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HTTR1次ヘリウム循環機フィルタの差圧上昇事象,2; フィルタ付着物の調査と再発防止対策

根本 隆弘; 藤原 佑輔; 荒川 了紀; 長山 侑矢; 長住 達; 長谷川 俊成; 横山 佳祐; 渡部 雅; 大西 貴士; 川本 大樹; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2024-003, 17 Pages, 2024/06




Investigation of deposits on filter element of primary gas circulators in HTTR

長谷川 俊成; 長住 達; 根本 隆弘; 中嶋 國弘; 横山 佳祐; 藤原 佑輔; 荒川 了紀; 飯垣 和彦; 猪井 宏幸; 川本 大樹

Proceedings of 2024 International Congress on Advanced in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2024) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2024/06



Contrast dependence of scattering profiles for poly(ethylene glycol) in water; Investigation by small-angle neutron scattering with $$^{3}$$He spin filter and small-angle X-ray scattering

領木 研之*; 渡部 史*; 奥平 琢也*; 高橋 慎吾*; 奥 隆之; 廣井 孝介; 元川 竜平; 中村 洋*

Journal of Chemical Physics, 160(11), p.114907_1 - 114907_9, 2024/03

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)

Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements were performed for deuterated and non-deuterated poly(ethylene glycol) (d-PEG and h-PEG, respectively) in D$$_{2}$$O and a D$$_{2}$$O/H$$_{2}$$O mixed solvent (Mix) to compere the scattering profiles. To determine the coherent scattering intensity of SANS, a $$^{3}$$He spin filter was utilized. The scattering profiles determined by SANS measurements were analyzed in terms of the wormlike chain model with touched beads along the contour of the chain. However, the SAXS profiles were not explained by the same model with uniform beads but with beads each consisting of a core and a shell having different electron densities. To explore the chain thickness determined form the SANS profile, scattering intensities for different combinations of d-PEG/D$$_{2}$$O, d-PEG/Mix, h-PEG/D$$_{2}$$O, and h-PEG/Mix were also examined.


HTTR1次ヘリウム循環機フィルタの差圧上昇事象,1; 差圧上昇事象の原因調査

根本 隆弘; 荒川 了紀; 川上 悟; 長住 達; 横山 佳祐; 渡部 雅; 大西 貴士; 川本 大樹; 古澤 孝之; 猪井 宏幸; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2023-005, 33 Pages, 2023/05


HTTR (High Temperature engineering Test Reactor) RS-14サイクルの原子炉出力降下において、ヘリウムガス循環機のフィルタ差圧が上昇傾向となった。この原因を調査するため、1次ヘリウム純化設備のガス循環機の分解点検等を実施した結果、ガス循環機内のシリコンオイルミストがチャコールフィルタの性能低下で捕集できなくなり、1次系統に混入したためと推定された。今後は、フィルタ交換を実施するとともに、さらなる調査を進め、再発防止対策を策定する予定である。


Sodium diffusion in hard carbon studied by small- and wide-angle neutron scattering and muon spin relaxation

大石 一城*; 五十嵐 大輔*; 多々良 涼一*; 河村 幸彦*; 廣井 孝介; 鈴木 淳市*; 梅垣 いづみ*; 西村 昇一郎*; 幸田 章宏*; 駒場 慎一*; et al.

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 2462, p.012048_1 - 012048_5, 2023/03

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Physics, Applied)

Hard carbon is the most common anode material for Na-ion battery. The structure of the hard carbon and the dynamics of Na-ion in hard carbon were studied with small- and wide- angle neutron scattering and muon spin relaxation technique. The neutron scattering revealed the increase of interlayer distance between graphenes and decrease of the size of nanopores with increasing sodium intercalation in hard carbon. The muon spin relaxation revealed that a systematic increase in the field fluctuation rate with increasing temperature evidenced a thermally activated sodium diffusion. Assuming the two-dimensional diffusion of Na-ion in the graphene layers, the self-diffusion coefficient of Na-ion was estimated to be 2.6$$times$$10$$^{-11}$$ cm$$^{2}$$/s at 310 K, with a thermal activation energy of 39(7) meV.


