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Quantification of bulk elemental composition for C-type asteroid Ryugu samples with nondestructive elemental analysis using muon beam

二宮 和彦*; 大澤 崇人; 寺田 健太郎*; 和田 大雅*; 長澤 俊作*; Chiu, I.-H.; 中村 智樹*; 他40名*

Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 59(8), p.2044 - 2057, 2024/08

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:66.86(Geochemistry & Geophysics)



Development of a non-destructive carbon quantification method in iron by negative muon lifetime measurement

二宮 和彦*; 久保 謙哉*; 稲垣 誠*; 吉田 剛*; 竹下 聡史*; 反保 元伸*; 下村 浩一郎*; 河村 成肇*; Strasser, P.*; 三宅 康博*; et al.

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 333(7), p.3445 - 3450, 2024/07

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:75.38(Chemistry, Analytical)

A novel nondestructive light element analysis method for bulk materials using muon beams was demonstrated. This method is based on the lifetime measurement of muons in a material and performed by measuring muon-decay electrons and identifying elements using the atomic number based on muon lifetimes. Muon irradiation on pure iron and two steel samples with known carbon contents was conducted to prepare a calibration curve for the quantitative analysis. We also performed a muon lifetime measurement for a Japanese sword and successfully determined its carbon content as 0.51 wt% using the calibration curve, without sample destruction.


Development of non-destructive isotope measurement of the natural galena (PbS) using negative muon beams

寺田 健太郎*; 二宮 和彦*; 佐藤 朗*; 友野 大*; 川島 祥孝*; 稲垣 誠*; 南部 明弘*; 工藤 拓人*; 大澤 崇人; 久保 謙哉*

Journal of Analytical Science and Technology, 15, p.28_1 - 28_7, 2024/05

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:63.46(Chemistry, Analytical)



Development of wide range photon detection system for muonic X-ray spectroscopy

水野 るり恵*; 新倉 潤*; 齋藤 岳志*; 松崎 禎市郎*; 櫻井 博儀*; Amato, A.*; 浅利 駿介*; Biswas, S.*; Chiu, I.-H.; Gianluca, J.*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1060, p.169029_1 - 169029_14, 2024/03

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:34.39(Instruments & Instrumentation)

We have developed a photon detection system for muonic X-ray spectroscopy. The detector system consists of high-purity germanium detectors with BGO Compton suppressors. The signals from the detectors are readout with a digital acquisition system. The absolute energy accuracy, energy and timing resolutions, photo-peak efficiency, the performance of the Compton suppressor, and high count rate durability are studied with standard $$gamma$$-ray sources and in-beam experiment using $$^{27}$$Al($$p,gamma$$)$$^{28}$$Si resonance reaction. The detection system was demonstrated at Paul Scherrer Institute. A calibration method for a photon detector at a muon facility using muonic X-rays of $$^{197}$$Au and $$^{209}$$Bi is proposed.


Development of a non-destructive depth-selective quantification method for sub-percent carbon contents in steel using negative muon lifetime analysis

二宮 和彦*; 久保 謙哉*; 稲垣 誠*; 吉田 剛*; Chiu, I.-H.; 工藤 拓人*; 浅利 駿介*; 千徳 佐和子*; 竹下 聡史*; 下村 浩一郎*; et al.

Scientific Reports (Internet), 14, p.1797_1 - 1797_8, 2024/01

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Multidisciplinary Sciences)



Non-destructive elemental analysis of lunar meteorites using a negative muon beam

Chiu, I.-H.; 寺田 健太郎*; 大澤 崇人; Park, C.*; 竹下 聡史*; 三宅 康博*; 二宮 和彦*

Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 58(9), p.1333 - 1344, 2023/09

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Geochemistry & Geophysics)

