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Journal Articles

Quasielastic neutron scattering probing H$$^{-}$$ dynamics in the H$$^{-}$$ conductors LaH$$_{3-2x}$$O$$_{x}$$

Tamatsukuri, Hiromu; Fukui, Keiga*; Iimura, Soshi*; Honda, Takashi*; Tada, Tomofumi*; Murakami, Yoichi*; Yamaura, Junichi*; Kuramoto, Yoshio*; Sagayama, Hajime*; Yamada, Takeshi*; et al.

Physical Review B, 107(18), p.184114_1 - 184114_8, 2023/05

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:0.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

The Japan Health Physics Society Guideline on Dose Monitoring for the Lens of the Eye

Yokoyama, Sumi*; Tsujimura, Norio; Hashimoto, Makoto; Yoshitomi, Hiroshi; Kato, Masahiro*; Kurosawa, Tadahiro*; Tatsuzaki, Hideo*; Sekiguchi, Hiroshi*; Koguchi, Yasuhiro*; Ono, Koji*; et al.

Journal of Radiation Protection and Research, 47(1), p.1 - 7, 2022/03

Background: In Japan, new regulations that revise the dose limit for the lens of the eye (the lens), operational quantities, and measurement positions for the lens dose were enforced in April 2021. Based on the international safety standards, national guidelines, the results of the Radiation Safety Research Promotion Fund of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority, and other studies, the Working Group of Radiation Protection Standardization Committee, the Japan Health Physics Society (JHPS) developed a guideline for radiation dose monitoring for the lens. Materials and Methods: The Working Group of the JHPS discussed the criteria of non-uniform exposure and the management criteria set to not exceed the dose limit for the lens. Results and Discussion: In July 2020, the JHPS guideline was published. The guideline consists of three parts: main text, explanations, and 26 questions. In the questions, the corresponding answers were prepared, and specific examples were provided to enable similar cases to be addressed. Conclusion: With the development of guideline on radiation dose monitoring of the lens, radiation managers and workers will be able to smoothly comply with revised regulations and optimise radiation protection.

Journal Articles

Development of guidelines on radiation protection for the lens of the eye in Japan

Yokoyama, Sumi*; Iwai, Satoshi*; Tsujimura, Norio; Hashimoto, Makoto; Yoshitomi, Hiroshi; Kato, Masahiro*; Kurosawa, Tadahiro*; Tatsuzaki, Hideo*; Sekiguchi, Hiroshi*; Koguchi, Yasuhiro*; et al.

Proceedings of 15th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA-15) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2022/00

Journal Articles

Magnetism induced by interlayer electrons in the quasi-two-dimensional electride Y$$_{2}$$C; Inelastic neutron scattering study

Tamatsukuri, Hiromu; Murakami, Yoichi*; Kuramoto, Yoshio*; Sagayama, Hajime*; Matsuura, Masato*; Kawakita, Yukinobu; Matsuishi, Satoru*; Washio, Yasuhito*; Inoshita, Takeshi*; Hamada, Noriaki*; et al.

Physical Review B, 102(22), p.224406_1 - 224406_5, 2020/12

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:42.28(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Quantum dynamics of hydrogen in the iron-based superconductor LaFeAsO$$_{0.9}$$D$$_{0.1}$$ measured with inelastic neutron spectroscopy

Yamaura, Junichi*; Hiraka, Haruhiro*; Iimura, Soshi*; Muraba, Yoshinori*; Bang, J.*; Ikeuchi, Kazuhiko*; Nakamura, Mitsutaka; Inamura, Yasuhiro; Honda, Takashi*; Hiraishi, Masatoshi*; et al.

Physical Review B, 99(22), p.220505_1 - 220505_6, 2019/06


 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:19.21(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Inelastic neutron scattering was performed for an iron-based superconductor, where most of D (deuterium) replaces oxygen, while a tiny amount goes into interstitial sites. By first-principle calculation, we characterize the interstitial sites for D (and for H slightly mixed) with four equivalent potential minima. Below the superconducting transition temperature Tc = 26 K, new excitations emerge in the range 5-15 meV, while they are absent in the reference system LaFeAsO$$_{0.9}$$F$$_{0.1}$$. The strong excitations at 14.5 meV and 11.1 meV broaden rapidly around 15 K and 20 K, respectively, where each energy becomes comparable to twice of the superconducting gap. The strong excitations are ascribed to a quantum rattling, or a band motion of hydrogen, which arises only if the number of potential minima is larger than two.

