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Journal Articles

Current status of geological disposal by "all-Japan" activities, 4; Repository design and engineering technology (2)

Motoshima, Takayuki*; Matsui, Hiroya; Kawakubo, Masahiro*; Kobayashi, Masato*; Ichimura, Tetsuhiro*; Sugita, Yutaka

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi ATOMO$$Sigma$$, 64(3), p.163 - 167, 2022/03

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Bromine-isotope selective ionization using field-free alignment of IBr isotopologues with a switched nanosecond laser pulse

Akagi, Hiroshi*; Kumada, Takayuki; Otobe, Tomohito*; Itakura, Ryuji*; Hasegawa, Hirokazu*; Oshima, Yasuhiro*

Chemistry Letters, 49(4), p.416 - 418, 2020/04

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:3.90(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

A Study on support design for deep shaft sinking in rock masses of low strength and anisotropic initial stress

Motoshima, Takayuki*; Koike, Masashi*; Hagihara, Takeshi*; Aoyagi, Kazuhei

Dai-46-Kai Gamban Rikigaku Ni Kansuru Shimpojiumu Koenshu (CD-ROM), p.208 - 213, 2019/01

The short step construction method is the standard construction method for deep shaft excavation. However, considering the shaft construction in the sedimentary rock widely distributed in Japan, the support concrete stress can become excessive especially when there are bad conditions such as low rock strength, anisotropic initial stress, or high ground pressure. In this research, we introduced the dual support design to the short step construction method in order to reduce the support stress, and confirmed the validity by three dimensional numerical analysis. Validation analysis was conducted using the in-situ data in the Horonobe Underground Research Project conducted by Japan Atomic Energy Agency.

Journal Articles

Isotope-selective ionization utilizing field-free alignment of isotopologues using a switched nanosecond laser pulse

Akagi, Hiroshi*; Kumada, Takayuki; Otobe, Tomohito*; Itakura, Ryuji*; Hasegawa, Hirokazu*; Oshima, Yasuhiro*

Applied Physics B, 124(1), p.14_1 - 14_8, 2018/01

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:13.39(Optics)

We propose and numerically simulate a method of laser isotope separation based on field-free alignment of isotopologues, utilizing an intense switched nanosecond (ns) laser field which is slowly turned on and rapidly turned off at the peak with the falling time of 200 fs. The femtosecond (fs) laser induced alignment of molecules including a heavy atom is severely disturbed by ionization because of their small ionization potential. Our simulations for I$$^{79}$$Br and I$$^{81}$$Br isotopologues demonstrate that the switched ns laser field can make isotopologues well-aligned with the reduced ionization probability at the laser intensity which is an order-of-magnitude lower than a typical intensity for field-free alignment induced by a fs laser field.

Journal Articles

Three-dimensional visualization of methane concentration distribution in tunnels to increase underground safety

Nago, Makito*; Motoshima, Takayuki*; Miyakawa, Kazuya; Kanie, Shunji*; Sanoki, Satoru*

Proceedings of ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2017 (WTC 2017) (USB Flash Drive), 10 Pages, 2017/06

This study presents a new approach to increase construction safety under methane inflow conditions by providing the three-dimensional concentration distribution of methane in underground structures. The study was conducted at the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory, which is located in Neogene sedimentary rock where groundwater contains dissolved methane. As conventional gas sensors are confined to measurement at a single point in time and space, a new system was developed combining a laser methane detector and a laser range finder to effectively obtain the spatial concentration distribution of methane. This system was tested in tunnel galleries located at a depth of 350 m. The results show that this system is effective for identifying unpredicted methane emissions as well as predicted emission hotspots and for examining the validity of the ventilation scheme, which ensures construction safety.

Journal Articles

Complex chemistry with complex compounds

Eichler, R.*; Asai, Masato; Brand, H.*; Chiera, N. M.*; Di Nitto, A.*; Dressler, R.*; D$"u$llmann, Ch. E.*; Even, J.*; Fangli, F.*; Goetz, M.*; et al.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 131, p.07005_1 - 07005_7, 2016/12

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:72.00(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

In recent years gas-phase chemical studies assisted by physical pre-separation allowed for the productions and investigations of fragile single molecular species of superheavy elements. The latest highlight is the formation of very volatile hexacarbonyl compound of element 106, Sg(CO)$$_{6}$$. Following this success, second-generation experiments were performed to measure the first bond dissociation energy between the central metal atom and the surrounding ligand. The method using a tubular decomposition reactor was developed and successfully applied to short-lived Mo(CO)$$_{6}$$, W(CO)$$_{6}$$, and Sg(CO)$$_{6}$$.

