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Journal Articles

Present status of the JAEA-AMS-TONO in 2019

Fujita, Natsuko; Matsubara, Akihiro; Miyake, Masayasu*; Watanabe, Takahiro; Kokubu, Yoko; Kato, Motohisa*; Okabe, Nobuaki*; Isozaki, Nobuhiro*; Ishizaka, Chika*; Nishio, Tomohiro; et al.

Proceedings of the 8th East Asia Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Symposium and the 22nd Japan Accelerator Mass Spectrometry symposium (EA-AMS 8 & JAMS-22), p.34 - 36, 2020/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Current status of JAEA-AMS-TONO in the 20th year

Kokubu, Yoko; Fujita, Natsuko; Miyake, Masayasu; Watanabe, Takahiro; Ishizaka, Chika; Okabe, Nobuaki; Ishimaru, Tsuneari; Matsubara, Akihiro*; Nishizawa, Akimitsu*; Nishio, Tomohiro*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 456, p.271 - 275, 2019/10

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:47.59(Instruments & Instrumentation)

JAEA-AMS-TONO has been in operation at the Tono Geoscience Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency since 1998 and 20 years have passed from the beginning of its utilization. The AMS system is a versatile system based on a 5 MV tandem Pelletron type accelerator. The system has been used to measure carbon-14 ($$^{14}$$C), beryllium-10 ($$^{10}$$Be) and aluminium-26 ($$^{26}$$Al). In addition, the development of measurement of iodine-129 ($$^{129}$$I) has been started. The main use is measurement of $$^{14}$$C in geological samples for dating studies in neotectonics and hydrogeology. In order to increase the speed of sample preparation, we introduced the automated graphitization equipment and made a gas-strip line to collect dissolved inorganic carbon in groundwater samples. Measurement of $$^{10}$$Be and $$^{26}$$Al has been used for geoscience studies and the detection limit in the measurement of $$^{10}$$Be was improved by $$^{7}$$Be-counting suppression. Recently tuning of measurement condition of $$^{129}$$I has been progressed.

Journal Articles

Improvement of methods for measurement of $$^{129}$$I/$$^{127}$$I ratio at JAEA-AMS-TONO

Okabe, Nobuaki; Fujita, Natsuko; Matsubara, Akihiro*; Miyake, Masayasu; Nishio, Tomohiro*; Nishizawa, Akimitsu*; Isozaki, Nobuhiro*; Watanabe, Takahiro; Kokubu, Yoko

JAEA-Conf 2018-002, p.51 - 54, 2019/02

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

The Twenty years of JAEA-AMS-TONO

Kokubu, Yoko; Fujita, Natsuko; Matsubara, Akihiro*; Nishizawa, Akimitsu*; Nishio, Tomohiro; Miyake, Masayasu; Ishimaru, Tsuneari; Watanabe, Takahiro; Ogata, Nobuhisa; Shimada, Akiomi; et al.

JAEA-Conf 2018-002, p.5 - 8, 2019/02

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

The present status of the AGE3 automated graphitization equipment for radiocarbon dating at the JAEA-AMS-TONO

Watanabe, Takahiro; Kokubu, Yoko; Fujita, Natsuko; Ishizaka, Chika*; Nishio, Tomohiro; Matsubara, Akihiro*; Miyake, Masayasu; Kato, Motohisa*; Isozaki, Nobuhiro*; Torazawa, Hitoshi*; et al.

JAEA-Conf 2018-002, p.116 - 119, 2019/02

AMS is widely used for radiocarbon dating of geological samples. However, improvement in efficiency of sample preparation techniques are needed for high-time resolution dataset. In 2016, automated graphitization equipment (AGE3, IonPlus AG) has been installed in Toki Research Institute of Isotope Geology and Geochronology, Tono Geoscience Center, JAEA. Background values and carbon recovery rates during preparation process of AGE3 should be estimated before application in radiocarbon dating. In this study, the AGE3 system was evaluated using the international standard materials (IAEA-C1, C4, C5, C6, C7, C9 and NIST-SRM4990C) at JAEA-AMS-TONO. Graphite samples was prepared by the AGE3 system and radiocarbon concentration of these standards was measured by AMS. The results were agreement with the consensus values. Background values were 0.15$$pm$$0.01 pMC (IAEA-C1) using the AGE3 system. Therefore, we concluded that the system can be adapted for radiocarbon dating of geological samples.

