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Tanaka, Kazuya; Yamaji, Keiko*; Masuya, Hayato*; Tomita, Jumpei; Ozawa, Mayumi*; Yamasaki, Shinya*; Tokunaga, Kohei; Fukuyama, Kenjin*; Ohara, Yoshiyuki*; Maamoun, I.*; et al.
Chemosphere, 355, p.141837_1 - 141837_11, 2024/05
In this study, biogenic Mn(IV) oxide was applied to remove Ra from mine water collected from a U mill tailings pond in the Ningyo-toge center. Just 7.6 mg of biogenic Mn(IV) oxide removed more than 98% of the Ra from 3 L of mine water, corresponding to a distribution coefficient of 10 mL/g for Ra at pH 7. The obtained value was convincingly high for practical application of biogenic Mn(IV) oxide in water treatment.
Ohshima, Hiroyuki; Morishita, Masaki*; Aizawa, Kosuke; Ando, Masanori; Ashida, Takashi; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Doda, Norihiro; Enuma, Yasuhiro; Ezure, Toshiki; Fukano, Yoshitaka; et al.
Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors; JSME Series in Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation, Vol.3, 631 Pages, 2022/07
This book is a collection of the past experience of design, construction, and operation of two reactors, the latest knowledge and technology for SFR designs, and the future prospects of SFR development in Japan. It is intended to provide the perspective and the relevant knowledge to enable readers to become more familiar with SFR technology.
Koyama, Shinichi; Nakagiri, Toshio; Osaka, Masahiko; Yoshida, Hiroyuki; Kurata, Masaki; Ikeuchi, Hirotomo; Maeda, Koji; Sasaki, Shinji; Onishi, Takashi; Takano, Masahide; et al.
Hairo, Osensui Taisaku jigyo jimukyoku Homu Peji (Internet), 144 Pages, 2021/08
JAEA performed the subsidy program for the "Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management (Development of Analysis and Estimation Technology for Characterization of Fuel Debris (Development of Technologies for Enhanced Analysis Accuracy and Thermal Behavior Estimation of Fuel Debris))" in 2020JFY. This presentation summarized briefly the results of the project, which will be available shortly on the website of Management Office for the Project of Decommissioning and Contaminated Water Management.
Ozawa, Masaaki*; Amaya, Masaki
Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 19(4), p.185 - 200, 2020/12
no abstracts in English
Yamashita, Shinichiro; Ioka, Ikuo; Nemoto, Yoshiyuki; Kawanishi, Tomohiro; Kurata, Masaki; Kaji, Yoshiyuki; Fukahori, Tokio; Nozawa, Takashi*; Sato, Daiki*; Murakami, Nozomu*; et al.
Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference / Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance Conference (Global/Top Fuel 2019) (USB Flash Drive), p.206 - 216, 2019/09
After the nuclear accident at Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant, research and development (R&D) program for establishing technical basis of accident-tolerant fuel (ATF) started from 2015 in Japan. Since then, both experimental and analytical studies necessary for designing a new light water reactor (LWR) core with ATF candidate materials are being conducted within the Japanese ATF R&D Consortium for implementing ATF to the existing LWRs, accompanying with various technological developments required. Until now, we have accumulated experimental data of the candidate materials by out-of-pile tests, developed fuel evaluation codes to apply to the ATF candidate materials, and evaluated fuel behavior simulating operational and accidental conditions by the developed codes. In this paper, the R&D progresses of the ATF candidate materials considered in Japan are reviewed based on the information available such as proceedings of international conference and academic papers, providing an overview of ATF program in Japan.
Yamashita, Shinichiro; Nagase, Fumihisa; Kurata, Masaki; Nozawa, Takashi; Watanabe, Seiichi*; Kirimura, Kazuki*; Kakiuchi, Kazuo*; Kondo, Takao*; Sakamoto, Kan*; Kusagaya, Kazuyuki*; et al.
