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社本 真一*; 赤津 光洋*; 松浦 直人*; 河村 聖子; 針井 一哉*; 小野 正雄*; Chang, L.-J.*; 伊藤 孝; 根本 祐一*; 家田 淳一
Physical Review Research (Internet), 4(1), p.013245_1 - 013245_7, 2022/03
Miao, P.*; Tan, Z.*; Lee, S. H.*; 石川 喜久*; 鳥居 周輝*; 米村 雅雄*; 幸田 章宏*; 小松 一生*; 町田 真一*; 佐野 亜沙美; et al.
Physical Review B, 103(9), p.094302_1 - 094302_18, 2021/03
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:19.75(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)層状ペロブスカイトPrBaCoO
は、熱膨張のない複合材料を作るために必要な負の熱膨張(NTE)を示す。NTEは、自発的な磁気秩序と密接に関連していることがわかっていた(磁気体積効果: MVE)。今回、われわれは、PrBaCo
今井 正樹; 中堂 博之; 小野 正雄; 針井 一哉; 松尾 衛; 大沼 悠一*; 前川 禎通; 齊藤 英治
Applied Physics Letters, 114(16), p.162402_1 - 162402_4, 2019/04
被引用回数:22 パーセンタイル:71.17(Physics, Applied)We demonstrate that the angular momentum compensation temperature , at which the net angular momentum in the sample disappears, can be controlled in Ho
by partially substituting Dy for Ho. The
can be detected using the Barnett effect, by which mechanical rotation magnetizes an object due to spin-rotation coupling. We found that
increases with the Dy content and clarified that the
of Ho
coincides with room temperature. The Barnett effect enables us to explore materials applicable to magnetic devices utilizing the angular momentum compensation only by rotating the powder sample at room temperature.
今井 正樹; 緒方 裕大*; 中堂 博之; 小野 正雄; 針井 一哉; 松尾 衛*; 大沼 悠一*; 前川 禎通; 齊藤 英治
Applied Physics Letters, 113(5), p.052402_1 - 052402_3, 2018/07
被引用回数:21 パーセンタイル:66.68(Physics, Applied)We report direct observation of gyromagnetic reversal, which is the sign change of gyromagnetic ratio in a ferrimagnet HoFe
, by using the Barnett effect measurement technique at low temperatures. The Barnett effect is a phenomenon in which magnetization is induced by mechanical rotation through the coupling between rotation and total angular momentum
of electrons. The magnetization of Ho
induced by mechanical rotation disappears at 135 K and 240 K. The temperatures correspond to the magnetization compensation temperature
and the angular momentum compensation temperature
, respectively. Between
, the magnetization flips over to be parallel against the angular momentum due to the sign change of gyromagnetic ratio. This study provides an unprecedented technique to explore the gyromagnetic properties.
緒方 裕大; 中堂 博之; Gu, B.; 小林 伸聖*; 小野 正雄; 針井 一哉; 松尾 衛; 齊藤 英治; 前川 禎通
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 442, p.329 - 331, 2017/11
被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:62.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)The gyroscopic g factor, , of FeCo nanogranules embedded in a matrix of MgF
) was determined by measuring the magnetic-field generation from a rotating sample due to the Barnett effect. The
value of the FeCo-MgF
is estimated to be 1.76
0.11. The orbital contribution to the magnetic moment in the FeCo nanogranules was found to be quite large compared with that in bulk FeCo, being consistent with a density-functional-theory calculation that shows that the orbital magnetic moment may increase at the FeCo/MgF
interfaces. The result suggests that the orbital magnetic moment is enhanced by symmetry breaking at the surface of the FeCo nanogranules.
緒方 裕大; 中堂 博之; 小野 正雄; 針井 一哉; 松尾 衛; 前川 禎通; 齊藤 英治
Applied Physics Letters, 110(7), p.072409_1 - 072409_4, 2017/02
被引用回数:21 パーセンタイル:65.97(Physics, Applied)We develop the
magnetization measurement apparatus for observing the Barnett effect consisting of a fluxgate sensor, high speed rotor with frequencies of up to 1.5 kHz, and magnetic shield at room temperature. The effective magnetic field (Barnett field) in a sample arising from rotation magnetizes the sample and is proportional to the rotational frequency. The gyroscopic
, of rare earth metals, in particular, Gd, Tb and Dy were estimated to be 2.00
0.08, 1.53
0.17, and 1.15
0.32, respectively, from the slopes of the rotation dependence of the Barnett field. This study provides a technique to determine the
factor even in samples where the spectroscopic method may not be available.
