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JAEA Reports

Experimanetal Fast Reactor JOYO MK-III Functional Test; Primary Auxiliary Cooling System Test

Karube, Koji; Akagi, S.; Terano, Toshihiro; Onuki, Osamu; Ito, Hideaki; Aoki, Hiroshi; Odo, Toshihiro

JNC TN9430 2004-004, 36 Pages, 2004/03


This paper describes the results of primary auxiliary cooling system,which were done as a part of JOYO MK-III function test. The aim of the tests was to confirm the operational performance of primary auxiliary EMP and the protection system including siphon breaker of primary auxiliary cooling ststem. The items of the tests were:(1) Test No.:SKS-117/Test item/EMP start up test (2) Test No.:SKS-118-1/Test item:EMP start up test when pony mortor running (3) Test NO.:SKS-121/Test item:Function test of siphon breaker The results of the tests satisfied the required performance,and demonstrated succeccful operation of primary auxiliary cooling system.

JAEA Reports

Experimental Fast Reactor JOYO MK-III Functional Test; Secondary Cooling System Main Pumps Test

Terakado, Tsuguo; Morimoto, Makoto; Izawa, Osamu; Ishida, Koichi; Hoshino, Katsuaki; Suzuki, Shinya; Ito, Hideaki; Aoki, Hiroshi; Odo, Toshihiro

JNC TN9430 2004-003, 87 Pages, 2004/03


This paper describes the results of Secondary Cooling System main pumps test ,which were done as a part of JOYO MK-3 function test. The function tests were cexcuted to get the operating characteristics of secondary cooling system, after the Intermediate Heat Exchangers, Dump Heat Exchangers, secondary main pump motors, pump speed control board and rheostat were replaced in the MK-3 conversion. These tests are composed of six items. These tests purpose are confirmed in the function of the Main pumps, sodium purification system and argon cover gas pressure control system in Secondary Cooling System. (1) SKS-205-1: flow control test, (2) SKS-205-2: flow coast down characteristics test, (3) SKS-205-3: running operation test, (4) SKS-205-4: pump vibration measurement test, (5) SKS-212: secondary sodium purification system electromagnetic-pump flow control test, (6) SKS-213: argon cover gas pressure in secondary cooling system pressure control test function tests are satisfied the design criteria. We have confirmed the system performance of the main pump, secondary sodium purification system and argon cover gas pressure control system in the Secondary Cooling System after the MK-3 conversion.

JAEA Reports

Experimental Fast Reactor JOYO Report of MK-III Function tests Measurement Tests of Sodium Purity

Morimoto, Makoto; Suto, Masayoshi; Ito, Yoshio; Ito, Hideaki; Aoki, Hiroshi; Odo, Toshihiro

JNC TN9430 2004-002, 60 Pages, 2004/03


This paper describes the result of the sodium purity measurement test on MK-III function tests. This test meant cold traps caught impurity which was carried into the primary and the secondary cooling system by MK-III modification work of the heat transport system, and the amount of impurity was evaluated by plugging temperature before and after the primary and secondary purification operation. Then the following two tests were practiced. Test number and name was shown. (1)SKS-122 Measurement test of purity on primary sodium purification system (2)SKS-211 Measurement test of purity on secondary sodium purification system As the cold traps could catch impurity which made with MK-III modificatlon work, impurity concentrations of sodium in the both of systems were generally within the reference limits of JOY0, while the function tests took in practice for Mk-III. As a result, the amount of impurity Oxygen caught by cold traps calculated approximately 400g in the primary sodium cooling system and approximately 1100g in the secondary one.

JAEA Reports

Experimental Fast Reactor "JOYO" MK-3 Function Test; Interlock test of the primary and secondary cooling system and function test of the remote automatic fuel handling control system

Michino, Masanobu; Suzuki, Toshiaki; Aita, Tsuyoshi; Suto, Masayoshi; Saito, Takakazu; Kawahara, Hirotaka; Isozaki, Kazunori; Ito, Hideaki; Inoue, Setsunari; Aoki, Hiroshi; et al.

JNC TN9430 2004-001, 103 Pages, 2004/03


This report describes the results of the primary and secondary cooling system interlock test and the fuel handling system function test, which were done as a part of JOYO MK-3 function test. The items of the test are: (1) Primary and secondary cooling system interlock test (SKS-106,210) (2) Loss of electric power supply test (SKS-116) (3) In-vessel and ex-vessel automatic fuel transportation test (SKS-501,502) As the interlock of the primary and secondary cooling system was changed, the interlock test by the reactor scram and the loss of electric power supply was carried out. The function of the remote automatic fuel handling system was confirmed before the handling of the fuel for MK-3 core configuration. The results of the test satisfied the required performance, and it was confirmed that operation of the primary and secondary cooling system interlock and operation of the fuel handling system in JOYO MK-3 were normal.

