high-intensity-laser is utilized to induce a $$^{7}$$Li(p,n)$$^{7}$$Be nuclear reaction. The total activity of $$^{7}$$Be are evaluated by two different methods. The activity obtained measuring the decay $$gamma$$-rays after 1912 shots at 1 Hz is 1.7$$pm$$0.2 Bq. This is in good agreement with 1.6$$pm$$0.3 Bq evaluated from the proton energy distribution measured using a time-of-flight detector and the nuclear reaction cross-sections. We conclude that the production of activity can be monitored in real time using the time-of-flight-detector placed inside a diverging proton beam coupled with a high-speed signal processing system.

Journal Articles

Laser-driven proton generation with a thin-foil target

Sagisaka, Akito; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Mori, Michiaki; Yogo, Akifumi; Ogura, Koichi; Orimo, Satoshi; Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Ma, J.*; Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; Kanazawa, Shuhei; et al.

NIFS-PROC-85, p.30 - 33, 2011/02

The experiment of proton generation is performed for developing the laser-driven ion source. We observe proton signals in the laser-plasma interaction by using a thin-foil target. To get higher energy protons the size of the preformed plasma is reduced by changing the laser contrast level. In the high-contrast laser pulse case the maximum energy of the protons generated at rear side of the target increases.

Journal Articles

Proton generation and terahertz radiation from a thin-foil target with a high-intensity laser

Sagisaka, Akito; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Mori, Michiaki; Yogo, Akifumi; Ogura, Koichi; Orimo, Satoshi; Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Ma, J.*; Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; Kanazawa, Shuhei; et al.

Reza Kenkyu, 38(9), p.702 - 705, 2010/09

High-intensity laser and thin-foil interactions produce high-energy particles, hard X-ray, high-order harmonics, and terahertz (THz) radiation. A proton beam driven by a high-intensity laser has received attention as a compact ion source for medical applications. In this study we have tested simultaneous generation of protons and THz radiation from a thin-foil target. We use a Ti:sapphire laser system (J-KAREN) at JAEA. A laser beam is focused by an off-axis parabolic mirror at the thin-foil target. We observed the high-energy proton in the rear side of the target and THz radiation in the reflected direction. Next, high energy protons are observed by reducing the size of preformed plasma.

Journal Articles

Development of calculation code for estimating radiation dose for hypothetical accident of nuclear facility considering radioactive decay chain during atmospheric dispersion of released radionuclides

Takeyasu, Masanori; Nakano, Masanao; Sumiya, Shuichi; Nemoto, Hiromi*; Kanno, Mitsuhiro*; Kurosawa, Naohiro*

Proceedings of 3rd Asian and Oceanic Congress on Radiation Protection (AOCRP-3) (CD-ROM), 4 Pages, 2010/05

The dose to the public at hypothetical accident of nuclear facility is estimated on the basis of the method described in the Japanese meteorological guideline. However, the radioactive decay during atmospheric dispersion of released radionuclide is not considered in the calculation formula in the guideline. Therefore, when the radionuclide of the half life such as a few min is released, the dose may be excessively over-estimated. In this study, the calculation code was developed which could consider the radioactive decay of the released radionuclide and the generation of the product. The dose calculated on the basis of the developed code was compared with that on the basis of the guideline.

Journal Articles

Ion acceleration using temporally-controlled high-intensity laser pulses

Yogo, Akifumi; Daido, Hiroyuki; Mori, Michiaki; Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; Bulanov, S. V.; Bolton, P. R.; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Ogura, Koichi; Sagisaka, Akito; Orimo, Satoshi; et al.

Reza Kenkyu, 37(6), p.449 - 454, 2009/06

The acceleration of protons driven by a high-intensity laser is comprehensively investigated via control of the target density by using ASE just before the time of the main-laser interaction. Two cases were investigated for which the ASE intensity differed by three orders of magnitude: In the low contrast case the beam centre for higher energy protons is shifted closer to the laser-propagation direction of 45$$^{circ}$$, while the center of lower-energy beam remains near the target normal direction. Particle-in-cell simulations reveal that the characteristic proton acceleration is due to the quasistatic magnetic field on the target rear side with the magnetic pressure sustaining a charge separation electrostatic field.