Journal Articles

Gapless magnetic excitation in a heavily electron-doped antiferromagnetic phase of LaFeAsO$$_{0.5}$$D$$_{0.5}$$

Tamatsukuri, Hiromu*; Hiraka, Haruhiro*; Ikeuchi, Kazuhiko*; Iimura, Soshi*; Muraba, Yoshinori*; Nakamura, Mitsutaka; Sagayama, Hajime*; Yamaura, Junichi*; Murakami, Yoichi*; Kuramoto, Yoshio*; et al.

Physical Review B, 98(17), p.174415_1 - 174415_6, 2018/11


 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:14.14(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Magnetic excitations in a heavily electron-doped antiferromagnet, LaFeAsO$$_{0.5}$$D$$_{0.5}$$, have been investigated using powder inelastic neutron scattering. Unlike other parent compounds of the iron-based superconductors, the magnetic excitation gap in LaFeAsO$$_{0.5}$$D$$_{0.5}$$ was not detected down to the lowest measured temperature of 4 K. This result can be understood as a result of quasi-isotropy within the ab plane, which is consistent with the band calculation result that the $$d_{xy}$$ orbital plays the dominant role in the magnetism of LaFeAsO$$_{0.5}$$H$$_{0.5}$$. In addition, the intensities of the magnetic excitations in this phase are much stronger than those in nondoped LaFeAsO. Even in the paramagnetic phase, the magnetic excitation in LaFeAsO$$_{0.5}$$D$$_{0.5}$$ persists. These results corroborate recent studies showing that the electron doping enhances the localized nature in this system.

Journal Articles

Current situations and discussions in Japan in relation to the new occupational equivalent dose limit for the lens of the eye

Yokoyama, Sumi*; Hamada, Nobuyuki*; Hayashida, Toshiyuki*; Tsujimura, Norio; Tatsuzaki, Hideo*; Kurosawa, Tadahiro*; Nabatame, Kuniaki*; Oguchi, Hiroyuki*; Ono, Kazuko*; Kawaura, Chiyo*; et al.

Journal of Radiological Protection, 37(3), p.659 - 683, 2017/09

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:79.14(Environmental Sciences)

Since the International Commission on Radiological Protection recommended reducing the occupational equivalent dose limit for the lens of the eye in 2011, there have been extensive discussions in various countries. This paper reviews the current situations in radiation protection of the ocular lens and the discussions on the potential impact of the new lens dose limit in Japan. Topics include historical changes to the lens dose limit, the current situations in occupational lens exposures (e.g., in medical workers, nuclear workers, and Fukushima nuclear power plant workers) and measurements, and the current status of biological studies and epidemiological studies on radiation cataracts. Our focus is on the situations in Japan, but we believe such information sharing will be useful in many other countries.

Journal Articles

2016 Professional Engineer (PE) test preparation course "Nuclear and Radiation Technical Disciplines"

Takahashi, Naoki; Yoshinaka, Kazuyuki; Harada, Akio; Yamanaka, Atsushi; Ueno, Takashi; Kurihara, Ryoichi; Suzuki, Soju; Takamatsu, Misao; Maeda, Shigetaka; Iseki, Atsushi; et al.

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Homu Peji (Internet), 64 Pages, 2016/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Addendum report of the JHPS expert committee on radiation protection of the lens of the eye, 2; When and how should the dosimetry of beta $$H_{rm p}$$(3) be made?

Akahane, Keiichi*; Iimoto, Takeshi*; Ichiji, Takeshi*; Iwai, Satoshi*; Oguchi, Hiroyuki*; Ono, Kazuko*; Kawaura, Chiyo*; Kurosawa, Tadahiro*; Tatsuzaki, Hideo*; Tsujimura, Norio; et al.

Hoken Butsuri, 50(4), p.257 - 261, 2015/12

In a mixed field of photon and beta radiations, the same dose assigned to skin is normally assigned to the dose to the lens of the eye as a conservative estimate of H$$_{p}$$(3). In exceptional cases that a very high beta dose might be imparted of the same order with the dose limit, however, the conservatively biased dose must be too limiting, and thereby an accurate estimate of beta $$H_{rm p}$$(3) is desirable. This article presents a practical proposal of when and how the dosimetry of beta $$H_{rm p}$$(3) should be made.