Journal Articles

Design and verification of support system for underground excavations under anisotropic stress conditions

Motoshima, Takayuki*; Fujita, Tomoo; Aoyagi, Kazuhei; Shirase, Mitsuyasu*; Nago, Makito*

Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on In-situ Rock Stress (RS 2016) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2016/05

Journal Articles

Decomposition studies of group 6 hexacarbonyl complexes, 1; Production and decomposition of Mo(CO)$$_6$$ and W(CO)$$_6$$

Usoltsev, I.*; Eichler, R.*; Wang, Y.*; Even, J.*; Yakushev, A.*; Haba, Hiromitsu*; Asai, Masato; Brand, H.*; Di Nitto, A.*; D$"u$llmann, Ch. E.*; et al.

Radiochimica Acta, 104(3), p.141 - 151, 2016/03

 Times Cited Count:34 Percentile:94.45(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

Conditions of the production and decomposition of hexacarbonyl complexes of short-lived Mo and W isotopes were investigated to study thermal stability of the heaviest group 6 hexacarbonyl complex Sg(CO)$$_6$$. A tubular flow reactor was tested to decompose the hexacarbonyl complexes and to extract the first bond dissociation energies. A silver was found to be the most appropriate reaction surface to study the decomposition of the group 6 hexacarbonyl. It was found that the surface temperature at which the decomposition occurred was correlated to the first bond dissociation energy of Mo(CO)$$_6$$ and W(CO)$$_6$$, indicating that the first bond dissociation energy of Sg(CO)$$_6$$ could be determined with this technique.

JAEA Reports

Measurement of the deformation behavior of the rock mass in the 350 m gallery in the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory

Sakurai, Akitaka; Aoyagi, Kazuhei; Fujita, Tomoo; Motoshima, Takayuki*

JAEA-Data/Code 2015-023, 46 Pages, 2016/02


In a high level radioactive waste (HLW) disposal project, it is necessary to investigate the long-term behavior of thermos-hydro-mechanical-chemical of the rock mass around the engineered barrier system of the HLW waste for the safety assessment of the disposal system. In addition, long-term stability of the rock mass around the galleries are required for the disposal facility. Considering these backgrounds, the authors measure the deformation behavior of the vertical pit drilled on the floor of the 350 m gallery in the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory. In situ measurements of the deformation of the pit and rock mass around the pit was conducted to apply to the assessment of the long-term deformation behavior. The authors describe the drilling of the vertical pit, geological observation, specification of the measurement instrument, measurement method, and result of the measurement in this report.

Journal Articles

Investigation of an excavation damaged zone in the east access shaft at the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory

Aoyagi, Kazuhei; Ishii, Eiichi; Fujita, Tomoo; Motoshima, Takayuki*

Dai-44-Kai Gamban Rikigaku Ni Kansuru Shimpojiumu Koenshu (CD-ROM), p.313 - 318, 2016/01

The objective of this research is to investigate the extent and failure mechanism of an Excavation Damaged Zone (EDZ) induced around the East Access Shaft in the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory. As a result of hydraulic tests, hydraulic conductivity within 2 m from the shaft wall was increased by 1 to 3 orders of magnitude. This result is consistent with the extent of the development of fractures detected by borehole televiewer surveys. Furthermore, the dominant failure mechanism of the fractures around the shaft wall was almost tensile; also these fractures were caused by the short-term excavation-induced unloading.

Journal Articles

Thickness-dependent magnetic properties and strain-induced orbital magnetic moment in SrRuO$$_{3}$$ thin films

Ishigami, Keisuke*; Yoshimatsu, Kohei*; Toyota, Daisuke*; Takizawa, Masaru*; Yoshida, Teppei*; Shibata, Goro*; Harano, Takayuki*; Takahashi, Yukio*; Kadono, Toshiharu*; Verma, V. K.*; et al.

Physical Review B, 92(6), p.064402_1 - 064402_5, 2015/08

 Times Cited Count:47 Percentile:83.92(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Isotope-selective ionization utilizing field-free alignment of isotopologues with a train of femtosecond laser pulses

Akagi, Hiroshi; Kasajima, Tatsuya*; Kumada, Takayuki; Itakura, Ryuji; Yokoyama, Atsushi; Hasegawa, Hirokazu*; Oshima, Yasuhiro*

Physical Review A, 91(6), p.063416_1 - 063416_7, 2015/06

 Times Cited Count:7 Percentile:37.17(Optics)