Journal Articles

Present status of the accelerator facility at the JAEA-AMS-TONO; 2016

Fujita, Natsuko; Miyake, Masayasu; Watanabe, Takahiro; Kokubu, Yoko; Ishimaru, Tsuneari; Matsubara, Akihiro*; Nishio, Tomohiro*; Kato, Motohisa*; Isozaki, Nobuhiro*; Torazawa, Hitoshi*; et al.

JAEA-Conf 2018-013, p.96 - 99, 2019/02

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Derivation of a charge state distribution around axial channeling condition

Matsubara, Akihiro*; Fujita, Natsuko; Miyake, Masayasu; Isozaki, Nobuhiro*; Nishizawa, Akimitsu*

JAEA-Conf 2018-013, p.135 - 139, 2019/02

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Present status of the accelerator facility at the JAEA-AMS-TONO; 2017

Fujita, Natsuko; Miyake, Masayasu; Watanabe, Takahiro; Kokubu, Yoko; Matsubara, Akihiro*; Kato, Motohisa*; Okabe, Nobuaki; Isozaki, Nobuhiro*; Ishizaka, Chika*; Torazawa, Hitoshi*; et al.

Dai-31-Kai Tandemu Kasokuki Oyobi Sono Shuhen Gijutsu No Kenkyukai Hokokushu, p.92 - 95, 2018/12

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Cathode-target position dependence of measured isotope rations

Matsubara, Akihiro*; Miyake, Masayasu; Fujita, Natsuko; Isozaki, Nobuhiro*; Nishizawa, Akimitsu*; Kokubu, Yoko

Dai-19-Kai AMS Shimpojiumu, 2016-Nendo "Jumoku Nenrin" Kenkyukai Kyodo Kaisai Shimpojiumu Hokokushu, p.118 - 121, 2017/06

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Present status of the JAEA-AMS-TONO; 2016

Fujita, Natsuko; Miyake, Masayasu; Watanabe, Takahiro; Kokubu, Yoko; Ishimaru, Tsuneari; Matsubara, Akihiro*; Isozaki, Nobuhiro*; Nishio, Tomohiro*; Kato, Motohisa*; Torazawa, Hitoshi*; et al.

Dai-19-Kai AMS Shimpojiumu, 2016-Nendo "Jumoku Nenrin" Kenkyukai Kyodo Kaisai Shimpojiumu Hokokushu, p.68 - 71, 2017/06

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Present status of the tandem accelerator at the JAEA-AMS-TONO; 2015

Fujita, Natsuko; Matsubara, Akihiro*; Watanabe, Takahiro; Kokubu, Yoko; Umeda, Koji*; Ishimaru, Tsuneari; Nishizawa, Akimitsu*; Miyake, Masayasu; Owaki, Yoshio*; Nishio, Tomohiro*; et al.

Dai-29-Kai Tandemu Kasokuki Oyobi Sono Shuhen Gijutsu No Kenkyukai Hokokushu, p.39 - 42, 2017/03

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Present status of the JAEA-AMS-TONO; 2015

Fujita, Natsuko; Matsubara, Akihiro; Watanabe, Takahiro; Kokubu, Yoko; Umeda, Koji; Nishizawa, Akimitsu*; Miyake, Masayasu*; Owaki, Yoshio*; Nishio, Tomohiro*; Kato, Motohisa*

Dai-18-Kai AMS Shimpojiumu Hokokushu, p.85 - 90, 2016/12

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Current status of system technology of the JAEA-AMS-TONO; 2014

Matsubara, Akihiro; Fujita, Natsuko; Miyake, Masayasu*; Nishizawa, Akimitsu*; Kokubu, Yoko

Dai-17-Kai AMS Shimpojiumu Hokokushu, p.40 - 45, 2015/12

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Progress on multi-nuclide AMS of JAEA-AMS-TONO

Kokubu, Yoko; Matsubara, Akihiro; Miyake, Masayasu*; Nishizawa, Akimitsu*; Owaki, Yoshio*; Nishio, Tomohiro*; Sanada, Katsuki*; Hanaki, Tatsumi

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 361, p.48 - 53, 2015/10

 Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:75.12(Instruments & Instrumentation)

The JAEA-AMS-TONO facility was established in 1997 at the Tono Geoscience Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency. Our AMS system has been made available for $$^{14}$$C- and $$^{10}$$Be-AMS. At present, the development of $$^{26}$$Al-AMS has been conducted to enhance the capability for multi-nuclide AMS. In this presentation, we report the progress on multi nuclide AMS in addition to the status of our facility.

