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検索結果: 137 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Dissociative adsorption of supersonic CH$$_{3}$$Cl on Cu oxide Surfaces; Cu$$_{2}$$O(111) and bulk Cu$$_{2}$$O precursor "29"; Structure on Cu(111)

林田 紘輝*; 津田 泰孝; 村瀬 菜摘*; 山田 剛司*; 吉越 章隆; Di$~n$o, W. A.*; 岡田 美智雄*

Applied Surface Science, 669, p.160475_1 - 160475_6, 2024/10


To examine the elementary steps of the Rochow-M$"u$ller process, we subjected copper oxides, viz., Cu$$_2$$O(111) and the bulk Cu$$_2$$O precursor "29" -structure on Cu(111), to supersonic molecular beams (SSMB) of CH$$_3$$Cl. The SSMB energies range from 0.5-1.9 eV. We then employed X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) in conjunction with synchrotron radiation (SR) to determine the resulting adsorbed species present. We identified two reaction paths, viz., Reaction I and Reaction II, with one prevailing over the other depending on exposure conditions. Reaction I involves the dissociative adsorption of CH$$_3$$Cl. In Reaction II, CH$$_3$$Cl dissociates with Cl as the prevailing adsorbed species (higher than that of adsorbed carbonaceous species, as observed for Reaction I). For the incident energy and exposure conditions considered, we found Reaction II as the prevailing reaction path for CH$$_3$$Cl reaction on both Cu$$_2$$O(111) and the "29" -structure on Cu(111).


Benchmark analysis by Beremin model and GTN model in CAF Subcommittee

名越 康人*; 深堀 拓也*; 岡田 裕*; 高橋 昭如*; 下平 昌樹; 上田 貴志*; 小川 琢矢*; 八代醍 健志*; 高橋 由紀夫*; 大畑 充*

Transactions of the 27th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 27) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2024/03

日本溶接協会CAF小委員会では、塑性拘束効果を考慮した破壊評価手法ガイドラインの策定を目指している。この評価手法では、脆性破壊を評価するためのBereminモデルと延性亀裂成長を評価するためのGTNモデルを用いる。そこで、これらの評価モデルの適用性を検証するため、CAF小委員会の参加機関によるベンチマーク解析が行われた。ベンチマーク解析は、各機関が有する有限要素解析コードを用い、2種類の低合金鋼(A及びB)の破壊試験に対して実施されてきた。本発表では、低合金鋼Bに対する解析結果を報告する。Bereminモデルにおいて、一般的なワイブル形状母数(${it m}$ = 10, 20, 30)を用いた場合、各機関で計算されたワイブル応力が概ね一致することを確認した。また、Toughness Scaling Modelに基づいて、塑性拘束度が異なる2種類の試験片を用いてワイブル形状母数${it m}$を算出した。算出されたワイブル形状母数${it m}$は解析機関によりばらつきはあったものの、最終的に算出されるワイブル応力は一致することを確認した。GTNモデルに関して、評価に用いるパラメータを1T-C(T)試験片の室温での荷重-変位関係に基づいて最適化した。最適化されたパラメータを用いてGTNモデルに基づき評価されたJ-R曲線が各機関で一致することを確認した。


Revisit of XPS studies of supersonic O$$_{2}$$ molecular adsorption on Cu(111); Copper oxides

林田 紘輝*; 津田 泰孝; 山田 剛司*; 吉越 章隆; 岡田 美智雄*

ACS Omega (Internet), 6(40), p.26814 - 26820, 2021/10

 被引用回数:11 パーセンタイル:48.47(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

X線光電子分光法(XPS)を用いて、バルクCu$$_{2}$$O(111)表面と0.5eVのO$$_{2}$$超音速分子線(SSMB)を用いて作製したCu(111)表面のタイプ8とタイプ29と呼ばれる二種類の酸化物に関するXPS分析を報告する。新しい構造モデルを提案するとともに、以前提案した[29]構造のモデルを確認した。酸化物構造の新しいモデルを提案するとともに、O1s XPSスペクトルに基づいて、Cu(111)上のタイプ29酸化物の既提案モデルを確認した。O1sスペクトルの検出角依存性から、ナノピラミッド型モデルがO 1sスペクトルの検出角依存性は、($$sqrt{3}$$X$$sqrt{3}$$)R30$$^{circ}$$ Cu$$_{2}$$O(111)ではナノピラミッドモデルがより好ましいことがわかった。また、O1s電子励起過程を報告する。