We propose a strategy of isotope-selective ionization for a binary mixture of isotopologues of homonuclear diatomic molecules, utilizing field-free alignment with a train of femtosecond laser pulses. Field-free alignment can be achieved simultaneously for two isotopologues consisting of two atoms with the same atomic mass number $$alpha$$ or $$beta$$, utilizing a pulse train with their time interval of T$$_{com}$$ = $$beta$$ T($$alpha$$) = $$alpha$$ T($$beta$$), where T($$alpha$$) and T($$beta$$) are the rotational revival times of the isotopologues. We demonstrate experimentally that a train of four alignment pulses with their interval of T$$_{com}$$ ($$alpha$$ = 14, $$beta$$ = 15) creates transiently aligned $$^{14}$$N$$_{2}$$ and anti-aligned $$^{15}$$N$$_{2}$$ just before T$$_{com}$$/2 after the last pulse, and vice versa just after T$$_{com}$$/2. Highly isotope-selective N$$_{2}$$ ionization is achieved at these timings with another femtosecond laser pulse, which induces the non-resonant multiphoton ionization with the cross section remarkably depending on the angle between the molecular axis and the laser electric field direction. The ion yield ratio I($$^{15}$$N$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$)/I($$^{14}$$N$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$) ranges from 0.49 to 2.00, which is wider than the range obtained with single alignment pulse.

Journal Articles

Production of $$^{88}$$Nb and $$^{170}$$Ta for chemical studies of element 105, Db, using the GARIS gas-jet system

Huang, M.*; Haba, Hiromitsu*; Murakami, Masashi*; Asai, Masato; Kaji, Daiya*; Kanaya, Jumpei*; Kasamatsu, Yoshitaka*; Kikunaga, Hidetoshi*; Kikutani, Yuki*; Komori, Yukiko*; et al.

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 304(2), p.845 - 849, 2015/05

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:24.31(Chemistry, Analytical)

A technique to utilize radioisotopes of Nb and Ta was developed for chemical studies of element 105, Db, by coupling a gas-jet transport system to the RIKEN gas-filled recoil ion separator (GARIS). The short-lived $$^{88}$$Nb and $$^{170}$$Ta were produced with nuclear reactions using a $$^{19}$$F beam whose energy was the same as that to produce $$^{262}$$Db. Then, they were separated with GARIS and extracted to a chemistry laboratory with the gas-jet transport system. By changing only magnetic field of GARIS and inserting an energy degrader and a shutter for recoil ions, we could deliver the $$^{88}$$Nb and $$^{170}$$Ta to a chemistry device for $$^{262}$$Db without changing other experimental conditions.

Journal Articles

In situ synthesis of volatile carbonyl complexes with short-lived nuclides

Even, J.*; Ackermann, D.*; Asai, Masato; Block, M.*; Brand, H.*; Di Nitto, A.*; D$"u$llmann, Ch. E.*; Eichler, R.*; Fan, F.*; Haba, Hiromitsu*; et al.

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 303(3), p.2457 - 2466, 2015/03

 Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:75.22(Chemistry, Analytical)

Rapid In situ synthesis of metal carbonyl complexes has been demonstrated using short-lived isotopes produced in nuclear fission and fusion reactions. The short-lived isotopes with high recoil energy directly react with carbon-monoxides and form carbonyl complexes. Only highly volatile complexes were fast transported in a gas stream to counting and chemistry devices. Short-lived Mo, Tc, Ru, Rh, W, Re, Os, and Ir were found to form volatile carbonyl complexes, while no volataile complex of Hf and Ta were detected. This technique has been applied to a chemical investigation of the superheavy element Sg (atomic number 106), and will be applicable to various fields of nuclear science with short-lived transition metal isotopes.

Journal Articles

Tunnel support design for anisotropic stress state and comparison between in-situ convergence results and calculated results

Motoshima, Takayuki*; Yabuki, Yoshio*; Minamide, Masashi*; Nago, Makito*; Aoyagi, Kazuhei

Tonneru Kogaku Hokokushu (CD-ROM), 24, p.I_10_1 - I_10_5, 2014/12

Economic tunnel support design for Horonobe underground research laboratory was obtained according to the relationship in the direction of the initial stress and the direction of excavation. The authors compared between the in situ convergence results and calculated results in order to investigate the validity of initial stress measurements. As a result, a positive correlation was observed between the in situ convergence results and calculated results, and the difference between the two was able to be explained by the difference between the assumed deformation coefficient and the measured coefficient. From these results, the measurement results of the initial stress performed in the surface based investigation has been confirmed almost reasonable.

Journal Articles

Synthesis and detection of a Seaborgium carbonyl complex

Even, J.*; Yakushev, A.*; D$"u$llmann, Ch. E.*; Haba, Hiromitsu*; Asai, Masato; Sato, Tetsuya; Brand, H.*; Di Nitto, A.*; Eichler, R.*; Fan, F. L.*; et al.

