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Arima-Osonoi, Hiroshi*; Takata, Shinichi; Kasai, Satoshi*; Ouchi, Keiichi*; Morikawa, Toshiaki*; Miyata, Noboru*; Miyazaki, Tsukasa*; Aoki, Hiroyuki; Iwase, Hiroki*; Hiroi, Kosuke; et al.
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 56(6), p.1802 - 1812, 2023/12
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:67.34(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)Zhang, Z.*; Nishimura, Hiroaki*; Namimoto, Takura*; Fujioka, Shinsuke*; Arikawa, Yasunobu*; Nishikino, Masaharu; Kawachi, Tetsuya; Sagisaka, Akito; Hosoda, Hirokazu*; Orimo, Satoshi; et al.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(5), p.053502_1 - 053502_5, 2012/05
Times Cited Count:18 Percentile:61.03(Instruments & Instrumentation)X-ray line spectra ranging from 17 to 77 keV were quantitatively measured with a Laue spectrometer, composed of a cylindrically curved crystal and a detector. Either a visible CCD detector coupled with a CsI phosphor screen or an imaging plate can be chosen, depending on the signal intensities and exposure times. The absolute sensitivity of the spectrometer system was calibrated using pre-characterized laser-produced X-ray sources and radioisotopes. The integrated reflectivity for the crystal is in good agreement with predictions by an open code for X-ray diffraction. The energy transfer efficiency from incident laser beams to hot electrons, as the energy transfer agency for specific X-ray line emissions, is derived as a consequence of this work.
Sakaki, Hironao; Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Hori, Toshihiko; Bolton, P.; Yogo, Akifumi; Katagiri, Masaki*; Ogura, Koichi; Sagisaka, Akito; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Orimo, Satoshi; et al.
Applied Physics Express, 3(12), p.126401_1 - 126401_3, 2010/11
Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:36.69(Physics, Applied)Many applications of laser-accelerated ions will require beamlines with diagnostic capability for validating simulations and machine performance at the single bunch level as well as for the development of controls to optimize machine performance. We demonstrated prompt, in-line, single bunch transverse profile and energy spectrum detection using a thin luminescent diagnostic and scintillator-based time-of-flight spectrometer simultaneously. The Monte Carlo code, particle and heavy ion transport code systems (PHITS) simulation is shown to be reasonably predictive at low proton energy for the observed transverse profiles measured by the thin luminescent monitor and also for single bunch energy spectra measured by time-of-flight spectrometry.
Pirozhkov, A. S.; Mori, Michiaki; Ogura, Koichi; Nishimura, Akihiko; Murakami, Hiroshi; Shimada, Yukihiro; Sagisaka, Akito; Orimo, Satoshi; Kimura, Toyoaki; Daido, Hiroyuki
Advanced Solid-State Photonics; OSA Technical Digest Series (CD-ROM), p.MC8_1 - MC8_3, 2008/01
Yamamoto, Masahiko; Surugaya, Naoki; Taguchi, Shigeo; Ishibashi, Atsushi; Horigome, Kazushi; Yamazaki, Hitoshi; Ogura, Hiroshi; Watahiki, Hiromi; Watanabe, Masahisa; Kurosawa, Akira; et al.
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English
Ogura, Hiroshi; Inada, Satoshi; Igarashi, Kazuto*; Yamada, Keiji; Watahiki, Masaru
no journal, ,
no abstracts in English
Orimo, Satoshi; Abe, Hiroshi; Daido, Hiroyuki; Nishiuchi, Mamiko; Kishimoto, Masahiko*; Aone, Shigeo*; Uchida, Hirohisa*; Ogura, Koichi; Pirozhkov, A. S.; Suguyama, Hironori*; et al.
no journal, ,
The fuel cell was researched in the Kansai Photon Science Institute, JAEA. It has aimed at the surface modification of a metallic material. The laser driven proton beam is a spectrum of 10 kev-MeV that the pulse duration is about ns. The irradiation did -10-100 shot by 1Hz J-KAREN laser system.
Ogura, Hiroshi; Masui, Kenji; Watanabe, Nobuhisa; Kuno, Takehiko; Yamada, Keiji
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no abstracts in English