We report the result of a non-destructive elemental analysis of lunar meteorites using a negative muon beam at J-PARC. An experimental system of six Ge semiconductor detectors and a newly designed He analysis chamber (to enable quantitative analysis of Al) was used to provide a high signal-to-noise ratio for the detection of major elements from lunar rocks (Mg, Si, Fe, O, Ca, and Al). We performed a Monte Carlo simulation to determine the chemical compositions at two sides and the center of a sample (at depths of 0.33 and 0.96 mm below the sample surface, respectively) of the lunar meteorite DEW 12007. These results indicate that the three interior regions of DEW 12007 are likely to be 55.8:44.2, 51.4:48.6, and 54.4:45.6 wt% mixtures of anorthositic and basaltic clasts, respectively. This study is the first quantitative analysis of a heterogeneous meteorite interior using a negative muon beam. As elemental analysis using a muon beam is non- destructive and highly sensitive to light elements, including C, N, and O, the protocols established in this study are applicable to initial characterization of returned samples from the South Pole of the Moon.


Development of nondestructive elemental analysis system for Hayabusa2 samples using muonic X-rays

大澤 崇人; 長澤 俊作*; 二宮 和彦*; 高橋 忠幸*; 中村 智樹*; 和田 大雅*; 谷口 秋洋*; 梅垣 いづみ*; 久保 謙哉*; 寺田 健太郎*; et al.

ACS Earth and Space Chemistry (Internet), 7(4), p.699 - 711, 2023/04

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:81.73(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)



Non-destructive elemental analysis of lunar materials with negative muon beam at J-PARC

Chiu, I.-H.; 寺田 健太郎*; 大澤 崇人; Park, C.*; 竹下 聡史*; 三宅 康博*; 二宮 和彦*

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 2462, p.012004_1 - 012004_6, 2023/03

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:75.20(Physics, Applied)

今までの10年間で、負のミュオンビームを使用した非破壊元素分析が進歩しつつある。この方法では、サンプルに損傷を与えることなく、バルク材料の元素組成を決定するために使用できる。本研究では、ステンレス製の分析チャンバーに設置されたNWA482隕石の負ミュオン照射実験を行った。分析チャンバーにはヘリウムガスが充填され、空気散乱ミュオンによるバックグラウンド信号が抑制された。試料中のAl, Fe, Ca, Mg, Si, OからのミュオンX線は、分析チャンバーの周囲に配置された6つのゲルマニウム半導体検出器を使用して検出された。サンプルのX線自己吸収効果を補正するために、さらにGeant4ツールキットによるモンテカルロシミュレーションを使用した。シミュレーションからの補正を導入し、ミュオンX線測定の定量分析を行った。その結果、NWA482データに基づいて隕石中の各元素の分析感度を調べることに成功した。


Atmospheric resuspension of insoluble radioactive cesium bearing particles found in the difficult-to-return area in Fukushima

Tang, P.*; 北 和之*; 五十嵐 康人*; 佐藤 志彦; 畑中 恒太郎*; 足立 光司*; 木名瀬 健*; 二宮 和彦*; 篠原 厚*

Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (Internet), 9(1), p.17_1 - 17_15, 2022/03

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:53.83(Geosciences, Multidisciplinary)

The deposition of insoluble radiocesium bearing microparticles (CsMPs), which were released from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (F1NPP) accident in March 2011, has resulted in the widespread contamination of eastern Japan. Obviously, these deposited insoluble CsMPs may become the secondary contamination sources by atmospheric migration or other environmental transferring process, however, the understanding of the transport mechanism remains non-elucidation, and the relevant evidence has not been directly provided. This study, for the first time, provides the direct evidence for the resuspension of these insoluble CsMPs to the atmosphere from (1) proximity of $$^{137}$$Cs radioactivity and resemblance of the morphology and the elemental compositions of CsMPs in the samples of soil and aerosol derived from the same sampling site, (2) the special characteristics of the resuspended CsMPs of which the ratios of Na/Si, K/Si and/or Cs/Si were smaller than those from the initially released CsMPs collected at either long distance or near F1NPP, which can be ascribed to the slowly natural corrosion of CsMPs by the loss of the small amount of soluble contents in CsMPs, and (3) high CsMPs concentration of 10 granules/gram in the surface soil of our sampling site, and high resuspension frequency of CsMPs in spring when predominant suspended particles were soil dust.


