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JAEA Reports

Study on engineering technologies in the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (FY 2012) (Contract research)

Fukaya, Masaaki*; Noda, Masaru*; Hata, Koji*; Takeda, Nobufumi*; Akiyoshi, Kenji*; Ishizeki, Yoshikazu*; Kaneda, Tsutomu*; Sato, Shin*; Shibata, Chihoko*; Ueda, Tadashi*; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2014-019, 495 Pages, 2014/08


The researches on engineering technology in the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) plan consists of (1) research on engineering technology deep underground, and (2) research on engineering technology as a basis of geological disposal. The former research is mainly aimed in this study, which is categorized in (a) development of design and construction planning technologies, (b) development of construction technologies, (c) development of countermeasure technologies, and (d) development of technologies for security. In this study, the researches on engineering technology are being conducted in these four categories by using data measured during construction as a part of the second phase of the MIU plan.

Journal Articles

Progress and future prospects of nuclear forensics technology development project at JAEA

Kimura, Yoshiki; Shinohara, Nobuo; Sato, Kaneaki; Toda, Nobufumi; Shinoda, Yoshiharu; Funatake, Yoshio; Watahiki, Masaru; Kuno, Yusuke

Proceedings of INMM 55th Annual Meeting (Internet), 7 Pages, 2014/07

In 2010, the Japan Government issued the national statement at Nuclear Security Summit (Washington D.C., USA) to develop technologies related to measurement and detection of nuclear materials for nuclear forensics within three-year timeframe, and to share the products with the international community in order to contribute to strengthening the nuclear security system. In response to this statement, JAEA that possesses sufficient technical capabilities to fulfil this nuclear forensics mission has started a nuclear forensics technology development project since JFY 2011. This paper will present the progress of the development project during JFY 2011 to 2013. This project includes the developments of analytical technologies such as isotope and impurity measurements, morphology analysis, age determination technique, and the prototype of national nuclear forensics library (NNFL). Some future prospects of this project will be also presented in this paper.

Journal Articles

Evaluation of shaft excavation technology based on construction results up to a depth of 500m at Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory

Sato, Toshinori; Mikake, Shinichiro; Noda, Masaru*; Kobayashi, Shinji*

Tonneru To Chika, 45(7), p.501 - 510, 2014/07

The Japan Atomic Energy Agency conducts studies and research associated with the excavation of underground research facility at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory in Mizunami City, Gifu Prefecture. The research laboratory is an underground facility consisting of two shafts and some drifts and excavation has currently extended to a depth of 500 m. This report contains the evaluation results of measures to control the welling of water and measures to prevent ground collapse based on construction records up to now. For measures to control the welling of water, we carried out pre-grouting from umbrella-shaped grouthing holes placed at the bottom of the shaft and observed improvements in given permeability. For measures to prevent ground collapse, we conducted safe shaft sinking along faults by combining reinforecement works using rock bolts and fore-poling works using silica-resin grouting. Both measures were conducted using a shaft sinking drill carriage "Shaft Jumbo" that made it possible to efficiently incorporate short step shaft sinking cycles.

JAEA Reports

Study on engineering technologies in the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (FY 2009-2010) (Contract research)

Ijiri, Yuji*; Noda, Masaru*; Nobuto, Jun*; Matsui, Hiroya; Mikake, Shinichiro; Hashizume, Shigeru

JAEA-Technology 2013-047, 819 Pages, 2014/03


The researches on engineering technology in the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory plan consists of (1) research on engineering technology at a deep underground, and (2) research on engineering technology as abasis of geological disposal. The former research mainly aimed in this study are categorized in (a) development of design and construction planning technologies, (b) development of construction technology, (c) development of countermeasure technology, (d) development of technology for security. In this study, the researches on engineering technology are proceeded in these four categories by using data measured down to GL-460m during construction as a part of the second phase of the MIU plan.

