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Journal Articles

Actinide-handling experience for training and education of future expert under J-ACTINET

Osaka, Masahiko; Konashi, Kenji*; Hayashi, Hirokazu; Li, D.*; Homma, Yoshiya*; Yamamura, Tomoo*; Sato, Isamu; Miwa, Shuhei; Sekimoto, Shun*; Kubota, Takumi*; et al.

Proceedings of International Conference on Toward and Over the Fukushima Daiichi Accident (GLOBAL 2011) (CD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2011/12

Summer schools for future experts have successfully been completed under Japan Actinide Network (J-ACTINET) for the purpose of development of human resources who are expected to be engaged in every areas of actinide-research/engineering. The first summer school was held in Ibaraki-area in August 2009, followed by the second one in Kansai-area in August 2010. Two summer schools have focused on actual experiences of actinides in actinide-research fields for university students and young researchers/engineers as an introductory course of actinide-researches. Several quasi actinide-handling experiences at the actinide-research fields have attracted attentions of participants at the first school in Ibaraki-area. The actual experiments using actinides-containing solutions have been carried out at the second school in Kansai-area. Future summer schools will be held every year for the sustainable human resource development in various actinide-research fields.

Journal Articles

Isoscalar giant resonances in the Sn nuclei and implications for the asymmetry term in the nuclear-matter incompressibility

Li, T.*; Garg, U.*; Liu, Y.*; Marks, R.*; Nayak, B. K.*; Madhusudhana Rao, P. V.*; Fujiwara, Mamoru*; Hashimoto, Hisanobu*; Nakanishi, Kosuke*; Okumura, Shun*; et al.

Physical Review C, 81(3), p.034309_1 - 034309_11, 2010/03

 Times Cited Count:111 Percentile:97.49(Physics, Nuclear)

Journal Articles

High energy negative-ion based neutral beam injection system for JT-60U

Kuriyama, Masaaki; ; Araki, Masanori; ; Hanada, Masaya; Inoue, Takashi; Kawai, Mikito; Kazawa, Minoru; ; Kunieda, Shunsuke; et al.

Fusion Engineering and Design, 26, p.445 - 453, 1995/00

 Times Cited Count:43 Percentile:95.54(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Negative ion based neutral beam injector for JT-60U

Okumura, Yoshikazu; Araki, Masanori; Hanada, Masaya; Inoue, Takashi; Kunieda, Shunsuke; Kuriyama, Masaaki; Matsuoka, Mamoru; Mizuno, Makoto; Ohara, Yoshihiro; Tanaka, Masanobu*; et al.

Production and Neutralization of Negative Ions and Beams; AIP Conference Proceedings 287, p.839 - 848, 1994/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Construction of a 500keV/negative-ion-based NBI system for JT-60U

Kuriyama, Masaaki; ; Araki, Masanori; ; Hanada, Masaya; Inoue, Takashi; Kawai, Mikito; Kazawa, Minoru; ; Kunieda, Shunsuke; et al.

15th IEEE/NPSS Symp. on Fusion Engineering,Vol. 1, 0, p.470 - 473, 1993/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Activities on neutral beam injectors at JAERI

Kuriyama, Masaaki; Ohara, Yoshihiro; ; ; Hanada, Masaya; Inoue, Takashi; ; ; Ito, Takao; Kawai, Mikito; et al.

Fusion Technology 1992, Vol.1, p.564 - 568, 1993/00

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Constructing autonomous distributed infrastructure systems; Super energy saving ecosystems using power electronics based on widegap semiconductors

Ito, Hisayoshi; Oshima, Takeshi; Okumura, Hajime*; Harima, Hiroshi*; Kishida, Shunji*; Hiramoto, Toshiro*; Hirakawa, Kazuhiko*

no journal, , 

In the presentation, we propose the construction of the super energy saving ecosystems using power electronics based on widegap semiconductors, as autonomous distributed infrastructure systems which work even in emergency cases like East Japan great earthquake disaster. This proposal consists of (1) R&D of advanced power electronics using widegap semiconductors like silicon carbide (SiC) and (2) the construction of super low loss energy control and communication systems based on such advanced power electronics. By realizing such super energy saving ecosystems, advanced eco-cities resisting a disaster are expected to be built. The proposed ecosystems are also quite effective for preventing global warming and promoting industrial development.

Oral presentation

Image analysis on ceramography of MOX fuel pellets by machine learning

Hirooka, Shun; Okumura, Kazuyuki; Makino, Takayoshi

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of simplified pelletizing process for fast reactor MOX fuels and demonstration experiment, 4; Development of visual inspection technology of pellets using machine learning

Hirooka, Shun; Horii, Yuta; Segawa, Tomoomi; Kawaguchi, Koichi; Ishii, Katsunori; Makino, Takayoshi; Okumura, Kazuyuki

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

The Measurement of thermal conductivity of MOX including simulated FPs and impurities

Horii, Yuta; Hirooka, Shun; Kato, Masato; Uno, Hiroki*; Ogasawara, Masahiro*; Tamura, Tetsuya*; Yamada, Tadahisa*; Okumura, Kazuyuki

no journal, , 

As part of studies on physical properties of low-decontaminated fuel pellets, simulated FPs (Sm$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ and Nd$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$) and impurities included at such as fuel fabrication process (Al$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ and SiO$$_{2}$$) were added to MOX, and their effects on thermal conductivity were evaluated. Addition of Sm$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ and Nd$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ in MOX, that can be solutionized, decreased thermal conductivity whereas addition of Al$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ and SiO$$_{2}$$, that don't make a solid solution with MOX, increased thermal conductivity.

Oral presentation

Development of visual inspection technology of pellets using machine learning, 2; Demonstration experiment using MOX pellets and consideration for introduction to production lines

Goto, Kenta; Hirooka, Shun; Horii, Yuta; Nakamichi, Shinya; Murakami, Tatsutoshi; Shibanuma, Kimikazu; Ono, Takanori; Yamamoto, Kazuya; Hatanaka, Nobuhiro; Okumura, Kazuyuki

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

11 (Records 1-11 displayed on this page)
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