Autoradiography system with phosphor powder (ZnS:Ag) for imaging radioisotope dynamics in a living plant

栗田 圭輔; 酒井 卓郎; 鈴井 伸郎*; 尹 永根*; 杉田 亮平*; 小林 奈通子*; 田野井 慶太朗*; 河地 有木*

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 60(11), p.116501_1 - 116501_4, 2021/11

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:5.26(Physics, Applied)



Dimensional reduction by geometrical frustration in a cubic antiferromagnet composed of tetrahedral clusters

大熊 隆太郎*; 古府 麻衣子; 浅井 晋一郎*; Avdeev, M.*; 幸田 章宏*; 岡部 博孝*; 平石 雅俊*; 竹下 聡史*; 小嶋 健児*; 門野 良典*; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 12, p.4382_1 - 4382_7, 2021/07

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:61.12(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Dimensionality is a critical factor in determining the properties of solids and is an apparent built- in character of the crystal structure. However, it can be an emergent and tunable property in geometrically frustrated spin systems. Here, we study the spin dynamics of the tetrahedral cluster antiferromagnet, pharmacosiderite, via muon spin resonance and neutron scattering. We find that the spin correlation exhibits a two-dimensional characteristic despite the isotropic connectivity of tetrahedral clusters made of spin 5/2 Fe$$^{3+}$$ ions in the three-dimensional cubic crystal, which we ascribe to two-dimensionalisation by geometrical frustration based on spin wave calculations. Moreover, we suggest that even one-dimensionalisation occurs in the decoupled layers, generating low-energy and one-dimensional excitation modes, causing large spin fluctuation in the classical spin system.


Correlated Li-ion migration in the superionic conductor Li$$_{10}$$GeP$$_{2}$$S$$_{12}$$

矢島 健*; 日沼 洋陽*; 堀 智*; 岩崎 類*; 菅野 了次*; 大原 高志; 中尾 朗子*; 宗像 孝司*; 廣井 善二*

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 9(18), p.11278 - 11284, 2021/05

 被引用回数:28 パーセンタイル:80.49(Chemistry, Physical)

Herein, we studied the crystalline compound Li$$_{10}$$GeP$$_{2}$$S$$_{12}$$ with the largest Li-ion conductivity thus far via a novel route based on a combination of single-crystal neutron diffraction experiments at low temperature and first-principles calculations, and found that a correlated migration of the densely packed Li ions governs the overall Li-ion conduction. The correlated migration mechanism provides us with guidelines on how to design efficient superionic conductors for more efficient batteries.


Development of negative muonium ion source for muon acceleration

北村 遼; Bae, S.*; Choi, S.*; 深尾 祥紀*; 飯沼 裕美*; 石田 勝彦*; 河村 成肇*; Kim, B.*; 近藤 恭弘; 三部 勉*; et al.

Physical Review Accelerators and Beams (Internet), 24(3), p.033403_1 - 033403_9, 2021/03

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:27.54(Physics, Nuclear)

低エネルギーミューオン源としてアルミニウム薄膜標的を用いた負ミューオニウムイオン(Mu$$^{-}$$)源を開発した。Mu$$^{-}$$イオン源の性能評価のためMu-イオンを生成する実験を行った。Mu$$^{-}$$イオンの測定強度は入射ミューオン強度$$1.3times10^{6}$$/sに対して$$(1.7 pm 0.3) times 10^{-3}$$ Mu$$^{-}$$/sであった。アルミニウム標的上での入射ミューオンに対するMu$$^{-}$$イオンの比である生成効率は$$(1.1 pm 0.2(textrm{stat.})^{-0.0}_{+0.1}(textrm{syst.})) times10^{-6}$$であった。このMu$$^{-}$$イオン源はミューオン加速器の開発を促し、比較的簡便な装置による低エネルギーミューオン源の実用性を実証した。


Development and operation of an electrostatic time-of-flight detector for the Rare RI storage Ring

長江 大輔*; 阿部 康志*; 岡田 俊祐*; 大甕 舜一朗*; 若山 清志*; 細井 駿*; 鈴木 伸司*; 森口 哲朗*; 天野 将道*; 上岡 大起*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 986, p.164713_1 - 164713_7, 2021/01

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:67.32(Instruments & Instrumentation)

