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Miura, Tatsuya*; Nishikata, Atsushi*; Tsuru, Toru*; Yamamoto, Masahiro; Uchiyama, Gunzo; Nojima, Yasuo*; Fujine, Sachio*
Fushoku Boshoku Kyokai Dai-58-Kai Zairyo To Kankyo Toronkai Koenshu, p.15 - 16, 2011/09
There exist some equipments made of Ti or Ti-5Ta alloy in the spent nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. These equipments are investigated for failure by hydrogen embrittlement. To evaluate the stabilities of hydrogen in the solutions using at the reprocessing plant, channel-flow-ellectrode (CFE) method was utilized. The method to determine the dissolved hydrogen concentration was considered from the results of anodic polarization curves.
Ishikawa, Hiroki*; Tada, Eiji*; Nishikata, Atsushi*; Taniguchi, Naoki; Tachikawa, Hirokazu*
no journal, ,
In current concept of geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste, the vittrified wastes are stored in metallic container which is called overpack, and then disposed in deep underground. Similarly in direct disposal of spent nuclear fuel, the fuel assemblies are disposed in deep underground contained in metallic disposal container. In order to ensure the long term integrity and safety of overpack or disposal container, corrosion monitoring was performed using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) technique.