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Kozulin, E. M.*; Knyazheva, G. N.*; Itkis, I. M.*; Itkis, M. G.*; Mukhamejanov, Y. S.*; Bogachev, A. A.*; Novikov, K. V.*; Kirakosyan, V. V.*; Kumar, D.*; Banerjee, T.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 105(1), p.014607_1 - 014607_12, 2022/01
Times Cited Count:20 Percentile:95.43(Physics, Nuclear)Bogachev, A. A.*; Kozulin, E. M.*; Knyazheva, G. N.*; Itkis, I. M.*; Itkis, M. G.*; Novikov, K. V.*; Kumar, D.*; Banerjee, T.*; Diatlov, I. N.*; Cheralu, M.*; et al.
Physical Review C, 104(2), p.024623_1 - 024623_11, 2021/08
Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:94.87(Physics, Nuclear)For the purpose of the study of asymmetric and symmetric fission modes of Hg and
Pb nuclei, mass-energy distributions of fission fragments of
Hg and
Pb formed in the
Ar +
Sm and
Ca +
Sm reactions, respectively, at energies near the Coulomb barrier have been measured using the double-arm time-of-flight spectrometer CORSET and compared with previously measured
Pb isotopes produced in the
Ca +
Sm reactions. Conclusion is the studied properties of asymmetric fission of
Hg and
Pb nuclei point out the existence of well deformed proton shell at Z
36 and less deformed proton shell at Z
Kojima, Seiji*; Novikov, V. N.*; Kofu, Maiko; Yamamuro, Osamu*
Physica Status Solidi (B), 257(11), p.2000073_1 - 2000073_6, 2020/11
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:26.88(Physics, Condensed Matter)Kojima, Seiji*; Novikov, V. N.*; Kofu, Maiko; Yamamuro, Osamu*
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 518, p.18 - 23, 2019/08
Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:25.80(Materials Science, Ceramics)Ralchenko, Y.*; Abdallah, J. Jr.*; Bar-Shalom, A.*; Bauche, J.*; Bauche-Arnoult, C.*; Bowen, C.*; Busquet, M.*; Chung, H.-K.*; Colgan, J.*; Faussurier, G.*; et al.
AIP Conference Proceedings 1161, p.242 - 250, 2009/08
We present calculations of ionization balance and radioactive power losses for tungsten in magnetic fusion plasmas. The simulation were performed within the framework of non-LTE code comparison workshops utilizing independent collisional-radioactive models. The calculations generally agree with each other, however, a clear disagreement with experimental ionization distributions at low temperatures, 2 keV
3 keV.
Takano, Makoto; Romanova, V.*; Yamazawa, Hiromi; Sivintsev, Y.*; Compton, K.*; Novikov, V.*; Parker, F.*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 38(2), p.143 - 157, 2001/02
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