An electrostatic time-of-flight detector named E-MCP has been developed for quick diagnostics of circulating beam and timing measurement in mass spectrometry at the Rare-RI Ring in RIKEN. The E-MCP detector consists of a conversion foil, potential grids, and a microchannel plate. Secondary electrons are released from the surface of the foil when a heavy ion hits it. The electrons are accelerated and deflected by 90$$^{circ}$$ toward the microchannel plate by electrostatic potentials. A thin carbon foil and a thin aluminum-coated mylar foil were used as conversion foils. We obtained time resolutions of 69(1) ps and 43(1) ps (standard deviation) for a $$^{84}$$Kr beam at an energy of 170 MeV/u when using the carbon and the aluminum-coated mylar foils, respectively. A detection efficiency of approximately 90% was obtained for both foils. The E-MCP detector equipped with the carbon foil was installed inside the Rare-RI Ring to confirm particle circulation within a demonstration experiment on mass measurements of nuclei around $$^{78}$$Ge produced by in-flight fission of uranium beam at the RI Beam Factory in RIKEN. Periodic time signals from circulating ions were clearly observed. Revolution times for $$^{78}$$Ge, $$^{77}$$Ga, and $$^{76}$$Zn were obtained. The results confirmed successful circulation of the short-lived nuclei inside the Rare-RI Ring.


Role of advection in atmospheric ammonia; A Case study at a Japanese lake basin influenced by agricultural ammonia sources

久保田 智大; 黒田 久雄*; 渡邊 未来*; 高橋 晃子*; 中里 亮治*; 樽井 美香*; 松本 俊一*; 中川 圭太*; 沼田 康子*; 大内 孝雄*; et al.

Atmospheric Environment, 243, p.117856_1 - 117856_9, 2020/12

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:12.02(Environmental Sciences)



Temporally decoherent and spatially coherent vibrations in metal halide perovskites

Zhang, D.*; Hu, X.*; Chen, T.*; Abernathy, D. L.*; 梶本 亮一; 中村 充孝; 古府 麻衣子; Foley, B. J.*; Yoon, M.*; Choi, J. J.*; et al.

Physical Review B, 102(22), p.224310_1 - 224310_10, 2020/12

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:32.40(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

The long carrier lifetime and defect tolerance in metal halide perovskites (MHPs) are major contributors to the superb performance of MHP optoelectronic devices. Large polarons were reported to be responsible for the long carrier lifetime. Yet microscopic mechanisms of the large polaron formation, including the so-called phonon melting, are still under debate. Here, time-of-flight inelastic neutron scattering experiments and first-principles density-functional theory calculations were employed to investigate the lattice vibrations (or phonon dynamics) in methylammonium lead iodide, a prototypical example of MHPs. Our findings are that optical phonons lose temporal coherence gradually with increasing temperature which vanishes at the orthorhombic-to-tetragonal structural phase transition. Surprisingly, however, we found that the spatial coherence is still retained throughout the decoherence process. We argue that the temporally decoherent and spatially coherent vibrations contribute to the formation of large polarons in this metal halide perovskite.


Bound spinon excitations in the spin-$$frac{1}{2}$$ anisotropic triangular antiferromagnet Ca$$_{3}$$ReO$$_{5}$$Cl$$_{2}$$

那波 和宏*; 平井 大悟郎*; 古府 麻衣子; 中島 健次; 村崎 遼*; 小金 聖史*; 木俣 基*; 野尻 浩之*; 廣井 善二*; 佐藤 卓*

Physical Review Research (Internet), 2(4), p.043121_1 - 043121_11, 2020/12



Beam commissioning of muon beamline using negative hydrogen ions generated by ultraviolet light

中沢 雄河*; Bae, S.*; Choi, H.*; Choi, S.*; 飯嶋 徹*; 飯沼 裕美*; 河村 成肇*; 北村 遼; Kim, B.*; Ko, H. S.*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 937, p.164 - 167, 2019/09

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:21.15(Instruments & Instrumentation)



New precise measurements of muonium hyperfine structure at J-PARC MUSE

Strasser, P.*; 阿部 充志*; 青木 正治*; Choi, S.*; 深尾 祥紀*; 東 芳隆*; 樋口 嵩*; 飯沼 裕美*; 池戸 豊*; 石田 勝彦*; et al.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 198, p.00003_1 - 00003_8, 2019/01

 被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:98.52(Quantum Science & Technology)

High precision measurements of the ground state hyperfine structure (HFS) of muonium is a stringent tool for testing bound-state quantum electrodynamics (QED) theory, determining fundamental constants of the muon magnetic moment and mass, and searches for new physics. Muonium is the most suitable system to test QED because both theoretical and experimental values can be precisely determined. Previous measurements were performed decades ago at LAMPF with uncertainties mostly dominated by statistical errors. At the J-PARC Muon Science Facility (MUSE), the MuSEUM collaboration is planning complementary measurements of muonium HFS both at zero and high magnetic field. The new high-intensity muon beam that will soon be available at H-Line will provide an opportunity to improve the precision of these measurements by one order of magnitude. An overview of the different aspects of these new muonium HFS measurements, the current status of the preparation for high-field measurements, and the latest results at zero field are presented.