Journal Articles

Measurement of the carbon beam trajectory for $$^{14}$$C-AMS

Fujita, Natsuko; Matsubara, Akihiro; Nishizawa, Akimitsu*; Miyake, Masayasu*; Kokubu, Yoko

Dai-27-Kai Tandemu Kasokuki Oyobi Sono Shuhen Gijutsu No Kenkyukai Hokokushu, p.134 - 137, 2015/03

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Present status of the JAEA-AMS-TONO; FY2013

Matsubara, Akihiro; Fujita, Natsuko; Nishizawa, Akimitsu*; Miyake, Masayasu*; Nishio, Tomohiro*; Owaki, Yoshio*; Sanada, Katsuki*; Kokubu, Yoko; Ishimaru, Tsuneari

Dai-27-Kai Tandemu Kasokuki Oyobi Sono Shuhen Gijutsu No Kenkyukai Hokokushu, p.47 - 51, 2015/03

Steady progress has been made in the development of a multi-nuclide AMS system for measurement of rare radionuclides ($$^{10}$$Be, $$^{14}$$C, and $$^{26}$$Al) to apply geochronological dating methods. In this article we will report the current status of the JAEA-AMS-TONO.

Journal Articles

Current status of system technology in the JAEA-AMS-TONO; 2013

Matsubara, Akihiro; Nishizawa, Akimitsu*; Miyake, Masayasu*; Kokubu, Yoko

Dai-16-Kai AMS Shimpojiumu Hokokushu, p.21 - 26, 2014/11

Stready progress has been made in the development of a multi-nuclide AMS system for measurement of rare radionuclides ($$^{10}$$Be, $$^{14}$$C, and $$^{26}$$Al)to apply geochronological dating methods. The study of long term reliability of measurement data has been continuously performed by measuring standard samples, showing acceptable quality comparable to that reported by other facilities.

Journal Articles

Quaternary geochronology using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS); Current status of the AMS system at the Tono Geoscience Center

Matsubara, Akihiro; Kokubu, Yoko; Nishizawa, Akimitsu*; Miyake, Masayasu*; Ishimaru, Tsuneari; Umeda, Koji

Geochronology; Methods and Case Studies, p.3 - 30, 2014/07

Our ongoing efforts have been dedicated to development of a multi-nuclide AMS system for measurement of the rare radionuclides $$^{10}$$Be, $$^{14}$$C, $$^{26}$$Al, and $$^{36}$$Cl. In this article, the current status of the AMS system at the TONO-AMS-JAEA and our activities leading to development of a multi-nuclide AMS are presented.

Journal Articles

Radiocarbon dating of seeds and a wood excavateed at Emon site

Kokubu, Yoko; Matsubara, Akihiro; Ishimaru, Tsuneari; Miyake, Masayasu*; Nishizawa, Akimitsu*; Owaki, Yoshio*; Nishio, Tomohiro*

Heisei-24-Nendo Tokishi Shinai Iseki Hakkutsu Chosa Hokokusho, p.28 - 30, 2014/03

Radiocarbon dating using accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) was performed on Gramineae spp. seeds and a wood trunk collected from layers of IVb and Vb at the trench 1 of Emon site. After counting of number of tree rings of the trunk, 5 rings containing the outermost layer and the innermost one were cut to obtain wiggle-matched calibrated ages. In JAEA-AMS-TONO, graphite were made from the seeds and the rings and then their carbon isotope ratios were measured by AMS to obtain radiocarbon date. Calendar ages were calculated from the radiocarbon dates. Calendar ages of two seeds collected from the IVb layer were ranged between century of 15 and 17. That of the outermost layer of the trunk was about 1300 calAD, which was older than those of the seeds. On the other hand, those of the seeds collected from the Vb layer were 14 century.

Journal Articles

Baseline fluctuation on the pulse trace of gas ionazation chamber for $$^{10}$$Be-AMS

Matsubara, Akihiro; Nishizawa, Akimitsu*; Miyake, Masayasu*; Kokubu, Yoko; Ishimaru, Tsuneari

Dai-26-Kai Tandemu Kasokuki Oyobi Sono Shuhen Gijutsu No Kenkyukai Hokokushu, p.90 - 93, 2013/07

no abstracts in English

68 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)