Proceedings of 2017 Water Reactor Fuel Performance Meeting (WRFPM 2017) (USB Flash Drive), 10 Pages, 2017/09
In Japan, the research and development (R&D) project on accident tolerant fuel and other components (ATFs) of light water reactors (LWRs) has been initiated in 2015 for establishing technical basis of ATFs. The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has coordinated and carried out this ATF R&D project in cooperation with power plant providers, fuel venders and universities for making the best use of the experiences, knowledges in commercial uses of zirconium-base alloys (Zircaloy) in LWRs. ATF candidate materials under consideration in the project are FeCrAl steel strengthened by dispersion of fine oxide particles(FeCrAl-ODS) and silicon carbide (SiC) composite, and are expecting to endure severe accident conditions in the reactor core for a longer period of time than the Zircaloy while maintaining or improving fuel performance during normal operations. In this paper, the progresses of the R&D project are reported.
Sako, Hiroyuki; Harada, Hiroyuki; Sakaguchi, Takao*; Chujo, Tatsuya*; Esumi, Shinichi*; Gunji, Taku*; Hasegawa, Shoichi; Hwang, S.; Ichikawa, Yudai; Imai, Kenichi; et al.
Nuclear Physics A, 956, p.850 - 853, 2016/12
Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:66.16(Physics, Nuclear)Sasaki, Yuji; Morita, Keisuke; Shimazaki, Shoma*; Tsubata, Yasuhiro; Ozawa, Masaki*
Solvent Extraction Research and Development, Japan, 23(2), p.161 - 174, 2016/05
We examined the masking effects of 16 water-miscible reagents, on the extraction of Mo, Re, Ru, and Pd. The extractants, methylimino-dioctylacetamide (MIDOA) and hexaoctyl-nitrilotriacetamide (NTAamide(C8)), show significantly high distribution ratios for these metals, were employed in this study. Masking effects were observed as a decrease of distribution ratio with an increase of masking agent concentration in these extraction systems. The results showed that Pd and Ru can be masked by similar reagents including N- or S- donor atoms, which suppressed the extraction into the organic phase. In contrast, distribution ratio of Mo was only slightly masked by the above mentioned reagents. The masking of Mo was achieved using complexing agents having a central N(CHC(P)=O) framework that is important for this purpose. A masking agent for Re was not found in this study.
Faenov, A.*; Matsubayashi, Masahito; Pikuz, T.*; Fukuda, Yuji; Kando, Masaki; Yasuda, Ryo; Iikura, Hiroshi; Nojima, Takehiro; Sakai, Takuro; Shiozawa, Masahiro*; et al.
High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 3, p.e27_1 - e27_9, 2015/10
Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:47.92(Optics)Suzuki, Tomoya; Shimazaki, Shoma*; Morita, Keisuke; Sasaki, Yuji; Ozawa, Masaki*; Matsumura, Tatsuro
Proceedings of 21st International Conference & Exhibition; Nuclear Fuel Cycle for a Low-Carbon Future (GLOBAL 2015) (USB Flash Drive), p.1539 - 1543, 2015/09
To understand the adsorption behaviors of ion-exchange resin bearing -trimethylglycine groups (AMP03), adsorption experiments using HNO solutions containing Ru(III), Rh(III), and Pd(II) have been performed. AMP03 strongly adsorbed Pd(II), and Ru(III) and Rh(III) were moderately adsorbed. To control the adsorption abilities of AMP03 for the Ru(III), Rh(III) and Pd(II), adsorption experiments using sample solutions with added thiourea (TU), triethylamine (TEA), and betaine anhydrous were performed. The adsorption abilities for Ru(III) and Rh(III) greatly increased with the addition of TEA, whereas the ability to adsorb Pd(II) was not significantly affected. The addition of TU or betaine anhydrous remarkably decreased the adsorption ability for Pd(II), and contrastingly slight changes in the abilities to adsorb Ru and Rh were also observed. These results show that AMP03 has a significant potential for separation of platinoid elements from HNO solution.