Journal Articles

Present status and future plan of development on National Nuclear Forensics Library at JAEA

Kimura, Yoshiki; Shinohara, Nobuo; Funatake, Yoshio; Sato, Kaneaki; Toda, Nobufumi; Shinoda, Yoshiharu; Watahiki, Masaru; Kuno, Yusuke

Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Gakkai (INMM) Nihon Shibu Dai-34-Kai Nenji Taikai Rombunshu (Internet), 9 Pages, 2013/10

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has initiated R&D project on nuclear forensics technology such as analytical technologies towards the establishment of nuclear forensics capabilities in Japan. National Nuclear Forensics Library (NNFL) is one of the fundamental nuclear forensics capabilities and a prototype NNFL has been developed as one R&D topic of the project at JAEA. Main objective of a NNFL is to determine whether a seized nuclear or other radioactive material from nuclear security event (e.g. illicit trafficking) is originated from a country or not. Analytical data of the seized material are compared with the existing materials populated in a NNFL, and its attributions such as origin and history will be identified. This paper describes the current status and future plan on the development of prototype NNFL. The outline and the results of the participation in an international table top exercise on NNFL named "Galaxy Serpent" were also reported in the present paper.

Journal Articles

R&D status and future plan of nuclear forensics for analytical technology and national library at JAEA

Kimura, Yoshiki; Shinohara, Nobuo; Sato, Kaneaki; Toda, Nobufumi; Shinoda, Yoshiharu; Watahiki, Masaru; Kuno, Yusuke

Proceedings of INMM 54th Annual Meeting (CD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2013/07

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) that possesses sufficient analytical capabilities to fulfil the mission of nuclear forensics technology development has started R&D project from JFY 2011. The R&D of the nuclear forensics technology at JAEA covers the development of analytical technology such as isotope and impurity measurements, morphology analysis, age determination technique, and proto-type of national nuclear forensics library. Each topic of the R&D has been promoted under the international cooperation with US-DOE. This paper will present the present status and brief results of the R&D project on nuclear forensics analytical technology and nuclear forensics library at JAEA. Some future plan of the R&D such as attribute identification of Japanese nuclear materials, data populating plan for existing nuclear materials data in JAEA fuel cycle facilities will be also introduced in the presentation.

Journal Articles

Planning of in-situ experiment for understanding of gas migration behaviour in sedimentary rock, 2; Affects of dissolved methane to the gas migration in bedrock

Tanai, Kenji; Fujita, Tomoo; Sato, Shin*; Noda, Masaru*; Yamamoto, Shuichi*; Shimura, Tomoyuki*

Dai-13-Kai Iwa No Rikigaku Kokunai Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (CD-ROM), p.173 - 178, 2013/01

Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been planning ${it in-situ}$ gas migration test in Horonobe URL, Hokkaido. It is expected that dissolved methane in Horonobe groundwater might have an effect on gas migration behaviour in bedrock. A series of two-phase multi-component analyses by use of GETFLOWS were conducted to understand the influence of dissolved methane. The increase of total gas pressure has been shown due to the existence of dissolved methane. The results also indicated that the injected nitrogen gas volume was influenced by dissolved methane.

Journal Articles

Study on dynamic behavior of a shaft excavated through faulted crystalline rock mass

Hashizume, Shigeru; Matsui, Hiroya; Horiuchi, Yasuharu; Hata, Koji*; Akiyoshi, Kenji*; Sato, Shin*; Shibata, Chihoko*; Niunoya, Sumio*; Noda, Masaru*

Dai-13-Kai Iwa No Rikigaku Kokunai Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (CD-ROM), p.121 - 126, 2013/01

The "Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory" has been studying and developing engineering technology for deep underground applications. These applications are multifaceted and are categorized as development of design and construction planning technology, development construction technology, development countermeasure technology, and development of technology for construction and operation security. In this report, the dynamic stability of shaft and surrounding rock mass has been studied with respect to rock mass displacement and stress, the effect of using a concrete liner and excavating through faulted crystalline rock.