高橋 遼*; 松尾 衛; 小野 正雄; 針井 一哉; 中堂 博之; 岡安 悟; 家田 淳一; 高橋 三郎*; 前川 禎通; 齊藤 英治
Nature Physics, 12, p.52 - 56, 2016/01
被引用回数:114 パーセンタイル:96.15(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Magnetohydrodynamic generation is the conversion of fluid kinetic energy into electricity. Such conversion, which has been applied to various types of electric power generation, is driven by the Lorentz force acting on charged particles and thus a magnetic field is necessary. On the other hand, recent studies of spintronics have revealed the similarity between the function of a magnetic field and that of spin-orbit interactions in condensed matter. This suggests the existence of an undiscovered route to realize the conversion of fluid dynamics into electricity without using magnetic fields. Here we show electric voltage generation from fluid dynamics free from magnetic fields; we excited liquid-metal flows in a narrow channel and observed longitudinal voltage generation in the liquid. This voltage has nothing to do with electrification or thermoelectric effects, but turned out to follow a universal scaling rule based on a spin-mediated scenario. The result shows that the observed voltage is caused by spin-current generation from a fluid motion: spin hydrodynamic generation. The observed phenomenon allows us to make mechanical spin-current and electric generators, opening a door to fluid spintronics.
小野 正雄; 中堂 博之; 針井 一哉; 岡安 悟; 松尾 衛; 家田 淳一; 高橋 遼*; 前川 禎通; 齊藤 英治
Physical Review B, 92(17), p.174424_1 - 174424_4, 2015/11
被引用回数:31 パーセンタイル:74.65(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)We report the observation of the Barnett effect in paramagnetic states by mechanically rotating gadolinium (Gd) metal with a rotational frequency of up to 1.5 kHz above the Curie temperature. An in situ magnetic measurement setup comprising a high-speed rotational system and a fluxgate magnetic sensor was developed for the measurement. Temperature dependence of the observed magnetization follows that of paramagnetic susceptibility, indicating that any emergent magnetic field is proportional to the rotational frequency and is independent of temperature. From the proportionality constant of the emergent field, the gyromagnetic ratio of Gd is calculated to be -29 5 GHz/T. This study revisits the primordial issue of magnetism with modern technologies to shed new light on the fundamental spin-rotation coupling.
針井 一哉; 中堂 博之; 小野 正雄; 松尾 衛; 家田 淳一; 岡安 悟; 前川 禎通; 齊藤 英治
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 54(5), p.050302_1 - 050302_3, 2015/05
被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:47.89(Physics, Applied)Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements for a nuclear spin 1/2 system in an external magnet field and mechanical rotation in kHz range are reported. NMR signals are measured by the synchronous rotation of a sample and a detector coil under the condition that the rotation axis is perpendicular to the external field. NMR line splits into two despite the system having a single Zeeman level separation. We analytically show that the splitting originates in the nuclear spin motion under mechanical rotation, and is determined by only the angular velocity of the rotation without any material parameters.
中堂 博之; 針井 一哉; 松尾 衛; 家田 淳一; 小野 正雄; 前川 禎通; 齊藤 英治
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 84(4), p.043601_1 - 043601_4, 2015/04
被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:71.97(Physics, Multidisciplinary)We report the observation of the rotational Doppler effect using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). We have developed a coil-spinning technique that enables measurements by rotating a detector and fixing a sample. We found that the rotational Doppler effect gives rise to NMR frequency shifts equal to the rotation frequency. We formulate the rotational Doppler effect and the Barnett field using a vector model for the nuclear magnetic moment. This formulation reveals that, with just the sample rotating, both effects cancel each other, thereby explaining the absence of an NMR frequency shift in conventional sample-spinning NMR measurements.
緒方 裕大*; 井口 裕介*; 徳田 誠*; Januszko, K.*; Khandaker, J. I.*; 小野 正雄; 真下 茂*
Journal of Applied Physics, 117(12), p.125902_1 - 125902_6, 2015/03
被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:39.57(Physics, Applied)To investigate diffusion phenomenon at the interface between Cu and brass under a strong gravitational field generated by ultracentrifuge apparatus, we performed gravity experiments on samples prepared by electroplating with interfaces normal and parallel to the direction of gravity. For the parallel-mode sample, for which sedimentation cannot occur thorough the interface, the concentration change was significant within the lower gravity region; many pores were observed in this region. Many vacancies arising from crystal strain due to the strong gravitational field moved into the lower gravity region, and enhanced the atoms mobilities. For the two normal-mode samples, which have interface normal to the direction of gravity, the composition gradient of the brass-on- Cu sample was steeper than that for Cu-on-brass. This showed that the atoms of denser Cu diffuse in the direction of gravity, whereas Zn atoms diffuse in the opposite direction by sedimentation. The interdiffusion coefficients became higher in the Cu-on-brass sample, and became lower in the brass-on-Cu sample. This rise may be related to the behavior of the vacancies.
