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France-Japan synthesis concept on sodium-cooled fast reactor review of a joint collaborative work

Rodriguez, G.*; Varaine, F.*; Costes, L.*; Venard, C.*; Serre, F.*; Chanteclair, F.*; Chenaud, M.-S.*; Dechelette, F.*; Hourcade, E.*; Plancq, D.*; et al.

EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies (Internet), 7, p.15_1 - 15_8, 2021/00



Leaching behavior of prototypical Corium samples; A Step to understand the interactions between the fuel debris and water at the Fukushima Daiichi reactors

仲吉 彬; Jegou, C.*; De Windt, L.*; Perrin, S.*; 鷲谷 忠博

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 360, p.110522_1 - 110522_18, 2020/04

 被引用回数:15 パーセンタイル:88.56(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Simulated in-vessel and ex-vessel fuel debris, fabricated in the Colima experimental facility set up in the PLINIUS platform at CEA Cadarache, were selected and leaching experiments were carried out under oxidizing conditions. In parallel, geochemical modeling was performed to better understand the experimental concentrations, pH evolutions and secondary phase's formation. Finally, the Fractional Release Rates of the (U, Zr)O$$_{2}$$ matrix for the two kinds of samples (in-vessel and ex-vessel) were found to be close to or one order of magnitude lower than that of SF under oxidizing conditions (from 10$$^{-6}$$ to 10$$^{-7}$$ per day), but the release processes are different.


Characterization of the PTW 34031 ionization chamber (PMI) at RCNP with high energy neutrons ranging from 100 - 392 MeV

Theis, C.*; Carbonez, P.*; Feldbaumer, E.*; Forkel-Wirth, D.*; Jaegerhofer, L.*; Pangallo, M.*; Perrin, D.*; Urscheler, C.*; Roesler, S.*; Vincke, H.*; et al.

EPJ Web of Conferences, 153, p.08018_1 - 08018_5, 2017/09

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.03(Nuclear Science & Technology)



In situ Raman spectroscopy on nuclear materials in hot cell

Miro, S.*; Peuget, S.*; Tupin, M.*; Fayette, L.*; 仲吉 彬; Perrin, S.*; Jegou, C.*

no journal, , 

Micro-Raman spectroscopy is a powerful technique for analyzing nuclear materials (fuels, claddings and simulated fuel debris). For this purpose, the confocal Raman spectrometer of the Atalante facility (CEA/Marcoule), coupled to an optical microscope in a hot cell, is used to study the aging of nuclear materials in service conditions (reactor, interim storage, waste disposal) or in accidental conditions, subjected to complex scenarios of irradiation, temperature and interaction with the surrounding environment. This contribution aims to illustrate, through examples, the interest of Raman spectroscopy in the characterization of nuclear materials in a wide range of chemical composition and solicitation.


Leaching behavior of prototypical Corium samples; A Step to understand the interactions between the corium debris and water at the Fukushima Daiichi reactors

仲吉 彬; Jegou, C.*; De Windt, L.*; Perrin, S.*; Peuget, S.*; 鷲谷 忠博

no journal, , 

Simulated in-vessel and ex-vessel corium debris, fabricated in the Colima experimental facility set up in the Severe Accident PLINIUS platform at CEA Cadarache, were selected and leaching experiments were carried out under oxidizing conditions. In parallel, geochemical modeling was performed to better understand the experimental concentrations, pH evolutions and secondary phase's formation. Finally, the Fractional Release Rates of the (U, Zr)O$$_{2}$$ matrix for the two kinds of samples (in-vessel and ex-vessel) were found to be close to or one order of magnitude lower than that of SF under oxidizing conditions (from 10$$^{-6}$$ to 10$$^{-7}$$ per day) but the release processes are different.

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