Journal Articles

Interim report of the JHPS expert committee on radiation protection of the lens of the eye, 2; The Dosimetry method for the lens of the eye of workers in Japan

Akahane, Keiichi*; Iimoto, Takeshi*; Ichiji, Takeshi*; Iwai, Satoshi*; Oguchi, Hiroyuki*; Ono, Kazuko*; Kawaura, Chiyo*; Tatsuzaki, Hideo*; Tsujimura, Norio; Hamada, Nobuyuki*; et al.

Hoken Butsuri, 49(3), p.153 - 156, 2014/09

A brief review is given of the history and methodology of external dosimetry for the lens of the eye. Under the 1989 revision to domestic radiological protection regulations, the concept on the effective dose equivalent and the dose limit to the lens of the eye (150 mSv/y) both introduced in ICRP 1977 recommendations has changed nationwide the external monitoring methodology in non-uniform exposure situations to the trunk of a radiological worker. In such situations, often created by the presence of a protective apron, the worker is required to use at least two personal dosemeters, one worn on the trunk under the apron and the other, typically, at the collar over the apron. The latter dosemeter serves the dual purpose of providing the dose profile across the trunk for improved effective dose equivalent assessment and of estimating the dose to lens of the eye. The greater or appropriate value between $$H_{rm p}$$(10) and $$H_{rm p}$$(0.07), given by the dosemeter, is generally used as a surrogate of $$H_{rm p}$$(3).

Journal Articles

Bipartite magnetic parent phases in the iron oxypnictide superconductor

Hiraishi, Masatoshi*; Iimura, Soshi*; Kojima, Kenji*; Yamaura, Junichi*; Hiraka, Haruhiro*; Ikeda, Kazutaka*; Miao, P.*; Ishikawa, Yoshihisa*; Torii, Shuki*; Miyazaki, Masanori*; et al.

Nature Physics, 10(4), p.300 - 303, 2014/04

 Times Cited Count:106 Percentile:95.12(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Magnetic structure and electromagnetic properties of LnCrAsO with a ZrCuSiAs-type structure (Ln = La, Ce, Pr, and Nd)

Park, S.-W.*; Mizoguchi, Hiroshi*; Kodama, Katsuaki; Shamoto, Shinichi; Otomo, Toshiya*; Matsuishi, Satoru*; Kamiya, Toshio*; Hosono, Hideo*

Inorganic Chemistry, 52(23), p.13363 - 13368, 2013/12

 Times Cited Count:34 Percentile:83.34(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Full-coherent free electron laser seeded by 13th- and 15th-order harmonics of near-infrared femtosecond laser pulses

Sato, Takahiro*; Iwasaki, Atsushi*; Owada, Shigeki*; Yamanouchi, Kaoru*; Takahashi, Eiji*; Midorikawa, Katsumi*; Aoyama, Makoto; Yamakawa, Koichi; Togashi, Tadashi*; Fukami, Kenji*; et al.

Journal of Physics B; Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 46(16), p.164006_1 - 164006_6, 2013/08

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:18.47(Optics)

By introducing 13th- (61.7 nm) and 15th-order harmonics (53.4 nm) of femtosecond laser pulses at 800 nm into an undulator of SCSS (SPring-8 Compact SASE Source) test accelerator at RIKEN, these harmonic pulses were amplified by a factor of more than 10$$^{2}$$ with a high contrast ratio through the interaction between accelerated electron bunches and the harmonic pulses. From numerical simulations of the amplification processes of high-order harmonic pulses in the undulator, optimum conditions of the electron bunch duration interacting with the high-order harmonic pulses were investigated for generating full-coherent and intense pulses in the extreme ultraviolet wavelength region.

Journal Articles

Switching of intra-orbital spin excitations in electron-doped iron pnictide superconductors

Iimura, Soshi*; Matsuishi, Satoru*; Miyakawa, Masashi*; Taniguchi, Takashi*; Suzuki, Katsuhiro*; Usui, Hidetomo*; Kuroki, Kazuhiko*; Kajimoto, Ryoichi; Nakamura, Mitsutaka; Inamura, Yasuhiro; et al.