中堂 博之; 小野 正雄; 針井 一哉; 松尾 衛; 家田 淳一; 春木 理恵*; 岡安 悟; 前川 禎通; 安岡 弘志; 齊藤 英治
Applied Physics Express, 7(6), p.063004_1 - 063004_4, 2014/06
被引用回数:47 パーセンタイル:84.48(Physics, Applied)電気的に中性な物体であっても、回転する物体中の粒子には磁場が生じることが予言されている。この磁場をバーネット磁場という。我々は核磁気共鳴法が固体中に生じたバーネット磁場を測定できることを示す。我々は試料とNMR検出コイルを同じ早さで回転させると核磁気モーメントの符号を反映したNMRシフトが生じることを見いだした。この結果はバーネット磁場の直接的証拠である。NMRを用いたバーネット磁場の測定は未知の核磁気モーメントの符号を決定できる。
小野 正雄; 岡安 悟; 井口 裕介*; 江坂 文孝; Bagum, R.*; 春木 理恵; 真下 茂*
Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan (Internet), 12(ists29), p.Tq_1 - Tq_3, 2014/04
白石 伊世; 鈴木 雅雄*; 鹿園 直哉; 藤井 健太郎; 横谷 明徳
Journal of Radiation Research, 55(Suppl.1), p.i92 - i93, 2014/03
In a living cell, cluster DNA damage is thought to be processed by several different pathways simultaneously or sequentially. Under this situation the cellular response to cluster DNA might depend on the order of repair processes because the configuration of the lesions will be modified by the reaction of initial repair protein, affecting the DNA-binding or excision activities of latter proteins. In the present study, we investigate whether initial enzymatic repair affects latter processes. Plasmid DNA exposed to C ion is treated with two base excision repair enzymes, Nth and Fpg, which convert pyrimidine and purine lesions to a SSB, respectively. Obtained results show that the amount of enzymatically induced SSB is very slightly less in DNA sample treated with Nth first and then Fpg than that of other treatments. These results indicate that the configuration-change of the cluster by the first enzymatic treatment does not significantly influence the activity of secondary enzyme.
牛込 剛史*; 鹿園 直哉; 藤井 健太郎; 渡辺 立子; 鈴木 雅雄*; 鶴岡 千鶴*; 田内 広*; 横谷 明徳
Radiation Research, 177(5), p.614 - 627, 2012/05
被引用回数:28 パーセンタイル:71.41(Biology)イオンビーム照射したDNA損傷のLET依存性を明らかにするため、水和DNAフィルム中に誘発されるDNA損傷収率を調べた。1本鎖切断収率はHe, C及びNeイオンのLETの増加とともに減少したのに対して、2本鎖切断収率は増加した。照射DNAフィルムを塩基除去修復酵素で処理すると、酵素の作用により鎖切断が生じたことから照射により水和DNAフィルム中にも塩基損傷が生じることがわかった。しかしその収率はLETの増加とともに顕著に現象したことから、高LETほど難修復性の複雑なDNA損傷を誘発することが推測された。
岡安 悟; 小野 正雄; 西尾 太一郎*; 井口 祐介*; 真下 茂*
Defect and Diffusion Forum, 323-325, p.545 - 548, 2012/04
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:56.31(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)超重力場下の処理では固体中でも原子の沈降が生じる。その結果、BiPb合金の相において部分的な溶融結晶化が発生する。完全結晶であるBi
小野 正雄; 岡安 悟; 江坂 文孝; 春木 理恵; 真下 茂*
Journal of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application, 28(2), p.S89 - S91, 2011/04
純インジウムを、遠心加速度82万g,溶融状態の温度300Cで100時間遠心処理し、2次イオン質量分析器(CAMECA IMS-6f)で回収試料中の同位体比
井口 裕介*; 真下 茂*; 小野 正雄; 岡安 悟
Philosophical Magazine Letters, 90(7), p.513 - 518, 2010/07
被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:32.30(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)Bi-Sb合金に関する超重力場実験を実施し、実験後の試料断面の光学観察及び電子線後方散乱回折により結晶状態を調べた。重力が大きな領域では結晶の微細化が見られ、結晶の微細化が観察されなかった重力が弱い領域では配向角がおおよそ90の変形双晶が見られた。この変形双晶部位の厚さは、通常の変形双晶と比べて大きく、重力場の大きさに比例して大きくなっていることがわかった。また、実験温度条件240
Hao, T.; 小野 正雄; 岡安 悟; 境 誠司; 鳴海 一雅; 平岩 佑介*; 楢本 洋*; 前田 佳均
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 268(11-12), p.1867 - 1870, 2010/06
被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:43.11(Instruments & Instrumentation)We investigate firstly the effect of strong centrifugal force (10
G, G = 9.8 m/s
: SCF) on diffusion behavior in bimetallic Au/Cu thin films. Then SCF were applied with 0.61
G in the directions inward (+MG) and outward (-MG)
substrates at 220
C for 140 minutes. The Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS: 2.7 MeV
) was used to evaluate the depth profiles of gold and copper atoms for the bimetallic Au/Cu thin films. The results show that in the present condition the diffusion of copper atoms through the gold layer is main process but the diffusion of gold atoms into the copper layers is unobvious for all the cases. Furthermore, it was found that SCF of +MG do not affect distinctly the diffusion of copper atoms through the gold layer, while SCF of -MG can promote damatically the diffusion of copper atoms through gold.
高橋 竜太; 石井 哲朗; 浅井 雅人; 長江 大輔*; 牧井 宏之; 塚田 和明; 豊嶋 厚史; 石井 康雄; 松田 誠; 牧嶋 章泰*; et al.
Physical Review C, 81(5), p.057303_1 - 057303_4, 2010/05
被引用回数:13 パーセンタイル:62.45(Physics, Nuclear)放射能の強いCf標的とOビームによる中性子移行反応を用いてインビーム
, 12
, 10