Dynamical response of transition-edge sensor microcalorimeters to a pulsed charged-particle beam

奥村 拓馬*; 東 俊行*; Bennet, D. A.*; Caradonna, P.*; Chiu, I.-H.*; Doriese, W. B.*; Durkin, M. S.*; Fowler, J. W.*; Gard, J. D.*; 橋本 直; et al.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 31(5), p.2101704_1 - 2101704_4, 2021/08

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:7.76(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)



Deexcitation dynamics of muonic atoms revealed by high-precision spectroscopy of electronic $$K$$ X rays

奥村 拓馬*; 東 俊行*; Bennet, D. A.*; Caradonna, P.*; Chiu, I. H.*; Doriese, W. B.*; Durkin, M. S.*; Fowler, J. W.*; Gard, J. D.*; 橋本 直; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 127(5), p.053001_1 - 053001_7, 2021/07

 被引用回数:15 パーセンタイル:77.46(Physics, Multidisciplinary)



Structural and compositional characteristics of Fukushima release particulate material from Units 1 and 3 elucidates release mechanisms, accident chronology and future decommissioning strategy

Martin, P. G.*; Jones, C. P.*; Bartlett, S.*; Ignatyev, K.*; Megson-Smith, D.*; 佐藤 志彦; Cipiccia, S.*; Batey, D. J.*; Rau, C.*; 末木 啓介*; et al.

Scientific Reports (Internet), 10, p.22056_1 - 22056_17, 2020/12

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:11.17(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

The structural form and elemental distribution of material originating from different Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant reactors (Units 1 and 3) is hereby examined to elucidate their contrasting release dynamics and the current in-reactor conditions to influence future decommissioning challenges. Complimentary computed X-ray absorption tomography and X-ray fluorescence data show that the two suites of Si-based material sourced from the different reactor Units have contrasting internal structure and compositional distribution. The known event and condition chronology correlate with the observed internal and external structures of the particulates examined, which suggest that Unit 1 ejecta material sustained a greater degree of melting than that likely derived from reactor Unit 3. In particular, we attribute the near-spherical shape of Unit 1 ejecta and their internal voids to there being sufficient time for surface tension to round these objects before the hot (and so relatively low viscosity) silicate melt cooled to form glass. In contrast, a more complex internal form associated with the sub-mm particulates invoked to originate from Unit 3 suggest a lower peak temperature, over a longer duration. Using volcanic analogues, we consider the structural form of this material and how it relates to its environmental particulate stability and the bulk removal of residual materials from the damaged reactors. We conclude that the brittle and angular Unit 3 particulate are more susceptible to further fragmentation and particulate generation hazard than the round, higher-strength, more homogenous Unit 1 material.



五十嵐 淳哉*; Zhang, Z. J.*; 二宮 和彦*; 篠原 厚*; 佐藤 志彦; 箕輪 はるか*; 吉川 英樹

KEK Proceedings 2019-2, p.54 - 59, 2019/11



First determination of Pu isotopes ($$^{239}$$Pu, $$^{240}$$Pu and $$^{241}$$Pu) in radioactive particles derived from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident

五十嵐 淳哉*; Zheng, J.*; Zhang, Z.*; 二宮 和彦*; 佐藤 志彦; 福田 美保*; Ni, Y.*; 青野 辰雄*; 篠原 厚*

Scientific Reports (Internet), 9(1), p.11807_1 - 11807_10, 2019/08

 被引用回数:23 パーセンタイル:62.75(Multidisciplinary Sciences)



Activity of $$^{90}$$Sr in fallout particles collected in the difficult-to-return zone around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

Zhang, Z.*; 五十嵐 淳哉*; 佐藤 志彦; 二宮 和彦*; 末木 啓介*; 篠原 厚*

Environmental Science & Technology, 53(10), p.5868 - 5876, 2019/05

 被引用回数:21 パーセンタイル:59.19(Engineering, Environmental)



Initial quantum levels of captured muons in CO, CO$$_2$$, and COS

吉田 剛*; 二宮 和彦*; 稲垣 誠*; 髭本 亘; Strasser, P.*; 河村 成肇*; 下村 浩一郎*; 三宅 康博*; 三浦 太一*; 久保 謙哉*; et al.