Journal Articles

Planning of in-situ experiment for understanding of gas migration behaviour in sedimentary rock, 1; Setting of gas injection procedure

Tanai, Kenji; Fujita, Tomoo; Noda, Masaru*; Yamamoto, Shuichi*; Shimura, Tomoyuki*; Sato, Shin*

Dai-13-Kai Iwa No Rikigaku Kokunai Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (CD-ROM), p.167 - 172, 2013/01

Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been planning in-situ gas migration test in Horonobe URL, Hokkaido. This paper discusses the optimum gas injection procedure for the test to understand gas migration behaviour in surrounded rock. The stepwise constant gas injection was selected, taking into account domestic and overseas gas related research results. Hydro-mechanical-gas coupling analysis which is able to consider the dissolved methane in Horonobe groundwater was applied to evaluate the gas behaviour. The results have indicated no significant mechanical damages to the rock and have supported the sppropriateness of selected gas injection procedure for the test.

JAEA Reports

Study on engineering technologies in the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (FY 2008) (Contract research)

Ijiri, Yuji*; Noda, Masaru*; Sasakura, Takeshi*; Nobuto, Jun*; Matsui, Hiroya; Mikake, Shinichiro; Hashizume, Shigeru

JAEA-Technology 2012-018, 288 Pages, 2012/07


The researches on engineering technology in the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory plan consists of (1) research on engineering technology at a deep underground, and (2) research on engineering technology as a basis of geological disposal. The former research mainly aimed in this study are categorized in (a) development of design and construction planning technologies, (b) development of construction technology, (c) development of countermeasure technology, (d) development of technology for security. In this study, the researches on engineering technology are proceeded in these four categories by using data measured down to GL-300m during construction as a part of the second phase of the MIU plan.

Journal Articles

Application feasibility study of an evaluation technology for long-term rock behavior; Coupled hydraulic and mechanical analyses to evaluate rock behavior of shaft in fault

Noda, Masaru*; Sato, Shin*; Niunoya, Sumio*; Hata, Koji*; Matsui, Hiroya; Mikake, Shinichiro

Dai-41-Kai Gamban Rikigaku Ni Kansuru Shimpojiumu Koenshu (CD-ROM), p.202 - 207, 2012/01

The main shaft of Mizunami URL is located in fault, and due to the geology hydrological anisotropy is observed. Lining deformation may cause by increase of lining stress with degradation of drain material or aquifer of changes in future. Therefore, study on evaluation method to predict the effect by water pressure change is needed. In this study, by implementing coupled hydraulic and mechanical analyses, validity of methods of analysis is considered as compared to measuring for hydrological anisotropy in the main shaft. According to the result of the study, water pressure dependency was not shown, but the main shaft behavior was simulated taking account of hydrological anisotropy. Also validity of methods of coupled hydraulic and mechanical analyses as deterioration prediction was confirmed.

Journal Articles

Study for effectiveness of rock mechanical model estimated from pilot boring survey

Niunoya, Sumio*; Matsui, Hiroya; Mikake, Shinichiro; Sato, Shin*; Noda, Masaru*; Hata, Koji*

Dai-41-Kai Gamban Rikigaku Ni Kansuru Shimpojiumu Koenshu (CD-ROM), p.214 - 219, 2012/01

In the Mizunami URL of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), the study on engineering technology are on going. In this study, we tried to estimate the static elastic modulus from RMR (Rock Mass Rating) based on the results of laboratory test, core observation of the pilot borehole and geological survey on the shaft wall of main shaft in the URL. The static elastic modulus based on PS logging in a borehole as well. Then, the three dimensional numerical analysis using of these parameters carried out for the validity of the examination. The results show that the RMR may be applicable to estimate the mechanical parameters of strongly weathered rock mass which is widely distributed in Japan.

Journal Articles

Application feasibility study of evaluation technology for long-term rock behavior, 2; Parameter setting of variable compliance type model and application feasibility study for rock behavior evaluation

Sato, Shin*; Noda, Masaru*; Niunoya, Sumio*; Hata, Koji*; Matsui, Hiroya; Mikake, Shinichiro

Dai-41-Kai Gamban Rikigaku Ni Kansuru Shimpojiumu Koenshu (CD-ROM), p.208 - 213, 2012/01

Creep phenomenon is one of the long-term rock behaviors. Variable compliance type mode is a representation of the phenomenon. In many of rock-creep studies, model and parameter have been verified in 2D analysis using model parameter acquired by uniaxial compression test etc considering rock types. Therefore, in this study model parameter was set by uniaxial compression test with classified rock samples which was taken from pilot boring when the main shaft was constructed. Then, comparison between measured value and 3D excavation analysis with identified parameter was made. By and large, the study showed that validity of identification methodology of parameter to identify reproduction of measured value and analysis method.