Physical Review B, 88(6), p.060501_1 - 060501_5, 2013/08

 Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:70.11(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Examination of Nb$$_{3}$$Sn conductors for ITER central solenoids

Nabara, Yoshihiro; Hemmi, Tsutomu; Kajitani, Hideki; Ozeki, Hidemasa; Iguchi, Masahide; Nunoya, Yoshihiko; Isono, Takaaki; Takahashi, Yoshikazu; Matsui, Kunihiro; Koizumi, Norikiyo; et al.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 23(3), p.4801604_1 - 4801604_4, 2013/06

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:47.06(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Cable twist pitch variation in Nb$$_{3}$$Sn conductors for ITER toroidal field coils in Japan

Takahashi, Yoshikazu; Nabara, Yoshihiro; Hemmi, Tsutomu; Nunoya, Yoshihiko; Isono, Takaaki; Hamada, Kazuya; Matsui, Kunihiro; Kawano, Katsumi; Koizumi, Norikiyo; Oshikiri, Masayuki; et al.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 23(3), p.4801504_1 - 4801504_4, 2013/06

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:49.58(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is the first to start the mass production of the TF conductors in March 2010 among the 6 parties who are procuring TF conductors in the ITER project. The height and width of the TF coils are 14 m and 9 m, respectively. The conductor is cable-in-conduit conductor (CICC) with a central spiral. A circular multistage superconducting cable is inserted into a circular stainless steel jacket with a thickness of 2 mm. A total of 900 Nb$$_{3}$$Sn strands and 522 copper strands are cabled around the central spiral and the cable is inserted into a round-in-round stainless steel jacket. It was observed that the cabling pitch of the destructive sample is longer than the original pitch at cabling. The JAEA carried out the tensile tests of the cable and the measurement of the cable rotation during the insertion to investigate the cause of the elongation. The cause of elongation was clarified and the results will be described in this paper.

Journal Articles

ITER magnet systems; From qualification to full scale construction

Nakajima, Hideo; Hemmi, Tsutomu; Iguchi, Masahide; Nabara, Yoshihiro; Matsui, Kunihiro; Chida, Yutaka; Kajitani, Hideki; Takano, Katsutoshi; Isono, Takaaki; Koizumi, Norikiyo; et al.

Proceedings of 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2012) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2013/03

The ITER organization and 6 Domestic Agencies (DA) have been implementing the construction of ITER superconducting magnet systems. Four DAs have already started full scale construction of Toroidal Field (TF) coil conductors. The qualification of the radial plate manufacture has been completed, and JA and EU are ready for full scale construction. JA has qualified full manufacturing processes of the winding pack with a 1/3 prototype and made 2 full scale mock-ups of the basic segments of TF coil structure to optimize and industrialize the manufacturing process. Preparation and qualification of the full scale construction of the TF coil winding is underway by EU. Procurement of the manufacturing equipment is near completion and qualification of manufacturing processes has already started. The constructions of other components of the ITER magnet systems are also going well towards the main goal of the first plasma in 2020.

Journal Articles

From antiferromagnetic insulator to ferromagnetic metal; Effect of hydrogen substitution in LaMnAsO

Hanna, Taku*; Matsuishi, Satoru*; Kodama, Katsuaki; Otomo, Toshiya*; Shamoto, Shinichi; Hosono, Hideo*

Physical Review B, 87(2), p.020401_1 - 020401_5, 2013/01

 Times Cited Count:36 Percentile:78.87(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Method to evaluate CIC conductor performance by voltage taps using CSMC facility

Nunoya, Yoshihiko; Nabara, Yoshihiro; Matsui, Kunihiro; Hemmi, Tsutomu; Takahashi, Yoshikazu; Isono, Takaaki; Hamada, Kazuya; Koizumi, Norikiyo; Nakajima, Hideo

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 22(3), p.4803804_1 - 4803804_4, 2012/06

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Preparation for the ITER central solenoid conductor manufacturing

Hamada, Kazuya; Nunoya, Yoshihiko; Isono, Takaaki; Takahashi, Yoshikazu; Kawano, Katsumi; Saito, Toru; Oshikiri, Masayuki; Uno, Yasuhiro; Koizumi, Norikiyo; Nakajima, Hideo; et al.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 22(3), p.4203404_1 - 4203404_4, 2012/06

 Times Cited Count:17 Percentile:63.13(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has the responsibility for procurement of all of the ITER central solenoid (CS) conductor lengths. The CS conductor is composed of 576 Nb$$_{3}$$ Sn superconducting strands and 288 Cu strands assembled together into a multistage cable and protected by a circle-in-square sheath tube (jacket) with the outer dimension of 49 mm. In preparation for CS conductor production, the following R&D activities have been performed; (1) Mechanical tests at 4 K have been performed for jacket candidate materials such as 316LN and JK2LB, (2) Welding test for filler selection, (3) Measurement of coefficient of sliding friction using a 100-m long dummy cable, (4) Deformation characteristics of the conductor cross section after compaction and spooling. As a result of these R&D, the CS conductor jacket manufacturing technologies have been confirmed to start the procurement of the CS conductor.

191 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)