Benchmark analysis by Beremin model and GTN model in CAF subcommittee

廣田 貴俊*; 名越 康人*; 北条 公伸*; 岡田 裕*; 高橋 昭如*; 勝山 仁哉; 上田 貴志*; 小川 琢矢*; 八代醍 健志*; 大畑 充*; et al.

Proceedings of ASME 2021 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2021) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2021/07

In order to establish a guideline for fracture evaluation by considering plastic constraint in the ductile-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) region, the CAF (Constraint-Based Assessment of Fracture in Ductile-Brittle Transition Temperature Region) subcommittee has been launched in 2018 in the Japan Welding Engineering Society. In the committee, fracture tests are conducted using C(T), SE(B), and 50mm-thick flat plate with a surface flaw subjected to bending load or tensile load to verify fracture evaluation methods. Since simulation results are easily affected by analysis conditions, benchmark analysis is essential for the potential users of the guideline. Therefore, benchmark analyses are executed on brittle and ductile damages by Beremin and Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman (GTN) models implemented in the finite element (FE) codes. The benchmark analyses are carried out in four steps; Step 0 is to confirm the output of FE codes in each member with the same input data and the same FE model. Step 1 is to confirm the result of Weibull stress analysis for C(T) specimens tested at -125$$^{circ}$$C. The Weibull parameter, m, was fixed in this step. At step 2, sensitivity analyses are conducted on Weibull stresses in different conditions. The outputs by the GTN model are also confirmed. At the final step, the fracture simulation will be run for flat plate specimens with less plastic constraint than the standard fracture toughness specimen. As the results of the benchmark analyses up to step 2, a significant difference is not observed in the Weibull stress computed by committee members with the same input data and FE model and it is confirmed that the effects of element type, nonlinear deformation theory employed in FE analysis. For the calculation of the Weibull parameter m by using the fracture toughness test results and the developed programs by committee members, the converged values of m show good agreement among them.


福島の環境回復に向けた取り組み,6; 安全性の確保を大前提とした除去土壌等の再生利用

岡田 尚; 武田 聖司; 仲田 久和

日本原子力学会誌ATOMO$$Sigma$$, 59(10), p.603 - 607, 2017/10



1F事故による環境回復に伴う廃棄物の管理と除去土壌の減容・再生利用の取り組み,4; 除去土壌の再生利用の安全評価

澤口 拓磨; 高井 静霞; 梅澤 克洋; 武田 聖司; 岡田 尚

日本原子力学会誌ATOMO$$Sigma$$, 59(8), p.445 - 447, 2017/08




岡田 尚

原子力バックエンド研究(CD-ROM), 24(1), p.93 - 94, 2017/06



High order harmonics from relativistic electron spikes

Pirozhkov, A. S.; 神門 正城; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Faenov, A. Y.*; Pikuz, T. A.*; 河内 哲哉; 匂坂 明人; Koga, J. K.; 森 道昭; 川瀬 啓悟*; et al.

RAL-TR-2015-025, P. 22, 2015/00

We provide a description of experiments performed with the J-KAREN and Astra Gemini lasers where we discovered a new regime of relativistic high-order harmonic generation by multi-terawatt femtosecond lasers in gas targets. The results were explained using particle-in-cell simulations and catastrophe theory. Our work paves the way towards a bright coherent X-ray source based on compact lasers and accessible, repetitive, and debris-free gas jet targets. Such a source will be crucial for fundamental research and numerous applications requiring pumping, probing, imaging of microscopic objects and for attosecond science.