JAEA Reports

Hydrochemical investigation at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory; Compilation of groundwater chemistry in the Mizunami group and Toki granite area (April, 2004 - March, 2008)

Sai, Masataka; Hagiwara, Hiroki; Matsushima, Hiroyuki*; Noda, Masatoshi*; Noda, Masaru*; Ando, Kenichi*; Tanaka, Tatsuya*; Ueda, Tadashi*; Honda, Yuko*; Mizuno, Takashi

JAEA-Data/Code 2010-010, 75 Pages, 2010/09


This report compiles data set of the groundwater chemistry obtained at Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) between the fiscal year 2004 and the fiscal year 2007. These data includes groundwater chemistry of inflow in the shafts and sampled groundwater in the boreholes, which drilled from sub-stages of MIU and from surface (MSB-2, MSB-4, and MIZ-1). Basic information (e.g. sampling location, sampling date, sampling method, analytical method) are also described in terms of quality control and traceability.

Journal Articles

The Project for grouting development for high level radioactive waste repository, 2; Relationship between basic properties and penetrability of low-alkaline cementitious grout material

Suzuki, Kenichiro*; Miura, Norihiko*; Iriya, Keishiro*; Noda, Masaru*; Kishi, Hirokazu

Doboku Gakkai Heisei-22-Nendo Zenkoku Taikai Dai-65-Kai Nenji Gakujutsu Koenkai Koen Gaiyoshu (DVD-ROM), p.85 - 86, 2010/09

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Staus of the Mizunami URL construction and study on engineering technology

Matsui, Hiroya; Noda, Masaru*; Nobuto, Jun*

Proceedings of ITA-AITES 2011 World Tunnel Congress/37th General Assembly (USB Flash Drive), 8 Pages, 2010/05

JAEA has been conducting research and development at two underground research laboratory projects in crystalline and sedimentary rock respectively. The MIzunami Underground Research Laboratory project (MIU) is the URL being constructed in crystalline rock for geoscientific research and development. The MIU has two shafts, the Main and ventilation shafts, with horizontal drifts between the shafts. Niches were also excavated for geoscientific research at several depths. The depth of the main and ventilation shafts reached G.L.-460 m in November, 2010. The objective of the study on engineering technology was the demonstration of existing engineering technology and any needed improvements for the design, construction and operation of a deep underground structure. The study is on going and it was divided into four subjects, which are demonstration of design methodology, existing and supplementary excavation methods, countermeasures during excavation and safe construction.

JAEA Reports

Studies on grouting performance in Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (Contract research)

Kawamura, Hideki*; Ando, Kenichi*; Noda, Masaru*; Tanaka, Tatsuya*; Matsuda, Takeshi*; Fujii, Haruhiko*; Hashimoto, Shuji*; Ueda, Tadashi*; Matsui, Hiroya; Takeuchi, Shinji; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2009-081, 182 Pages, 2010/03


Grouting has practical importance for the reduction of groundwater inflow into excavations during construction of underground facilities. Considering the performance assessment of a radioactive waste repository, the performance of the engineered barrier system could be adversely affected by a high pH plume generated from grout. Therefore, a quantitative estimation of the effectiveness of grouting and grout material is essential. This study has been performed in the Mizunami URL being excavated in crystalline rock as a part of the Project for Grouting Technology Development for the Radioactive Waste Repository funded by METI, Japan. The aims were to evaluate the applicability of existing grouting technology and to develop methodology to determine the distribution of grout and change in hydraulic properties of the grouted rock volume. The target rock is the volume of rock around a planned refuge niche where the pre-excavation grouting was performed at 200-m depth from ground surface. After excavation of the refuge niche, ten boreholes were drilled and different kinds of investigations were carried out during and after drilling. The results were integrated and groundwater flow analysis of pre and post excavation grouting conditions were carried out to estimate quantitatively the effect of pre-excavation grouting. The results suggest that current pre-excavation grouting technology is effective for reduction of groundwater inflow into excavations and that hydraulic conductivity of the surrounding rock can be reduced by more than one order of magnitude.