JAEA Reports

Development of the Automatic Control Rod Operation System for JOYO; Appreciation of apply to MK-III reactor operation

Terakado, Tsuguo; Hoshino, Katsuaki; Suzuki, Shinya; Ito, Hideaki; Aoki, Hiroshi; Odo, Toshihiro

JNC TN9410 2004-008, 55 Pages, 2004/03


The automatic control rod operation system was developed to control the JOYO reactor power automatically in all operation modes(critical approach, cooling system heat up, power ascent and power descent), development began in 1989. Prior to applying, we are examined possibility of apply to the automatic control rod operation guide system which developed in MK-2 operation to get the control rod operation guide data in MK-3 performance tests. The main results are as follows: (1).Critical approach mode in control rod operation guide function will be need tuning of fuzzy algorisms structure for changed MK-3 reactor critical point. (2).Cooling system heet up mode, power ascent mode and power descent mode will be supply to good guidance at MK-3 reactor operation. Because, power change rate and cooling system heet up rate same MK-2 reactor operation. (3).Plant operation guide function will be need change, based on MK-3 reactor operation manual. (4).The automatic control rod operation guide system will be need renewal for system maintainability.

JAEA Reports

Renewal of JOYO Plant Operation Management Expert Tool (JOYPET)

; Aita, Tsuyoshi; Murakami, Takanori; Ito, Hideaki; Aoki, Hiroshi; Odo, Toshihiro

JNC TN9410 2004-006, 36 Pages, 2004/03


Joyo Plant Operation Management Expert Tool system named JOYPET has developed with the aim of confirming the stable and safety operation of JOYO and improving operational reliability in future FBR plants.New JOYPET system was designed and manufactured in 2002, and began or operation in 2003, because the former system, which was designed in 1988 and operated from 1991 to 2002, was superannuated, and it was difficult to obtain alternative hardwares and replace parts.The difference between the former one and the later new one was adopted the web-online system to use lan(Lacal area network) instead of the host and the terminal computer processing system.Then the new system enabled to take unitary document management for reactor operation, and each person in one's rost was able to search, refer and wake document on line directly.This document reported new JOYPET system design, manufacturing, system constitution and operation actual result.

Journal Articles

FNCA Safety Culture ProjectSafety Culture Information for Member Country Research Reactor -Report of Experimental Fast Reactor "JOYO"-

; Ito, Hideaki; Odo, Toshihiro; Suzuki, Soju

FNCA Genshiryoku Anzen Bunka Wakushoppu, 0 Pages, 2004/00

Focusing on the cover layer materials (as the Radon Barrier Materials), which could have the effect to restrain the radon from scattering into the air and the effect of the radiation shielding, we produced the radon barrier materials with crude bentonite on an experimental basis, using the rotary type comprehensive unit for grinding and mixing, through which we carried out the evaluation of the characteristics thereof.

Journal Articles

The Brilliant result in JOYO - from JOYO to MONJU -

Mitsugi, Takeshi; Odo, Toshihiro; Abe, Tomoyuki; Isozaki, Kazunori; Maeda, Koji; Ito, Chikara

Genshiryoku eye, 49(9), 1 Pages, 2003/08

Focusing on the cover layer materials (as the Radon Barrier Materials), which could have the effect to restrain the radon from scattering into the air and the effect of the radiation shielding, we produced the radon barrier materials with crude bentonite on an experimental basis, using the rotary type comprehensive unit for grinding and mixing, through which we carried out the evaluation of the characteristics thereof.

Journal Articles

Glorious achievement of a quarter century operation and a promising project named MK-III in JOYO

Maeda, Yukimoto; Aoyama, Takafumi; Odo, Toshihiro; Nakai, Satoru;

P96, 96 Pages, 2002/00


Journal Articles

Application of Optical Fiber for Radiation Measurement in Fast Reactor Primary Cooling System

Aoyama, Takafumi; Sumino, Kozo; Emoto, Takehiko; Odo, Toshihiro

Proceedings of 12th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC-12), p.1095 - 1105, 2000/00


JAEA Reports

Research of technology for supporting operators in profound understanding(1); Observations and trial formulation of knowledge dependency of plant operator behavior

Yoshikawa, Shinji; Ozawa, Kenji; ; Odo, Toshihiro

PNC TN9410 95-160, 18 Pages, 1995/06


This paper presents a study on knowledge dependency of plant operator behavior. The ultimate purpose of this study is to establish a methodology to support human operators in forming an integral understanding (i.e., mental model) of target plants, and thus to enhance potential performance in unexpected situations and in non routine cognitive tasks. The authors conducted a series of experiments to acquire behavioral data of two plant anomalies not included in the training curriculum. A formulation methodology of operator protocols has been proposed from the observations of the acquired behavioral data. It has been concluded that engaged plant operators have sufficient knowledge about physical phenomena of the major components, and that possible improvements of operators' cognitive performance can be expected mainly by knowledge enhancement about utilization strategy of physical information.