Tamura, Koji; Ozawa, Masaki*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 52(6), p.872 - 877, 2015/06
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:16.55(Nuclear Science & Technology)We studied laser isotope separation of cesium (Cs) on the basis of a laser photochemical reaction and two-photon excitation scheme using a narrow line width Ti:sapphire laser to reduce long-term radioactive toxicity of a long-lived fission product. Using resonant laser irradiation to Cs atoms in hydrogen gas, we observed cesium hydride fine particles, and confirmed the formation by calculations using rate equations. Our results show that the process seems promising for efficient Cs isotope separation.
Koyama, Shinichi; Suzuki, Tatsuya*; Ozawa, Masaki*; Kurosawa, Kiyoko*; Fujita, Reiko*; Mimura, Hitoshi*; Okada, Ken*; Morita, Yasuji; Fujii, Yasuhiko*
Procedia Chemistry, 7, p.222 - 230, 2012/00
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:70.03(Chemistry, Analytical)Adv.-ORIENT cycle strategy has been proposed as a basic concept for trinitarian research on separation, transmutation and utilization of nuclides and elements based on FBR fuel cycle. Validation of principal separation method and related safety research were performed from 2006 through 2011 as Phase I program. First, more than 90% of Cs could be recovered from the actual spent fuel [IXC(I) step]. The next is the adsorption of the platinum group metals (PGM), lanthanides, Am and Cm were separated by using a tertiary pyridine-type resin (TPR) as ion exchange steps [IXC(II, III, IV) steps]. The separated PGM metals will be supplied to the electrochemical extraction [CEE step]. As experiment for safety issues, Hastelloy-B at RT and Ta at 90C were confirmed their anti-corrosive in highly concentrated HCl media. Thermo-chemical stability for TPR was verified. Issues to be solved for next phase based on the final results of phase I program.
Koyama, Shinichi; Yamagishi, Isao; Suzuki, Tatsuya*; Ozawa, Masaki*; Fujita, Reiko*; Okada, Ken*; Tatenuma, Katsuyoshi*; Mimura, Hitoshi*; Fujii, Yasuhiko
Proceedings of International Conference on Toward and Over the Fukushima Daiichi Accident (GLOBAL 2011) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2011/12
Effective separation of MA and LLFP, transmutation and utilization were the main directions of Advanced OREINT Cycle project. Study for each integrant technology was concluded as first trial of the project. TPR enabled to separate MA/Ln and then Am/Cm precisely from spent fuel in HCl and HNO media. CEE method could separate the light PGM and Tc by HCl media. Recovery of Cs from simulated HLLW coul be achieved more than 90 %. In addition, the perspective for next phase was proposed.
Koyama, Shinichi; Suzuki, Tatsuya*; Mimura, Hitoshi*; Fujita, Reiko*; Kurosawa, Kiyoko*; Okada, Ken*; Ozawa, Masaki
Progress in Nuclear Energy, 53(7), p.980 - 987, 2011/09
Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:37.41(Nuclear Science & Technology)Individual basic researches of separation step were performed in the Advanced ORIENT Cycle project. High separation selectivity for Cs and Sr by novel nano adsorbents AMP-SG (D) and D18C6-MC were confirmed, respectively. TPR well adsorbed Pd and Tc in dilute HCl condition. Formation of rare metal fission product RMFP-deposit Pt electrodes from SHLLW was verified, and it was confirmed that high catalytic reactivity on electrolytic production of hydrogen. As experiment for engineering feasibility, Hastelloy-B at RT and Ta at 90C were confirmed their anti-corrosive in highly concentrated HCl media. Thermo-chemical stability for TPR was verified in either HCl or HNO media toward its practical use in the separation process. Issues to be solved for optimization based on the results of lab-scale experiment have revealed in this study.