High order harmonics from relativistic electron spikes

Pirozhkov, A. S.; 神門 正城; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Gallegos, P.*; Ahmed, H.*; Ragozin, E. N.*; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Pikuz, T. A.*; 河内 哲哉; 匂坂 明人; et al.

New Journal of Physics (Internet), 16(9), p.093003_1 - 093003_30, 2014/09

 被引用回数:31 パーセンタイル:80.57(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

We present a detailed description of our discovery of a new regime of high-order harmonic generation, including experimental data, simulations, and description of new harmonic generation mechanism. The harmonics are generated by multi-terawatt relativistic-irradiance ($$>$$ 10$$^{18}$$ W/cm$$^2$$) femtosecond ($$approx$$ 30-50 fs) lasers focused to gas jet targets. According to our model, the harmonics are produced by sharp, structurally stable, oscillating electron spikes at the joint of boundaries of wake and bow waves excited by the laser pulse.


汚染部位調査用ガンマカメラの開発; 福島第一原子力発電所2号機オペレーティングフロア汚染調査を通じた$$gamma$$-eyeIIの性能実証

金山 文彦; 岡田 尚; 福嶋 峰夫; 吉元 勝起*; 羽生 敏紀; 川野邊 崇之

JAEA-Technology 2013-049, 60 Pages, 2014/03




High-speed classification of coherent X-ray diffraction Patterns on the K computer for high-resolution single biomolecule imaging

徳久 淳師*; 新井 淳也*; 城地 保昌*; 大野 善之*; 亀山 豊久*; 山本 啓二*; 畑中 正行*; Gerofi, B.*; 島田 明男*; 黒川 原佳*; et al.

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 20(6), p.899 - 904, 2013/11

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:28.23(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Single-particle coherent X-ray diffraction imaging using X-ray free electron laser has potential to reveal a three-dimensional structure of a biological supra-molecule at sub-nano meter resolution. In order to realize this method, it is necessary to analyze as many as one million noisy X-ray diffraction patterns, each for an unknown random target orientation. To cope with the severe quantum noise we need to classify patterns according to their similarities and average similar patterns to improve the S/N ratio. We developed a high-speed scalable scheme to carry out classification on the K computer, a 10PFLOPS supercomputer at RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science. It is designed to work on the real time basis with the experimental diffraction pattern collection at the X-ray free electron laser facility SACLA so that the result of classification can be feed-backed to optimize experimental parameters during the experiment. We report the present status of our effort of developing the system and also a result of application to a set of simulated diffraction patterns. We succeeded in classification of about one million diffraction patterns by running 255 separate one-hour jobs on 385-node mode.


Development of a resonant laser ionization gas cell for high-energy, short-lived nuclei

園田 哲*; 和田 道治*; 富田 英生*; 坂本 知佳*; 高塚 卓旦*; 古川 武*; 飯村 秀紀; 伊藤 由太*; 久保 敏幸*; 松尾 由賀利*; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 295, p.1 - 10, 2013/01

 被引用回数:21 パーセンタイル:82.24(Instruments & Instrumentation)



X-ray emission from relativistically moving electron density cusps

神門 正城; Pirozhkov, A. S.; 中村 龍史; 林 由紀雄; 小瀧 秀行; 川瀬 啓悟*; Esirkepov, T. Z.; 福田 祐仁; 桐山 博光; 岡田 大; et al.

AIP Conference Proceedings 1465, p.159 - 166, 2012/07

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Physics, Applied)

We report on novel method to generate ultra-short coherent X-rays using a laser-plasma interaction. Nonlinear interaction of intense laser pulses with plasma creates stable, specific structures such as electron cusps. For example wake waves excited in an underdense plasma by the laser become dense and propagate along with the laser pulse (Flying Mirror). The flying mirror can reflect a counter-propagating laser pulse and directly convert it into high-frequency radiation and compress the pulse. We have conducted experimental results using 9 TW laser with a He gas target. We observed 10$$^{10}$$ photons in the extreme ultra-violet region (12.8-22.0 nm).