Journal Articles

Proton-induced nuclear reactions using compact high-contrast high-intensity laser

Ogura, Koichi; Shizuma, Toshiyuki; Hayakawa, Takehito; Yogo, Akifumi; Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Orimo, Satoshi; Sagisaka, Akito; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Mori, Michiaki; Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; et al.

Applied Physics Express, 2(6), p.066001_1 - 066001_3, 2009/05

 Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:49.61(Physics, Applied)

Protons with energies up to 3.5 MeV have been generated by a 10 Hz compact laser with an intensity of about 10$$^{20}$$ W/cm$$^{2}$$, focused on a 7.5 mm thick polyimide target. These protons were used to induce a nuclear reaction of $$^{11}$$B(p,n)$$^{11}$$C. A total activity of 11.1 Bq was created after 60-shot laser irradiation. The possibility of thin layer activation (TLA) using a high-intensity ultra-short pulsed laser is discussed.

Journal Articles

Focusing and spectral enhancement of a repetition-rated, laser-driven, divergent multi-MeV proton beam using permanent quadrupole magnets

Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Daito, Izuru; Ikegami, Masahiro; Daido, Hiroyuki; Mori, Michiaki; Orimo, Satoshi; Ogura, Koichi; Sagisaka, Akito; Yogo, Akifumi; Pirozhkov, A. S.; et al.

Applied Physics Letters, 94(6), p.061107_1 - 061107_3, 2009/02

 Times Cited Count:59 Percentile:87.36(Physics, Applied)

A pair of conventional permanent magnet quadrupoles is used to focus a 2.4 MeV laser-driven proton beam at a 1 Hz repetition rate. The magnetic field strengths are 55 T/m and 60 T/m for the first and second quadrupoles respectively. The proton beam is focused to a spot size (full width at half maximum) of 2.7$$times$$8 mm$$^{2}$$ at a distance of 650 mm from the source. This result is in good agreement with a Monte Carlo particle trajectory simulation.

Journal Articles

New method to measure the rise time of a fast pulse slicer for laser ion acceleration research

Mori, Michiaki; Yogo, Akifumi; Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Ogura, Koichi; Orimo, Satoshi; Ma, J.*; Sagisaka, Akito; Kanazawa, Shuhei; Kondo, Shuji; et al.

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 36(4), p.1872 - 1877, 2008/08

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:28.30(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

A dependence of cut-off proton kinetic energy on laser prepulse duration has been observed. ASE pedestal duration is controlled by a fast electro-optic pulse slicer where the risetime is estimated to be 130 ps. We demonstrate a new correlated spectral technique for determining this risetime using a stretched, frequency chirped pulse.

Journal Articles

Efficient production of a collimated MeV proton beam from a Polyimide target driven by an intense femtosecond laser pulse

Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Daido, Hiroyuki; Yogo, Akifumi; Orimo, Satoshi; Ogura, Koichi; Ma, J.-L.; Sagisaka, Akito; Mori, Michiaki; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; et al.

Physics of Plasmas, 15(5), p.053104_1 - 053104_10, 2008/05

 Times Cited Count:45 Percentile:84.16(Physics, Fluids & Plasmas)

High-flux energetic protons whose maximum energies are up to 4 MeV are generated by an intense femtosecond Titanium Sapphire laser pulse interacting with a 7.5, 12.5, and 25$$mu$$m thick Polyimide tape targets. The laser pulse energy is 1.7 J, duration is 34 fs, and intensity is 3$$times$$10$$^{19}$$Wcm$$^{-2}$$. The amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) has the intensity contrast ratio of 4$$times$$10$$^{-8}$$. The conversion efficiency from laser energy into proton kinetic energies of $$sim$$3% is achieved, which is comparable or even higher than those achieved in the previous works with nanometer-thick targets and the ultrahigh contrast laser pulses ($$sim$$10$$^{-10}$$).