Recent progress on practical materials study by Bragg edge imaging at J-PARC

及川 健一; Su, Y. H.; 鬼柳 亮嗣; 川崎 卓郎; 篠原 武尚; 甲斐 哲也; 廣井 孝介; Harjo, S.; Parker, J. D.*; 松本 吉弘*; et al.

Physica B; Condensed Matter, 551, p.436 - 442, 2018/12

 被引用回数:6 パーセンタイル:27.64(Physics, Condensed Matter)

We are promoting for practical product observation by the energy-resolved neutron imaging method using high-intensity pulsed neutrons at J-PARC, under the Photon and Quantum Basic Research Coordinated Development Program from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. Bragg edge imaging, one of the energy-resolved neutron imaging methods for visualizing material properties, was applied to feasibility study of the temperature distribution of copper rod, complementary study of the texture and strain distribution of bent steel plates using neutron diffraction and EBSD, and so on. Outline of results obtained by these imaging experiments will be presented.


Muon profile measurement after acceleration with a radio-frequency quadrupole linac

大谷 将士*; 須江 祐貴*; 深尾 祥紀*; 二ツ川 健太*; 河村 成肇*; 三部 勉*; 三宅 康博*; 下村 浩一郎*; 山崎 高幸*; 飯嶋 徹*; et al.

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 1067(5), p.052012_1 - 052012_7, 2018/09

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:45.50(Physics, Particles & Fields)



Development of a microchannel plate based beam profile monitor for a re-accelerated muon beam

Kim, B.*; Bae, S.*; Choi, H.*; Choi, S.*; 河村 成肇*; 北村 遼*; Ko, H. S.*; 近藤 恭弘; 三部 勉*; 大谷 将士*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 899, p.22 - 27, 2018/08

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:53.82(Instruments & Instrumentation)




北村 遼*; 大谷 将士*; 深尾 祥紀*; 二ツ川 健太*; 河村 成肇*; 三部 勉*; 三宅 康博*; 山崎 高幸*; 近藤 恭弘; 長谷川 和男; et al.

Proceedings of 15th Annual Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan (インターネット), p.239 - 243, 2018/08

J-PARCで計画されているミューオンg-2/EDM精密測定実験では、横方向運動量分散と縦方向運動量の比が$$10^-5$$以下の極冷ミューオンビームを用いることで、先行実験とは異なる手法により高精度な測定を実現する。この極冷ミューオンは、陽子ビームから生成した4MeVの表面ミューオンを25meVの超低速ミューオンにまで冷却した後、線形加速器で212MeVまで再加速することで得られる。ミューオン線形加速器の実現に向けて、RFQを用いたミューオンRF加速の実証試験を行った。超低速ミューオンの生成にはイオン解離レーザーなど大型設備を要するため、加速実証実験では簡易的な冷却手法として、ミューオンをアルミ薄膜標的に照射することで負ミューオニウム($$mu$$$$^{-}$$, $$mu$$$$^{+}$$e$$^{-}$$e$$^{-}$$)へと変換して2keV以下にまで冷却した。生成したMu$$^{-}$$はRFQの入射エネルギー5.6keVまで静電加速された後、RFQで最終的に90keVまでRF加速される。加速されたMu$$^{-}$$は偏向電磁石で運動量と極性を選別し、さらにMCPを用いたTOF測定により粒子同定した。本講演では世界初となるミューオンRF加速実証試験の結果について、予備実験として実施した負ミューオニウム生成実験の成果も交えて報告する。


First muon acceleration using a radio-frequency accelerator

Bae, S.*; Choi, H.*; Choi, S.*; 深尾 祥紀*; 二ツ川 健太*; 長谷川 和男; 飯嶋 徹*; 飯沼 裕美*; 石田 勝彦*; 河村 成肇*; et al.

Physical Review Accelerators and Beams (Internet), 21(5), p.050101_1 - 050101_6, 2018/05

 被引用回数:16 パーセンタイル:76.32(Physics, Nuclear)


76 件中 1件目~20件目を表示