JAEA Reports

Introduction of Nuclear Instrumentations and Radiation Measurements in Experimental Fast Reactor 「JOYO」

Odo, Toshihiro;

PNC TN9420 92-005, 83 Pages, 1992/04


This report introduces the nuclear instrumentation system and major R&D (research and development) activities using radiation measurement techniques in Experimental Fast Reactor "JOYO". In the introduction of the nuclear instrumentation system, following items are described; (1)system function (2)roles as a reactor plant equipment (3)specifications and charactelistics of neutron detectors, (4)construction and layout of the system. For reactor dosimetry at various irradiation tests and surveillance tests, multi-foil method employed in "JOYO", neutron fluence evaluation using activation foils and HAFM (Helium Accumulation Fluence Monitor) under development are described briefly. The failed fuel detection system and some experimental equipments using radiation measurement techniques are also introduced here with main results obtained by a series of fuel failure simulation experiments. In addition, following R&Ds are picked up as some examples based on radiation measurement technology; (1)burn-up measurement of spent fuel subassembly (2)measurement and evaluation of radiation source distributions (radioactive corrosion products)

Journal Articles


; Odo, Toshihiro; ; ;

Donen Giho, (83), P. 1, 1992/00


JAEA Reports

Specialists' meeting on plant operation experience of JOYO/KNK-II/PHENIX/PFR

Odo, Toshihiro; GREGORY*

PNC TN9430 90-004, 200 Pages, 1990/07


1. German presentation 1-1. status review of operating experience with knkii and the positi on of snr 300 K.Brockmann, interatom G.Schnetgoeke, KFK 1-2. Experience with the KFK ii fuel failure detection system K.Brockmann, interatom G.Schnetgoeke, KFK 1-3. Examples for corrosion product and fission produvt dehaviour at KFK ii part i :Experience with a cs-trap partii:outlet temperature rise of the fuel elements at KFK ii K.Brockmann, interatom G.Schnetgoeke, KFK 2. French presentation 2-1. Experience of operation-emphasis on the last two years- J.C.Moroni, phenix CEA 2-2. Fuel failures -description of detection systems calibration- R.Clerc and P.Coulon, phenix CEA 2-3. loop bauphix P.Coulon, phenix CEA 3. British presentation 3-1. Prototype fast reactor dounreay C.Gregory, aea dounreay 3-2. The operation of the pfr with clad failures A.M.Cruickshank, T.A.Lennox and N.Morrison, aea dounreay 3-3. Experience in sodium cleaning & decontamination of conponents from pfr p.m.

JAEA Reports

Preliminary report on experiments, analyses and evaluations performed in reactor technology section, Experimental Reactor Division; Quarterly Report Vol.6, No.4

Odo, Toshihiro

PNC TN9410 90-058, 74 Pages, 1990/06


This report summarizes results on experiments, analyses and evaluations performed by Reactor Technology Section, Experimental Reactor Division during January through March 1990. Each result described in this report was reported as the internal memoranda of reactor Technology Section, for further analyses, evaluations, and/or discussions. This report contains the following items. (1)Results of measurements, analyses and evaluations for nuclear characteristics of JOYO. (2)Results of measurements and analyses for the plant characteristics of JOYO. (3)Results of measurements and analyses of neutron flux, gamma ray and decay heat of JOYO. (4)Preparation of Construction Permit Amendment for the operational reliability tests of FBR fuel assembly. (5)Preparation of Construction Permit Amendment for spent fuel storage facility. (6)Production and/or arrangements of analyses codes and their manual. (7)Analyses and evaluations on MK-III Core. (8)Miscellaneous results. The final report will be published for each program after further discussions, analyses and evaluations.

JAEA Reports

Preliminary report on experiments, analyses and evaluations performed in reactor technology section, experimental reactor division; Quarterly report vol.6, No.3

Odo, Toshihiro

PNC TN9410 90-024, 139 Pages, 1990/02


This report summarizes results on experiments, analyses and evaluations performed by Reactor Technology Section, Experimental Reactor Division during October through December, 1989. Each result described in this report was reported as the internal memoranda of Reactor Technology Section, for further analyses, evaluations, and/or discussions. This report contains the following items. (1)Results of measurements, analyses and evaluations for nuclear characteristics of JOYO. (2)Results of measurements and analyses for the plant characteristics of JOYO. (3)Preparation of Construction Permit Amendment for the operational reliability tests of FBR fuel assembly. (4)Production and/or arrangements of analyses codes and their manual. (5)Analyses and evaluations on MK-III Core. (6)Miscellaneous results. The final report will be published for each program after further discussions, analyses and evaluations.