Relativistic high harmonic generation in gas jet targets

Pirozhkov, A. S.; 神門 正城; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Gallegos, P.*; Ahmed, H.*; Ragozin, E. N.*; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Pikuz, T.; 河内 哲哉; 匂坂 明人; et al.

AIP Conference Proceedings 1465, p.167 - 171, 2012/07

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:45.69(Physics, Applied)

We experimentally demonstrate new regime of high-order harmonic generation by relativistic-irradiance lasers in gas jet targets. Bright harmonics with both the odd and even orders are emitted in the forward direction, while the base harmonic frequency is downshifted. The harmonics are generated by linearly as well as circularly polarized pulses. With the 9 TW laser, the harmonics reach 360 eV, within the "water window" spectral region. Using 120 TW laser producing 40 uJ/sr per harmonic at 120 eV, we demonstrate the photon number scalability. The experimentally demonstrated harmonics cannot be explained by previously known mechanisms. We introduce a novel high-order harmonics generation mechanism, which explains our experimental findings.


High-order harmonics from bow wave caustics driven by a high-intensity laser

Esirkepov, T. Z.; Pirozhkov, A. S.; 神門 正城; Gallegos, P.*; Ahmed, H.*; Ragozin, E. N.*; Faenov, A.*; Pikuz, T.; 河内 哲哉; 匂坂 明人; et al.

AIP Conference Proceedings 1465, p.172 - 180, 2012/07

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Physics, Applied)



Radiological emergency response to Fukushima Daiichi Accident; Teleoperation & robotics of JAEA

福嶋 峰夫; 川妻 伸二; 岡田 尚

Proceedings of American Nuclear Society Embedded Topical on Decommissioning, Decontamination and Reutilization and Technology Expo (DD&R 2012) (DVD-ROM), p.67 - 68, 2012/06



Complementary characterization of radioactivity produced by repetitive laser-driven proton beam using shot-to-shot proton spectral measurement and direct activation measurement

小倉 浩一; 静間 俊行; 早川 岳人; 余語 覚文; 西内 満美子; 織茂 聡; 匂坂 明人; Pirozhkov, A. S.; 森 道昭; 桐山 博光; et al.

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 51(4), p.048003_1 - 048003_2, 2012/04

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:8.63(Physics, Applied)



Soft-X-ray harmonic comb from relativistic electron spikes

Pirozhkov, A. S.; 神門 正城; Esirkepov, T. Z.; Gallegos, P.*; Ahmed, H.*; Ragozin, E. N.*; Faenov, A. Ya.*; Pikuz, T.; 河内 哲哉; 匂坂 明人; et al.

Physical Review Letters, 108(13), p.135004_1 - 135004_5, 2012/03

 被引用回数:72 パーセンタイル:90.61(Physics, Multidisciplinary)



Emergency response by robots to Fukushima-Daiichi accident; Summary and lessons learned

川妻 伸二; 福嶋 峰夫; 岡田 尚

Industrial Robot; An International Journal, 39(5), p.428 - 435, 2012/00

 被引用回数:126 パーセンタイル:95.84(Engineering, Industrial)

Japanese nuclear disaster response robotics developed after Japan Conversion Corporation occurred criticality accidents in 1999, could not work when the Fukushima-Daiichi accident occurred by a big earthquake and a huge Tsunami on March 11th 2011. Unmanned constructive heavy machine and robots donated from United States of America or imported from Sweden did work for reconnaissance and cleanup rubbles outside of buildings. Accordingly, Quince and JAEA-3 had been deloyed for reconnaissance in side of buildings. Many lessons had been learned from the experiences on Robots' emergency response to the accident, Organization and operation scheme, Systemization were major lessons learned.


核融合環境における電気設備,49; 耐放射線照明器具の開発

岡村 浩樹*; 土田 崇*; 岡田 正男*; 山縣 諒平; 清藤 一; 春山 保幸; 金子 広久

2011年(第29回)電気設備学会全国大会講演論文集, p.367 - 368, 2011/09


137 件中 1件目~20件目を表示