Science, 345(6203), p.1491 - 1493, 2014/09

 Times Cited Count:67 Percentile:82.82(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

A new superheavy element complex, a seaborgium carbonyl, has been successfully synthesized, and its adsorption property has been studied using a cryo-thermochromatography and $$alpha$$-detection apparatus COMPACT. Nuclear reaction products of short-lived $$^{265}$$Sg preseparated with a gas-filled recoil ion separator GARIS at RIKEN were directly injected into a gas cell filled with He/CO mixture gas, and chemical reaction products of volatile carbonyl complexes were trasported to COMPACT. The Sg carbonyl complex detected with COMPACT was found to be very volatile with adsorption enthalpy of $$-$$50 kJ/mol, from which we have concluded that this complex should be a Sg hexacarbonyl Sg(CO)$$_{6}$$. This is the first synthesis of organometallic compounds of transactinide elements for which only simple inorganic comounds have been synthesized so far.

Journal Articles

Thickness-dependent ferromagnetic metal to paramagnetic insulator transition in La$$_{0.6}$$Sr$$_{0.4}$$MnO$$_3$$ thin films studied by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism

Shibata, Goro*; Yoshimatsu, Kohei*; Sakai, Enju*; Singh, V. R.*; Verma, V.*; Ishigami, Keisuke*; Harano, Takayuki*; Kadono, Toshiharu*; Takeda, Yukiharu; Okane, Tetsuo; et al.

Physical Review B, 89(23), p.235123_1 - 235123_5, 2014/06


 Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:69.90(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Production of $$^{262}$$Db in the $$^{248}$$Cm($$^{19}$$F,5$$n$$)$$^{262}$$Db reaction and decay properties of $$^{262}$$Db and $$^{258}$$Lr

Haba, Hiromitsu*; Huang, M.*; Kaji, Daiya*; Kanaya, Jumpei*; Kudo, Yuki*; Morimoto, Koji*; Morita, Kosuke*; Murakami, Masashi*; Ozeki, Kazutaka*; Sakai, Ryutaro*; et al.

Physical Review C, 89(2), p.024618_1 - 024618_11, 2014/02

 Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:81.76(Physics, Nuclear)

JAEA Reports

Study on development of evaluation technique of in-situ tracer test in Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory Project (Contract research)

Yokota, Hideharu; Amano, Kenji; Maekawa, Keisuke; Kunimaru, Takanori; Naemura, Yumi*; Ijiri, Yuji*; Motoshima, Takayuki*; Suzuki, Shunichi*; Teshima, Kazufumi*

JAEA-Research 2013-002, 281 Pages, 2013/06


To evaluate permeable heterogeneity in a fracture and scale effects which are problems to be solved based on the ${it in-situ}$ mass transportation data of fractures in hostrock, a number of tracer tests are simulated in a fictitious single plate fracture generated on computer in this study. And the transport parameters, e.g. longitudinal dispersion length, true velocity and dilution rate, are identified by fitting one- and two-dimensional models to the breakthrough curves obtained from the simulations in order to investigate the applicability of these models to the evaluation of ${it in-situ}$ tracer test. As a result, one-dimensional model yields larger longitudinal dispersion length than two-dimensional model in the both cases of homogeneous and heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity fields of the fictitious fracture. And, the longitudinal dispersion length identified from a tracer test is smaller and/or larger than the macroscopic longitudinal dispersion length identified from whole fracture. It is clarified that these are occurred by shorter or longer distance between boreholes compare to the correlation length of geostatistical heterogeneity of fictitious fracture.

Journal Articles

Isotope-selective ionization utilizing molecular alignment and non-resonant multiphoton ionization

Akagi, Hiroshi; Kasajima, Tatsuya; Kumada, Takayuki; Itakura, Ryuji; Yokoyama, Atsushi; Hasegawa, Hirokazu*; Oshima, Yasuhiro*

Applied Physics B, 109(1), p.75 - 80, 2012/10

 Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:60.08(Optics)

We demonstrate a laser nitrogen isotope separation, which is based on field-free alignment and angular dependent ionization of $$^{14}$$N$$_{2}$$ and $$^{15}$$N$$_{2}$$ isotopomers. A linearly-polarized short laser pulse ($$lambda$$$$sim$$795 nm, $$Delta$$$$tau$$$$sim$$60 fs) creates rotational wave packets in the isotopomers, which periodically revive with different revival times as a result of different moments of inertia. Another linearly-polarized short laser pulse ($$lambda$$$$sim$$795 nm, $$Delta$$$$tau$$$$sim$$60 fs) ionizes one of the isotopomers selectively as a result of their different angular distributions. In the present experiments, the ion yield ratio $$R$$ [= $$I$$($$^{15}$$N$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$)/$$I$$($$^{14}$$N$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$)] can be changed in the range from 0.85 to 1.22, depending on the time delay between the two laser pulses.

124 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)