JAEA Reports

Preliminary report on experiments, analyses and evaluations performed in reactor technology section, experimental reactor division; Quarterly report Vol.6, No.1

Odo, Toshihiro; Arii, Yoshio*; ; ; ; Sone, Toru;

PNC TN9410 89-118, 153 Pages, 1989/08


This report summarizes results on experiments, analyses and evaluations performed by Reactor Technology Section, Experimental Reactor Division during April through June, 1989. Each result described in this report was reported as the internal memoranda of Reactor Technology Section, for further analyses, evaluations, and/or discussions. This report contains the following items. (1)Results of measurements, analyses and evaluations for nuclear characteristics of JOYO. (2)Results of measurements and analyses for the plant characteristics of JOYO. (3)Results of measurements and analyses of neutron flux, gamma ray and decay heat of JOYO. (4)Preparation of Construction Permit Amendment for the operational reliability tests of FBR fuel assembly. (5)Preparation of Construction Permit Amendment for spent fuel strage facility. (6)Results of study and development for analytical technic. (7)Production and/or arrangements of analyses codes and their manual. (8)Analyses and evaluations on MK-III Core. (9)Miscellaneous results. The final report will be published for each program after further discussions, analyses and evaluations.

JAEA Reports

Preliminary report on experiments, analyses and evaluations performed in reactor technology section, Experimental reactor division; Quarterly Report Vol.5, No.4

Odo, Toshihiro; Arii, Yoshio*; ; ; ; Sone, Toru;

PNC TN9410 89-089, 185 Pages, 1989/05


This report summarizes results on experiments, analyses and evaluations performed by Reactor Technology Section, Experimental Reactor Division during January through March, 1989. Each result described in this report was reported as the internal memoranda of Reactor Technology Section, for further analyses, evaluations, and/or discussions. This report contains the following items. (1)Results of measurements, analyses and evaluations for nuclear characteristics of JOY0. (2)Results of analyses and evaluations for core mechanics. (3)Results of measurements and analyses for the plant characteristics of JOYO. (4)Results of measurements and analyses of neutron flux, gamma ray and decay heat of JOYO. (5)Preparation of Construction permit Amendment for the operational reliability tests of FBR fuel assembly. (6)Preparation of Construction Permit Amendment for spent fuel strage facility. (7)Results of study and development for analytical technic. (8)Production and/or arrangements of analyses codes and their manual. (9)Analyses and evaluations oh MK-III Core. (10)Miscellaneous results. The final report will be published for each program after further discussions, analyses and evaluations.

JAEA Reports

Preliminary results on experiments, analyses and evaluations performed by reactor technology section, experimental reactor division; Quarterly report Vol.5, No.3

; ; Odo, Toshihiro

PNC TN9410 89-030, 111 Pages, 1989/02


This report summarizes preliminary results on experiments, analyses and evaluations performed by Reactor Technology Section, Experimental Reactor Division during october through December, 1988. All results described in the repoprt were released with internal memoranda of Reactor Technology Section, before detailed analyses, evaluations, and/or discussions. Each result is classified into the following categories according to its content. (1)Results of measurements, analyses and evaluations for nuclear characteristics in JOYO. (2)Results of measurements and analyses for the plant characteristics of JOYO. (3)Results of measurements and analyses of neutron flux, gamma ray and decay heat of JOYO. (4)Preparation of Construction Permit Amendment for the operational reliability tests of FBR fuel assembly. (5)Preparation of Construction Permit Amendment for spent fuel strage facility. (6)Results of study and development for analytical technic. (7)Production and/or arrangements of analyses codes and their manual. (8)Analyses and evaluations on MK-III Core. (9)Miscellaneous results. Table classified by kind of work are added. After detailed discussions, analyses and evaluations, the final report for each program will be published, respectively.

JAEA Reports

JOYO operational experience report results of sampling and analysis of sodium and argon during 75 MW operation

; Odo, Toshihiro; ; ; ; ;

PNC TN941 83-80, 109 Pages, 1983/06


In JOYO, coolant sodium and cover gas argon have been sampled and their impurities have been analysed since its initial functional tests. this report describes the results of sampling and analysis during 75 MW operation. The major conclusions are summarized as follows. (1)Impurity concentrations in primary and secondary sodium were within the reference limits of JOYP. (2)analysed oxygen concentrations in both primary and secondary sodium were dispersed and were above the Eichelberger's oxygen solubility curve. On the other hand, hydrogen concentrations showed good consistency with the Visser's solubitity curve. (3)some impurity concentrations in the primary cover gas, such as hydrogen and methane, had been above the reference values. (4)It was confirmed that purity of the primary cover gas could be easily recovered by argon gas purging in the reactor vessel. At the same time, its operational method was established.

Journal Articles


; Odo, Toshihiro; ; ;

Inter.Conf. on Reliabe Fuels for Liquid Metal Reactors, , 


21 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)