Yasuda, Ryo; Shiozawa, Masahiro*; Katagiri, Masaki*; Takenaka, Nobuyuki*; Sakai, Takuro; Hayashida, Hirotoshi; Matsubayashi, Masahito
Denki Kagaku Oyobi Kogyo Butsuri Kagaku, 79(8), p.614 - 619, 2011/08
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:2.35(Electrochemistry)Sasaki, Yuji; Koyama, Shinichi; Ozawa, Masaki
JAEA-Review 2010-057, 124 Pages, 2010/12
The 4th Seminar of R&D on advanced ORIENT, Strategy and technical requirement for new resource of noble metals in advanced atomic energy science, was held in Swany hall, Rokkasho-Mura, on July 30th, 2010 organized by Japan Atomic Energy Agency. Spent nuclear fuel should be recognized as not only mass of radioactive elements but also potentially useful materials including platinum metals and rare earth elements. Taking the cooperation with universities related companies and research institutes, into consideration, we aimed at expanding and progressing the basic researches. In this seminar, there are many poster presentation included, and the useful discussion with many students are performed.
Koyama, Shinichi; Ozawa, Masaki; Kurosawa, Kiyoko*; Tatenuma, Katsuyoshi*; Sato, Yoshihiko*; Okada, Ken*
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 286(3), p.807 - 813, 2010/12
Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:9.65(Chemistry, Analytical)A multi-functional separation process is proposed on the Adv.-ORIENT cycle concept. In this process, hydrochloric acid, mixture of nitric acid and methanol should be used as eluents. Two important subjects should be solved so as to prove the availability. One is corrosion aspect for the use of HCl solution, Tantalum was anti-corrosive in HCl media, and Hastelloy-B seemed to be acceptable at RT, with evidence of low corrosion rate ( 0.1 mm/y). The other is explication of the reactive safety between ion exchange resin and solvent (nitric acid and methanol). The reaction occurred regardless of nitric acid concentration and presence or absence of methanol when the temperature of heater reached 220 C. However, it was confirmed that the reaction did not occur when the heating temperature decreased.
Ozawa, Masaki
Proceedings of 389th Session of Xiangshan Science Conferences, p.27 - 29, 2010/12
The paper will discuss on nuclear rare metals (including rare earth) as for "Kopernikanische Wendung" of nuclear fuel cycle concept. Advanced ORIENT cycle strategy with a multi-functional reprocessing will be drawn. Hydrometallurgical chemistry on their separation and utilization is also reviewed. The paper summarizes historical view of P&T technologies, and will keep in touch with recent reprocessing R&D trend in Japan.
Ozawa, Masaki
Genshiryoku eye, 56(10), p.7 - 11, 2010/10
On the Advanced ORIENT Cycle research, fundamental properties of nuclear rare metals are described as an incentive of the study, and R&D strategies and tactics are summarized for realizing the concept.
Yamagishi, Isao; Ozawa, Masaki; Mimura, Hitoshi*; Kanamura, Shohei*; Mizuguchi, Koji*
Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management (ICEM 2010) (CD-ROM), p.107 - 116, 2010/10
The present paper describes the progress on Fission Product (FP) separation in the Adv.-ORIENT (Advanced Optimization by Recycling Instructive Elements) cycle. The AMP-SG adsorbent (silica gel loaded with ammonium molybdophosphate) and CE-ALG microcapsule (alginate gel polymer enclosed with crown ether) were developed for separation of heat-generating elements, Cs and Sr, respectively. The AMP-SG adsorbed more than 99% of Cs from a simulated High-level Liquid Waste (HLLW). The CE-ALG adsorbed 0.0249 mmol/g of Sr. An electrodeposition is advantageous for both recovery and utilization of PGMs (Ru, Rh, Pd) and Tc. Pd was easily deposited on a Pt electrode. Reduction of Ru and Tc was accelerated in the presence of Pd or Rh. In the simulated HLLW, the redox reaction of Fe(III)/Fe(II) disturbed deposition of elements except for Pd. The deposit on Pt electrode from the simulated HLLW showed higher catalytic reactivity on electrolytic hydrogen production than that from solution containing only PGM.