Journal Articles

Simultaneous proton and X-ray imaging with femtosecond intense laser driven plasma source

Orimo, Satoshi; Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Daido, Hiroyuki; Yogo, Akifumi; Ogura, Koichi; Sagisaka, Akito; Li, Z.*; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Mori, Michiaki; Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; et al.

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1, 46(9A), p.5853 - 5858, 2007/09

 Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:54.86(Physics, Applied)

A laser-driven proton beam with a maximum energy of a few MeV is stably obtained using an ultra-short and high-intensity Titanium Sapphire laser. At the same time, keV X-ray is also generated at almost the same place where protons are emitted. Here, we show the successful demonstration of simultaneous proton and X-ray projection images of a test sample placed close to the source with a resolution of $$sim$$10$$mu$$m, which is determined from the source sizes. Although the experimental configuration is very simple, the simultaneity is better than a few hundreds of ps. A CR-39 track detector and imaging plate, which are placed as close as possible to the CR-39, are used as detectors of protons and X-ray. The technique is applicable to the precise observation of microstructures.

Journal Articles

Development of laser driven proton sources and their applications

Daido, Hiroyuki; Sagisaka, Akito; Ogura, Koichi; Orimo, Satoshi; Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Mori, Michiaki; Ma, J.-L.; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; Kanazawa, Shuhei; et al.

Proceedings of 7th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2007) (CD-ROM), p.77 - 79, 2007/00

We are developing a proton accelerator using an intense lasers with a focused intensity of $$>$$ 10$$^{17}$$ W/cm$$^{2}$$. To monitor proton energy spectra as well as plasma parameters at each laser shot, we are using real time detectors. The proton energy of MeV is stably obtained for applications.

Journal Articles

Intense femto-second laser-driven X-ray source coupled with multiple directional quantum beams for applications

Daido, Hiroyuki; Sagisaka, Akito; Ogura, Koichi; Orimo, Satoshi; Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Yogo, Akifumi; Mori, Michiaki; Li, Z.*; Kiriyama, Hiromitsu; Kanazawa, Shuhei; et al.

X-Ray Lasers 2006; Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol.115, p.595 - 605, 2007/00

At present, using ultra-short high intensity lasers at APRC, JAEA Kansai photon research institute, we are developing laser driven multiple quantum beams such as protons, X-rays, electrons and THz waves. These beams are perfectly synchronized with each other. The pulse duration of each beam is lass than a pico-second. They have sharp directionality with high brightness. If we properly combined these, we have new pump-probe techniques for various applications.

Journal Articles

Close contact melting of solid in a horizontal cylindrical capsule

Nemoto, Hiroyuki*; Ogi, Hiromichi*; Shiina, Yasuaki; Inagaki, Terumi*

Kashika Joho Gakkai-Shi, 26(Suppl.1), p.1 - 4, 2006/07

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Contact melting heat transfer in horizontal cylindrical enclosures by surrounded uniform flows

Shiina, Yasuaki; Nemoto, Hiroyuki*; Ogi, Hiromichi*; Inagaki, Terumi*

Dai-43-Kai Nihon Dennetsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu, p.415 - 416, 2006/05

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

The Irradiation facilities for the radiation tolerance testing of semiconductor devices for space use in Japan

Saido, Masahiro; Fukuda, Mitsuhiro; Arakawa, Kazuo; Tajima, Satoshi; Sunaga, Hiromi; Yotsumoto, Keiichi; Kamiya, Tomihiro; Tanaka, Ryuichi; Hirao, Toshio; Nashiyama, Isamu; et al.

Proceedings of 1999 IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, p.117 - 122, 1999/00

no abstracts in English

43 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)