JAEA Reports

Study on applicability of low alkaline cement in Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory Project, 3 (Contract research)

Nakayama, Masashi; Kobayashi, Yasushi; Noguchi, Akira; Miura, Norihiko*; Noda, Masaru*; Iriya, Keishiro*; Hitomi, Takashi*

JAEA-Research 2009-036, 49 Pages, 2009/11


In Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory (Horonobe URL) Project, construction practicality test with HFSC (Highly Fly-ash contained Silica-fume Cement) is planned in a part of the gallery. It is necessary to validate that HFSC has performance under the actual construction, before HFSC is placed in the gallery. The main tasks in 2008 are follows; (1) suggestion of mix design for liner concrete of shaft in Horonobe URL, (2) investigation of long term pH changes in order to use for modeling, and (3) an experiment for interaction between HFSC and ground water around Horonobe URL. (1) 4 types of mix proportion are designed for ordinary concrete and high strength concrete which contains polypropylene fiber or not. As early age strength, 5N/mm$$^{2}$$ is required because of concrete formwork. HFSC424 with low water binder ratio can fulfill this requirement in combination with super plasticizer. (2) pH and components of solid and liquid phase which were made in 2003, and stored in water were analyzed. And cement paste of shotcrete which are made in 2006 were also analyzed. In this pH of shotcrete is lower than other in situ concrete since accelerating agent may act as decreasing factor of pH. (3) An experiment which investigates dissolution of HFSC cement hydrates to ground water around Horonobe URL. According to the experiment, dissolving depth of HFSC is 4 times small comparing to Ordinary Portland Cement hydrates after 30th water exchange.

JAEA Reports

Study on applicability of low alkaline cement in Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory Project, 2 (Contract research)

Nakayama, Masashi; Kobayashi, Yasushi; Matsuda, Takeshi*; Noda, Masaru*; Iriya, Keishiro*; Takeda, Nobufumi*

JAEA-Research 2009-035, 70 Pages, 2009/11


In Horonobe Underground Research Center construction of underground facility began in 2005 and construction practicality test with HFSC (Highly Fly-ash contained Silica-fume Cement) is planned in a part of the gallery. Before HFSC will be placed in the gallery it is necessary to validate that HFSC has performance under the actual construction. The research results in 2007 were as follows. As corrosion behavior in HFSC, reinforced concrete specimen with HFSC 226 have been exposed to off-shore condition at in saline water and splashed zone and analyzed corrosion rate and chloride intrusion, and they were summarized. Service life time of HFSC reinforced concrete was assessed more than 50 years until cracking due to corrosion is generated. pH and components of solid and liquid phase which were made in 2002, and stored in water were analyzed. And cement paste of shotcrete which are made in 2006 were also analyzed. In this pH of shotcrete is lower than other in situ concrete since accelerating agent may act as decreasing factor of pH. The results obtained from this ten year's study were summarized on shotcerete, in situ concrete and grouting. Based on the summery, method of quality control, such as testing method, frequency, and standards so on, were investigated.

JAEA Reports

Studies on engineering technologies in the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (FY 2007) (Contract research)

Noda, Masaru*; Suyama, Yasuhiro*; Nobuto, Jun*; Ijiri, Yuji*; Mikake, Shinichiro; Matsui, Hiroya

JAEA-Technology 2009-009, 194 Pages, 2009/07


In construction phase in MIU, the study on engineering technology consist of following four subjects, which are Demonstration of design methodology of a greatly deepr underground structure, Demonstration of excavation and supplymentary methods of a greatly deepr underground structure, Demonstration of the countermeasure during excavation of a greatly deepr underground structure and Demonstration of the safe construction for a greatly deepr underground structure. In the study in FY2007, the design methodlogy in Phase 1 is verified until 200 m depth on excavation of ventilation shaft. A plan, countermeasure and concept for influence of differential water pressure, long-term maintenance and risk management in the view of geological disposal project were proposed.

80 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)