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 320(2), p.283 - 289, 2019/05

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:36.10(Chemistry, Analytical)



Negative muon capture ratios for nitrogen oxide molecules

二宮 和彦*; 伊藤 孝; 髭本 亘; 河村 成肇*; Strasser, P.*; 長友 傑*; 下村 浩一郎*; 三宅 康博*; 喜多 真琴*; 篠原 厚*; et al.

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 319(3), p.767 - 773, 2019/03

 被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:75.14(Chemistry, Analytical)

Per-atom muon capture ratios are precisely determined from characteristic muonic X-ray measurements of three nitrogen oxide samples (NO, N$$_2$$O, and NO$$_2$$) at pressures below 100 kPa. A higher density of covalent electrons at the N atoms relative to the O atoms is required if we explain the experimental results using the proposed muon capture models. From molecular orbit calculations, we found that the electron distributions of only the highest occupied molecular orbitals (HOMO) are dominant at the N atoms, and the electrons in the HOMO significantly contribute to the muon capture phenomena in the nitrogen oxide molecules.


Nuclear magnetic field in solids detected with negative-muon spin rotation and relaxation

杉山 純*; 梅垣 いづみ*; 野崎 洋*; 髭本 亘; 濱田 幸司*; 竹下 聡史*; 幸田 章宏*; 下村 浩一郎*; 二宮 和彦*; 久保 謙哉*

Physical Review Letters, 121(8), p.087202_1 - 087202_5, 2018/08

 被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:72.90(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Using an intense negative muon source, we have studied the internal magnetic fields in a powder sample of magnesium hydride. By extracting the signal from the negative muon captured on Mg nuclei, we found that the negative muon spin rotation and relaxation spectra clearly showed a Kubo-Toyabe type relaxation, which indicates a random magnetic field at the Mg site. The field distribution width obtained is very consistent with the predicted value at the Mg site estimated by dipole field calculations, supporting our claim to have observed the nuclear magnetic fields of hydrogens in magnesium hydride.



二宮 和彦*; 佐藤 志彦; 他53名*

KEK Proceedings 2017-6, p.31 - 34, 2017/11



Non-destructive elemental analysis of a carbonaceous chondrite with direct current Muon beam at MuSIC

寺田 健太郎*; 佐藤 朗*; 二宮 和彦*; 川島 祥孝*; 下村 浩一郎*; 吉田 剛*; 河井 洋輔*; 大澤 崇人; 橘 省吾*

Scientific Reports (Internet), 7(1), p.15478_1 - 15478_6, 2017/11


 被引用回数:23 パーセンタイル:70.05(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

電子やX線を用いた特性X線分析は基礎的化学分析手法として様々な分野で用いられている。近年、その高い透過性からミュオン捕獲特性X線を用いた分析手法が注目を集めている。我々はここに最新の強力なDCミュオン源であるMuSICを用いて行った炭素質コンドライトの分析結果について報告する。炭素を約2%含むJbilet Winselwan隕石を測定した結果、Mg, Si, Fe, O, S, Cからのミュオン捕獲特性X線を検出し、元素存在度のパターンはCMコンドライトとして無矛盾であった。本非破壊分析手法は炭素に高い感度を持つことから、C型小惑星からのサンプルが持ち帰られた場合にも、それを分析する強力な新手法となりえる。

80 件中 1件目~20件目を表示