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Journal Articles

Reversed-micellar extraction of strontium(II) from model solutions of seawater

Naganawa, Hirochika; Suzuki, Hideya*; Yanase, Nobuyuki; Nagano, Tetsushi; Noro, Junji*

Analytical Sciences, 27(3), p.321 - 324, 2011/03

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:31.62(Chemistry, Analytical)

In order to monitor a radioactive nuclide of strontium-90 in seawater around nuclear facilities, a solvent extraction method for collecting Sr(II) in seawater was examined. A reversed-micellar extraction system containing an anionic surfactant AOT and a molecular extractant TODGA in n-hexane was chosen for the extraction of Sr(II) from model solutions of seawater containing 0.5 M NaCl (1 M = 1 mol dm$$^{-3}$$), 0.05 M MgCl$$_{2}$$, and/or 0.01 M CaCl$$_{2}$$. The combination of AOT forming reversed micelles and TODGA coordinating with Sr(II) as an organic ligand (extractant) was found to be efficient for the extraction of Sr(II) from the model solutions. The mechanism of the reversed-micellar extraction system was also discussed in the present study.

Journal Articles

Counter current "emulsion flow" extractor for continuous liquid-liquid extraction from suspended solutions

Yanase, Nobuyuki; Naganawa, Hirochika; Nagano, Tetsushi; Noro, Junji*

Analytical Sciences, 27(3), p.325 - 330, 2011/03

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:31.62(Chemistry, Analytical)JP, 2008-253779   Licensable Patent Information Database   Patent publication (In Japanese)

A single current "emulsion flow" liquid-liquid extraction apparatus has a head having a number of holes from which micrometer-sized droplets of an aqueous phase spout into an organic phase to mix the two liquid phases. For practical use, however, it is a fatal problem that particulate components in the aqueous phase plug the holes. In the present study, we have succeeded to solve the problem by applying a counter current type emulsion flow apparatus where micrometer-sized droplets of the organic phase are generated.

Journal Articles

New apparatus for liquid-liquid extraction, "emulsion flow" extractor

Yanase, Nobuyuki; Naganawa, Hirochika; Nagano, Tetsushi; Noro, Junji*

Analytical Sciences, 27(2), p.171 - 174, 2011/02

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:44.02(Chemistry, Analytical)JP, 2007-136496   Licensable Patent Information Database   Patent publication (In Japanese)

A simple and low-cost apparatus for continuous and efficient liquid-liquid extraction, which does not need continual mechanical forces (stirring, shaking, etc.) other than solution sending, has newly been developed. This apparatus is composed of a column part where an emulsion state fluid flow (emulsion flow) is generated by spouting micrometer-sized droplets of an aqueous phase into an organic phase and a phase separating part where the emulsion flow is destabilized by means of a sudden decrease in its flow rate. In the present study, the performance of an emulsion flow apparatus in the extraction of Yb(III) and U(VI) from aqueous HNO$$_{3}$$ solutions into isooctane containing D2EHPA was evaluated. The mixing efficiency of the emulsion flow apparatus was found to be comparable with that of a popular liquid-liquid extractor, mixer-settler. Moreover, the emulsion flow apparatus proved to have an overwhelming advantage in terms of phase-separating ability.

Journal Articles

Extraction behavior and separation of lanthanides with a diglycol amic acid derivative and a nitrogen-donor ligand

Shimojo, Kojiro; Naganawa, Hirochika; Noro, Junji*; Kubota, Fukiko*; Goto, Masahiro*

Analytical Sciences, 23(12), p.1427 - 1430, 2007/12

 Times Cited Count:71 Percentile:89.08(Chemistry, Analytical)

The extraction and separation of lanthanides have been investigated using CHON type extractants, which are composed of only C, H, O, and N atoms. N, N-dioctyldiglycol amic acid (DODGAA) shows the high extraction and separation performances for heavier lanthanides compared with typical CHON type extractants. On the other hand, N, N, N', N'-tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine (TPEN) provides the unprecedentedly high selectivity for lighter lanthanides. Furthermore, it was found that the combination of DODGAA and TPEN under suitable conditions enables the mutual separation of light, middle, and heavy lanthanides.

Journal Articles

A New "green" extractant of the diglycol amic acid type for lanthanides

Naganawa, Hirochika; Shimojo, Kojiro; Mitamura, Hisayoshi; Sugo, Yumi; Noro, Junji*; Goto, Masahiro*

Solvent Extraction Research and Development, Japan, 14, p.151 - 159, 2007/00

JP, 2006-157842   Licensable Patent Information Database   Patent publication (In Japanese)

A compound having diglycol amic acid frame, DODGAA, has been synthesized as a new "green" extractant for lanthanides. The new extractant composed, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen atoms is fully combustible to gases without solid waste and its solubility in water is found to be very low. These properties enable us to avoid the burden of industrial waste produced by the incineration of deteriorated extractant and the risk of aquatic environmental pollution. In the extraction ability for lanthanide ions and the ability for their mutual separation, DODGAA is much superior to carboxykic acid type extractants, such as Versatic10, that can also be completely combustible. The extraction and separation performance of DODGAA is comparable to that of organophosphorus extractants, such as PC-88A and DEHPA, that are widely used in current industry but less "green".

Journal Articles

Selective separation of Am(III) from lanthanides(III) by solvent extraction with hydrophobic field of "superweak" anion

Naganawa, Hirochika; Suzuki, Hideya*; Noro, Junji*; Kimura, Takaumi

Chemical Communications, (23), p.2963 - 2965, 2005/06

A "superweak" anion, TFPB-, gives rise to a field effect on the selectivity for Am$$^{3+}$$ over Ln$$^{3+}$$ in their extraction from aqueous HNO$$_{3}$$ solution into benzene containing a "hard donor" extractant that shows no selectivity for these metal ions in traditional solvent extraction.

Oral presentation

New solvent extraction apparatus "Emulsion Flow"

Naganawa, Hirochika; Yanase, Nobuyuki; Nagano, Tetsushi; Mitamura, Hisayoshi; Noro, Junji*

no journal, , 

JP, 2007-136496   Licensable Patent Information Database   Patent publication (In Japanese)

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Reversed micellar extraction of lanthanide and micelle size control in organic phase

Naganawa, Hirochika; Shimojo, Kojiro; Noro, Junji*; Goto, Masahiro*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Establishment of evaluation method using material analysis of simulated fuel assembly heating test, 1; Outline of simulated fuel assembly heating test using non-transfer type plasma heating

Abe, Yuta; Nakagiri, Toshio; Yamashita, Takuya; Noro, Junji*; Matsushima, Tomohiro*; Kawakami, Tomohiko*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

10 (Records 1-10 displayed on this page)
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